My Starcraft World

Chapter 191 Adjusting the New Little Brother and the New Combat Command Uniform\r

While Meng Ze and Aka were communicating, the fifth-level command center was enveloped by the dimensional teleportation force field and disappeared instantly.

Subsequently, a command center about the size of the fifth-level command center, but with a more exquisite appearance, appeared in place.

"Aka, you said that the Imperial Federation can teleport away our fifth-level command center at will, will the sixth-level command be the same?" Meng Ze asked worriedly.

"Even before, they didn't take it whenever they wanted, let alone now. You can use it at ease, in fact, the Imperial Federation does not leave too many means on this, otherwise it will not be an enemy of all commanders.

"All their operations require the consent of the commander himself, and the original wisdom brain of your command center is now afraid that after being strengthened, it can become an intelligent life, and when the time comes, I will 'communicate' with him to ensure that he will be on your side."

Meng Ze always felt that Aka's words were a bit ill-intentioned, but there was no evidence.

Although the scenery from the outside world is beautiful, Meng Ze feels less comfortable than the command center, or only in the command center does he feel grounded.

In the new command center, the internal setup doesn't seem to change anything, but Meng Ze can feel that everything runs more smoothly.

"Dear Commander Meng Ze, welcome to your new home, I am your intelligent brain assistant, I am very happy to be with you in the future, please name me."

The voice of Zhi Brain sounded in the command center, and Meng Ze just wanted to speak, and Aka said in his mind: "Wait first, I'll come."


After a moment of silence, Zhi Brain's voice sounded again, but Meng Ze felt aggrieved no matter how he heard it.

"Dear Commander Meng Ze and Boss Aka, I am your loyal little brother, my name is Xiaoka, and I will provide you with intimate and thoughtful service in the future."

"Uh... It's going to be hard for you in the future, Xiaoka. Meng Ze was speechless.

"Aka, what's going on?" Meng Ze asked in his mind.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just a correction of his cognition and letting him understand who is the supreme boss." If you are a person from the Imperial Federation, Xiaoka is actually no harm, because in his cognition, the civilization of the Imperial Federation is the highest priority, followed by the commander himself, as long as the commander does not betray the civilization, he is your loyal partner, we are different, so you have to take a little precaution." "Akadao.

Meng Ze naturally agrees with Akko's approach, and now he has another person of his own.

And the same intelligent life, Aka is also much more advanced than Xiaoka, and following Aka is more promising than following the Imperial Federation.

Meng Ze opened the storage compartment and took out the same things that had been put in before and counted them.

All are there, and they are neatly discharged.

It seems that the new command center has an automatic collation function.

Meng Ze first changed into the commander's combat command uniform, and he was curious about what the suit was for.

When the commander is in war, that is, he commands in the command center, and there is actually a special combat command uniform.

The way to change the combat command uniform is very novel, and it is a piece of cloth when it is first unfolded.

Meng Ze followed the instructions, took off his clothes, and then draped them on his body, and the 'fabric' instantly deformed, wrapping Meng Ze except for his head.

The shape quickly changed and became a very high-tech intimate outfit.

The combat command uniform then began to be fine-tuned to Meng Ze's body size to make it more comfortable.

After the shape was adjusted, some lines began to light up on the clothing, and a flash of brilliance flashed.

Meng Ze heard a prompt in his ear: "Whether to activate combat command mode?"

"Start." 35

With Meng Ze's command, the back of the costume and the neck position suddenly extended some lines and fit at the back of Meng Ze's head, and Meng Ze instantly had a feeling of being integrated with the command center.

As long as you think by yourself, all your thoughts can be executed accurately, and unlike before, you occasionally need to correct your distractions.

"No wonder I didn't see the commander's helmet when I came in, it turned out that it was not needed at all." Meng Ze said heartily.

Not only that, but battlefield information can be directly in Meng Ze's mind.

In other words, Meng Ze no longer needs to look at holographic projections and understand the interstellar state or something.

As long as he wants, his mind can present a comprehensive vision that all the buildings, arms, detectors, and other personnel and facilities under his command can perceive.

He no longer needs to look at the big screen, he doesn't need to switch holographic projections, all the images are in his head.

As long as Meng Ze thinks fast enough, he can switch between thousands of frames in an instant and give countless commands in an instant.

Meng Ze finally knew how those senior commanders were able to command countless battlefields at the same time.

In addition to this powerful ability, the combat command uniform also has the effect of improving the commander's thinking speed, wearing it, the commander's thinking speed can be increased tenfold.

Not only that, the combat command uniform also has a strong defense, don't look at it is very soft, but this dress is actually integrated into the dimensional shield, this defense is covering the entire body, including the head.

Intuitively speaking, its defense power is up to 100 million, which is comparable to the defense capabilities of the Meng Ze fourth-class battleship.

Others include automatic healing, energy replenishment, color change, and other roles that Meng Ze considers secondary.

"'What a great thing!'' Meng Ze was so amazed that he didn't want to take it off when he put it on.

Fortunately, his curiosity about the other two costumes made Meng Ze reluctantly change them, but the other two costumes were not as stunning as the combat command uniform.

It's not that it's bad, it's just that Zhuyu is in front, and the other two are not so good.

The main pursuit of regular clothes is comfort, waterproof and dustproof, and can freely adjust the internal temperature, of course, defense ability is also a must, there are hundreds of imperial popular clothing styles as optional styles, free to load and change, and there are network updates or scan update functions.

The main pursuit of dresses is gorgeousness, there are different dress specifications for different occasions, selective changes, and the defense is also quite high.

In the command center, Meng Ze's (Zhao Zhao's) first choice is naturally the combat command uniform, but in Blue Star, the regular uniform is more suitable for obstruction.

"I wonder if I have to buy this dress?"

If you can, Meng Ze would like to buy some, not to give it away immediately, and when you feel that Bluestar is not so safe, you will give away the clothes to protect yourself for more security.

Of course, Meng Ze hopes there will never be this day.

Putting on his combat command uniform, Meng Ze picked up his badge and began to observe.

There is nothing too special about the rank insignia, the only one is that it is easy to wear.

As long as you stick it on the garment, you can stick it on it without moving.

Meng Ze's fingerprint verification must be taken down with voice commands.

The commander's badge, which is more advanced, in addition to being convenient to wear, also has the functions of identification, early warning, information prompt, energy shield and so on.

It's a bit like a small brain and bodyguard, with a lot of auxiliary functions.

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