My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 179 A hundred times the dragon elephant! Invincible!

in the room.

The temperature is scorching hot and white mist is curling up.

Jiang Shi's body remained motionless, like a piece of burning coal. The scorching heat evaporated all the moisture in the room.

It is like a computer running at high speed, and the CPU is about to be burned out.

Facts have proved that fusing talent is far more difficult than fusing martial arts.

Even though the [Dragon Elephant] talent and the [King Kong] talent have a lot in common, their integration is still not that simple.

As soon as he sat down, seven or eight days had passed.

During this period, I only stopped briefly to eat and drink water.

The rest of the time, I work hard to deduce and integrate in my mind.

After experiencing countless failures.


The scorching heat on Jiang Shi's body began to slowly subside, and the white mist above his head began to gradually dissipate. It seemed that a chemical reaction had just ended in his body. A pair of eyes slowly opened with unusual fatigue. The whole person felt relieved, and his mouth Panting slowly.

Disaster! too difficult.

It was dozens of times more difficult than his enlightenment in Lei Hai.

It feels like fighting with dozens of high priests.

But after seeing the new data on the panel, a big smile appeared on his face again.


Dragon Elephant + King Kong!

Achievements a hundred times greater than the dragon elephant!

Hundred Times Dragon Elephant: Overwhelm rivers and seas, roar down to the stars, invincible. In a single thought, physical strength increases by 10,000 kilograms every day! !

From the beginning, 100 pounds per day suddenly turned into... 10,000 pounds!

Jiang Shi's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly.

Ever since he reached the blood exchange realm, his original talent, which increased by 100 pounds per day, was no longer enough to meet his needs, and the so-called [Dragon Elephant] had become a useless talent.

But it's fine now.

A hundred times the dragon elephant!

Gain 10,000 pounds every day!

This allowed him to take the initiative again at the starting line.

"Dragon Elephant can fuse with King Kong. I wonder if it can also fuse with other talents?"

Questions arose again in Jiang Shi's mind.

For example, his [Insight Talent], [Invulnerability Talent], and [Returning Talent], can these be integrated with [Dragon Elephant] in the later stage?

However, Jiang Shi suddenly felt a headache when he thought of all the difficulties and pains during the initial integration.

never mind.

He really didn't want to experience this feeling again in a short period of time.

His brain almost burned out just now.

Let’s wait and see what happens next.

Jiang Shi slowly regained his breath, and his eyes fell on the panel again.

Name: Jiang Shi

Cultivation: The ninth level of blood exchange

Kung Fu: Jiuji Thunder Light Heart Technique (ninth level)

Martial Arts: Dragon-Breaking Spear (Second Level), Flying Dragon Shadow Chaser Step (Perfect), Rain of Flowers in the Sky (Perfect), Hunyuan Dragon Elephant Skill (Sixth Level), Formless Shadow Shadow (Perfect), Lightning Step (Perfect) ), Great Destruction Collapse Heaven Hand (Second Level), Black Ice Finger (Third Level)

Talents: Hundred Times Dragon Elephant (3320300 pounds), Enlightenment (analytic skills, fusion skills), Guiyuan (purify blood, restore injuries), invulnerability to all poisons (immune to poison, ignore poison, blood detoxification), insight ( Ignore hallucinations, improve wisdom, improve spirit), Thunder: (can actively absorb thunder and lightning, master thunder and lightning), copy (copy super-grade martial arts, have a high probability of copying stronger martial arts)

Reputation value: 180 (When the reputation value reaches 10,000, the next talent can be unlocked)


"With this [Hundred Times Dragon Elephant] talent, you can quickly improve your strength even if you remain motionless. There is no need to fight and kill again."

Jiang Shi secretly said.

Of course, if there were resources that came to his door automatically, he wouldn't mind taking them.

Jiang Shi breathed out a sigh of relief, turned off the panel, and immediately walked out of the room.

Not long after, I met the old leader Chen Xuantian again.

Jiang Shi frowned at this meeting.

"Old leader, where are Dong Biao and Situ Yan?"

"Jiang Shi, you are out of seclusion. Someone from the Demon General Altar came over again. They received the secret order and went to greet the elders of the Altar."

