My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 193 Received the Holy Spirit Pill! A second return to our ancestors! !

"Then what kind of family is the Wu family?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"Wu family..."

Yuan Kuohai looked at the fainted woman on the ground with deep eyes, and said, "The Wu family does not belong to the [Thirty-Six Alliance], or even to any force south of Daheng. This family is very old, and I never expected that it could I met people from this family here.”

"Very ancient?"

Jiang Shi frowned, showing a hint of solemnity.

"Yes, one of the five ancient clans."

Yuan Fuhai said, "The true history of this family is extremely ancient. I don't know how long it is now. Compared with them, any sect looks much bleak. Each of the five ancient clans is extremely mysterious. Their bloodline is more... I don’t know how pure the people in the outside world are. They are naturally proud when they are born. However, the descendants of these five major clans rarely walk around the world. At least in the past few hundred years, there has been no news about them. Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly, they were actually killed. You met."

"so what should I do now?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"Don't panic. You didn't hurt her life. Even if her family investigates, what will happen? Besides, our Thirty-Six Alliance has been established for thousands of years, and we have long been skeptical about the strength of the five ancient races. If If the Wu family really wants to cause trouble because of this, Alliance Thirty-Six will never sit idly by and do nothing!"

Yuan Fuhai said.

Jiang Shi frowned, still thinking rapidly in his mind.

Worthy of being one of the protagonists.

The origin of this woman is indeed not simple.

If things develop normally, Lu Yan will definitely have a drama like "Thirty Years in Hedong, Thirty Years in Hexi".

It's a pity that I killed him.

Could it be that all the causes and effects during this period will come back to bite me?

An unspeakable pressure surged into his heart again.

"Jiang Shi, don't worry."

Yuan Fuhai saw through Jiang Shi's thoughts, and his tone was cold and domineering, and he said, "What can the Wu family do? If the five ancient clans were really so powerful, they would not sit back and watch my [Thirty-Six Alliance] develop to this day. , and there are no people from the Wu family walking around in the world, which is enough to show that the five ancient clans are just like this. You are a natural Vajra, as long as you practice seriously, your achievements in the future will be limitless."

"Yes, Gang Leader."

Jiang Shi clasped his fists.

"Well, you have made such a great contribution and found out the existence of the Katori Sect. I will reward you heavily no matter what I say. I said last time that in our Sea Whale Gang, as long as you can satisfy me, you can get whatever you want. What, even [Holy Spirit Pill] I can give it to you at any time, Jiang Shi, now I will give you a [Holy Spirit Pill] to help you break through the sky again,"

Yuan Fuhai spoke calmly.

"The leader wants to give me the Holy Spirit Pill?"

Jiang Shi's eyes lit up and he spoke happily.


Yuan Fuhai showed a smile on his face and said, "Now our Sea Whale Gang is in the midst of employing people. During this period, the elders, hall masters, and deacons have suffered heavy casualties in various departments, and various resources have also been taken up by Xiaoxiao. I give you this gift." Holy Spirit Pill, I also hope that you can help me take care of my worries."

"Yes, Gang Leader."

Jiang Shi handed over.

"Well, take it."

Yuan Fuhai took out a palm-sized gold box, threw it with his palm, and instantly flew out towards Jiang Shiluo.

Jiang Shi caught the gold box and opened it to check.

I saw a thumb-sized golden elixir inside, which was round and lying inside, filled with an indescribable energy.

Holy Spirit Pill!

With this item, he will soon be able to enter the second atavism of the Holy Spirit! !

"Thank you, leader."

"Go ahead and refine this elixir as soon as possible. There are other tasks waiting for you later."

Yuan Fuhai said.

"My subordinates resign."

Jiang Shi handed over his hand and left the place directly, his heart turbulent.

Yuan Fuhai is a very murderous person.

But there is really nothing to say to him.

In the main hall.

As soon as Jiang Shi left, Yuan Fuhai's eyes turned cold and fell on Wu Qian'er. He said in a cold voice, "Come here, take him down and ask where the headquarters of Xiangtori Sect is."

"Yes, Gang Leader!"

Several men in black appeared in an instant, with cold eyes, they grabbed Wu Qian'er and disappeared with a sway of her body.

. . .

Half an hour later.

Jiang Shi returned to the gambling house again.

I saw that everyone who had been knocked unconscious by the poisonous mist last night was being treated quickly by a group of Sea Whale Gang disciples. However, no matter what method they used, they never got better.

The one who should be unconscious is still unconscious, his face is pale and his breathing is weak.

It was so densely packed, with at least nearly a hundred people on the ground.

