My Starcraft World

Chapter 247 Destiny Is Within The Cone Of Time (End Of The Book)

If the battlefield around the interstellar world is just a lesson that Meng Ze taught the three seventh-level civilizations, then the high-latitude teleportation aimed at the entire territory of the Wakana tribe will be a comprehensive blow.

Just when Calista and Dribri learned that the fleet they sent to the interstellar world had been attacked and were preparing for reinforcements, they suddenly received information from the Wakana tribe: the Wakana tribe suffered a high-latitude teleportation raid , At least hundreds of billions of warships are fighting fiercely throughout the territory.

The Wakana tribe was stunned by Meng Ze's sudden attack. They didn't know who the enemy was or why they attacked them.

The Wakana quickly opened up space isolation throughout the territory, wanting to rely on geographical advantages and space technology advantages to seize the initiative.

As a seventh-level civilization, the Wakana tribe's standing combat power is extremely powerful, with the number of warships in the hundreds of billions.

However, Meng Ze's fleet itself possesses level 7 civilization technology, and it was improved by Aka on the basis of the Wakana technology, which is stronger than the Wakana technology. The transfer of the Chinese fleet has had a certain impact, but it still cannot change the situation of the battle.

At the same time, the follow-up support of the Meng Ze fleet is all sent through Gaowei, and it is sent at fixed points according to the battlefield situation. The Wakana can't prevent it at all.

Although the situation on the battlefield is excellent, Meng Ze also knows that the Wakana tribe is a top-level seventh-level civilization after all, and it is difficult to completely kill the opponent.

If the Wakana want to disperse and transfer, even Meng Ze will have difficulty preventing them.

So after a day of fierce fighting, Meng Ze finally issued a public statement: "Meng Ze, the former fourth-level commander of the Imperial Federation, has been officially promoted to the seventh-level commander. The interstellar world has started self-government, and the war against the Wakana people this time is a retaliation against the Wakana people for unreasonably peeping at the interstellar world dominion, and the consequences of all actions will be borne by the interstellar world dominion.”

In order not to make it difficult for the many friends of the Imperial Federation and the Meng family, Meng Ze did not declare independence, but broke away from the jurisdiction of the Imperial Federation in the form of an autonomous dominion, which can be regarded as giving the Imperial Federation ten steps.

Seeing the power of Meng Ze, immediately after Meng Ze issued the 640 statement, the Wakana tribe issued a statement calling for a truce and a negotiation to resolve the issue.

Meng Ze immediately agreed and withdrew his fleet temporarily.

Meng Ze, the Wakana tribe, and the Imperial Federation invited by Meng Ze sat together and started negotiations.

After a month of negotiations, the Wakana tribe announced that they would give up the ownership of the interstellar world purchased from the Imperial Federation. The seven-level civilization technology that had been paid to the Imperial Federation would no longer be taken back. Instead, the Imperial Federation would use resources for exchange. annual payment.

After Meng Ze and the Wakana reached an agreement, Kalista and Dribri also reached a settlement with Meng Ze after "friendly" negotiations.

The Imperial Federation publicly recognized the legitimacy of the autonomy of the interstellar world and unified its propaganda.

Promote Meng Ze as a hero who has devoted a lot of effort to the interstellar world and fought back because he couldn't bear the interstellar world to be exiled in a foreign country.

Intelligent life did not rebel against Meng Ze, and it became a strong evidence that Meng Ze did not rebel against the civilization of the Empire Federation.

At the same time, the Imperial Federation also officially announced the promotion of Meng Ze as the first seventh-level commander of the Imperial Federation, with the rank of three-star general.

In addition, in order to maintain a good relationship with Meng Ze, and at the same time commend the credit for quelling the civil turmoil in the Imperial Federation, the Imperial Federation has also promoted Ning Sheng, the killer, and Kashan Della Worley to the tenth level general .

Fantasy Xing Yehui was promoted two ranks in a row, and was promoted to the third major general.

Meng Shaohan of the Meng family was promoted to the first rank of general.

Even Meng Chi, who was quite hostile to Meng Ze before, was promoted to major general.