Chen Xuantian's face was heavy and he had a bad feeling.

During this period, the Black Lotus Sect monitored the world, and the intelligence system reported the situation of the entire world all the time. Almost all the storms and storms in the outside world were hidden from his eyes.

He immediately told Jiang Shi all the things that happened during this period.

"So, more than one force outside the strait has noticed this place?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

"This is inevitable. The Misty Strait has been closed for hundreds of years, and it was finally opened again. The strong men from the outside world are naturally eager to come in and take a look."

Chen Xuantian spoke in a solemn voice, "Now that they are looking for spokespersons everywhere, I am afraid that a new battle between dragons and tigers is about to begin."

Jiang Shi laughed dumbly, "Enter the Dragon? Let them go. Anyway, my ambition is no longer here. It has nothing to do with me no matter how they fight."

Chen Xuan said, "So you plan to leave this world?"

"Yes, it is never wise to be trapped in one place. I really want to take advantage of now to see the vastness outside."

Jiang Shi said.

Even if he has a hundred times the dragon and elephant, he doesn't want to stay in one corner.

Human physique has its limits. Just like the previous exchange of blood, after reaching a certain limit, it is no longer possible to improve the physical body unless a new limit is broken.

Therefore, he needs to leave this world!

Take a step back and say that.

Now he is too conspicuous in this world, and there are many people staring at him.

There will be countless troubles if you continue to stay.

"That's fine. Leaving this world with your talent and physique is the best choice."

Chen Xuantian said.

"Old Master, don't you want to come with me?"

Jiang Shi asked, "Perhaps the continent across the strait has unspeakable blessings that can heal the hidden wounds on your body."

"It's useless. I know my hidden wounds best. The disease has penetrated into the bone marrow and is difficult to cure with medicine and food. My lifespan has come to an end. Just let me spend the remaining years in peace."

Chen Xuantian looked at it openly, shook his head and said.

He experienced too many storms and vicissitudes in his life, and when he died, he finally understood everything.

Jiang Shi thought for a while and said, "Then if the people from the Demon General Altar want to order the leader, what should the leader do?"

"Order? Let them go. I am a dying person. They will not choose me as their spokesperson. If they want to control the Black Lotus Holy Sect, they can do whatever they want. Anyway, after so many years, the Black Lotus Holy Sect has never I haven’t escaped their control, I just want to return to my roots. Even if I enter Jiuquan, I will not be ashamed of all the ancestors.”

Chen Xuantian said calmly.

"All right."

Jiang Shi responded, suddenly frowning, and turned back suddenly, "Who?"


A black lightning swept from the area behind him instantly, like a poisonous snake, fast and cruel, carrying a dark and strange power, and struck directly towards Jiang Shi's body.

The black shadow is silent, but the power it contains is extremely huge.

Even Jiang Shi couldn't help but stare.

He really wanted to dodge, but once he dodged, Chen Xuantian behind him would definitely be hit hard. At that moment, Jiang Shi grabbed his palm straight out like lightning, but he didn't expect the black lightning to be cunning and cunning. The moment he grabbed his palm, it suddenly changed direction, as if it was strange. Like the spear, it changed from horizontal thrust to straight thrust, still extremely fast.

Jiang Shi snorted coldly, his [Insight] talent unfolded, and the world in front of him seemed to slow down all of a sudden. He quickly changed his moves and struck out with one palm.

boom! !

An explosion spread throughout the courtyard.

Big explosions occurred directly in all directions.

Jiang Shi's body swayed, and all the power in his palm was instantly removed. His face was cold, and he looked towards the black lightning.

After his blow, the black lightning retracted instantly and suddenly turned into a long black whip. On the other end of the whip was a tall woman wearing close-fitting software. Her facial features were three-dimensional and her eyes were cold and sharp. The long, straight legs are particularly powerful.

"not bad!"

The woman spoke with a cold tone.

After her voice fell, the figures around her shook, and three figures appeared again. They were all men, with faces ranging from old to middle-aged, each with different faces.

