In the dilapidated yard.

The ground cracked.

Walls collapse.

There is an unspeakable destructive atmosphere lingering everywhere.

The three figures were all covered in blood and their faces were pale. They were lying on the ground, showing traces of pain and horror. Each of them was seriously injured and almost dying.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shi standing quietly not far away in extreme horror.

how so?

How can this be?

Jiang Shi had a cold face and a tall body. He had already transformed into a terrifying form of more than three meters tall. His long black hair was like wire, hanging down behind his body. The skin all over his body was shining with a dense red light. There were still streaks of thunder and lightning going back and forth.

Talent: Thunder!

In these ten days, in addition to another breakthrough in the [Hunyuan Dragon Elephant Skill], he also brought the lightning stored in his body to a new level.

Release them all at this moment, one blow will work!

In his right arm, there was still a Yunsha figure with a frightened face. His whole body was in extreme pain, and he felt that his internal organs were almost broken.

"Jiang...Jiang Shi, what are you going to do?"

Yun Sha was extremely frightened.

"Are not you just saw it?"

Jiang Shi's voice was indifferent, and his two cold black eyes without any emotion fell into Yunsha's eyes, as if he could see directly into her soul, which made Yunsha, who was already extremely frightened, even more trembling. Almost collapsed.

"Jiang Shi, I am the daughter of Elder Yun Yun..."


The whole person was torn apart by Jiang Shi on the spot like a scarecrow. Blood flew everywhere, and the two halves of the body were smashed heavily to both sides, causing a tragic death.

The remaining three people all vomited blood from their mouths, and the two half-shattered bodies were extremely frightened.


They shouted in surprise.

Jiang Shi's huge body slowly came to the front of the three people. His face was expressionless and he looked down at the three people, bringing a huge shadow.

"Jiang Shi, I have something to say..."


There was an earth-shaking muffled sound, the ground shook, and the air waves rolled.

The entire ground collapsed and dented on the spot, with countless broken stones emerging.

The three figures were all buried in the ground on the spot, their flesh and blood exploding, and it was too horrible to see.

Dead as hell.

Jiang Shi's expanded body began to shrink rapidly, and he turned and walked outside.

The strong movement made everyone in the courtyard look surprised.

Situ Yan, Dong Biao, and Liu Lu quickly came here from a distance.

However, when they saw Jiang Shi walking out safe and sound, while the children of the four elders died tragically, their faces all changed, and they turned around and left without thinking.

"Master Jiang, why do you have to do this?"

They shouted.


As if teleporting, Jiang Shi's body instantly appeared behind the three of them. With each palm of his hand, the air wave exploded, sending all three of them flying away.

"Why bother? I'm also wondering why you are doing this?"

Jiang Shi's tone was indifferent, and he walked forward and said: "I have never recruited anyone, and I have never provoked anyone. You people in the main circle are so arrogant when you come up. The three of you are like this, and the four of them are like this. It seems that everyone Everyone can do this, why can't I do this? Clay figures also have three points of anger. You are so aggressive, and I take the opportunity to fight back. This is the cycle of nature and karma!"

"Ahem, Leader Jiang, I am willing to surrender to you!"

Situ Yan screamed in fear.


boom! !

A [Great Heaven-Destroying Hand] hit Situ Yan on the forehead, causing her body to collapse and she died miserably.

The remaining two people were all extremely frightened and desperately moved their bodies backwards, begging for mercy.

But it had no effect at all. Jiang Shi's moves sent them all flying out, hitting them in the distance, and they vomited blood and died miserably.

After doing all this, the figure of the old leader Chen Xuantian appeared not far away, with a complex expression and a soft sigh.

"Old leader!"

Jiang Shi turned around and spoke. said.

"You go and never come back. In ten days, a caravan will leave from the west coast. Follow the caravan and you can enter that world. After entering that world, try not to interact with the people from the Demon General Altar. Make contact, otherwise, there will be endless troubles later.”

Chen Xuantian spoke complicatedly.

Jiang Shi was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay!"


The old leader nodded lightly, took out a white porcelain bottle from his arms, and poured it towards the corpses on the ground. As soon as the strands of black liquid dripped down, all the corpses began to melt rapidly, making a hissing sound, and melted. Drops of black liquid seeped into the ground.

"What's this?"

Jiang Shi's eyes narrowed.

"Corrion liquid, if you want it, I'll give you the secret recipe!"