After a series of personnel adjustments, the Imperial Alliance calmed down again.

However, it lost seven sixth-level commanders at one time, and the Imperial Federation was also hurt.

It is also unable to attack in the direction of the Zerg.

Fortunately, the turmoil of the Zerg civil war has intensified, and it has already affected three river systems in just a few months.

one year later.

At this time, Abelik has already occupied nearly half of the territory of the Zerg, and Mariano can only maintain it with difficulty.

Due to the tense battle with Abelik, Mariano had to increase the squeeze on the branch Zerg, which further led to the dissatisfaction of the subordinate Zerg within him.

According to Meng Ze's prediction, within a year, Mariano will be finished.

It was at this time that Meng Ze contacted the three big men who were not confused for a moment, killer, and Kashan Della Worley.

"Meng Ze, long time no see."

I haven't contacted for a long time, but I suddenly received a message from Meng Ze. It's surprising that I didn't feel lost for a moment.

"Big brothers, I'm sorry. You also know that in my current situation, there are actually many inconveniences." Meng Ze said truthfully.

The three bosses nodded in agreement.

Now Meng Ze is still in the Imperial Federation in name, but everyone knows that he has actually gone out independently in a disguised form.

On the one hand, the Imperial Federation wants to maintain its relationship with Meng Ze, using Meng Ze's power to deter the seventh-level civilization, and on the other hand, it is wary of him wooing and infiltrating the Imperial Federation.

"I don't know why you asked us to come this time?" For a moment, he asked directly without being confused.

"Give credit to the three big brothers." Meng Ze said.

Seeing that the three were at a loss, Meng Ze explained his arrangement in the Zerg.

"You mean, the Zerg that made trouble inside the Zerg is yours?" Kashan Della Worley said in surprise.

"You are also familiar with it, it is Aleksey." Meng Ze smiled.

"It's incredible that you actually turned it into your own worm." For a moment, he said without being confused and surprised.

"Now this arrangement is considered useless, so I just give some credit to the bosses." Meng Ze said.

"Tell me how to do it."

Meng Ze said his thoughts again.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than weeding out the strong and helping the weak.

Now that Abelik has the advantage, they will fight Abelik, and when Abelik is almost weakened, they will fight Mariano.

With Meng Ze around, the two Zergs would never join forces.

Moreover, Meng Ze will also share Abelik's map with the three bosses.

In this case, it would be damned if the three sixth-level commanders couldn't beat the Zerg.

With Meng Ze's information, as soon as the call ended, the three bosses mobilized troops to attack the Zerg.

Caught off guard, Alec immediately suffered heavy losses.

Asking for help from the 'big king', Meng Ze only left him a sentence: "Come back when you've had enough fun."

Afterwards, the manufacturing cost of Albrecht arms skyrocketed.

This kind of situation made Abelik, who was used to spending a small amount of money to build elite soldiers, almost vomit blood, but it also made him understand that no matter how high he jumped, his life was firmly in the king's hands

It took two years to sacrifice all the units of the relic Zerg in the real world, and the imperial federation's encirclement and suppression of the Zerg has also come to an end.

Because they took the lead in destroying the enemy of the empire for hundreds of years, there was no confusion for a moment, the killer and Kashan Della Worley were officially promoted to the three (cidi) generals, standing at the top of the empire's federal military .

And the fat worm Abelik has completely become Meng Ze's pet. In order to praise him for his wit, Meng Ze originally prepared another female worm for him as a companion, but the two worms fought every day, and then Meng Ze stopped being wronged. Abelik learned from the mouth that it was actually a female bug.

A hundred years passed in a flash.

Blue Star has reached the primary stage of a secondary civilization.

At this time, there is no distinction between countries on Blue Star, and everyone has only one identity, Xia Guoren.

However, the current Blue Star Xia Country implements a citizen hierarchy.

The newly implemented citizen hierarchy is divided into twelve levels.

The original Xia people and the first batch of people who joined the Xia country had an initial level of 7, and then they were promoted to the citizen level according to their contributions, and enjoyed the treatment of the same level.