"Manager Jiang, you're here. Shopkeeper Cao doesn't know what kind of poison he was poisoned with. I've used all the detoxification methods in my gang, but the result is still the same. It can't be solved. It's really weird!"

A gang pharmacist came over quickly and said nervously,


Jiang Shi's face changed, and he took the initiative to walk over. Looking at Cao Zhanzhi, who was lying on the ground with a smile and his eyes closed, he put his palms together and touched his wrist in an instant.

I saw that this person's pulse was still beating, strong and powerful. Looking at the pulse alone, it seemed that he had not suffered any injuries at all.

After thinking for a moment, he directly started to use powerful force to instill it into Shopkeeper Cao's body. As large areas of power surged past, Shopkeeper Cao's body remained motionless, with his eyes closed and a smile.

"What a strange thing!"

Jiang Shi frowned tightly.

What kind of poison is this?

"Manager Jiang, after you captured the thieves, did you find any antidote on them?"

The pharmacist asked boldly.

"That's not true."

Jiang Shi shook his head, secretly feeling regretful for a moment.

If I had known, I would have left one person alive.

"First send them back to the headquarters. If that doesn't work, put up a notice to recruit famous doctors."

Jiang Shi stood up and said.

‘Yes, Manager Jiang. "

The pharmacist immediately bowed and said.

Next, Jiang Shi returned directly to the room.

As soon as he came back, he opened the panel and his eyes flashed slightly.

"Unlocked new talents?"

On the panel, the original reputation value had already exceeded 10,000. After the breakthrough, a brand new talent was unlocked again.

Talent: Disguise.

Disguise: ever-changing, confusing the real with the fake.

Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, watching the following explanations.

Could it be possible to change the appearance?

His heart moved slightly, and he immediately tried it, using the [Disguise Talent], but his mind quickly recalled the appearance of Shopkeeper Cao before, and he felt that for a moment, the bones all over his body began to squirm and crackle uncontrollably. There was a loud sound, sometimes dented and sometimes bulging, bringing about waves of unspeakable tearing sensations.

About seven or eight seconds.

Only then did everything stop again.

Jiang Shi's face turned pale, he was breathing heavily, and looked directly at his body in shock.

I saw that the whole body seemed to have become thinner, and the arms and palms were completely different from before. There was a layer of light hair on them, and the skin was wrinkled. The Hunyuan was not as strong as before!

He jumped up from the bed and quickly came to the bronze mirror on the side, his eyes shrinking slightly.

The figure in the bronze mirror was clearly no longer himself.

Instead, he became... Shopkeeper Cao!

"Changing and changing, confusing the real with the fake..."

Jiang Shi's heart surged and he was extremely surprised.

It can really be so outrageous!

Isn't this equivalent to the seventy-two changes?

Can you pretend to be anyone in the future?

He took a deep breath, and his previous appearance echoed in his mind again. The bones all over his body were crackling, and he once again experienced waves of changing distortions. His body once again felt waves of tearing, and he soon recovered again. As is.

Looking at his body in the mirror, Jiang Shi couldn't help but burst out laughing.


This talent is really useful.

He kept feeling around the room and fumbled for about ten minutes before finally stopping again and taking out the small gold box from his arms.

"Okay, now try to break through the second atavism!"

Jiang Shi secretly said.


Time has moved.

The storm is rising.

The whole city was in chaos.

The fierce commotion last night not only made the people of the Sea Whale Gang eclipse, but the Baihe Gang also learned the news, and the entire upper class was shocked.

"What? There is a strange master hiding in the Sea Whale Gang?"

"A master suspected of returning to his ancestors for the sixth time?"

"Okay, Yuan Fuhai is such a good person. He is indeed hidden deep enough. When did he bury such a secret!"

"Yuan Fuhai has killed so many masters under his command, yet he is unwilling to expose this secret agent. Who is this guy?"

"His name is Jiang Shi, and his origin is mysterious. He doesn't seem to belong to Daheng, but comes from overseas."


Countless discussions rang out.

The entire Baihe Gang was solemn.

Many elders and church leaders are convening meetings quickly.

The other direction.

The vast Bailong River is majestic and has rolling waves. Large ships are coming and going on it, just like a wall of thick mountains.

Among one of the cargo ships.

Feng Tianlie, the leader of the Baihe Gang, with an expressionless face and a tall body, sat quietly on a futon with his eyes tightly closed.

In front of him, there was only a wisp of sandalwood curling up, with a trace of white mist, filling the air with a refreshing scent.

"Gang leader, they are here."

One of the elders suddenly opened the door and came in, speaking in a solemn voice.

