My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven, we will not repeat the same mistakes

Brothers, I have opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers, help me collect it and give some recommendations!


Calling other ships to come for rescue is just a lie, as this place is far away from the main channel.

By the time other ships are found, these people will probably be cold.

And even if these people can persist until then, it is estimated that many of them will become sharks' meals...

Although he had seen through the trick of the woman opposite him, Captain David did not dare to disobey the woman's wishes.

Who makes this woman the boss on this ship?

Everyone has to obey her command, not because she is very powerful, but because the person inside her is very powerful.

If you make her unhappy, go back and blow your pillow, and everyone will be ruined.

David turned the rudder and began to accelerate, preparing to leave the sea quickly.

Because it was so weird here, several speedboats capsized one after another, and no one knew what was hidden under the water.

But just as his ship began to speed up and move away, he suddenly felt a sudden vibration on the ship's body.

It seemed like something hit under my feet, and then the whole boat suddenly flew up.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Catherine, who had been calm and composed just now, started shouting hysterically.

It turns out that the people who usually seem to be the boldest are actually just pretending.

On the contrary, such people are most afraid of death...

At this moment, their boat suddenly plunged into the water.

Just like a javelin, countless people were already flying out when the bow of the ship plunged into the water.

And this boat did not float after being plunged into the water as imagined.

Instead, it kept sinking because the force of the plunge was too great...

Zhang Tianxing, the captain of the Sky Whale in the distance, was standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the hellish scene in the distance with a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Okay, you bastards, you finally suffered this time. Do you really think we are so easy to mess with?

This time it's finally your turn...

But looking at the people calling for help on the sea, he had no intention of going over to save them.

What are these guys doing here? He can guarantee that if he is rescued, it will definitely be the story of the farmer and the snake.

So he could only ask the crew to use a loudspeaker to shout loudly to those who were not dead on the sea, asking them to wait patiently.

Wait until they put out the fire before rescuing people.

On the other hand, he secretly added some fuel to the flames on the sea.

Anyway, this fire cannot be extinguished at all. As for the cause of the fire, hehe, it is very simple.

It was because some radicals in those green environmental organizations threw Molotov cocktails at them.

That's why they used water cannons to serve each other. As for why the other party's boat capsized?

Excuse me,

We don’t know this…

Anyway, I won’t tell you, but we have four industrial robots under the water.

However, when you rushed over, we only promoted two people up, and there were two more people we arranged to ambush under the water!

That's right, it was our mining robot that did it.

As for the operator this time, hey, sorry, he is not our miner this time.

It's the military personnel who came with the team to participate in the drill. Yes, this robot usually looks like a mining robot.

But in fact, they also have other functions. As for what they are used for specifically, hey, I don’t need to go into details~

And at this time, their ship was lying across the sea, one side was used to put out the fire, and the other side started hoisting.

Quietly, the two robots were lifted from the water and placed in the cabin.

By the time all this was done, the sky had already darkened.

The tropical storm in the distance is getting closer and closer, and the wind and waves are getting bigger and bigger. Such sea conditions are not suitable to stay here for a long time.

The Sky Whale immediately turned its bow and evacuated toward the distance.

As for the cargo ship Minhang, it had already left the site far away.

As for the islands and reefs, all the copper concentrate powder there has been emptied.

This sudden announcement naturally aroused the alarm of the celebrity chef group, and they naturally knew that they should not stay here for a long time.

Let's go out to avoid the wind first, and then come back after two days when the weather is calm.

As for the survivors who are still on the water... Hehe, I'm sorry, there are no survivors here at this time...

The ships were getting farther and farther away, and the people floating on the sea were gradually losing hope.

In fact, many people have given up long ago because they know what the purpose of their coming here is.

You can't expect everyone to repay kindness with kindness. After thinking about this, some people have already begun to pray.

Confess to God the sins of your life.

Some people broke down and started crying.

But soon, they couldn't cry anymore, because in the distance, sharp fins were flying towards them.


