My Starcraft World

Chapter 150 Star Spirit Clan Now (Thanks to the bigwigs who voted to give more tips)\r

Milky Way Edge.

A teardrop-shaped battleship more than fifty kilometers long was quietly suspended in the void.

"Executive Edwald, it's time to make a decision, we've been waiting here for months, do we have to wait?" The one who spoke was a man of the Star Spirit Clan dressed in gorgeous armor, who was also a high-ranking Templar of the Star Spirit Clan.

Known as Edwald, the Star Spirit Clan looked at the void outside the dazzling window with his hands behind his back.

For a long time, he sighed and said: "Graf Holy Church, we must wait for Sarnagar's information before we can decide our next arrangement, I know you are impatient, but we must be patient, we need to ensure the strategic unity of the Star Spirit Clan."

"Leader of Sarnagar? The leader of Sarnagar doesn't even know if he's dead or alive now, Executive, do you really think he can get away with the Wakana?" Graff's voice was a little sad.

The words of his subordinate made Edwald silent again, and he did not know the difficulties involved.

As a seventh-level civilization, the Wakana race itself is one level higher than the Star Spirit Clan, not to mention that the Star Spirit Clan has long been torn apart now.

It's just that what can they do, even if they don't wait for Sarnagar's order, they don't know where to go next, maybe the original cooperation was a mistake.

"Do you have any ideas? Graff. After a moment of silence, Edwald decided to listen to his subordinates.

Although the two are subordinates of Shang05, the Star Spirit Clan has long been broken, and everyone who is left at this time is in the same boat, and when they get along on a daily basis, the boundaries between subordinates are not so clear.

"We are now in the BCY** River system, and I think this place can serve as a foundation for our comeback." Graff said.

"It's difficult, as long as the Wakana know that we are here, they will be able to catch up soon, and we couldn't fight them with the strength of the whole clan before, let alone now." Edwald thought Graff's ideas were unrealistic.

"We can borrow the shelter of other races, and even if it is not used as a foundation place, we can cultivate and recuperate for a period of time, and now there are fewer and fewer people in my Star Spirit Clan." Graff said.

"Do you know this river system?"

Perhaps it was Graf's last words that touched Edwald and his mind changed.

"I have understood, although this river system is far away from our mother river system, whether it is us or the original Imperial Federation, in fact, we have observed here, the most powerful of this river system is a five-level civilization called Alster, but it is only a five-level primary civilization, and the entire river system has less than one-third of their territory. 99

Speaking of this, Graff paused for a moment and continued: "If it weren't for the fact that we needed the necessary cover-up, in fact, it would be no problem not to look for Ulster.

Edwald nodded after hearing this: "What about other civilizations?"

"There should be more than a dozen, but they are all small civilizations, not worth mentioning."

"Well, let's issue a summoning order to get the people of several nearby river systems to rush over, and besides, we need more dark executives." Edwald made a decision.

Graf's opinion is a good suggestion, the Star Spirit Clan has been adrift for too long.

The BCY** river system is also a good place to stay, not only because there is no strong civilization in this place, but also because this place is far from strife and is not easy to find.

Because the Star Spirit Clan has been wandering for a long time and has long lost the detailed reconnaissance methods across the river system, Edwald does not know that in fact, just two or three river systems away from here, the Imperial Federation is at war with the Zerg.

"I'll just arrange it. 33

After that, Graff summoned his subordinates and arranged the order.

"Executive officer, do you understand the situation? Why would the Wakana attack us?" Among the Star Spirit Clan, Graff is considered very young, only more than five hundred years old, and his growth has spanned the process of the Star Spirit Clan's strength, decline and then destruction.

He has always been obsessed with the sudden attack of the Star Spirit Clan by the Wakana Clan, but because of his lack of status, he cannot know the specific details.

As the Light Executive of the Star Spirit Clan, Edwald is much higher than Graff and almost twice the age of Graf, and Graff feels that Edwald may know the situation.

In fact, Edwald does know, if not all, but the general situation is understood.

Hearing Graf's question, Edwald thought about it and felt that it didn't matter if he told his subordinates.

These things may have been classified back then, but now, there is no need for secrecy.

"Back then, our Star Spirit Clan and the Imperial Federation went to war, and the two sides fought for many years, winning and losing each other, and the consumption was very large..." Edwald began to tell the events of that year, and Graff listened intently.

Hundreds of years ago, news suddenly leaked from the Imperial Federation that the Terran Imperial Federation had actually created a complete subworld.