"As expected of a born King Kong, he does have some tricks. I didn't believe it at first, but now I have to believe it."

One of the men said calmly.

"Innate King Kong is rare even in the big world. Two of them appeared in succession on a mere abandoned island. It's really touching."

Another slightly older and more mature man spoke.

"Young man, I heard that you used a method of drawing thunder and lightning to kill the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty? What was that method? Where did you learn it?"

The third man was very cold, with a thin body and a pointed chin.

It gives people an unspeakably mean feeling.

Jiang Shi frowned and stared coldly at the four people who suddenly appeared. Before he could say anything, there were rapid footsteps outside the courtyard.

I saw Situ Yan, Dong Biao, and Liu Lu, who had disappeared before, rushing over quickly.

"Leader Jiang, please don't be reckless!"

Situ Yan hurriedly spoke and shouted, "They are all the sons of the elders in the hall. They were ordered to come to support, but they haven't paid their respects immediately!"

"The son of the elder in the church?"

Jiang Shi didn't care and said, "Are the descendants of the elders in the hall so arrogant?"


The woman holding the black soft whip suddenly raised her eyebrows and gave a sharp shout. The soft whip in her hand whizzed out again. With lightning speed, eight afterimages appeared in an instant.

The eight afterimages were all as real as they were, making a harsh sound and swiping directly towards Jiang Shi's body, too fast to catch.

However, in Jiang Shi's eyes, the source was instantly seen. He ignored the afterimage and punched out again, accurately landing on the real whip shadow in the middle.


There was another explosion, and the sound shook all directions.

Jiang Shi took a step back, his sleeves burst, his face was cold, and a faint trace of blood inevitably appeared on his fist.

This soft whip is no small matter!

The materials used must be extraordinary!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for his physical body to be injured.

"Hmph, arrogant!"

The woman with the black soft whip let out a disdainful snort.

"That's enough Yunsha, don't do anything anymore. We are not here for internal strife. Don't forget the orders of the main altar. After all, Jiang Shi is also a master of our branch. He is one of our own and has eliminated powerful enemies for us. , we should be rewarded, rather than being aggressive, and don’t let people look down on us, the Demon General Altar.”

The slightly mature man in the middle said in a low voice.

The woman named Yunsha frowned and said no more, but her eyes were still domineering, looking at Jiang Shi coldly.

"Master Jiang, you killed the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. This is a great achievement. We will record it all for you now. When we return to the main altar, there will be rewards there. In addition, there are other things in the main altar now. The order was issued to prepare to support the Black Lotus Holy Sect and let the Black Lotus Holy Sect unify Daxuan. Therefore, we have to continue to rely on Master Jiang for the next thing. As long as this important matter is completed, Master Jiang will have whatever he wants, even if he wants the Holy Spirit. Dan, it’s not impossible!”

The slightly mature man looked directly at Jiang Shi and said.

"Really? Thank you so much."

Jiangshi Export.

The so-called general altar order is just a piece of waste paper in his eyes.

Originally, he planned to take the time to get rid of Situ Yan and the others.

Now I didn't expect that the main forum would send a powerful person again so soon!

However, the four newly arrived people were powerful and seemed to be no weaker than the high priest of Northern Zhou Dynasty. For a moment, Jiang Shi also felt troubled.

"Jiang Shi, I heard that you have a good relationship with Shangtang. You have even been taught strange skills by the elders of Shangtang, and you have mastered more than one [Xuan-level martial arts]. Let me ask you, which elder of Shangtang taught you this? "

Suddenly, the mean-looking man suddenly spoke and asked.

A pair of eyes fell on Jiang Shi like needle pricks.

As he spoke, the soft-whip woman from before also stared sharply at Jiang Shi.

"Sorry, when the elder taught me martial arts, he didn't tell me his real name."

Jiang Shi shook his head.

"Lie! Then where did you learn the thunder and lightning skills you used? Our Heavenly Demon Headquarters does not have such skills at all!"

The mean-looking man yelled.

"I have a chance? What? Do I need to report everything to the General Forum?"

Jiang Shi frowned and looked directly at the mean-looking man.

"What did you say?"

