My Starcraft World

Chapter 135 Team Mission (Part I)\r

Meng Ze did not pay attention to the excitement of the War Zone Channel and the World Channel, let alone the meeting of Dreamstar Night Glow.

However, he received a message from Aka expressing satisfaction with Meng Ze's fame campaign.

Meng Ze immediately praised his two new brothers.

Unknown space-time node.

The flow of information that is not visible in the eyes of ordinary people, in the eyes of Akha, is like a galaxy converging, in some unknown way, little by little, engraved on a broken diamond-shaped spar.

In the eyes of eighth-level civilizations, the universe is composed of countless information.

Information tracing and information imprinting are the means to control the subworld.

Aka himself can't do this, but fortunately, he already has most of the core of the interstellar world.

Engrave Meng Ze's imprint into the interstellar world and help Meng Ze control it, that is, to help Meng Ze grow, but also to help himself.

What Aka needs is a process, from cause to effect, until the reverse effect is the cause.

Meng Ze's side can't see much change yet, but everything will come naturally with time.

Void Floating Island 05.

Meng Ze's spaceship yard is non-stop in production, and the number of spaceship yards is gradually increasing.

This time, the attack power of the space assault ship has been demonstrated, and Meng Ze also knows where his advantage lies.

It's not how good his strategic thinking or how high his tactical command ability is, Meng Ze's biggest advantage is that he has money.

Although there are reasons for the excellent use of tactics in this battle with the Zerg, the more important thing is that the firepower is fierce.

If you just rely on the Fengshen assault ship, although there is a high probability of victory in the end, it is definitely not so easy.

Combined with what he's going to do — brush up on points, Meng Ze thinks he needs more space assault ships.

The Void Floating Island does not have a planetary force field, and the firepower of the battleship can be directly poured onto it.

That's a big plus for Meng Ze.

For the upcoming team task with his little brother, Meng Ze already has a perfect idea in mind.

After more than half a day, Meng Ze finally started sending messages to Mengjun and a fierce man.

The three of them set up a team channel.

"Big guy, when do we leave?" Mengjun couldn't wait for a long time.

He only has three days left in the Survival Extension Card, and the fire is almost burning to his eyebrows.

If it hadn't been for Meng Ze's letter of approval before, he might have gone it alone long ago.

Hearing Mengjun's question, a fierce man also looked at Meng Ze with a hopeful face, and for the first time he mixed with the big guy, slowly feeling a sense of expectation.

"Go and prepare now, start in half an hour, is there any problem?" Meng Ze said.

"No problem." The two younger brothers said in unison.

"Well, let's try to do ten or eight tasks today." Meng Ze smiled and cheered.

The two younger brothers looked at each other.

"The big guy hasn't done a task, so you don't know the difficulty of the task, right?"

"I think so."

On the surface, he was silent and promised to come down, anyway, as long as there is a war, the big guy may not be so optimistic.

Mengjun went back and pulled out all the troops he had stored for a long time, all of them loaded in transport assault ships.

Regardless of the quality, the number is quite imposing, and there are tens of thousands of transport assault ships full.

The troops contained inside are millions to say the least.

However, they are mostly motorized infantry.

The escort is also the Fengshen assault ship, not only the number is more than 10,000, the level is only a rare level, and more importantly, there is no shield.

Planet-level troops, with the shield technology of the Imperial Federation, can be popularized to the level of the Air Force and Heavy Troops until the fourth level.

Because the motorized infantry is not taken seriously, there is no energy shield up to level five.

Meng Ze is unique here so far.

Ninety degrees below zero is only a level four shield, but it can achieve an effect comparable to level five.

The situation of a fierce man is similar to that of Mengjun, the two are difficult brothers and brothers, and no one needs to be much better.

Half an hour later, the team channel was re-established.

"Are you all ready?" Meng Ze asked.

"The big guy rest assured, they are all ready, and they will look forward to the big guy together." 35 Mengjun said.

"We will do whatever the big guy says, and today we are also following the big guy." A fierce man also hurriedly said.

It's a very upright attitude, Meng Ze nodded.

"I have already agreed with you before, the points belong to me, the resources are given to you, of course, I know that you may have a problem with survival, the first task I will share a thousand points among you, and then only resources will be taken, is there any objection?"

Although I believe that Mengjun and a fierce man will not have any opinions, Meng Ze also said these things ahead.

"No opinion, just assign the big guy.

"I have no problem either."

"Okay, let's start the mission now."

Meng Ze clicked on the points system and chose the team task.

There are four types of team tasks, easy tasks, normal tasks, difficult tasks, and extremely difficult tasks.

The corresponding ones are the lowest 3-player missions, followed by 5-player missions, 10-player missions, and 20-player missions.

20 players participate, which is the upper limit of the mission.

However, these missions do not mean that you must reach the maximum number of players to participate, but only need to reach the number of people offline.

Just like Meng Ze, there are only three people, but all four missions can be selected.

But if the number of people is less than three, it cannot form a team, and no task can be done.

Out of an abundance of caution, Meng Ze chose only 5 players for the first time.

In his mind, his strength alone should be worth 3 Mengjun should have no problem.

In this case, the mission of 5,680 people cannot be passed.

Not only Meng Ze is confident, but even Meng Jun and a fierce man don't think there's anything wrong with it.

The mission is selected, and then each selects the unit to enter the mission within five minutes.

There is no limit to this amount.

However, a corresponding fee will need to be paid according to the number of troops transmitted.

In this regard, players in the interstellar world have already figured out a set of calculation formulas.

Meng Ze naturally doesn't need it.

Mengjun and a fierce man, in order to be a little noodle in front of the big guy, did not care about these this time.

Because it had already been prepared, it didn't take a minute for all three of them to complete the confirmation.

All the selected troops were immediately enveloped in some kind of field.

Since the greater the number of troops, the greater the area that needs to be covered by the field.

In order to ensure that the troops of the three people teleport at the same time, the teleportation points in different positions need to be synchronized.

Meng Ze's troops here are a little more than 100 million, so this time it was not good to synchronize for three minutes.

"I wipe, how many troops did the big guy bring?" Mengjun, who had experience in many missions, quickly noticed that this teleportation time was a little too long.

Don't think about it, it must be a problem on the big guy's side.

A fierce man is also looking forward to it, and the longer the synchronization time, it means that the more troops the big guy has, and the easier it will definitely be to wait for the next task.

Finally, the field in front of him was instantly distorted, and all the troops disappeared,

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