Waves of screams seemed to be heard on the sea in the distance, and Chen Cheng didn't know if he was hallucinating.

I looked up and saw a flash of lightning flashing across the dark cloudy sky from time to time.

He shook his head, he must have heard wrongly.

It was pouring rain outside, how could anyone scream?

As for those foreign devils who made trouble just now, haha, screw them...

He is not stupid, he knows that those guys are just here to destroy their jobs.

In his opinion, scuttling all those guys' ships would already be an advantage for them.


The next day in London, Duke Hamilton was in his high-end residence in Kensington.

The gray-haired old Duke was also in a trance while looking at the telegram sent by his subordinates.

The fleet sent to stir up trouble suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.

Their satellite, over that sea area, actually lost its signal since noon.

What happened next, they had no idea.

Anyway, when the satellite returned to normal and we could see the situation below, we could only see patches of dense tropical cumulonimbus clouds.

The tropical storm was passing through at the time, and as for those ships, they had no idea where to go.

By this morning, all the tropical storms had left that area.

When they put the satellite over that sea area, they could only see an empty area.

The sea is still very clear, and there are no mountains of mineral sand on the nearby islands and reefs.

Several mining ships and auxiliary ships from the Dragon Kingdom have all disappeared.

As for the green environmental protection organizations they sent there, they also disappeared without a trace.

The same goes for the boats chartered by reporters. Not even a hair is left.

This situation is very strange, and the TV station has also tried to contact the reporters.

But there was no signal at all, and those dozens of people seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Could it be that all those people were captured by the Dragon Kingdom people?

This is simply impossible...

The people of the Dragon Kingdom had no need to arrest them, and besides, he didn't believe that the people of the Dragon Kingdom would have such courage.

In this case, the only explanation is that those people suddenly encountered a tropical storm and then encountered misfortune.

This is quite possible, after all, this is the only explanation that makes the most sense.

But today's navigation technology is not weak. How could they run into a tropical storm?

This is really...

Thinking of the BBX TV reporter Catherine's white body, the old man couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

It's a pity that I only enjoyed it for two days...

But it’s okay, if one of them is gone, there will still be others who come after him.

And there are still many things to enjoy in the United States.

For example, that guy in New York, Popstein, is very capable.

He even built a small island in the Caribbean. Anyway, as long as you want, they can get you any kind of girl.

When he thought of this, the old man felt his lower body become slightly hard.

He was still very satisfied with this reaction. It seemed that his sword was still young!

But he soon changed his mind again. Now was not the time to think about those miscellaneous things.

The first task now is to quickly find out where those Dragon Kingdom people are going.

The other thing is to arrange for Ah San to appear as soon as possible. These bastards, I have been entangled with them for several days.

But these bastards are so good at beating around the bush, they start going around in circles as soon as they get down to business.

In the end, I had to agree and send them millions of doses of vaccine.

This satisfied their appetite, but based on his understanding of those guys.

Haha, they will definitely not give those vaccines to ordinary people.

Instead, it will definitely be divided up by the dignitaries and then sold in their own clinics or hospitals.

Those guys...

Tsk tsk tsk...

As soon as he thought of this, he picked up the phone, found a number and dialed it.

"Mr. Singh, the gift I gave you has arrived in Mumbai and the plane has landed. I wonder if you have checked it?"

"Haha, we've received it, Duke Hamilton."

"Well, I've fulfilled our promise, what about you?"

"Don't worry, sir, the fleet has already set off..."

Hearing what Singer said, Duke Hamilton breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, Mr. Singer, it's a pleasure to work with you. My friends and I are waiting for your good news in London."

"Haha, just wait for our good news! Don't worry, it's just some people from the Dragon Kingdom. Just watch how we kick their butts..."

Singer said boldly and loudly. Hamilton here shook his head. This is what these Asans are like.

They always like to brag. If their real skills were half as good as their talkative skills, they wouldn't be pressed to the ground and rubbed by rabbits back then.

I hope they can do better this time, and I hope they can hold on for a little longer.

But don’t let someone take advantage of you like last time...

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