Feng Tianlie's eyes instantly opened and he said calmly, "Let them come in."

"Yes, Gang Leader."

The elder arched his hands and pushed out again.

Not long after.

Tall figures came out one after another, wearing various clothes and different masks on their faces. Their eyes were either cold or deep, their auras were different, and their heights were different.

"Leader of Feng Gang!"

One of them made a hoarse voice.

"Everyone, Feng is pressed for time and doesn't want to waste too much time. Let's be honest."

Feng Tianlie looked at everyone and said in an indifferent tone, "The geographical location of White Dragon City is so important. I believe you have already seen through it. I [Qingcheng Gate] know that I cannot completely swallow up White Dragon City, and I have never thought about swallowing up White Dragon City. Sea Whale After the gang is destroyed, all the water conservancy and water transportation in the city will belong to me [Qingcheng Gate]. We don’t want anything else and let you divide it. This is our most sincere answer. If you feel like it, you can stay and discuss it. , if you find it unacceptable, please reply immediately."


Everyone frowned and were shocked.

"Are you sure you only want water conservancy and water transportation, and you won't get any other benefits?"

One of them asked about the exit.

"It will definitely stain a little bit, but it will definitely not touch a large area. Please feel free to rest assured."

Feng Tianlie said lightly.

"Okay, if that's the case, we're willing to cooperate."

A figure wearing a red bull head mask nodded and said.

"We would like that too."

"The leader of Feng Gang actually gave up such a huge profit, we have no reason to refuse."

"Yuan Fuhai has done many evil things and used tyrannical methods. He has offended too many people over the years. It is time to settle things."

"Don't worry, everyone, I have already taken care of the Jinling Gate and ensure that no one will interfere. Yuan Fuhai and below have violated the interests of too many people."

Feng Tianlie said.

"That's fine."

Everyone nodded again.


Mountain storms are coming.

The city was once again enveloped by gusts of strong wind, the sound was harsh and the paper money and white silk on the streets were blown everywhere. The sky was gray, attracting countless people to exclaim.

"It is going to rain!"

"Close the stall quickly!"

The whole city became crowded.

And in this countless crowds.

A large number of members of the Sea Whale Gang were walking quickly on the streets, each with a gloomy look on their face, and they were rushing towards various courtyards.

The people in the courtyard didn't know what happened at first, but their expressions soon changed, and they heard an elder of the Sea Whale Gang shout angrily.

"The remnants of Katori Cult dare to go against our Sea Whale Gang, don't let any of them go!"


Screams suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

A series of fierce battles took place again.

The city once again fell into new chaos.


inside the room.

Jiang Shi sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his body motionless. The energy was surging all over his body, and the energy in his body was rolling. He had already swallowed the Holy Spirit Pill, turning into strong golden light that struck back and forth in his body.

It is indeed a rare Holy Spirit Pill.

This medicine is indeed powerful.

It is still different from the power of heaven and earth he attracted before.

This medicine has its own mysterious power, causing his whole body to undergo a new transformation, and various black mysterious substances automatically breed in his flesh and blood.

The constant combination and blending of this substance with the condensed holy membrane on his body makes the original holy membrane more powerful and tough, and the aura of the entire body is rapidly improving...

A few hours later.

A powerful and wild aura suddenly spread out of the room uncontrollably.

Jiang Shi's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened again, revealing his light and a hint of ecstasy.


The Holy Spirit returns to his ancestors for the second time! !

He took a breath and continued to consolidate his realm. He felt a surge of powerful force surging through his body, as if it contained a powerful wild dragon. In terms of strength, it was at least twice as strong as before. .

a long time.

Only then did he look at the panel again.

Name: Jiang Shi

Cultivation: The Holy Spirit returns to his ancestors for the second time

Kung Fu: Jiuji Thunder Light Heart Technique (ninth level)

Martial skills: Dragon Breaking Spear (second level), Flying Dragon Shadow Chaser Step (perfect), Rain of Flowers in the Sky (perfect), Hunyuan Dragon Elephant Skill (perfect), Phaseless Shadow Shadow (perfect), Lightning Flash Step (perfect), Great Destruction and Collapse of Heaven's Hand (third level), Black Ice Finger (third level), Four Ultimate Clone (Perfection), Four Ultimate Heavenly Evil Technique (second level), Nine Dragons Overlord Demonic Body (first level), Sacred Heart Soul-Destroying Technique (First Level)

Talents: Hundred Times Dragon Elephant (7690000 pounds), Enlightenment (analytic skills, fusion skills), Guiyuan (purify blood, restore injuries), invulnerability to all poisons (immune to poison, ignore poison, blood detoxification), insight ( Ignore hallucinations, improve wisdom, and improve spirit), run for thunder (absorb thunder and lightning, master thunder and lightning), copy (copy super-grade martial arts, have a high probability of copying stronger martial arts), disguise (variable, fake and real)

Reputation value: 700 (When the reputation value reaches 10,000, the next talent can be unlocked)


The physical strength of the entire person reaches 7.69 million kilograms in one fell swoop!