Chen Xuantian responded, took out a note from his sleeve and threw it directly to Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi caught it, glanced at it gently, and said, "Thank you, old leader, take care of yourself in the future!"

He cupped his hands, glanced at the other person again, finally made a complete decision, turned around and left, his body flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Chen Xuantian raised his head and quietly looked at the nothingness in front of him. His heart was turbulent and he sighed softly.

Who would have thought that with one of his unintentional actions, he could actually cultivate such a strong man?

I really wonder what will happen to him in the future?

A feeling of loneliness and desolation emerged in his heart, which could not be dissipated for a long time.


Mountains in the distance.

Endless as far as the eye can see.

Jiang Shi's speed was very fast, and he alternated between Thunder Step and Phaseless Shadow, making him extremely fast.

One day later, we finally arrived in the Thunder Valley again.

Looking at the rolling thunder and lightning in front of him, he looked calm and walked past immediately. He activated his talent [Thunder Run] again and started to cause thunder and lightning all over the sky.

In an instant, there was lightning and thunder, and light surged.

The entire area was instantly enveloped in endless glow.

It was like a vast sea of ​​thunder crashed down from high in the sky and penetrated into Jiang Shi's body, causing the whole world to tremble.

The lightning stored in his body had been completely exhausted by him.

Now that I am leaving this world completely, I naturally have to stock up on lightning again.

Only in this way will you not worry about encountering any accidents on the road.


Twenty minutes later, a terrifying force came out, and his body was violently thrown away on the spot.

Jiang Shi coughed up blood, his body lit up with white light, and he began to return to his original state.

"The secrets in this Thunder Valley can only be understood later. With my panel and talent, I should be qualified to explore this area in less than ten years."

Jiang Shi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and crawled off the ground.

Then he glanced at Lei Gu again, turned around and left.


The world is bustling.

There was turmoil.

As expected by Jiang Shi, Daxuan, who had not been calm for several days, fell into turmoil again.

Outside forces began to enter the island one after another, establishing powerful forces one after another, and began to compete for territory. For a time, Daxuan, which had just settled down, became chaotic again.

The top aristocratic families were killing each other with bloodshed.

Even the world was in turmoil.

But all this has nothing to do with Jiang Shi.

Since his battle with the High Priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty that day, except for some legends, no news about him has been spread throughout the world.

Even the Black Lotus Holy Sect has become extremely low-key.

It was as if Jiang Shi's figure had completely evaporated.


west coast.

A carriage loaded with goods walked slowly here.

When they entered the dock, the carriage finally stopped.

Wearing a gray robe, Zhao Houcai, the [Chroatman], stuck his head out of the carriage. He carefully looked around outside and made sure that there was no trouble before jumping off the carriage.

After that, there were his daughter Zhao Feiyan and disciple Shangguan Yun.

"Dad, is this the west coast? Is there really a world on the other side of the sea?"

Zhao Feiyan's hair was flying, she raised her head and looked towards the sea in the distance.

The waves are rugged and boundless.

Large ships, loaded with cargo, were docked at the pier.

"Yes, in fact, our world has been connected with the overseas world many years ago. It's just that about three hundred years ago, the strait was gradually blocked and trade was no longer possible. Now it's difficult to do so. Let’s recover again.”

Zhao Houcai sighed softly and said, "As long as we go out to sea, we can say goodbye to our previous life completely. No one will know us there anymore."

"Dad, are you afraid of Young Master Jiang?"

Zhao Feiyan glanced at her father and said.

"Nigga, why don't you keep talking nonsense with your mouth? If it weren't for you, how could we be forced to go far away by him?"

Zhao Houcai glared and scolded.

"You can't completely blame me, can you? Who knew he would meet us by chance every time? Do you want to blame me or you? You are very unlucky. Every time you decide to do something, you always meet that weirdo."

Zhao Feiyan muttered.

"Shut up, evildoer!"

Zhao Houcai drank clearly.

Zhao Feiyan's face became annoyed, she immediately glanced to the side and said no more.

Shangguan Yun on one side smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Zhao Houcai snorted coldly and said, "When will you be as stable as your senior brother?"

At this point, his face softened slightly and he said, "This time I went to sea, in addition to saying goodbye to my previous life completely, there was another thing that made me determined, that is, the world is becoming more and more chaotic, and the strong people outside the strait are constantly Entering our island, more than one aristocratic family has been instigated by them for so many days. I am afraid that a more intense wave will break out soon. If we don't leave now, we will definitely not be able to leave even if we want to in the future. In the eyes of those people , we people are probably about the same as ants."