It stands to reason that this requires a super control over space, which is the technology of the seventh-level civilization, and the general sixth-level civilization cannot do it at all, at most it can be a semi-world maintained by huge energy.

This news has attracted the prying eyes of many civilizations, including the Star Spirit Clan, and of course, the Wakana Clan.

The Star Spirit Clan was at war with the Imperial Federation at that time, but the strength of the two sides was similar, and they were evenly matched on the frontal battlefield, so they were naturally very afraid of the technology of the seventh-level civilization that the Imperial Federation really mastered.

Imagine, if your opponent was originally at the same level as you, but suddenly broke through and became stronger, it would be a disaster for the Star Spirit Clan.

In this case, one day, the Wakana tribe suddenly came to the door and told the Star Spirit Clan that the Imperial Federation did exist subworlds, and it was not only the space technology of the seventh-level civilization, but also the technology of the eighth-level civilization.

Faced with the evidence given by the Wakana Clan, the pressure of the Star Spirit Clan can be imagined.

In this case, coupled with the fact that the Wakana tribe came up with the high-level mental power technology that the Star Spirit Clan dreamed of, the Star Spirit Clan finally reached an agreement with the Wakana Clan.

The Wakana tribe transferred advanced mental power technology to the Star Spirit Clan for free, and at the same time secretly gave the Star Spirit Clan resources and technical support, while the Star Spirit Clan must do its best to defeat the Imperial Federation and help the Wakana Clan obtain the sub-world of the Imperial Federation, and as for other achievements, including the territory of the Imperial Federation, all belong to the Star Spirit Clan.

The Star Spirit Clan obtained the advanced mental power technology provided by the Wakana Clan, and finally found the path of the evolution of the race, allowing the Light Templar to evolve into the Light Executive, and the Dark Templar to evolve into the Dark Executive.

Among them, the new dark executive has a super long-range telepathic suggestion ability, which can easily let other races use it for their own use.

The Star Spirit Clan used this ability to infiltrate upward step by step, and even the top level of the Imperial Federation accidentally hit the trick in the back.

Numerous Terran puppets not only leaked numerous Terran secrets, but also disrupted the front-line battlefield.

The Star Spirit Clan began to occupy an absolute advantage in the war with the Terrans.

If this development continues, the Star Spirit Clan will definitely be able to break the Imperial Federation and even destroy it.

But the sudden appearance of the Zerg made it all fall short.

The Terran side later seemed to have found a way to check mind control, and gradually stabilized.

Seeing that the Star Spirit Clan had repeatedly lost, the Wakana Clan had strengthened its oppression of the Star Spirit Clan.

Perhaps it was too urgent, or perhaps for some other reason, the dark executive of the Star Spirit Clan finally used the telepathic cue ability on the Wakana Clan.

Even people of the seventh-level civilization could not resist this special ability.

The Star Spirit Clan once completely controlled the people sent by the Wakana Clan to 690 to supervise the battle, and also obtained a lot of secrets of the seventh-level civilization from it.

However, the ability possessed by the seventh-level civilization is beyond the measure of the Star Spirit Clan, and the matter was exposed for unknown reasons.

The furious Wakana tribe immediately began to deal a full blow to the Star Spirit Clan, and also let the Star Spirit Clan experience the power of the seventh-level civilization.

The Wakana tribe, which has initially mastered the power of space, directly used the killer weapon of its civilization - the super-large-scale space wall technology at the beginning of the war.

Directly divided the territory of the Star Spirit Clan into small pieces.

What curvature navigation, space jump, wormhole, stargate all fail.

The next thing the Star Spirit Clan has to face is a region-by-region massacre.

But the Star Spirit Clan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and in the face of a desperate situation, it immediately used the civilization undercard, the super space jammer Sarnagar Heart named after the leader, to forcibly interfere with the space wall of the Wakana Clan for a period of time.

As a result, some people of the Star Spirit Clan escaped.

After the destruction of the Star Spirit Clan's homeland, these people who escaped naturally became the target of the Wakana Clan.

"I really can't understand why we should be so unwise and attack the Wakana?" After listening to Edwald's story, Graff really couldn't figure it out.

Edwald looked at the emotional Graff and patted him: "You have to believe our leader, if it is not for compulsion, how can we take the initiative to provoke the seventh-level civilization, will the leader not understand the risks?" 9

Edwald's words calmed Graf.

The leaders of Sarnagar have always been known for their rational wisdom, and there must be some reason for this.

However, hundreds of years have passed, and the Star Spirit Clan is now adrift, and the truth of history does not know whether there will be a day when it will be seen again.

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