My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight The dragon enters the sea

Brothers, I have opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers, help me collect it and give some recommendations!


After Singh, who was in Asan Kingdom, put down the phone, he got up and came to the floor-to-ceiling window of the building.

Standing in front of the window, overlooking the city below, there are high-rise buildings and green trees in front of you, and in the distance are low bungalows.

In the distance is a murky river of garbage, with a strong smell of cow dung still lingering in the air.

He took a deep breath of the smell of cow dung. The smell was really ecstatic!

Then he took out another cigar and lit it for himself...

He took a deep breath and then exhaled the smoke...

Haha, just give so many millions of doses of vaccine, and expect me to work hard for you?

What are you thinking about?

Is our Asan's life really so worthless? You guys really think too much.

Singer smiled coldly. Even though they always consider themselves a Commonwealth country, the problem is that your Great Yin Empire has never regarded us as one of its own!

You only think of us when you need cannon fodder. Do you think we are really stupid?

Those people from the Dragon Kingdom are not that easy to deal with, regardless of how fierce we have been calling them recently.

But it was just a few calls. In fact, it was just to cooperate with the white elephant in the election.

We have no real intention to fight with others, and we are not stupid. We have not forgotten the painful lesson we learned back then.

So this time, you want us to help you get something out of the fire, hehe, just wait...

Thinking of this, Singer picked up the phone again and called his nephew in the Navy.

Then he gave a thorough explanation, and the most important thing was that this matter must be dealt with first.

And why doesn't his nephew know?

Don't look at their navy, they are clamoring every day about which navy they are, including aircraft carriers and nuclear divers.

But the problem is, their gadgets are all junk that is laughed at.

Let’s just say that the aircraft they just acquired was designed with the help of French designers.

But the problem was that after they got it, they found that they had obviously been cheated, because there was something wrong with the aircraft mother's design.

He is top-heavy and has an unstable center of gravity. It is okay to walk in the coastal area, but if he goes out to the open sea and encounters strong winds and waves, he will surely sink...

Because of this incident, their navy has once again become an international laughing stock.

But in China, they don't dare to disclose this matter, because if they tell it, they will definitely be ruined.

After all, the procurement department of their navy is known to the whole world as the department that takes advantage of others.

Many purchases have made international jokes...

Therefore, they could only pretend to be dumb and swallow this matter, and the matter was covered up like this.

Looking back at their neighbor, they also started from scratch and slowly built everything.

Things that could not be made before,

People can also make their own, let alone aircraft carriers and the like.

Let’s just talk about the 055 sent to escort this time. It is really a big ship that makes anyone drool after seeing it!

You let us go over and have a collision with this big guy that even Americans don’t dare to offend easily...

Haha, if there is a spark, the unlucky ones will definitely be our navy.

Little Singer is very clear in this regard. He doesn't want some potbellied losers in their navy.

Those guys only know how to talk, but if something really happens, they are just trying to catch someone blind.

So he doesn't want to be embarrassed...

This time their fleet has indeed left port, and the name they claim to the outside world is naturally going to sea for training.

As for finding trouble with certain people, haha, that is really overthinking.

He and his uncle never thought about helping the people of Eagle Country from the beginning to the end.

I just bought a batch of goods from them. As for doing things.

Haha, you can’t say we won’t do it, we will send people there.

But it must not be in the name of Asan Navy. What the Indians don't know is that their idea coincides with that of a certain countryman some time ago.

But what they didn't know was that the task force sent by a certain nation ended up being annihilated.

Of course, it was too late for a certain country to cover up such a shameful thing, so how could it be announced to the public?

So Ah San didn't know anything about those things. If they knew about it, they would definitely not dare to send anyone there.

But for Little Singer, it didn't matter. The people sent there were all contract workers anyway.

Such people are now all over the world, and they do things as long as they are paid.

There are also many such companies here, which specialize in helping people deal with some shady matters.

And his uncle has great powers in this regard, and has already connected him with a group of desperadoes.

And those people had already gone to a certain port, where he had already had ships and weapons prepared for them.

I believe they have set off now...

At this time, somewhere on the sea in the South Pacific, a gray-white warship was walking ahead through all the obstacles.

