My Starcraft World

Chapter 246 The Battle Of The Seventh Level

No one knows when the Imperial Federation attracted a large number of senior commanders.

A moment ago, the high level of the Empire Federation was still issuing a statement, saying that the high level of the Federation was making a detailed assessment of the demands of the seven commanders including Nan Liangjie.

But at the next moment, all of a sudden, eleven sixth-level commanders of the Imperial Federation, leading nearly a hundred fifth-level commanders, confronted Nan Liangjie, Song Shanyi, Peng Qifeng, Wang Qi, and Dongshan Yuqi.

Li Jinhua, Sikong Majestic and seven six-level commanders launched a surprise attack.

It wasn't until the soldiers approached the city that the seven sixth-level commanders reacted.

It was at this time that Meng Ze received a communication from Fantastic Xing Yehui.

"What did you say!!" Meng Ze stared wide-eyed, staring at Fantasia Xing Yehui in disbelief.

"The Imperial Federation has already sold the star world to the Wakana tribe, and it will hand over the star world to the other party as soon as the front-line war is over." Fantasia Xing Yehui looked at Meng Ze and said again.

"Hehe...haha...It's so fucking funny. I just took a good vacation, but my house was stolen."

Although Meng Ze was smiling, his eyes became more and more fierce.

"Meng Ze, the Imperial Federation has no choice. I know that you have put in a lot of hard work to protect the interstellar world, but now that things have come to an end, you should be more open." Fantasia Xing Yehui only thought that Meng Ze was reluctant to part with the interstellar world, and persuaded him.

"No, boss, you don't understand." Meng Ze waved his hand, then looked serious, and said: "Boss, that means "the interstellar world will not belong to the Empire Federation from now on, right?"

"It is still in the hands of the Imperial Federation, but it will not be after the handover."

"That's good, I understand." Meng Ze nodded and said.

"Meng Ze, don't do anything stupid. The Empire Federation has signed an agreement with the Vacanas. Now that the Star World has been closely watched by the Vacanas, there is nothing you can do." Dream Xing Yehui looked worriedly Meng Ze, he felt that Meng Ze's tone was not right.

"Don't worry, boss, I know what's going on. By the way, you sent me a message just to tell me the news?" Meng Ze asked, changing the topic.

"Not exactly. I'm also very unhappy with the decision of the Imperial Federation, but we can't resist, so I want you to liberate the relic Zerg as soon as possible, even if it adds a little block to the Kana tribe." Dream Xing Yehui explained his intention.

"Big brother, don't worry, I will leave this matter to me." Meng Ze took it all down.

Afterwards Meng Meng Xing Yehui told Meng Ze a few more words, he was afraid that Meng Ze would not be able to accept the chaos, so he put himself in it.

Meng Ze responded casually, and when he hung up the communication, Meng Ze showed a cold smile.

"Wakana, you want the interstellar world, right? I'm waiting for you to get it!"

At this time, Meng Ze no longer had any scruples, and completely let go of his hands and feet.

Within a day, more than 100,000 galaxies and more than a million planets were added.

There are no defenses on these planets, only one thing has been built - a seven-level spaceship shipyard.

That's right, it's not level six, it's level seven.

The core technology of the seventh-level civilization of the Wakana tribe obtained from the Protoss was quickly integrated into the interstellar world by Akka, making Meng Ze a unique seventh-level player commander in the interstellar world.

The command center of the seventh level, various buildings of the seventh level, and the improved and upgraded space battleship of the seventh level.

Every moment, the number of planets and space shipyards owned by Meng Ze is increasing, and the number of battleships is skyrocketing.

Ten days later.

Under the encirclement and suppression of more than a dozen sixth-level commanders and nearly a hundred fifth-level commanders, the warships of Nan Liangjie and others were exhausted, and their retreat was blocked by the Wakana people with overlapping solidified spaces .

"I regret it at the beginning" [!"

At the last moment when the main planet was destroyed, Nan Liangjie smiled at himself, closed his eyes gently, and left his last words in this world.

"The time is up, Meng Ze, the Imperial Federation will use its authority to delete all the data in the interstellar world. If you don't go out, you will be in danger." Fantasy Xing Yehui finally sent a notice to Meng Ze.

"Okay, thank you boss, I see."

After receiving Meng Ze's reply, Fantastic Xing Yehui also quit the Star World.

A few minutes later, a strong wave swept across the entire world, and the floating islands, planets, galaxies, star fields, and even the cloud platform of the Empire Federation that the players spent countless efforts to build were instantly wiped out.

In the end, there was only an incomparably huge star field left, floating alone in the starry sky.

In the Zerg Forbidden Land, when the powerful wave of death swept across, Alec was almost scared to pee.

It never knew that the Imperial Federation had such a powerful means.

But when the ripple swept to the extremely powerful King's star field in Abelik's heart, he turned a blind eye to this huge star field and went around directly.

And Aleksey, who was surrounded by the Meng Ze star field, naturally survived.

Albrecht's admiration for his 'big king' is like a torrential river.

Imperial Commonwealth Frontier.

When Arivana Meyer received the 'key' of the interstellar world from the hands of the Imperial Federation personnel - the incomplete crystal nucleus fragment forged by Akka, his heartbeat slowed down.

