My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 169 Meeting Zhao Houcai again!

In the endless noise.

The land of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The atmosphere inside the Changsheng Cult was depressing.

A group of tribal leaders and a few elders of the Immortality Sect were all sitting cross-legged here, with gloomy expressions on their faces. Not a word was spoken, and there was an indescribable silence for a moment.

Many tribal leaders felt aggrieved and resentful, and at the same time showed the slightest trace of powerlessness.

Thinking about the Northern Zhou Dynasty, he finally completed the unification, and the seventy-two tribes merged into one. I thought they were destined to destroy Daxuan at a devastating speed.

But they never expected that several changes would occur one after another, which would greatly disperse their power in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

"The high priest has not come back, and neither has Chahatian. A mere declining Daxuan can turn us into such a mess. This is something we cannot tolerate under any circumstances."

An old man in gray robes, with a hunched back and high shoulders, a pockmarked face, and a hoarse, harsh voice.

"The high priest was held back by the leader of the Yiyuan Alliance, and Chahatian was supported by two experts who were suspected of being outside. Those two experts helped Meng Fang and took Meng Fang away from our siege. I, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, lost so many strong men. But it’s so frustrating that we can’t kill these powerful enemies!”

A tribe leader said angrily.

"These grievances are short-lived. We will soon usher in a new era. As for Meng Fang, since he has been taken away, we will leave him alone for the time being. Overall, the entire Daxuan has been cleaned up by us. , the three most powerful families have all been destroyed, and the remaining people have long been vulnerable. The only one who can threaten us now is Jiang Shi, and he should have no one to protect him."

The old man with a hunched back and high shoulders and a pockmarked face continued to speak hoarsely.

"should not!"

"Jiang Shi offended the Kong family before and was targeted by the Kong family several times. If there were someone to protect him, these things would not have happened!"

"The only one who can protect him is the Four Elephants Alliance Leader, but the Four Elephants Alliance Leader has been frightened by us and disappeared!"

Several people around him said coldly.

"Since there is no such thing, let's eliminate this only threat directly and take his head. In this way, no one in the entire Daxuan can resist us."

The old man with a pockmarked face spoke.

"Okay, just follow what the protector says!"

"Yes, since Jiang Shi has become the only variable, we should eradicate him immediately. As soon as Chahatian and the high priest come back, the entire Daxuan is destined to be ours."

Everyone spoke one after another.


The land of Quzhou.

Because Kong was in charge, it was not affected by the war.

Except for some people who are panic-stricken, there are still many people and businesses on the streets.

There are also many people gathering in teahouses everywhere to inquire about various news every day.


Roadside teahouse.

Old Huangtou was wearing a green gown, dressed as a storyteller, sitting in the middle of a teahouse, with a gavel in his left hand and a white paper fan in his right hand. He patted the gavel lightly, and with a snap, the whole place fell silent.

"Speaking of which, young hero Jiang Shijiang has been extraordinary since he was a child. He has the strength of a thousand kilograms at the age of three. He can pull out nine ox tails at the age of four. He can eat 800 kilograms of rice in one meal at the age of five. At the age of seven, one person can With all his strength, he broke into the nearby famous bandit village and slaughtered more than 600 bandits. When he was eight years old, it was even more incredible... I, Old Huangtou, have been traveling all over the country for so many years, and I have met this young hero Jiang three times. , Speaking of which, I have quite a good relationship with Young Master Jiang..."

As Old Huangtou spoke, he touched his chin proudly, looked at the big yellow puma beside him, and said with a smile, "To be honest with you, even my horse friend was given to me by Young Master Jiang himself!"

I saw a big yellow puma beside him. It was fat and strong, its body was shiny, strong and mighty, and it was unusually powerful.

Everyone was in an uproar and looked at the big puma.

Could it be that the old Huangtou, who was telling stories every day and never leaving the horse, turned out to be a gift from Jiang Shi?

Are you kidding me?

"Old Huangtou, are you telling the truth or not? When did Young Master Jiang give you a horse?"

"That's right, stop bragging!"

"Young Master Jiang can recognize you? I absolutely don't believe it!"

Some people started to make noises and were very disdainful.

"Everyone, everyone..."

Old Huangtou looked displeased and spoke quickly, patting the wall and defending, "Old Huangtou swears to God, this yellow gelding horse was indeed given by Young Master Jiang personally. Back then in Fengzhou, I had the honor to get to know Young Master Jiang, and with my own eyes I saw him kill Yuan Kaitai, the commander-in-chief of Fengzhou. It was at that time that I met him. At that time, Jiang Shaoxia still admired me very much, so he gave his mount to me. It was obvious to all at this time. If you don’t believe it, you can go to Fengzhou at any time. The state spies!”