"Master, are the strong men outside the strait really strong? How are they compared to Jiang Shaoxia and the High Priest of Northern Zhou Dynasty?"

Shangguan Yun couldn't help but flash his eyes and asked.

"It's hard to say. When they reach their level, it's already beyond our ability to measure."

Zhao Houcai shook his head gently and said, "But I estimate that Jiang Shaoxia and the High Priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty still haven't seen enough. The world outside the strait is boundless and vast, with more resources. The strong people they cultivate will naturally not be weak, just like a little Comparing the pool with a vast river, what kind of strong person do you think can emerge from a small pool?"

"That's true. I really don't know when I will reach that state?"

Shangguan Yun was leisurely and fascinated.

"That's enough. You are all still young now. Don't be too ambitious. Let's find a way to reach the eleventh level of Jinjin first."

Zhao Houcai snorted coldly and said, "Now move everything out of the car and prepare to board the ship."

Shangguan Yun and Zhao Feiyan nodded immediately and began to get busy.

They didn't have much luggage, except for some changes of clothes, there wasn't much else at all.

"Let's set sail!"

A deafening shout suddenly came out on the deck, echoing hundreds of meters around.

Three or four shipmates worked hard to get the ship trade started.

The entire three-story-high ship finally started to move slowly and drifted into the distance.

Looking at the Daxuan Continent fading away, Zhao Houcai finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, feeling both the joy of relief and the worry of being far away from home.

Is it a blessing or a curse to go overseas now?

"But everything has been completely cut off from the past? From now on, no one will recognize us anymore."

Zhao Houcai sighed softly.

"Hey, is that [throat-locking hand] Senior Zhao below?"

Suddenly, a joyful voice came directly from the area above Zhao Houcai's head.

The unusually familiar tone frightened Zhao Houcai to the point where he was numb from head to toe, and his body almost jumped up on the spot. He was so frightened and frightened that he couldn't believe it. He quickly carried him away without thinking.

what sound?

Why does it sound so familiar?

Sure enough, the moment he looked up, he suddenly spotted an extremely familiar figure, standing high on the third floor area, with a face of joy, lowered his head, looking towards him.

Jiang Shi!

It’s that Jiang Shi again!

This is impossible!

Zhao Houcai's eyes widened in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

The disciples and daughters around him all showed signs of shock and confusion. They raised their heads and looked at Jiang Shi on the third floor.

"Is there really such a fate?"

Shangguan Yun murmured.

He even wondered if Jiang Shi was deliberately following and investigating them?

Otherwise, why would it be such a coincidence every time?

Or is his master the unluckiest person in the world?

"Dad, what did I say?"

Zhao Feiyan murmured, completely stunned.

"Senior Zhao, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here? Are you also preparing to go to sea?"

Jiang Shi showed joy and jumped down from the third floor area.

"No, no, we're on the wrong ship, we're on the wrong ship."

Zhao Houcai quickly opened his mouth to defend himself, wishing he could slap himself to death.

Damn it!

Along the way, he had been very cautious, but he still met Jiang Shi.

Are you kidding me?

"You can't get off even if you get on the wrong boat. The boat has already sailed. You have to wait until your destination before you can get off."

The boss of the ship on one side spoke in a low tone.

"Senior Zhao, you brought so many things and still said you were on the wrong ship. That's not how you lie!"

Jiang Shi shook his head slightly.


Zhao Houcai had a bitter look on his face, and finally admitted it completely, saying, "Okay, Young Master Jiang, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the Black Lotus Sect?"

"Me? I have nothing to do and can't I go out for a walk?"

Jiang Shi's tone was calm, and he looked far into the distance, towards the endless ocean, and said, "I heard that there is a world on the other side of the sea. I am yearning for it and specifically want to go there and have a look. I wonder if Senior Zhao knows anything about that world? "

"Which world are you going to?"

Zhao Houcai looked at Jiang Shi with a complicated expression.

This guy's goal is indeed the same as mine!

What the fuck!

"Actually, I don't know much about that world. I basically read it from books. However, there must be some differences between the content in the book and the real situation. If you want to know, I can tell you."