The mean-looking man shouted suddenly, seemingly dissatisfied with Jiang Shi's attitude.

"That's enough, Lu Xiu, don't mention this matter for now, put the overall situation first!"

The slightly mature man in the middle kept drinking.

The mean-looking Lu Xiu suddenly turned gloomy and remained silent, but his eyes still lingered on Jiang Shi.

"Master Jiang, I'm sorry. Lu Xiu and Yun Sha are both young and energetic. They bumped into the leader. The leader shouldn't care, right?"

The calm man spoke calmly, looked at Jiang Shi and said, "By the way, let me introduce myself first. This is Xu Feng, next to me is Liu Long, and next to me are Lu Xiu and Yun Sha!"

Jiang Shi glanced at them one by one, nodded gently, and said no more.

"Everyone, your Majesty, must be tired after coming from afar, so please come in and have a rest first."

Chen Xuantian smiled and stood up to smooth things over.


Xu Feng, the one in the middle, nodded slightly, jumped off the roof first, and walked forward in a flash.

After he jumped down, the other three people around him also flashed their figures and followed him in an instant, walking towards the front hall together.

With a smile on his face, Chen Xuantian immediately walked over and began to lead the way for the four of them.

Situ Yan and Dong Biao smiled at Jiang Shi and followed him towards the main hall.

Jiang Shi was the only one who remained unmoved, turned around and left with an indifferent expression.


Two hours later.

Chen Xuantian finally settled all these people, and with many worries, he found Jiang Shi again.

"Jiang Shi, these four people have bad intentions, and I'm afraid they won't be easy to deal with."

"Let them go. If they are interested, that's it. If not, I don't mind sending them on their way, but it will probably implicate the leader."

Jiang Shi said.

"I don't have long to live, so why bother talking about being implicated?"

Chen Xuantian shook his head gently, "But I need to warn you, the Demon General Altar is not that easy to deal with, especially the identities of these four people. Once they die here, it will inevitably cause an earth-shattering situation, so don't do it as a last resort, and don't offend anyone." They, if you want to leave, maybe you can leave now, they should never think that you will leave secretly now."


Jiang Shi laughed dumbly and said, "The old leader must have underestimated them."

With the scheming and methods of these four people, how could they not have thought of this?

Chen Xuantian was silent for a while and sighed softly.

It seems that he is really old...


Night falls.

The stars twinkle.

In the large room, candlelight danced.

Wearing a tight-fitting armor, her body was concave and convex, extremely hot Yunsha walked back and forth with two slender straight legs, her face was cold, and she kept talking, saying,

"This Jiang Shi must have a secret, and the secret is not small. He said that he knew the elder who came to the church, which is nonsense. The method of attracting thunder and lightning is extremely advanced, at least it is [Xuan-level martial arts]. This kind of martial arts is in general There is no one in the world who knows how to capture this person directly. If the four of us join forces and cooperate with Situ Yan and Dong Biao, we can definitely capture him easily. he."

"Okay Yunsha, don't be so angry. Jiang Shi's strength should not be underestimated. Even if we can really capture him, we will have to pay a certain price. Are you willing to bear this price?"

The man in black next to him said calmly.

"With Senior Brother Xu Feng here, I don't believe how much price we will pay."

Yun Sha responded coldly, then her eyes fell on the leader Xu Feng and said, "Senior Brother Xu Feng, when we come out this time, the main altar will let us take you as the main priority. What? Do you really want to train that Jiang Shi?" ?Jiang Shi threatened Situ Yan before and bumped into us. This is not a person who is willing to be subdued. Be careful to raise a white-eyed wolf."

"Liedly claiming to have a relationship with the court, this one charge alone can punish him for being disrespectful!"

Lu Xiu, the indifferent man next to him, also took the opportunity to speak.

"I know you are all arrogant, but you have to wait and see when you want to show off your power to Jiang Shi."

The leader Xu Feng's face darkened, and he said coldly, "Nowadays, major external forces have passed through the Mist Strait one after another, and they are all looking for their own spokespersons. It would be better for you! Such a powerful spokesperson actually came up with the intention of capturing and... Suppression, do you think this is reasonable?”