Everyone was in an uproar again, talking about it, and their eyes were filled with surprise.

Jiang Shi admires you very much?

Do you appreciate the yarn?

"You don't blush even if you brag!"

Zhao Feiyan in the audience couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

A guy like Jiang Shi can just appreciate a bad storyteller like you?

"Don't say much."

Zhao Houcai's face darkened and he scolded.

Zhao Feiyan stuck out her tongue and said, "Dad, now that the Kong family has defected to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, it is no longer safe for us to hide in Quzhou. In my opinion, we should leave as soon as possible."

"Why don't I know that I haven't been in contact with you recently?"

[Throat-locking hand] Zhao Houcai's face was gloomy, he drank a cup of tea and said, "If possible, I plan to take you on a long trip to the sea."

"Going on a long trip to the sea?"

"Master, are you joking?"

Zhao Feiyan and Shangguan Yun both widened their eyes.

"You think I do? I wasn't harmed by that Jiang Shi. Now the world is full of Jiang Shi's enemies. If I stay here any longer, I will be killed by him sooner or later!"

Zhao Houcai said in a low voice, "Now the only way to completely avoid Jiang Shi and enemies is by traveling far to sea. And for some reason... I always have an unknown premonition..."

His brows furrowed tightly, feeling that something was going to happen today.

"Dad, you'd better stop being unknown. Every time you say you're unknown, it's really unknown..."

Zhao Feiyan shuddered.

"You're right, leave first, you can't take it with you anymore."

Zhao Houcai was very decisive. He immediately stood up to pay the bill and walked out of the teahouse with his apprentice and daughter.

However, this side has just come out.

Horses crowed on the street, and a carriage slowly passed by on the street. Outside the carriage, a tall figure wearing a black robe sat cross-legged, with an expressionless face, walking past them.

"Jiang Jiang···"

Zhao Feiyan's eyes widened in disbelief. Before the words in his mouth could be fully uttered, Zhao Houcai next to him covered his mouth like lightning, showing horror, and quickly dragged Zhao Feiyan backwards.

Oh shit!

Jiang Shi!

Damn it!

Met him again?

Where can he reason with this?


There was just a movement here. Jiang Shi, who was sitting on the carriage and thinking about something, suddenly felt something. His eyes were cold and he glanced back. His eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, it's Senior Zhao, the choker!!"

He gently pulled the carriage and stopped the horse, showing his joy.

Zhao Houcai and the disciples beside him wailed repeatedly, wanting to cry without tears.

What the hell!

Just know that today is unknown!

This can happen too!

Damn it, are you kidding us?

"Jiang...Jiang...Young hero?"

Zhao Hou started to cry.

"Senior Zhao, I have something to ask, would you please get in the carriage?"

Jiang Shi said with a smile.

"Is it okay if you don't sit down?"

Zhao Houcai said bitterly.

"Could it be that... you don't want to give face?"

Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, I'll sit down right now."

Zhao Houcai's voice was bitter, and he immediately walked towards the carriage. The disciples and daughters around him were also silent and sad.

They finally understood why their master had to go to sea?

This is so... so weird!

Why do I encounter this monster every time I come out!

At the moment, I'm afraid there really is no other option but to go to sea.

Jiang Shi urged his horse and continued walking forward, asking calmly, "Senior Zhao, does he know where the Kong family's ancestral home is? I'm a newbie here, and I couldn't find it after searching for several times. It's really frustrating."

"You...why are you looking for the Kong family's ancestral home?"

Zhao Hou was startled.

"What else can you do? Give him a Xiaoxiaole!"

Jiang Shi spoke.

Zhao Houcai shivered. Although he didn't know what Xiaoxiaole meant, he still felt that something was not right. Under Jiang Shi's coercion, he could only point the way forward honestly.

In the teahouse, Old Huangtou, who was so thirsty after talking, finally stopped for a moment, picked up the teacup next to him and took a sip. However, his pupils suddenly shrank and he looked out the window. His body was shaking with fear, and the teacup almost flew out.

"Jiang...Jiang Shi, that's Jiang Shi!"

He lost his voice and spoke.


Jiang Shi?

Everyone in the inn was in an uproar and turned around.

But after they turned back, there was no trace of him on the street.


The carriage made twists and turns, and under the guidance of Zhao Houcai, it gradually arrived at a village with red walls and green willows. The entire village looked extremely ancient, with ancient charm and a sense of precipitation over the years.