After the friendly countries of the former Xia Kingdom joined the Xia Kingdom, the initial level was 3, and then the citizen level was promoted according to the contribution.

However, after people from Western countries join the Xia Kingdom, their initial level is 0, and they can only be promoted to citizen levels based on their contributions.

Meng Ze's star world is no longer his own.

The relatives on the blue star have all moved to the interstellar world, and have begun to gradually adapt to the differences of higher-level civilizations.

"Meng Ze, I want to go back and have a look." Aka suddenly appeared beside Meng Ze.

At this time, Meng Ze also exists in an information state, but out of habit, he maintains the outline of a human being.

"Okay, let's go together, I also want to see what your original civilization looks like, Aka." Meng Ze said immediately without further ado.

"Okay." Aka was relieved that Meng Xi hadn't changed at all.

A-Ka began to trace his own information, and in the eyes of Meng Ze in the information state, scenes of A-Ka's past flashed past.

When going back to when A-Ka first appeared at a certain time-space node, the screen suddenly broke, and the information above was completely blank.

At this time, A-Ka took out the mysterious thread of causality, and traced the source directly through the causal connection.

The originally blank information suddenly appeared in a messy picture.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes later.

Finally traced back to the location of the original civilization.

It's just that there is nothing in this position.

Aka's figure shook for a while, as if the whole ball was about to dissipate.

"Aka, what's the matter with you?" Meng Ze was shocked.

Meng Ze's exclamation called A-Ka back, but Meng Ze could still feel A-Ka's bewilderment.

"Meng Ze, the original civilization is gone." After a long silence, Aka suddenly said.


Meng Ze thought he had heard wrong.

"I said, the original civilization is gone, gone forever." Aka repeated.

" is this possible?!!!"

The confidant of myself and Aka has always been the most serious enemy, and the object that has always been the strongest enemy is gone?!

And it looks like it's long gone.

What exactly is going on?

As if feeling the doubts of Meng Ze and A-Ka, the thread of cause and effect in A-Ka's hand suddenly moved by itself.

It shattered in an instant, turning into a string of messages that could be understood by the two of them.

"Heir of civilization, when you can see this information, it proves that you have reached the threshold of a ninth-level civilization. Everything has a cause and effect. The original civilization you were in used countless ways to affect the stability of all civilizations in the universe. When he finds the way to the ninth-level civilization, he has already decided what he should bear. In each universe, there can only be one ninth-level civilization. When we do not find the way to the upper level, all the attempts of the lower-level civilization It's futile."

"A civilized wise man once said: Destiny is within the cone of light. Although this sentence is not correct in our opinion, when the cone of light becomes the cone of time, it is the road to the ninth level of civilization—the law of time causality , The eighth-level civilization manipulates space and lives in time, while the ninth-level civilization stands above time.

"When you can reverse the time cone and have the ability to edit it, then the fate of everything in the universe is in your hands."

"At the moment you are informed of this information, we

You have already left this universe and got rid of the fate of reincarnation with the universe, and the future and even the past of the universe will be written by you. 17

"Good luck, inheritor of civilization.

After reading the message, both Meng Ze and A-Ka understood that the message was left to A-Ka by the ninth-level civilization, but perhaps it was because they had already left and did not know that A-Ka and Meng Ze were bound by cause and effect.

fixed together.

Today, the successors of civilization have become Aka and Meng Ze with one ball and one person.

There were ups and downs in my heart, and I was full of emotions for one person and one ball at a time.

One day in ten thousand years.

"Meng Ze, I seem to have found the feeling of a ninth-level civilization."

"Then try it!"

"Well, you don't mind if I experiment with Albrecht?

"Just use it.

"Uh...success seems to be success, but I accidentally threw Aleksey's derivative body over 10,000 years ago." Aka was a little embarrassed.

"What!!! 27

Meng Ze was taken aback.

Then he thought of the Zerg that inexplicably appeared when the Empire Federation and the Protoss were at war.

"Damn it, the Mariano that Abelik beat up 10,000 years ago is its other self!"


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