His eyes were cold, and he glanced at the three of them like lightning, becoming extremely terrifying.

"Senior Brother Xu Feng..."

Both Yun Sha and Lu Xiu's expressions changed slightly, and they felt uneasy.


Xu Feng shouted coldly, the cold light in his eyes gradually became indifferent, and he said, "Even if you really want to deal with Jiang Shi, it shouldn't be now."

Yun Sha and Lu Xiu suddenly understood and felt relieved.

It seems that Senior Brother Xu Feng still stands with them after all.

"Then what are Senior Brother Xu Feng's plans?"

Yunsha's eyes flashed.

"What's your plan? Drive away the wolf and devour the tiger, and make the best use of everything!"

Xu Feng's tone was cold.


The eyes of the three people in front of them flashed.

"Give him some benefits, and I believe he will be happy to help us deal with those big forces. This will save us a lot of trouble."

Xu Feng said.

"I see."

"Senior Brother Xu Feng is indeed a good tactic!"

The three people in front of them all smiled.

The room is not far away.

Passed in the dark corner.

Jiang Shi's body remained motionless, like a heavy mountain, hidden in the darkness. His face was cold and his ears were sharp, and he could hear all the conversations in the room very clearly.

Since the fusion of the [Dragon Elephant] talent and the [Vajra] talent, his entire body seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes. In addition to his powerful body and extraordinary bloodline, even his facial features have become extremely sharp, especially Vision and hearing.

Even if the four people were conspiring extremely quietly deep in the room, he could hear them clearly.

"act recklessly!"

He was indifferent in his heart, turned around, and disappeared into the thick darkness in an instant.


The next day comes.

As expected.

As expected, Xu Feng and the other four came to Jiang Shi and began to assign tasks.

"Master Jiang, we have already told you about the situation yesterday. Now the major forces from outside are constantly converging and preparing to carve up this island. Among so many forces, there are not many that pose a greater threat to our Heavenly Demon General Altar. One of them is called the [Eternal Life Sect]."

Xu Feng got straight to the point and spoke directly, saying,

"The people of the Eternal Life Sect are old enemies with our Heavenly Demon General Altar. They always tell the difference between life and death when they meet. This time they have many masters coming. There are three elders and seven or eight disciples. But don't worry, we won't Let you deal with them all. You lead two of the three elders away for us. We will personally kill the remaining elders and disciples. Once we have dealt with that elder and disciple, we will immediately Turn around and come to your aid.”

"When it's done, you'll have done a great job!"

"I will immediately apply for the Holy Spirit Pill from the church and give it to you personally to help you step into the Holy Spirit!!"

Xu Feng opened his mouth and gave instructions.

"Three elders? Do you want me to lure two away? What kind of strength are they?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"It should be slightly stronger than the high priest, but it is definitely not the fourth return of the Holy Spirit. With your methods, you should be able to survive. Don't worry, we will deal with the remaining people as soon as possible, and we will never leave you alone! "

Xu Feng said.

"Really? But can you wait for me for a month? After one month, I should be more confident."

Jiang Shi responded.


Yun Sha gave a sharp shout, glanced at Jiang Shi with cold and disdainful eyes, and said, "Do you really dare to say that I will wait for you for a month? After a month, the cucumbers and vegetables will be cold, so why do I need you?!"

"One month is too long, Jiang Shi, do you have any worries?"

Xu Feng asked.

"Yes, my strength is low. Please forgive me for not being able to complete the task."

Jiang Shi responded with a calm tone.

"Will you be able to do it in a month?"

Xu Feng's face darkened and he said, "It is impossible to give you such a long time. I can only give you five days at most, and you must leave after five days."

"Five days?"

Jiang Shi frowned.


Xu Feng responded coldly, turning around and leaving without giving him a chance to refuse.

Yunsha and Lu Xiu both sneered and followed Xu Feng.

Jiang Shi glanced at them calmly, turned around and entered the room.


Five days.

Gone in the blink of an eye.

"Master Jiang, do you have anything else to do? I told you that we must leave today."

Xu Feng said coldly.

"I'm very sorry. I also said that five days is not enough time. I will not joke with my life."