Zhao Houcai nodded and said,

"As far as I know, the other side of the strait is boundless and vast, but there is a huge dynasty on the other side, called Daheng. This Daheng territory is boundless. It is said that it is our Daxuan's It was more than ten times bigger, but the Daheng Dynasty was not peaceful either. According to the book, there were many sects and complicated forces within this dynasty. The area that the central imperial power could restrain was extremely small. The general situation was almost different from our Daxuan Dynasty. Not much!

And within this Daheng, there are several major forces, all of which are the same as the Overlord!

The first one is called [Thirty-Six Alliance]!

This [Thirty-Six Alliance] is composed of thirty-six extremely huge sects. It is said that any one sect alone can easily sweep the entire Daxuan.

Moreover, the disciples of the [Thirty-six Alliance] enjoy extremely high privileges within Daheng. Once they become their outer disciples, they can be exempted from military service, taxes, and a lot of trouble. "

Zhao Houcai said.

"Oh? People from the Daheng Dynasty still need to perform military service?"

The river stone shows a strange color.

"That's natural. Although the imperial power of this dynasty can no longer restrain these big forces, these big forces all have their own heavy troops. All warriors under their jurisdiction must perform military service. Anyone who dares to escape will be punished. There is no good end, only by becoming their disciple can you be exempted from military service, and even taxes can be reduced by a large amount."

Zhao Houcai said,

"In addition, if you want to buy other important resources, you must have the status of a disciple of the [Thirty-Six Alliance]. If you don't have this status, the purchase will be three times more expensive than others. There are many, so most people will find ways to join this [Thirty-Six Alliance] after entering Daheng, this identity is really important."


Jiang Shi thought about it and said, "Then which of the thirty-six alliances should we join? Which one is better, do you know?"

"I don't know about that. You can only find out for yourself when you get to the place."

Zhao Houcai responded.

"Okay, besides this [Thirty-Six Alliance], what other big forces are there?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"There are also the Holy Church, the Eternal Life Gate, the Demon Sect, and the Xuanlong Gate."

Zhao Houcai introduced them one by one, "The Holy Church is an extremely mysterious organization. It is recorded in the book that they like to stir up trouble in the world. They are involved in almost every turmoil. In short, they are a force that some people are reluctant to provoke.

The Changsheng Sect is a rather orthodox force. It is known as the number one Taoist sect in the Daheng Dynasty. It belongs to the leader of the righteous way. Whether it is prestige or strength, it is the best in the world.

As for the Heavenly Demon Sect, it is in tit-for-tat confrontation with the Changsheng Sect. There are good and evil in the Daheng Dynasty, and they are in opposition to each other. They are all the most powerful forces in the world. This Heavenly Demon Sect is evil and is the leader of the [Six Sects of Evil Sects]!

As for Xuanlongmen, they probably belong to a gray force. They move among the major forces and they like to do business the most. It is said that more than 70% of all kinds of businesses in the entire Daheng Land are in their hands... "

Zhao Houcai told Jiang Shi everything he knew about the situation.

During this period, Jiang Shi kept asking questions and confirming repeatedly.

Unfortunately, Zhao Houcai didn't know much about many things.

He read it all from books, and the contents in the books had not been updated for hundreds of years.

So far, there are two opinions as to whether the Great Heng Dynasty is still there!

"If you really want to join a force, then I still recommend [Thirty-Six Alliance]. As for which [Thirty-Six Alliance] is, you need Jiang Shaoxia to go ashore to find out."

Zhao Houcai responded.

There are thirty-six kinds of inheritance in the thirty-six alliances, which are all-encompassing and include teachings and no distinctions.

The rejection of outsiders is not that strong.

Other leagues have to go through repeated verification before choosing successors, which is quite troublesome.

Especially forces like the Eternal Life Sect and the Demon Sect.

The two are old enemies, opposed to each other, and both are afraid that the other party's undercover will sneak into the door.

"Okay, thank you, Senior Zhao. I'll treat you to dinner later when I have time."

Jiang Shi responded, still thinking deeply in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the status of the Demon General Altar is so high.

Belongs to one of the overlords of several parties!

Is it any wonder that the Black Lotus Holy Sect has been unable to escape their control after so many years?

With this kind of strength, crushing the Black Lotus Holy Cult would be like crushing a bed bug.

It's a pity that I have broken with this force!

"It's nothing. Jiang Shaoxia is so polite. You are so polite."

Zhao Houcai smiled flatteringly.

He had made up his mind to run as far away from the river and rocks as soon as he landed ashore.




Sunrise and sunset.

Time passed.

The huge building boat floats quietly on the sea.

