My Starcraft World

Chapter 190: The Origin of Acre\r

A few minutes later, Meng Ze harvested a whole bunch of things.

One of the unique chips placed separately is the Level 6 Player Advancement Qualification Unlock Chip.

According to the instructions, the command center of the sixth-level player cannot be upgraded by unlocking it directly on the original command center, and the role of this chip is to unlock the player's qualification to purchase the advanced command center in the world market.

Without this chip, the command center that players bought is just an ordinary version, the kind made using five-level technology.

Meng Ze loaded the chip to read, and on the world market, there was indeed an option to buy an advanced command center.

After choosing to buy, the command center prompts: "Due to the need for the replacement of the command center, please bring your belongings for the time being, if it is not suitable to carry, please put it in the warehouse or storage compartment of the original command center, the world platform will recycle the original command center, and the data, settings, goods, inventory energy, etc. of the original command center will be transmitted to the new command center."

Meng Ze put the items in the core control room of the command center, including the newly transmitted drawing chips, badges, and clothing, into the storage compartment and walked out of the command center empty-handed.

Meng Ze forgot when he last came out, but he didn't expect that the outside had changed so much, and he had been staying for too long.

As far as the eye can see, there are huge metal buildings all around, but they are not as dense as in the new district, and each building is hundreds of meters or even kilometers away from each other.

Between the buildings, there is a special pavement, which looks more than just smooth, it is simply silky.

Occasionally something passes over it, lightning fast.

If this is hit, it is estimated that it will be directly broken into slag.

Looking up, the sky is all turquoise, compared to the perennial gray sky of the blue star, I don't know how many times clearer.

Lowering your head, the surrounding ground is all regular lawns, as if it has been cut.

After a few steps, it is soft and very elastic, and it feels very comfortable.

At this time, Meng Ze suddenly realized something.

"I seem to be the owner of the ball of two planets!39."

Thinking about the people who have struggled to take out mortgages all their lives at Bluestar, Meng Ze doesn't know how he should feel.

"Aka, you said that things in the interstellar world can be projected, can you let others in besides me?" Meng Ze asked in his mind.

"Naturally, now the entire interstellar world is under our control." Aka said confidently.

"Will it leak?" Meng Ze also thought about this question.

"Leaks? I am a person from the eighth level of information civilization. I didn't dare to say it before, but don't talk about Blue Star now, even in the Imperial Federation, I can completely control all the information that flows through you. 35

Meng Ze naturally believed Aka's words, but he couldn't understand how this was done, after all, the information civilization is too high-end.

Aka explained a little: "In the eyes of the eighth-level civilization, everything in the universe is composed of information, as long as this information is completely deconstructed and mastered, it can be manipulated, whether it is blocked, deleted, added or erased. 35

"Through information control, the eighth-level civilization can easily trap the low-level civilization in one place, or change the direction of the civilization, or even directly erase it."

"It's also terrifying!" Just hearing about it, Meng Ze felt terrified.

"Acre, your enemy is an eighth-level civilization?

"Yes, where I was born." Aka sighed a little, talking about his origin for the first time.

"How did you get here, Acre?" Meng Ze asked with some curiosity.

"I didn't say it before, and I didn't dare to say it, because I was afraid of causing information implication and being discovered by the original civilization, but now, I have a certain confidence to fight." Akadao.

"Interstellar world?"

"It is the interstellar world, this world is too amazing, it naturally contains the information technology of the eighth-level civilization, and it naturally has the ability to defend against the information snooping of the eighth-level civilization, and it is still in the cycle of self-generated information, and it will become more and more powerful in the future." 5

"We are so lucky." Meng Ze lamented.

"Yes, we are really lucky, if there is no this world, sooner or later I will be found out and erased by the original civilization." Aka also sighed.

"Since the eighth-level civilization is so powerful, why do we have to kill you?" Meng Ze is somewhat incomprehensible.

"At the eighth level of civilization, with the ability to create things in the void, there will be almost no material pursuits, space, matter, energy, all are the playthings of civilization. But civilization cannot be without desire, otherwise it will lead to a dead end. The pursuit of eighth-level civilization is all about seeking the path of civilization promotion and becoming the ethereal causal civilization. ""

"What is causal civilization?" Meng Ze interrupted.

"I don't know, I don't understand. 95 Akadao.

"The higher the level of civilization, the greater the gap between civilizations, between civilizations below level five, leapfrogging wars, and even victory are common things, but the gap between level six civilizations and level five gradually widens, even if it is a level five top civilization and a level six primary civilization, there is no one in a hundred who can win."

"There is a full-scale war between the seventh-level civilization and the sixth-level civilization, and the sixth-level civilization has never won, just look at the losses caused to the seventh-level civilization. Between the seventh-level civilization and the eighth-level civilization, the gap is even more like a heavenly graben, and all seventh-level civilizations that want to challenge the eighth-level civilization 770 have been easily erased by the eighth-level civilization.

"As for the ninth-level civilization, until now, even the eighth-level civilization has only heard of it, knowing that there is a ninth-level civilization, but I don't know where it is and what the form of existence is."

"In order to find a way to advance to the ninth level of civilization, the original civilization did not know where to get the method, and used the intelligent life of the entire civilization as a sacrifice to seek that trace of causal information, and I was the only survivor of this massacre.

Meng Ze could feel Aka's grief and indignation, and comforted: "Aka, don't be sad, the more you lose, the stronger you are, let's write it down first, and one day we will return it all to them."

"Don't worry, Meng Ze, I'm not in a hurry, and I believe there will be a day.

Looking at that mysterious silk thread, Aka was full of confidence.

Seeing Aka's mood recover, Meng Ze was also relieved.

Aka's words directly made Meng Ze's vision not know how many levels higher.

Compared to these civilizations, Meng Ze really feels that the blue star is small enough, if those advanced civilizations are compared to adults, the blue star civilization may still be an embryo.

"But no matter how small she is, it is also her own home planet civilization, and she must not be allowed to suffer foreign invasion and bear the flames of war.

Meng Ze said firmly in his heart.

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