Jiang Shi shook his head.

"What did you say?"

Lu Xiu shouted loudly.

"What a shameless guy."

Yun Sha gave a deep sneer and said, "Jiang Shi, do you think we dare not deal with you? Sometimes it is best for people to be self-aware."

"I have always been self-aware, so I will never make fun of my life!"

Jiang Shi responded calmly.

"you wanna die!"

Yunsha shouted sharply, and the black soft whip made a harsh sound, and whipped Jiang Shi's face hard.

With a snap, the soft whip was hit by Jiang Shi's punch again, and there was an ear-splitting sound.


Yunsha looked at Jiang Shi with a shocked and angry expression.

Xu Feng, whose expression was completely gloomy on one side, and his good temper was almost gone, said coldly, "Okay, what a good leader Jiang, I will give you the last face today and give you five more days." , after five days, if you are still stubborn, don’t blame me for not notifying you in advance!!!”

He flicked his sleeves and robes, his aura was terrifyingly cold, and he turned around and left.

Jiang Shi looked calm and unmoved, and turned around and entered the room again.


time flies.

Another five days passed.

"What did you say? You're not ready?"

Yunsha shouted sharply. She could no longer control the evil aura on her body. With a bang, her aura exploded. The black soft whip in her hand seemed to have turned into a terrifying poisonous snake. It carried the terrifying aura and swiped directly towards Jiang Shi's body.


This time, his soft whip was firmly held by Jiang Shi on the spot.

"Let go!!"

Yunsha's arm vibrated, and a layer of extremely terrifying black power surged out directly. Along the soft whip, it quickly strangled Jiang Shi's body.

The black power contains seven or eight different terrifying powers at the same time, including gloomy, poisonous, spiral, destruction, shock...

Jiang Shi frowned and opened his palm instantly. The black soft whip was whipped back by Yunsha on the spot, making the other party's face livid and she gritted her teeth.

"Master Jiang, do you still remember what I said five days ago?"

Xu Feng's face was cold and terrifying. He stared at Jiang Shi and said solemnly, "I said we must leave in five days. I must leave! Do you really think I dare not touch you? Or are you actively playing tricks on us?"

"Okay, I admit it, I'm just kidding you."

Jiang Shi spoke calmly.

"What did you say?"

The four people in front of them all widened their eyes in disbelief. They almost suspected that they heard it wrong. It was like a volcano erupting in their minds.

Jiang Shi is playing tricks on them?

Playing tricks on them?

Even the three people next to them, Situ Yan and Dong Biao, were completely surprised.

What kind of words is this Jiang Shi talking about?

"Go to hell!"

Yun Sha was the first to be unable to bear it any longer and screamed, and the black soft whip whipped out again with seven or eight kinds of strength.

However, this time, Jiang Shi didn't have any backup plan. His face was cold, his body seemed to teleport, inflated and inflated in an instant, and one palm thrust out like a terrifying giant sword.


It was pierced through Yunsha's front and out from the back, blood spurted out wildly, and all the internal organs exploded.

Yunsha's whole body was actually hung on Jiang Shi's arm on the spot, her orifices were bleeding, her eyes were wide open, full of deep fear and disbelief, her whole body was trembling, and her soul was trembling.

how so?


"Bitch, actually I've wanted to kill you for a long time."

Jiang Shi's tone was indifferent, and his voice rang in Yunsha's ears.


Xu Feng's expression changed, he shouted suddenly and rushed over instantly.

Several other people also stared, shouted angrily, and rushed forward.

But at this moment!


The thunder sea erupted instantly.

Endless purple light envelopes the earth, and there is a destructive atmosphere everywhere...

Ten days have passed, and Jiang Shi is not only growing in body!

His Hunyuan Dragon Elephant also broke through again!

From the original sixth level to the eighth level!

This is the terrifying performance of [Hundred Times Dragon Elephant].

Both the speed of strength growth and the speed of practicing horizontal exercises are far better than before!


Asking for a monthly ticket!

After finishing this job, prepare to change the map!

Also solicit new talents!

If you guys have any ideas, please leave a message!

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