The only pity is.

His mental methods didn't have time to integrate during this period of time.

It is still the same Jiuji Thunder Light Mind Technique as before.

There were so many things going on during this period that there was no time to practice and integrate the mind.

"Now that the Holy Spirit has returned to its ancestors for the second time, it is at least equivalent to the ordinary Seventh Heaven of the Holy Spirit. Maybe I can try to enter the Dark Moon Canyon."

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

There is no need to rush the fusion skills.

But that canyon is the most important.

Bailong City has become increasingly chaotic.

No matter what the future holds, it is definitely a good idea to prepare an escape route for yourself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shi's body flashed and disappeared in an instant.

As soon as they left the gambling house, they saw the turbulence and turmoil in the entire city again.

Yuan Fuhai's methods are indeed superb.

The location of the remnants of the Katori Sect was found so quickly.

A large number of Sea Whale Gang masters were massacring the remnants of the Katori Sect everywhere.

And amidst the endless turmoil, his reputation is also spreading rapidly.

Almost everyone knows that this Xiangtori teaching fell into his hands, Jiang Shi.

"This henchman of the Sea Whale Gang is really terrifying. He has done so many great things since he came to power."

"Who says it's not the case, but if you do too many bad things, there will be retribution."

"I'm sorry for Katori. Katori is devoted to the people and values ​​equality for everyone. What's wrong? The Sea Whale Gang oppresses us too much and doesn't treat us as human beings at all."

"Brother, keep a low profile, don't let the people from the Sea Whale Gang hear you."

"What are you afraid of? They have already destroyed my family and my family. They can kill me too if they can."


Various sounds continued to reach Jiang Shi's ears, making his brows furrow secretly.

"It seems that my reputation is completely bad, but I have never provoked anyone. It's all just to protect myself."

Jiang Shi's face was gloomy and he quickly ignored it.


Half an hour later. .

Outside a dark and gloomy canyon.

Jiang Shi's body finally appeared here.

Looking up, I saw that the entire entrance to the canyon was indescribably narrow. It was covered with shrubs and had no sunlight all year round. At a glance, it was full of shadows and indescribably gloomy.

If Wu Qian'er hadn't told him that there was a teleportation array hidden inside, he would not have believed that there was an opportunity here.

Jiang Shi stood at the entrance of the valley, looking around. His [Insight] talent came into play, and his two pupils seemed to have turned into high-magnification microscopes. He felt that all the secrets in the valley were all emerging in his eyes.

There is no secret anymore.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw strange ants appearing in the bushes everywhere.

These ants are different from ordinary ants. They are extremely large, as big as a finger. Their surface is pitch black, with a metallic light flowing through them.

At first glance, they are densely packed and the number is unknown.

Among these countless weird ants, many even have wings, including two-winged ones, four-winged ones, six-winged ones, eight-winged ones...

"Carrion demon ant."

Jiang Shi's tone condensed.

After carefully observing and weighing for a moment, he flashed his body, performed the Lightning Step, turned into a bolt of lightning, and rushed over in an instant.

As a result, as soon as he got close, countless magic ants in the bushes started to react, extremely fast, like black lightning, they rushed out in an instant, densely packed, and rushed towards Jiang Shi's body.

The speed is too fast.

Even though Jiang Shi was prepared, he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Without even thinking about it, he used his Vajra talent, the Four Heavenly Evil Techniques, and the Nine-Dragon Overlord Demon Body in an instant. In an instant, his physical body quickly enlarged. After breaking through his clothes, he swelled up in the wind and grew to more than three meters tall. His whole skin shone with layers of divine copper light.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Demonic ants shot out one after another and landed on him. There was a burst of metallic sounds and brilliant sparks lit up on his body.

These demon ants had sharp teeth, and the moment they fired at him, they bit him down one after another, and countless poisons poured into Jiang Shi's body.

Jiang Shi let out a cold snort. While returning to his original state, he used the invulnerability to all poisons. The white light on his body flashed and continued to recover. At the same time, powerful counterattack forces spread out like ripples, causing swarms of demons. The ants began to fall, densely packed, falling one after another.