The wish of the Wakana people for many years is about to be fulfilled, and the sub-world that hides the eighth-level civilization technology will soon belong to the Wakana people.

In order to show importance and to ensure the safety of the 'key', the Wakana tribe not only sent Arrivana Meyer, who is the elder of the tribe, but also sent an escort fleet of as many as one billion.

At the same time, it is not known how many fleets are always ready to teleport.

After checking and confirming the rules of the world lingering on the crystal nucleus fragments, Arivana Meyer solemnly put the 'key' into a special box.

The battleship riding on the Wakana tribe jumped and disappeared in an instant.

In the dimensional space, the seventh-level civilized battleship and escort fleet that Arivana Meyer was on board jumped forward in the form of flickering, and each flicker was a distance of hundreds of thousands of light years.

In just ten seconds, the fleet that Arivana Meyer was in was tens of thousands of light-years away from the border of the Empire Federation.

At this moment, the blow among the raw materials came.

The dimensional space solidified in an instant, solidifying the surrounding escort warships of Arivana Meyer in it.

But the Wakana tribe had been prepared for a long time, and within 0.1 second, the solidified space was instantly shattered.

In this short 0.1 second, countless attacks have landed on the shields of the escorting fleet.

The seemingly thin shield, which can be broken with a poke, is not damaged at all under the powerful attack.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is not without loss, but that the shield that seems to have only one layer is actually formed by stacking hundreds of thousands of layers of shields [by using space technology.

The sudden attack only broke dozens of layers.

The raiders obviously knew that such a blow would not be successful in one blow, and then countless battleships appeared, with a thin layer of shields on the ships.

The two sides started a fierce battle, and the warship shuttled and flickered in the broken space.

Occasionally, the space will freeze and open.

In the hands of the seventh-level civilization, the space is like a toy for them, being played around at will.

Arivana Meyer looked at the situation on the observer's battlefield, and the Wakana fleet, which had been prepared for a long time, did not lose the wind even in the face of the joint attack of the two civilizations of Calista and Dribri.

New fleets from the three parties continued to join the battle, and the entire battlefield expanded rapidly, from the original range of thousands of light years to hundreds of thousands of light years.

The BDL river system that the Empire Federation had just used for handover was suddenly shrouded in the battlefield.

Countless powerful attacks tore through the dimensional space and appeared in various areas of the BDL** river system. Most of them lost their targets and became wandering beams of light in the starry sky, or they would suddenly hit some unlucky ghost after many years, or will slowly dissipate.

And some of them appear directly near the various planets.

If it is blocked by the Imperial Federation Army, even if it is blocked by a defensive array, it will be fine. Once it is not blocked, the planet will be destroyed in an instant. Even if it is only slightly hit by an attack, the planet will be bitten off, forming a big gap. .

In addition to these attacks, when the space manipulated on a large scale is shattered, a strong space storm and dimensional energy leakage are formed in the positive space. The powerful space debris is like a sharp scalpel, sweeping through the void.

As long as it is not a defensive array formed by a large number of fleets, other warships, space fortresses or even planets will be divided into two.

The entire BDL** river system is like a small boat in the sea, ravaged by strong winds and waves at will, and is in danger of capsizing at any time.

In this situation, the Imperial Federation dared not speak out, and could only use a large number of warships to form a battleship group to protect the most important part.

The battle lasted for three days, and the three civilizations suffered heavy losses.

In the end, the Wakana had no choice but to sit down and negotiate with Calista and Dribri. The three civilizations reached a compromise and jointly studied the interstellar world.

However, because the Wakana have mastered the crystal nucleus fragments of the interstellar world, they will definitely have an advantage in the future research progress.

Calista and Dribri are well aware of this, but the Star World itself was also obtained by the Vacanas, so the two civilizations have no objection.

interstellar space.

In the heartland of the triangle (Channoha) formed by the three civilized territories of the Wakana, Calista, and Dribri.

Countless warships gathered, waiting for the opening of the interstellar world.

These warships will serve as the vanguard of various civilizations stationed in the interstellar world. After the connection between each civilization and the interstellar world is completed, more warships will enter it and guard their respective territories.

Under the joint witness of the high-level leaders of the three civilizations, Arivana Meyer took out the crystal fragments obtained from the Imperial Federation.

Put it into a special instrument and activate it.

Powerful energy poured into the crystal shards continuously, and a special wave emanated from the crystal shards.

In front of the debris, a large area of ​​space began to fluctuate, and as the fluctuation became more and more intense, it seemed that a thin layer of space had been lifted, exposing another layer of space boundary membrane.

Under the strange fluctuations, the inner space boundary membrane gradually became thinner, and the interstellar world gradually unveiled its mysterious veil like three seventh-level civilizations.

When the space boundary film is thin enough to a certain extent, it suddenly shatters, revealing that there is nothing in it...

"What the hell, why are there so many warships! Tools!"

That was the last thought of Arivana Mayer and most of those present.

A penetrating ray of light composed of countless attacks swept across the void in an instant.

Whether it was the battleships of the Wakana, Calista, or Dribri, they were all torn apart in an instant like paper.

Immeasurable warships then poured out from the interstellar world, and began to strangle the slaughtered warships. .

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