My Starcraft World

Chapter 53: Crossfire

"Haha, kindergarten brother, don't worry, I transported these gunmen all the way over, but I didn't let them be cannon fodder."

"Big guy, what can a lancer do besides being cannon fodder?" The kindergarten master still had helplessness on his face.

"You just look at it."

Meng Ze didn't say much, a thousand explanations are better than one action.

And he can't give a picture to a kindergarten master.

When you are a big guy, you have to look like a big guy, and you can't explain everything because the little brother says.

When Meng Ze's first transport planes began their return journey, the biochemical infantry corps on the ground quickly began to move.

"Get out of the way."

Meng Ze quickly set up a wartime channel, gave instructions to the kindergarten masters, and took over the command of Meng Ze's troops that had been left in the kindergarten master base.

Although the kindergarten master did not understand Meng Ze's orders and was very worried about his base, the orders of the big guys were not something he could disobey.

As soon as the gunmen blocking the intersection retreated, the Zerg troops who were constantly wandering outside the base suddenly found an opportunity and quickly rushed towards the intersection.

"Big guy!"

The kindergarten master was so anxious that he couldn't help but shout.

"Don't worry, don't be impatient."

Meng Ze reassured.

Immediately ordered to Zhi Brain: "Lancer team, doping, forward protrusion... Fire! ”

Meng Ze's orders are transmitted through the brain decomposition and transmission directly to the armored communication interface of each biochemical soldier.

When technology reaches a certain level, the commander's control of the troops can be refined to each soldier.

It's just that with a few exceptions, that's not usually the case.

No commander's attention can be refined to that extent.

As Meng Ze's order was relayed in place, a whole two thousand biochemical lancers, with a "stab", collectively injected doping.

The movement speed, fire density, and accuracy of the Lancers and soldiers were suddenly greatly improved.

As a side effect, dozens of points of vitality are lost.

A large number of Zergs first experienced the baptism of tank fire.

But the scars on the body could not suppress the bloodthirsty hearts of the bugs.

Hundreds of furious jumping insects, braving tank fire, swooped up from the intersection.

And Meng Ze's troops were waiting in strict formation, just received an order from the commander to open fire.


The intense firing of electromagnetic rifles suddenly sounded.

The kindergarten master, who was nervously staring at the firefight, was so shocked by the fierce battle scene in his field of vision that he almost jumped.

His Lancer units, whose fire poured on the Zerg, often only punched a dent, and even many times, the bullets were bounced off.

But now, in front of his eyes, the zerg who rushed to the intersection instantly flesh and blood flew, and the dozens of jumping insects in front of him were smashed into pieces almost the moment they emerged.

"The front advances."

In my ear came the command of the big man Meng Ze.

On the big screen, the lancers began to move in a neat step, although the pace was not fast, but unwavering.

Like a steel city wall, with an overwhelming momentum, it pressed against the Zerg.

The Zerg troops, which were unrivaled in the eyes of kindergarten masters in the past, have become lambs to be slaughtered.

"A team of scientific spacecraft, follow the probe."

"Lancers 2 to 5, Firemen 2 and 3, echelons follow, rotate to engage, the goal: to destroy all Zerg units within a radius of fifty kilometers around the base."

"Medical detachments, accompany the battle."

"One team of firemen, six teams of lancers scattered at the intersection, six or seven teams of lancers, and laid out defensive positions along the edge of the heights."

Meng Ze's commands are concise, but these brain-controlled brains refine orders based on what is in the commander's mind when giving orders.

The intelligent brain of the five-level technology of the command center is extremely intelligent, most of the time, the commander's orders can be perfectly executed, and in rare cases, the commander will be required to correct.

And as the time of cooperation with the commander increases, the intelligent brain will become more and more comprehensible to the commander's commands, until it becomes like the existence of the commander's deputy brain.

The reason why Meng Ze determined the target to destroy all Zerg units within a fifty-kilometer radius of the base was not to say a random data, but this distance, which is exactly the range that the tank fortress mode can cover.

The science spacecraft unfolded along the route of the various lancer detachments.

Fly high in the air and provide sight and anti-stealth support for lancer units.

As the troops progressed, Meng Ze also spotted the Zerg host floating in the air outside the base.

"Sure enough, it's a Zerg host."

Confirming his guess, Meng Ze can also understand why the Zerg can use a small amount of troops to maintain the continuous suppression of the kindergarten master.

The advance of the lancer unit was not fast, but it was steady.

Alternate cover and rotation of treatment between units.

With Meng Ze having a huge numerical advantage and a small difference in the strength of the two arms, Meng Ze's Lancer Corps was almost unscathed.

The Zerg, on the other hand, are under the command of the host and fight and retreat.

While slowing down the speed of Meng Ze's troops, he quickly gathered the scattered Zerg squad. *

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