However, the demon ants were extremely resilient. After falling, they quickly rushed up again and continued to attack Jiang Shi's body.

After Jiang Shi saw that the swarm of demon ants could not harm his body, he felt relieved.

"The Holy Spirit's second return is indeed powerful. Fortunately, I was cautious and didn't break in before. Otherwise, I would have been in big trouble."

Jiang Shi secretly said.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly used Lightning Step again and continued to rush towards the depths of the canyon at a very fast speed.

As soon as this swept out, more ants began to rush out from all corners and bushes.

It's like a black disaster.

The endless black magic ants are densely packed, like a black tide.

The entire sky was dyed black.

It's just that Jiang Shi didn't care at all, and rushed forward with countless demon ant swarms. When he couldn't rush past, he immediately used the [Thunder Talent].

In an instant, the lightning flashed and the light was bright.

Thick thunder and lightning were flying randomly here, and they immediately smashed countless demon ants flying in all directions.

Many demon ants fell to the ground one after another, emitting green smoke.

In this way, he rushed all the way without stopping.

About twenty minutes later.

Only then did we finally reach the depths of the canyon.

A chaotic pile of stones stood quietly at the front, looking a bit disorganized, like a random confrontation.

But if you look closely, you can see countless strange runes carved on the stone pile. They are densely packed, profound and obscure, making it difficult to see clearly.

Jiang Shi's expression remained unchanged, he quietly stared at the pile of rocks in front of him, then took another step towards the front.

As soon as they passed through the pile of stones, a mysterious stone formation came into view.

The entire stone formation is made up of huge stones that are tightly stacked together. It has a strict layout and numerous runes. There are more than ten thick stone pillars standing in all directions.

At first glance, there is an obscure and mysterious atmosphere.

"Teleportation array, this is the teleportation array..."

Jiang Shi murmured, but his eyes were deep and dark as he continued to look at the entire formation.

With his gift of insight, it seemed like nothing could be hidden from him.

Every corner of the entire formation entered his heart.

I just feel that the more I look at it, the more mysterious it becomes.

The more you look at it, the more profound it becomes.

But suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, as if he had discovered some mystery. .

"I can't believe it, I really can't believe that you, an old ghost, haven't completely lost your mind yet. You are worthy of being the old man in the ring. You are a master at using it."

Jiang Shi's tone was indifferent and his clothes were hunting.

It's like talking to the void in front of you.

The magic circle in front of him was motionless, and nothing abnormal appeared.

It was as if everything was just Jiang Shi talking to himself.

"What? You still don't want to show up? Do you want me to invite you out in person?"

Jiang Shi looked indifferent and continued to speak.


On top of the ancient stone pillars, blurred white light suddenly emitted, and runes bloomed, exuding mysterious and powerful power.

A vague transparent soul suddenly appeared in Jiang Shi's eyes. It was ancient and desolate, and exuded an aura of decay and decay.

It is the soul body from before!

The other party is still not dead!

In other words, the opponent was divided into two, but one part was hidden in Lu Yan's ring, and the other part has been hiding here to recuperate.

"Can you tell me how you discovered me?"

The transparent soul body spoke helplessly.


Jiang Shi's tone was cold and decisive.

The transparent soul smiled bitterly and said, "Young man, there doesn't seem to be much hatred between you and me. You have already killed my apprentice and destroyed half of my soul power. Isn't this enough to relieve your anger? "

He paused and said, "How about letting me go? I can help you. I dare not say anything else, but at least I am a person who has lived for thousands of years. I have a lot of knowledge, skills, and connections. These All of them will be of great help to you. It makes more sense to keep me here than to kill me."


Jiang Shi frowned and said, "Are you willing to help me? I don't really believe it!"

"Are you worried that I will avenge my disciples?"

The transparent soul body sighed softly and said, "To be honest, before this, I really thought about it, and even wanted to cut you into pieces, but now that you have come here in person, I have already changed my mind. Your value is right. For me, I am higher than Lu Yan. It is true that Lu Yan is my disciple, but I have already given up half of my soul power. There is no need to make the same mistake again and again. If you let me go once, I can give up all hatred. "

He still has too many great things to do.

There is still a heinous blood feud that has yet to be avenged!

I don’t want to be completely buried with Lu Yan!

Lu Yan is just a disciple of his life journey!

When he split his soul in two here, he was worried that sooner or later his enemies would discover him and die miserably.

This is an escape route he specially prepared for himself!

"Give up all hatred? That's simple."

Jiang Shi's tone was indifferent and he said, "But how should I trust you?"

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