The ripples of light are endless as far as the eye can see.

The entire sea is indescribably majestic.

Such days are unique and novel.

Ten days have passed since Jiang Shi boarded the ship.

Ten days later, there was still no trace of land. Looking far into the distance, nothing could be seen except a vast expanse of white.

However, there were many merchant ships behind them.

Spacious deck.

Jiang Shi and Zhao Houcai drank quietly, tasting the unique seafood and rice wine on the sea, and asked, "Senior, do you know how long it will take to arrive?"

"According to the book, if you take a boat on the west coast, you can reach Izumo Pier in Oyoko in only sixteen days. Calculating the time, you should be able to reach the terminal in six days."

Zhao Houcai responded.

"Six days."

Jiang Shi muttered to himself, not feeling too anxious anymore.

Anyway, he now gains 10,000 kilograms of strength every day.

Even if you don't move on the ship, your strength will increase.


call! call!


When the storm came, the entire sea surface was turbulent, and the endless tide was rolling in random directions. Huge raindrops fell from high altitudes, raining on the entire sea surface and on the constantly rising and falling buildings and ships.

"The storm is coming!"

"Turn the sail quickly!"

"Everyone, catch it!"

There was chaos on the entire deck, and all the sailors were in panic, desperately turning the cables, trying to change the direction of the sails.

However, the entire ship was heaving too much, shaking up and down, and swaying left and right in the endless waves, causing a group of sailors to be shaken up and down.

Some people were even blown off the deck by the strong wind, screamed, and disappeared into the dark sea.

"Er Hu Zi!"

Someone screamed in panic.

Then there was a crash, and the entire sail was shaken violently by the wind, and the entire mast was almost broken. Then the entire ship shook even more violently, and began to deviate from the original channel.

"Dear boat passengers, come and help. Once the sail is broken, the ship will inevitably roll over and everyone will die!!"

The captain of the ship shouted, and his voice was carried through the storm.

All the boat passengers were panicked.

Many people in the world jumped out quickly and grabbed the cables.

However, the sail in the violent wind and rain was extremely heavy and powerful. Even with the combined efforts of all the people in the world, it was difficult to turn it. Instead, several people in the world were blown into the sea by the strong wind, screamed and disappeared.

And this time!

The heavy rain between heaven and earth became even greater.

The entire ship shook violently, swayed from side to side, and was almost overturned. There was a loud rumbling sound throughout the world.

at this time!

Jiang Shi, who was in seclusion, frowned and finally opened his eyes. His body suddenly rushed out and looked at the sail that was blown apart by the strong wind. He pulled out the thick cable connecting the sail and gently Give it a gentle tug.


The entire canvas was immediately forced to move in a positive direction, directly forming an angle of thirty degrees with the strong wind. For a time, the wind force on the sail was suddenly reduced to the extreme.

The ship, which was shaking violently due to the wind, gradually calmed down.

Although it is still rising and falling with the waves, there is no longer the risk of rolling over.

Seeing that the ship was still in a violent storm, Jiang Shi frowned and tied the cable in his hand directly to the thick railing on one side, then grabbed the anchor and jumped off the deck without thinking.

Everyone screamed.

But before they could react, Jiang Shi escaped into the sea, pulled the anchor, and swam quickly in the rushing waves.

As he swam forward, the entire ship moved forward rapidly, riding the wind and waves, as if it was equipped with a super-powerful motor.

Everyone's eyes widened with horror.


Could this guy be a dragon in the sea?

Whirring whirring!

In this way, Jiang Shi swam wildly on the sea surface, waving his hands and rushing forward. The extremely huge building and ship seemed as light as nothing in his hands.

I swam for more than two hours in one breath.

The entire huge building ship was finally separated from the huge waves by him.

Ahead, the sun shines, driving away the dark clouds overhead.

All the crew members on the deck shouted in surprise, feeling as if they had narrowly escaped death.


Jiang Shi jumped up and jumped out of the seabed again. He let out a long breath, waved his hand, threw the anchor to one side, and said, "When you get to the dock, remember to call me!"

He walked towards the third floor.

"A living god!"

"Thank you to the Living God for saving my life!"

Everyone on the deck fell to their knees.

"Monster, what a monster!"

Zhao Houcai murmured in a shocked tone.

within the room.

Jiang Shi's clothes had evaporated dry again. He looked at the panel in front of him and thought in his heart.

"I wonder if the reputation value can be increased by doing such a small thing?"


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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