My Starcraft World

Chapter 164: Ultra-Long-Range Space Transition\r

Performing ultra-long-range interstellar space jumping is still the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair for Meng Ze, so he also asks the dog-headed bun for experience.

"Ultra-long-range space jumps are still risky for us level 4 players." Doghead bun road.

"Because we don't have hyperspace detection capabilities, when we make space jumps, in dimensional space, we are basically blind, but we only retain the ability to communicate with the command space. There are three main risks of space jumping, one is a dimensional storm in dimensional space, the second is an attack from a fifth-level player, and the third is an abnormal position when jumping out of space.

"Dimensional storms are very frequent in some areas, and the frequency in some areas is very low, this depends on luck, but when you jump in space and encounter a dimensional storm, then stop the jump and return to normal space from dimensional space to dodge. Although there will be certain losses, "seven zero three" It is inevitable.

"The second, I believe you also know, the fifth level player has the ability to attack in hyperspace, this attack not only reduces the attack time, but also includes the ability to attack in the dimensional space, so if you have a feud with the fifth level player, then don't enter the dimensional space in front of him, otherwise you can only be beaten passively."

"The third is that the position of jumping out of space is not right, for example, you know, if there is a planet in the position of jumping out of dimensional space, or the fleet of other players, it is the scene of the ship disaster, so there is usually a leading battleship, as a pathfinder, even if there is a situation, it will not be completely destroyed."

Meng Ze nodded, and the bun boss's words made him refreshed, and he had a bottom on the risk of ultra-long-range space jumps.

"By the way, there is another thing, you must plan the jump route before the space jump, if there are planets or other stars on the way, then you must avoid it in advance, or divide into multiple space jumps, otherwise it will be unpredictable." The dog-headed bun finally added.

"Okay, thanks guy. 35

Hang up the communication, and Meng Ze's fleet is almost mobilized.

As for the dog-headed bun said about planning space jump routes, because Meng Ze has a space observatory, this is easy.

Don't look at the fact that there are so many planets, and they are so big, but compared to the interstellar void, it is like throwing a handful of sand into a large lake, and there are many more empty places than affected places.

Based on the star map and the coordinates entered by Meng Ze, Zhi Brain quickly calculated a theoretically safe space jump route.

The Adventure Battlefield Mission was Meng Ze's first time participating, and it was a rare opportunity for him to go all out, except for the convenience of counting the fractions deliberately removed from the firepower, Meng Ze was ready to send all his other warships.

Meng Ze's fleet at this time is already quite large, and the fleet ready to be dispatched this time includes 60,000 Starfire-class frigates, 6,000 Starfire-class destroyers, 2,500 Starfire-class battleships, 300 Starfire-class cruisers, 50 planet-class motherships, 1,000 Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships, not counting Starfire-class cruisers, with a total of 230 billion main gun firepower.

This data has exceeded the combat power of the bun boss when he formed a group with the dog-headed bun boss for the first time and did the point task.

Even now, although the total combat power of Meng Ze's fleet is still a little worse than the dog's head bun, the gap between the two sides is not too big, and the quality of Meng Ze's warships is still much higher.

If the two sides go head-to-head, there is a high probability that Meng Ze will win.

The fleet began to move.

Three frigates were in the forefront, acting alone.

All the other ships form a conical lineup.

The front pointed cone of the tapered lineup is composed of 2,000 battleships in two levels, and the rest of the cone is surrounded by destroyers and frigates.

In front of the inner layer is the 800-ship Prism-class battlefield monitoring ship, which serves as an auxiliary assistant to the battleship to prevent being concentrated by the enemy.

On the inner periphery were 250 Starfire-class cruisers , designed to protect the flanks in the event of a surprise attack on them and delay time to adjust formations.

The inner core is the planet-class mothership, which is the supply center of the fleet and the transport ship of all planetary forces.

Finally, the cone body is protected by 500 battleships, 50 Starfire-class cruisers, and 200 Prism-class battlefield monitoring ships.

When the fleet is taken as a whole and the collective space jump is carried out, all the fleets will gather into a dense formation, so that when the first battleship breaks through the dimensional space, the subsequent warships only need to provide the energy to maintain the dimensional space gap, which will greatly reduce the consumption and difficulty of the space jump, and can also prevent mutual interference during the space jump.

When the space jump is over, the entire fleet begins to spread out layer by layer.

When the fleet formation is fully deployed, a huge cone-tail diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers and a depth of nearly 10,000 kilometers in front and rear will be formed0.....

On the orders of Meng Ze, the fleet began to accelerate.

The three frigates at the head were spaced 10 minutes apart, and one after another took the lead in breaking through the dimensional space and entering the space transition state.

An hour later.

In front of the main fleet, the bows of all battleships, the energy generated by the space engine began to gather in large quantities, and was synchronously adjusted by the artificial intelligence of the battleship.

At the most cutting-edge point, the space opened up like water waves, and then little by little, it was instantly connected.

The entire spatial structure seemed to become a curtain of water, and Meng Ze's warships passed through it one after another and disappeared.

In just a few seconds, the area regained its calm and became empty.

Through the command center, Meng Ze was able to cut into the fleet's perspective to see the picture of dimensional space navigation.

In fact, it is some colorful graffiti like random spraying.

This may also be because the perception ability of the battleship cannot be effective in the dimensional space.

Meng Ze divided the three frigates and the main fleet on a large screen so that he could observe the situation at any time.

On the console, small dots representing the fleet move slowly in the star map.

If Meng Ze expands the star map, the fleet will be fixed in one place and not moving.

This is a very graphic reflection of Meng Ze's seemingly powerful fleet, small in the void.

At a distance of 200 light-years, it takes two full days.

Meng Ze arranged for 3.5 Zhi Brain to monitor and idled himself.

There are still thousands of warships at home, and Meng Ze does not waste it, and directly invites the two of dog-head buns and dog-head dumplings to rub the mission rewards.

Anyway, with their situation, what is lacking now is not attack power, but only the carrying capacity of Meng Ze mysterious-class battleships.

With the combat strength of the three people now, in fact, there is no problem in doing the fourth-level team task, and the three of them tried to do it once. But after calculating the time and cost, it is not cost-effective to do the three-level task.

Especially the battleship of the dog-headed bun two, facing the fourth-level mysterious-level Zerg interstellar force, under the level gap, there will be losses if you are not careful, so it is temporarily shelved.

Not only the dog head buns, after so many tasks, even the relationship between the dog head dumplings and Meng Ze is extremely close, Meng Ze rubs the reward, they naturally have no opinion, and even at their insistence, even the distribution model has not changed.

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