In the front yard.

Jiang Shi rushed past, his face getting uglier and uglier, and the deeper he went, the more dead he became.

There was literally no sign of anyone.

"Kong's method is so clever. They all escaped without leaving any sound. No one in the whole city seems to know about it. It's really fucked."

Jiang Shi cursed secretly.

But suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he clearly heard bursts of shrill screams coming from deep in front, like screams before death, and he couldn't help but rush over quickly.

Almost immediately, he appeared in front of a wide hall.

It's just that this hall is tightly closed, even the windows are tightly closed.

There seemed to be no ventilation anywhere.

By the time they arrived in front of the main hall, the screams had suddenly disappeared.

"Who is inside? Come out immediately!"

Jiang Shi stood outside the hall and shouted.

The entire hall was silent and there was no response.

"What? Don't you want to come out? If you don't want to come out, don't blame me for demolishing this hall!"

Jiang Shi said coldly.

"Jiang Shi, since you have the courage to break into my Kong family, don't you have the courage to rush in?"

A cold and obscure voice slowly came out from the hall, echoing in Jiang Shi's ears.

"Kong Futian!"

Jiang Shi narrowed his eyes and instantly heard the voice.

He had seen Kong Futian with his own eyes before during the alliance meeting at Juelong Ridge, and was called over to beat him by Kong Futian. Now he was all too familiar with this sound.

"It's me. Don't you really want to kill me? If you want to kill me, just come in."

Kong Futian's voice was cold and dignified.

It seemed as if he was specifically waiting for Jiang Shi inside.

Jiang Shi sneered and said: "I didn't expect that the dignified Kong family, with nearly ten thousand years of inheritance, would actually become a tortoise. However, your entire Kong family has fled, why don't you escape?"

"Why do I need to run away? How can you, a mere ant, do anything to me?"

Kong Futian's cold and domineering voice continued to come out of the hall.


Jiang Shi's eyes were cold and he said, "Kong Futian, thank you for teaching me how to eradicate the roots. Don't worry, after sending you back to the west today, I will personally hunt down the remaining Kong clan members and ensure that none of them can escape! "

"How dare a villain dare to talk nonsense when he succeeds?"

Kong Futian responded coldly.


Jiang Shi was too lazy to say any more. He stamped his foot suddenly, causing the ground to shake violently. Thick cracks spread in all directions, and then he swung his palm and blasted directly towards the huge ancient palace in front of him.

No matter what weirdness you have, just blast it to pieces first!


Inside the ancient palace.

The atmosphere is eerie and the light is distorted.

The previous five worshipers had all died tragically and turned into five shriveled human skins. Only one elder of the Kong family was left. His face was pale, and he still stood in front of Kong Futian, showing a trace of grief and indignation.

"Clan leader, it's too late to escape now, why bother to fight with this man?"

The elder spoke with compassion.

"Let's go. I was born in my ancestral home and died in my ancestral home. As long as I am here, my ancestral home must not be broken into by outsiders."

Kong Futian spoke indifferently and sat high on the throne.

As the rich energy and blood of the five worshipers poured into his body, Kong Futian's body was filled with blood and his aura was terrifying. He felt an indescribable weirdness, as if he had turned into a blood demon, and his whole body was blurry. The entire hall was stained red by the blood on his body.

"Remember, you are hiding and don't show your face. Tianri and Xuan'er are about to be released from seclusion. It won't be too late to avenge me when their magical skills are completed!"

Kong Futian's voice was cold and he said, "Besides, I'm going to fight today and the outcome is unpredictable. It may not be my death. I will use that secret. You can leave immediately."


The elder of the Kong family spoke sadly.


Kong Futian said in a low voice.

The elder nodded sadly and indignantly, and finally said no more. He turned around and entered a secret room. His body flashed and disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, the terrifying fluctuations from Jiang Shi's palm finally struck, and for a moment the entire hall shook violently, with a roaring and rumbling sound, like an earthquake.

The doors and windows that were originally tightly closed were directly blown to pieces.

It's just that there is a large formation supporting the inside of the hall. Although it is shaking violently, the skeleton of the entire hall is still there. The bright blood spurts out from the hall, directly blocking the power of Jiang Shi's palm.

But through the broken doors and windows, Jiang Shi could see clearly the details inside the hall.

In the blood-blurred hall, the aura was gloomy and harsh, like a Shura ghost realm.

