My Starcraft World

Chapter 163 Strange Encounters Battlefield Appears\r

After separating from Luo Wei, Meng Ze took a taxi home.

For this trip, he is still relatively satisfied.

The relationship between himself and Vivi finally broke through the last step, Vivi changed from a girlfriend to a fiancée, and her lifelong affairs were solved.

Next, we will put our energy into preparing for the world mission.

Although Meng Ze doesn't know what is special about the world mission, since he knows the purpose of the interstellar world, coupled with the special mention of the fantasy star, Meng Ze naturally does not underestimate the importance of the world mission.

As soon as he arrived home, Meng Ze entered the interstellar world.

First, I took a look at the strength of the troops I now have.

The total number of troops on the planet has exceeded fifteen million, and considering the possible needs of the world mission, Meng Ze is ready to increase the number of troops to fifty million.

The Space Force now has 15,000 Starfire-class frigates, 1,600 Starfire-class destroyers, 500 Star-fire class battleships, 100 Starfire-class cruisers, 40 planet-class motherships, and 500 Prism-class battlefield monitor ~ survey ships.

The number of battleships has more than doubled since Meng Ze went out.

Then I took a look at the building.

During this time, Meng Ze increased and adjusted the number of various major buildings accordingly according to his own understanding.

Supply and technology buildings go without saying.

The construction of soldiers remained largely unchanged because the resources could not keep up.

Among other buildings, the increase is more than the anti-aircraft turret and the defense and early warning center.

And the super-large electromagnetic railgun, which was originally very useful in Meng Ze's mind, was regarded as a chicken rib by Meng Ze after experiencing the firepower of battleships and personally attacking planets many times.

When the planetary force field shield is opened, the super-large electromagnetic railgun is of little use and is still limited.

And when the planetary force field shield fails, this resistance to firepower can only be said to be better than nothing for a large number of warships.

And this kind of construction is not cheap.

Therefore, how to protect their own planetary force field amplifier is the top priority, and the status of air defense turrets and early warning defense centers has been improved.

Paired with a high number of heavily rearmed, Meng Ze's planetary force field amplifier building is impenetrable.

As the size of the planet changes, Meng Ze's planetary force field amplifier has been rebuilt, and now the strength of the building alone is as high as 200 million.

Meng Ze also set up a super large energy field shield specifically for it, with a strength of up to 2 billion.

If you add the protective force field of the planetary force field shield and the force field amplifier itself.

Even Meng Ze himself can't break it now.

But if the new tactics are adopted as before, the three companies will work together, and Meng Ze will still not be able to bear it.

However, the planetary force field amplifier is not Meng Ze's strongest defensive building, and the strongest defense is naturally Meng Ze's command center, especially his own headquarters command center.

The strength of the energy field shield alone exceeds five billion, and it also has its own dimensional protection force field.

Unless the planetary force field shield is broken and the battleship is used to gather fire, it is safe.

After roughly sorting out his situation, Meng Ze went to look at the announcements about world missions on the world platform again.

I don't know for what reason, the world mission did not announce the official opening time, but only announced an approximate date, within three months.

That could be in a few days, or it could be a month or two later.

Meng Ze doesn't feel like he's running out of time.

After sending a communication to the dog head bun and the dog head dumpling, and about half an hour to start the team mission together, Meng Ze began to mobilize the battleship to prepare.

Ulster civilization.

If the two points of the solar system and the center of the Milky Way are taken as references, the territory of the fifth level civilization of the BCY** (Milky Way) river system Ulster is diagonally separated from the center of the Milky Way from the solar system.

This is the luck of the Blue Star humans.

At this time, the Ulster civilization was experiencing civil strife, which was said to have caused a high-ranking general named Kereda in Ulster, dissatisfied with the civilized leadership's policy towards foreign races, and suddenly launched a rebellion and ceded his territory.

Originally, the power of this general could only be regarded as one of the several major forces of the Ulster military, but he didn't know where he got extremely advanced shield technology, which led to a great increase in military strength, and actually fought with the Ulster government army.

Moreover, Corida claimed to allow a high degree of autonomy for vassal races/civilizations in its territory, which led to the defection of many small and medium-sized civilizations that Ulster had previously subdued, and after a period of time between the two sides, Corida even had a small advantage.

During this period, a fourth-level alien civilization called the Otero civilization quietly joined the side of Coreda and occupied a large territory as a dominion.

The mysterious Otero civilization hardly interacted with other civilizations and did not allow other civilizations to enter its territory, and Coreda did not allow this. And because the Otero civilization is the only fourth-level civilization under Coreda, Coreda also gives the other party the right to freely expand the territory.

0.....ask for flowers........

Initially, some of Kereida's subordinates were a little worried about this, but after being summoned by Kereda, they changed their positions.

Everyone felt that the Otero civilization must have secretly reached some secret agreement with Coreda.

For the next month, Meng Ze's daily work was basically arranging production and brushing points.

Luo Wei came to stay for a day except for weekends, and was busy making up classes at other times.

On this day, when Meng Ze was about to continue to invite the dog-headed buns to do team tasks, the bun boss sent a communication first.

"Meng Ze, a new adventure battlefield has appeared, only two hundred light years away from you, do you want to participate?"

....... 00

The bun boss brought Meng Ze a surprise news.

Strange encounters can be encountered on the battlefield, and there is no pattern to be seen.

More often, within a month, there may be two or three strange encounters on the battlefield, and when there are few, maybe not once in three months.

What's more, the location of the Adventure Battlefield is also uncertain.

If you appear too far away from the player, even if you use space jumps, by the time it passes, it may be over.

Space jumping is not time-free, but greatly shortens the space distance.

Depending on the technology level, the time consumed by space jumps varies.

Generally speaking, a level 4 player's space jump consumes one day for every 100 light-years of distance jumped.

From the appearance to the stability of the battlefield, the time of the adventure battlefield is long and short, but it is generally about three days.

Once stabilized, the battle usually ends within a day.

In other words, the adventure battlefield that Meng Ze can participate in is as far as 400 light-years around the base planet.

And this adventure battlefield, so close to the Meng Ze base star, is obviously not something that dog-headed buns and others can participate in.

"Big guy, thank you, this kind of good opportunity, I definitely want to participate."

Meng Ze's news was nowhere near as well-informed as the dog-headed bun, and if it hadn't been for the dog-headed bun telling him, perhaps he would have missed this great opportunity.

"I'll send you the coordinates, it's been less than half a day since the Qiyu battlefield just appeared, you go and prepare, it will definitely be in time." 35

The dog-headed bun is not much nonsense, and directly sent the coordinates of the adventure battlefield with .

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