Behind them were the Tianjing, Liaofa, and a chemical ship.

It was from that island that they left the fleet to escape the tropical storm. They had been away from that sea area for forty-eight hours.

However, there was still no order from above to let them go back. Instead, they were told to go all the way south, because there was another exploration ship in the south that was exploring.

This sea area is the southernmost part of the Indian Ocean. It has crossed the Tropic of Capricorn and is located on the channel between South Africa and Kangaroo Country.

However, there are generally not many ships traveling along this waterway, because ships departing from Kangaroo Country are bound for Europe.

Nowadays, most people like to take Malacca and then cross the Suez Canal, but taking this sea route is too circuitous.

The cost of fuel consumption and time are too high, so there are very few ships using this waterway.

Because there is no trade between Kangaroo Country and Africa, and even this waterway is not as lively as the waterway from Kangaroo Country to South America.

Precisely because this place is inaccessible, several exploration ships were soon sent here to conduct mineral exploration in the strait.

Moreover, this generation has always been windy and rough, with strong winds and waves, so few ships like to pass here.

This also provides a strong environment for their exploration, although international exploration technology has made major breakthroughs in recent years.

But that's only through satellites, we can see the mineral veins on the continent. As for the ones under the sea, we really haven't made much progress in exploration.

Although there are many ships passing through this generation, the water in this generation is too deep. Although it is not as deep as the Mariana Trench, it is definitely not shallow.

Therefore, mining here is a fantasy for other countries in the world.

But for us, it's easy.

Especially with the help of the celebrity chef group, several exploration ships have already launched many exploration robots.

On the seabed in this area, there are already good opportunities for exploration back and forth.

In fact, it uses the underwater robot's spectrum scanner to detect and scan the seabed.

Take a look at what's buried under the seabed, and the results are very gratifying.

Under the seabed in this area, there are a large number of rare earth minerals in the shallow layer of the seabed.

These are the resources that are in short supply in our country. Yes, we are short of rare earths now.

Although we used to be a big exporter of rare earths, that was before, and now our domestic rare earths have been bought up to 77%.

So although we are still the largest exporter of rare earths, we are also the largest importer of rare earths.

Rare earths are mainly imported in large quantities from some countries in Southeast Asia and then processed and exported.

Therefore, high-quality rare earths are also a very scarce resource for us now.

In the shallow layer of the seabed here, we have discovered a large number of rare earth minerals, and the reserves are very rich.

This discovery can be said to surprise us.

Soon after the Sky Whale arrived, all four robots were put down.

This time they didn't put in the drill bit because their drill bit didn't have such a long lead.

The underwater depth here is more than a thousand meters. It is no longer realistic to drill from the ship.

If you want to collect the ore, you can only rely on those robots.

The shells of these robots are made of titanium alloy, and their pressure resistance is absolutely extraordinary.

Soon the robot sank to the bottom of the sea, and the bottom of the sea at this depth was really pitch black.

You must know that such a place is definitely a restricted area for humans, although our country's dragons and other countries' deep-diving equipment can also dive into such deep places.

But at such a depth, even for those nuclear submarines, they cannot dive so deep.

But the robot is different. After all, this robot is not like a submarine. There are people inside.

This robot is just a robot, but the miners who control the robot this time all have solemn expressions.

And the deeper they dive, the greater the pressure returned by the sensors on their bodies.

After all, this time it was a seabed with a depth of more than a thousand meters, not the island and reef area where they worked before with only a few dozen meters of water depth.

This is truly deep water, although the strength of the pressure sensor feedback has been adjusted.

However, the pressure from the deep sea that was transmitted back still made them all sweat profusely, and even felt like they were out of breath.

Looking at the dark images transmitted back on the screen in the helmet, the miners' psychological pressure also increased sharply.

After all, this is equivalent to a closed environment that absorbs darkness. Everyone working in such an environment will feel very depressed.

However, several mining robots soon arrived at the designated location.

The first job they did after arriving was to fix several high-voltage searchlights on the seabed.

When the lights were turned on, the surrounding sea area immediately lit up, which also made several people feel relieved.

Although their robots have certain functions, after all, no one wants to work in a dark environment for a long time...

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