It is different from the lintel of ordinary nouveau riche.

At first glance, this mansion gives people a sense of low-key luxury.

On the lintel of the door stand two disciples of the Kong family wearing red robes.

"Young Master Jiang, this... this is the ancestral home of the Kong family. I... can I leave?"

Zhao Houcai complained secretly, covered his face with his sleeves, and spoke, fearing that the person opposite would see his face.

This is such a great sin.

Jiang Shi actually dared to take the initiative to enter the Kong family's ancestral home?

Almost everyone in the world knows what kind of force the Quzhou Kong family is, and killing him ten thousand times is just like a joke.

"It turns out this is the ancestral home of the Kong family."

Jiang Shi raised his head and muttered to himself.

The two Kong disciples standing at the door frowned and realized something was wrong.

"Who are you? Why did you park the carriage here? Leave quickly!"

One of them shouted, while working hard, ready to defend at any time.

"Senior Zhao, you are really my lucky star. You have helped me a lot time and time again. Why don't you leave this time? When I clean the Kong family's ancestral house, you can choose ten treasures inside. How about it?"

Jiang Shi spoke.

"No, no, you're too polite, Young Master Jiang. I can't afford to disappear. I'd better leave now. Oops, I have a stomachache. I need to see a doctor..."

Zhao Hou just covered his face and suddenly groaned. He quickly got out of the carriage, called his apprentice and daughter, and began to evacuate. When he left, his legs and stomach were cramped.

Did he hear it right just now?

What does Jiang Shi want to do?

Want to clean the Kong family's ancestral home?

This news made him lose his soul. How could he dare to linger?

"Boy, what are you talking about? You're looking for death!"

The expressions of the two disciples of the Kong family who were guarding the door changed, and they spoke in shock and anger. Without thinking, they quickly rushed over.

boom! boom!

There was a muffled sound, and the two Kong disciples in red robes flew out at a faster speed on the spot, smashed through the door, and landed dozens of meters away.

"Senior Zhao, do you really not want to consider it? There are countless treasures in the Kong family. If you choose ten of them, you will be able to eat them all in your lifetime."

Jiang Shi turned around and shouted.

Zhao Houcai covered his face and ran happier.

The apprentice and daughter next to him were also like this.

There was an uproar on the street, and surprised eyes converged on Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi frowned and ignored it. Instead, he stood up from the carriage, and in a flash, he entered the interior of the Kong family's ancestral house.

But what made him suspicious was the indescribable emptiness inside the entire Kong family. Except for the two figures just now, no other figure could be seen.

It stands to reason that if he caused such a huge noise, the masters inside would have been alarmed.

But when he walked in, no one stopped him.

The huge ancestral home of the Kong family seemed empty.


Jiang Shi's face was gloomy, not willing to accept it, and immediately rushed towards the interior of the Kong family's ancestral home.


Inside the ancestral home.

In a dark hall.

The breath is depressing.

Kong Futian, the head of the Kong family, sat high on the main seat, his face gloomy and motionless, looking towards the hall.

I saw that the entire hall had long lost its former splendor, and only a sparse six people were still here.

"Everyone, I, the Kong family, are facing an unprecedented disaster. Without exception, what happened just now is that Jiang Shi broke in. Now I need you to join hands with me to kill Jiang Shi. As the saying goes, raising an army for a thousand days can only be used for a moment. I The Kong family has been serving you for so long, and it’s time for you to make a contribution."

Kong Futian spoke.

In the main hall, five of the only six people left frowned tightly.

They are all worshipers of the Kong family.

Now the entire Kong family has fled, leaving only the head of the family and an elder of the Kong family.

The other five are them.

This is obviously treating them as cannon fodder...

Although they didn't know why Kong Futian didn't escape, they didn't want to die directly now.

"Master, you're welcome. We should join forces with you."

"That's right, don't worry, Patriarch, we will definitely advance and retreat together with Patriarch!"

The five people showed a slight smile.

"Well, in this case, I feel sorry for you all."

Kong Futian's tone was gloomy, and he pressed a machine next to him.

The expressions of everyone in the hall changed and they realized something was wrong.

The next moment, an extremely terrifying formation appeared instantly, shrouded in blood and terrifying aura, like an invisible roller running over their bodies, pulling away all their energy and blood.


A shrill scream came out.

Everyone's energy and blood were rushing towards Kong Futian, and in the blink of an eye, there were only a few shriveled human skins left in the hall.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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