A strange and burly figure sat there tall, with cold eyes and an eerie and weird aura, staring coldly at Jiang Shi like a Shura underground.

In his hand, a strange blood bead appeared, mysterious and shining. At this moment, his palm was slowly whirling this strange blood bead.

"Jiang Shi, I really didn't expect you to grow up so fast. If I had known this, I should have killed you at all costs at Burning God Ridge. But you wanted to destroy me, the Kong family, and you paid the wrong attention."

His voice was cold, his breath was cold and strange, and his hands and feet that had been torn off by Ji Huan, leader of the Five Elements Alliance, had unexpectedly been reconnected.

At this moment, he stuffed the strange blood droplet in his hand directly into his mouth.


After the blood droplet entered the entrance, Kong Futian suddenly showed a look of pain, his face was twisted, and the veins on his body popped out. He looked up to the sky and roared, as if he had suffered some kind of extremely terrible torture. His body was shaking violently, and blood vessels appeared on the surface of his body, twisting continuously. .

Then his body began to explode rapidly, rapidly growing in size from its original size, the blood was burning, and the whole body seemed to be on fire.

Jiang Shi frowned, sensing something was wrong, and immediately blasted out his palm, continuing to blast towards the hall in front of him. The violent palm force was as powerful as an overwhelming mountain.

However, the blood light in the main hall is extremely hard, like a thick turtle shell, firmly supporting the main hall.

With his terrifying palm power, it was difficult to blast away in a short period of time.

And just then!

Kong Futian finally completed the fusion of the strange blood bead, and his entire body was completely shrouded in the strange blood light, especially his two eyes, which were like bloody whirlpools, revealing the terrifying power that captured the soul.

Suddenly, Jiang Shi made a movement. Without thinking, he tiptoed, and his body disappeared in an instant, shooting towards the rear at a high speed.

Almost at the moment Jiang Shi shot backwards.


An extremely terrifying sound was heard, the air exploded, and the hall was shattered. Kong Futian, who had just merged with the strange blood beads, rushed directly towards Jiang Shi with a layer of monstrous blood light. The blood light on his body alone was one meter long. how thick.

He had a terrifying aura and without saying a word, he came up and struck Jiang Shi hard with his palm, directly shooting out a terrifying bloody light that was four to five meters in diameter and more than ten meters long.

Like a bloody waterfall, it flooded towards the river rocks.

Jiang Shi's face was solemn, and he instantly felt an unprecedented terrifying pressure. All the hairs on his body stood on end. Without thinking, all 21 drops of Dragon Elephant Qi and blood burst out in an instant, and his brute force and strength briefly merged into one.

Hunyuan Golden Light Palm!

The blood energy on his body trembled, and his two arms became thicker than two or three times, as thick as a bucket, and they directly bombarded the bright blood light from the air.

A ray of golden light, with a terrifying force of one meter in radius, almost materialized, and with endless power, it struck directly at the attacking bloody light.

In this bright golden light, there was even a deafening sound of ancient dragon and elephant, and Jiang Shi's two huge palms seemed vaguely to be palms.

Instead, it turned into an ancient dragon elephant.

boom! !

In the violent explosion, a layer of energy ripples visible to the naked eye swept out instantly, reaching a diameter of about tens of meters.

All the houses, floors, rockeries, and pavilions within a few tens of meters exploded and fell into pieces.

And as the endless fluctuations swept across, a huge scarlet blood shadow seemed to be traveling through space, impacting in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Jiang Shi, with a pungent and sticky smell of blood, like a terrifying Shura Demon God, with cold eyes and dazzling blood, and he thrust a palm hard into Jiang Shi's chest.

The opponent's speed is too fast.

It's almost as good as Jiang Shi's teleportation.

If Jiang Shi hadn't mastered the talent of [Insight] and his extraordinary sharpness, he would have absolutely no reaction at such a terrifying speed.

But even so, his response still seemed too slow.

Almost as soon as he raised his arm, Kong Futian's scarlet blood palm stabbed Jiang Shi's chest hard.

boom! !

It was like a palm was stuck on a big copper drum, making a deafening sound, and the sound waves rolled around, sweeping around.

And at the moment of being hit, Jiang Shi finally saw clearly what Kong Futian looked like now. He had countless red scales growing all over his body, his eyes were sinister, and there were thorns on his forehead. He looked like a weird lizard man, and even his body was covered with blood. It became unprecedentedly huge, nearly six meters.


