My Starcraft World

Chapter 54: The War Mode of Higher Civilizations

On the plains high underground, the Lancers strictly carried out Meng Ze's established strategic instructions.

Except for a few places where formation adjustments were made due to topographical factors, the whole process of operation was as strict as machinery - precise and accurate.

It seems that these biochemical warriors never consider whether the enemy is strong or not, never consider the size of the casualties of their companions, never consider whether it is reasonable, only have the mission goal in their eyes, and are just mechanically and accurately carrying out the commander's orders.

This way, in Meng Ze's eyes, gave him a strange feeling of being real and intertwined with the game.

As fighters, they are undoubtedly excellent, just a little unhuman.

If Meng Ze hadn't been in it, witnessed the birth of this batch of biochemical warriors, and personally felt their presence, he would really think that these were just virtual NPCs.

However, Meng Ze's incomprehension is only due to the fact that the level of world civilization born is too low, and all this in the interstellar world is precisely the most common mode of interstellar civilization warfare.

In the cruel interstellar war, countless blood and tears, and even the lessons of the collapse of civilization, the surviving advanced civilizations summed up the first principle of interstellar warfare - absolute execution.

In the real world, we can see from many films that you defy the instructions of your superiors, change your plan privately, and then succeed and become the hero in the film.

But in the war of higher civilizations, this situation is almost non-existent, and even a temporary success will lead to a total failure.

The war of advanced civilizations often involves an incomparably vast area, and each of the higher civilizations has unparalleled biotechnology, mimicry technology and even mind control means, and the penetration between civilizations is extreme.

You don't even know if your face-to-face companion is your own.

Therefore, after the war began, except for a very few or even only one person, no one could master all the battlefield information.

These few or even individual people who are responsible for all or part of the battlefield are commanders.

And usually, for safety, commanders act alone.

In order to ensure the commander's absolute control over all the troops under his command, every soldier produced is genetically genetically loyal.

These mass-produced fighters do not belong to the citizens of civilization, but are specially made tools of war with resources provided by civilization, the private property of commanders.

With high-level civilization means, what is lacking is never an army or fleet, but a good enough commander.

Commanders can only be born from citizens and must undergo countless rigorous screenings.

These countless screenings are not only to rule out the possibility of spies, but also to ensure that the commander is good enough.

Because any commander has a huge weapon of war and bears the responsibility for the continuation of civilization.

The StarCraft simulation world is a miracle of countless lucky births of the Imperial Federation.

With the scientific and technological level of the sixth-level civilization, a semi-real cosmic space containing the technology of the eighth-level civilization was actually born.

The most important thing is that the StarCraft simulation universe is actually related to the ethereal imperial federation state movement.

Any foreign spy who is not part of the Imperial Federation, or even a rebel who is tempted inside, can be identified and marked as long as they enter the interstellar world.

No civilization below the eighth level of civilization can circumvent this means.

As for the eighth level or above civilization, that is not something that the Imperial Federation needs to consider.

If an eighth-level civilization wants the destruction of the Imperial Federation, it is no more difficult than killing an ant.

The eighth-level civilization is called information civilization, which involves the control of ethereal information, and the strength of its civilization is not something that the imperial federation can speculate.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the StarCraft simulation world that, since its birth, the interstellar world has become the only way for the Imperial Federation to train and select commanders.

However, although the interstellar world is created by the Imperial Federation, it is not completely controlled by the Imperial Federation because the technological level exceeds the civilization level.

The resources of the interstellar world are limited, in order to avoid vicious competition, but also to select real military enthusiasts, so the Imperial Federation promotes it as a war game, through a more strict qualification selection method, from the citizens to select 'players' to enter this world.

These players selected by the Imperial Federation, unless they are particularly good and have obtained the access qualification of the commander of the Imperial Federation Army, will be told the truth about the interstellar world.

Therefore, in the eyes of most players, this is a strange game world with a high degree of simulation close to reality.

These players, including the dog-headed buns.

And some people with special identities have always known the truth of the world, such as Dream Star Night Glow.

Not to mention the real situation, and whatever Meng Ze thinks.

After the birth of the command mode (rules) of the interstellar world, it will not change because of anyone.

This model is determined by the commander and the established combat pattern and strategy, and the troops under Zhi Brain and Meng Ze act strictly according to it.

Until the target is completed, return according to the corresponding arrangement or wait for the commander to dispatch again.

In the process of carrying out the mission, unless the commander gives a new order, even if the situation on the battlefield changes, the strategy will not change in any way, even if the troops suffer heavy casualties or even completely destroy the army.

This model may be rigid, but in a real civilized war, the execution of the army has been strictly guaranteed, and more and more serious problems have been prevented.

PS: This chapter is particularly difficult to write, it is part of the larger context of the story, it has to fit the model of the book and have the corresponding rationality, changed many times, brothers can help find loopholes. In addition, today's plus more is completed, brothers remember to vote tomorrow! *

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