My Starcraft World

Chapter 151: Star Scramble (Part I)\r

Just as the Star Spirit Clan decided to settle in the galaxy, Meng Ze finished the promotion battle mission and began to return.

"Apply for task settlement."

"Respected Commander, congratulations on successfully destroying the invading enemy and completing the promotion battle mission, you have become an official level 4 player, hereby reward 100,000 points, please continue to work hard and continue to contribute to the StarCraft simulation world."

The prompt for task settlement changed slightly, Meng Ze didn't care, but this reward was really cut, and he actually sent himself away with only 100,000 points.

Being an official Level 4 player means that Meng Ze can start taking on missions.

Now Meng Ze is alone, and has no younger brother, so he can only take on solo missions.

In fact, those who can advance to the fourth level of players are regarded as one of a hundred thousand talents in the interstellar world, and few people are willing to saddle up and be the younger brother of others, unless it is an absolute gap in strength and status, which has to convince the other party.

Meng Ze clicked on the points system, selected the single-player mode, and after entering, the points system instantly gave Meng Ze a test.

"Dear Commander, you are a Level 4 player in the StarCraft simulation world, the single-player mission provides a total of difficulty levels 1-10, of which Level 4 players can choose levels 1-10, Level 5 players can choose levels 5-10, and Level 6 players can choose levels 8-10, it is recommended that you start from level 1 and gradually increase the difficulty of the mission according to your own situation.

This mode is completely different from Meng Ze's level 3 tasks.

But through the prompt, Meng Ze guessed that the so-called four-level optional 1-10 difficulty is a gimmick, just look at the suggestions of the mission system.

What level four players can really choose is estimated to be level 1-4.

Meng Ze's fleet was still on its way back, he tried to choose a level 3 mission, and when he chose to go out, Meng Ze chose the fleet that was returning.

The result system prompted: "Respected commander, the unit you selected is too far away to perform dimensional teleportation."

"It doesn't look like it's going to work." Meng Ze wanted to see if he could quickly transfer troops in this way, but the system left no loopholes.

A little over an hour later, Meng Ze's fleet returned.

After such a long time of promotion battle, another batch of warships were produced in the base.

Meng Ze put together 4,000 Starfire-class frigates, 250 Starfire-class destroyers, 100 Starfire-class battleships, 50 Starfire-class cruisers, 20 planetary-class motherships, and 20 Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships.

As for the combat arms on the planet, Meng Ze has brought more, motorized infantry, Thor mecha, sky mecha, heavy fortress, wind assault ship, space assault ship, transport assault ship, combined, the number exceeds 10 million, of which the largest number of motorized infantry brings a whole 4 million people.

The combat arms of these planets are all housed in 20 planet-class motherships and follow the fleet.

Starting again, Meng Ze chose to start with a level 3 mission.

"Respected commander, your mission goal is to attack the planet DAW99782 occupied by the Zerg and clear the Zerg on the planet, considering the commander's tight time and heavy tasks, you only need to completely destroy the planet force field amplifier of the planet DAW99782, and disarm more than 80% of the Zerg combat power, and the remaining targets will be cleaned up by the mission initiator."

The task is very humane, now the planet area is not more than the floating island, I don't know how many times larger, if you want to completely eliminate the Zerg on the planet, it is very time-consuming, if you only need to clear 80% of the Zerg combat power, the task is much easier.

The prompt ends and the task officially begins.

"Respected Commander, your troops will be teleported to interstellar space 20 million kilometers away from the planet DAW99782, please make sure that all your troops have interstellar space survivability, are you sure to start teleporting?"


"Start entering the teleportation countdown. 35

The teleportation of the four-level single-player mission is much faster than the third-level teleportation, because there is no need for synchronization, and even Meng Ze's fleet is many times larger than when the third-level teleportation is still teleported away instantaneously after the 10-second countdown ends.

On the console of the command center, the holographic projection flashed, and it became a three-dimensional projection of the mission space.

Except for Meng Ze's fleet and the Zerg planet and troops, the entire starry sky was empty, and there was nothing else.

The Zerg seem to have known that Meng Ze is back, and Meng Ze's radar has detected the void around the Zerg planet, and there are many Zerg troops present, and they have lined up in the direction where Meng Ze came in.

Compared to the detection of battleships, the detection capabilities of the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship are much more powerful, and Meng Ze enlarges the picture of the Zerg troops, and can even clearly distinguish the species of each Zerg.

Of course, all this does not need Meng Ze to count personally, everything that can be detected, Meng Ze only needs to instruct the wisdom brain, the wisdom brain will naturally provide the statistics to Meng Ze for reference.

There are 10,000 Void Corrupters, 1,000 Multi-Eyed Eye Worms, 5,000 Void Destroyers, and 20 Insect Tide Lords, which is the Zerg interstellar class that level 3 missions need to face.

If you just talk about the number, it is more than 10 times more than when Meng Ze advanced to the battle, but the level 3 mission faces the legendary Zerg, not that Meng Ze underestimates the other party, but the attack power of these Zerg is really not very good.

As long as it can prevent being caught by the other party, Meng Ze is even sure to destroy these zergs without injury.

The Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship has space blocking capabilities.

Only literally, in fact, it is difficult to figure out what space blocking is, Meng Ze after actual testing, only to find that in fact, the space blocking capabilities of the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship are two branches.

The first is space interference, which is a weakened version of the space interferometer.

The truly complete version of the space interferometer is a five-level technology, and the fourth-level technology cannot be created at all, but the weakened version can.

The space interferometer on Meng Ze's native planet has an interference distance of more than 500 million kilometers after the energy upgrade, and may continue to increase if the energy is upgraded again in the future.

However, the space blocking branch capability space interference on the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship is only five million kilometers.

That is to say, beyond this distance, the other party can perform space jumps or curvature navigation without restrictions.

The second branch of spatial blocking of the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship is battlefield occlusion, which is a small-scale twisting force field whose role is not to weaken the attack, but to disperse the attack.

Meng Ze, who has experience in interstellar warfare, knows what this ability is for, and preventing the battleship from being set on fire is one of its important roles.

Given the powerful auxiliary role of the Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships, Meng Ze has adjusted its own production schedule.

But that's for later.

At this time, Meng Ze saw that the Zerg were on guard, and did not do what he thought, directly ordered the fleet to speed up and sail in the direction of the Zerg planet, but could leave 10 frigates just in case.

The fourth-level technology warship accelerates extremely fast, and it didn't take long for the speed of the battleship to increase to 5,000 kilometers per second, which is equivalent to a speed maniac of 18 million kilometers per hour.

The Zerg starborne forces didn't make any moves, just stood by the planet, waiting for Meng Ze's fleet to come.

3 million km.

Meng Ze neither slowed nor fired the fleet.

Because he found that the interstellar force of the Zerg is only more than 100,000 kilometers away from the planet, which can be said to be quite close.

This distance indicates that the Zerg may retreat the interstellar forces to the planetary defense circle at any time, and if the interstellar forces and the forces in the planetary circle are mixed, plus the original defense of the planet, this battle will be quite difficult to fight.

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