Jiang Shi's body flew out like a broken sack on the spot, penetrated the air, and hit a building dozens of meters away like a cannonball, severely smashing a building dozens of meters away. wear.

And at the moment when Jiang Shi flew backwards, Kong Futian was unreasonable and stepped on the ball of his foot. It was so fast that it was blurry. It was still the same as before, as if teleporting, and continued to rush towards Jiang Shi.

He planned to kill Jiang Shi directly before Jiang Shi hit the ground to avoid future troubles.

However, Jiang Shi's reaction speed was extremely terrifying. After being blown away, he immediately used [Thunder Step] and disappeared in an instant.

But Kong Futian's eyes were cold, as if he could automatically lock onto Jiang Shi. After Jiang Shi's body disappeared, his body also disappeared, leaving only a strange afterimage.

Jiang Shi's mouth was bleeding, his chest was sunken, and his heart was deeply surprised. He kept using the talent of [Guiyuan] to heal the wounds quickly, and at the same time, he used [Thunder Step] continuously, extremely fast.

But Kong Futian was like a sticky dog-skin plaster, his aura was terrifying, he kept blocking him, his eyes were cold, and he kept blasting towards Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi's face was gloomy, and he no longer hesitated, but directly waved his palms, and quickly exchanged blows with Kong Futian.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The two of them were like two terrifying monsters, fighting each other crazily. Their bodies were completely blurred, and no trace of them could be seen anymore.

All that could be heard was the deafening sound of explosions.

Jiang Shi was indescribably shocked.

At this moment, Kong Futian was simply monstrous. Both his physical body and his cultivation had risen to an incredible level!

With his strength, he could not get any benefits, and his bones were numb from the shock.

This should all be the effect of that weird blood bead!

What a rare treasure this is!

"Ben Lei!"

Jiang Shiduan shouted, and a layer of bright thunder suddenly appeared all over his body, crackling, as if he had completely transformed into a terrifying lightning man, his breath was violent, and he blasted towards Kong Futian again.


There was another terrifying loud noise, and a huge shock wave swept directly towards the surroundings. Threads of terrifying lightning penetrated Kong Futian's body on the spot, causing Kong Futian to groan and his body flew out instantly.

At the same time, Jiang Shi's body also flashed, and he was shocked and fell seven or eight meters away. His face was shocked, and his palms were in indescribable pain.


Kong Futian is really weird now!

But soon, Jiang Shi's eyes seemed to turn into ultra-high-speed scanners, taking in every corner of Kong Futian's body.

Talent: Insight!

Under the gift of [Insight], all the secrets in Kong Futian's body seemed to emerge.

I saw that Kong Futian's aura at this moment was very broad and complex, and his aura did not remain stable, but was falling at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Is his strength weakening?

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

Yes, the powerful power he obtained by swallowing blood beads would definitely not last long. Otherwise, Kong would have killed Hong Tianmen, the leader of the Four Elephants Alliance, so why would he have been suppressed by Hong Tianmen for so many years.

Jiang Shi smiled darkly in his heart. After noticing that Kong Futian's momentum was slowly declining, he immediately flashed his body and walked away in an instant, disappearing. Now that he was sure of this, there was no need to fight him head-on.

Flying a kite is enough to kill him!

Wait until his breath has completely dropped, then kill him without eating!

Kong Futian's eyes were ferocious. When he saw Jiang Shi walking away, he flashed his body and rushed towards Jiang Shi again at extremely high speed, as if he was teleporting.

However, Jiang Shi stopped confronting him head-on, dodging again and again, almost blurring, letting him attack him however he wanted without stopping.

More than ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Kong Futian's palm force continued, and the bombs sounded, but it was difficult to hit Jiang Shi again. He couldn't help but feel angry, and he shouted: "Jiang Shi, my son, will you just run away? Stay and fight me openly!"

"Hey, Kong Futian, you are a dying person. Why should I care about you, a dying person? You want to fight me, but I won't satisfy you. If you have the ability, catch up with me!"

Jiang Shi smiled darkly, using [Thunder Step] combined with [Phaseless Shadow], flashing continuously, and moving quickly in the yard.

Kong Futian blasted all the way through, shattering countless buildings.

Jiang Shi activated his [Insight] talent again. He turned around and saw that the aura on Kong Futian's body had dropped by 20% from just now.

And there were seven or eight flaws all over his body.

He laughed evilly and started to dodge at high speed again.

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