My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 194 The Origin of the Transparent Soul Body!

Facing Jiang Shi's question, the transparent soul suddenly fell silent, motionless, and seemed to be lost in thought.

A gentle breeze blew between them, making a rustling sound.

Jiang Shi looked calm, still looking at the soul body, and said, "What? Can't guarantee it?"

"No! Wait!"

The transparent soul body suddenly spoke again, looked up at Jiang Shi, and said, "I have a soul secret method called [Soul Control Secret Technique], which I can teach you. As long as you practice this mental method, you can use this secret method to suppress How about my soul, so you don’t have to worry about me becoming rebellious?”

Jiang Shi sneered and said, "The secret method of controlling souls? It sounds nice, but unfortunately it's still too troublesome. I still prefer to kill you. Killing you once and for all is the safest way."

"Why should young people be like this? I have already given in to this point. Could it be that you still can't see my sincerity?"

The transparent soul body spoke quickly.

"I can't see it, old ghost. The time has already been delayed. It would be better for me to send you on your way."

Jiang Shi spoke coldly and walked forward.

An extremely powerful pressure filled his body, and streaks of lightning burst out from his pores in an instant, covering his entire body.

The face of the transparent soul body changed again, and he quickly said, "Wait a minute, I have another way."

Jiang Shi's face was indifferent, and he looked towards the transparent soul body.

The face of the transparent soul body changed rapidly, and his heart was tumbling. He seemed to have made an extremely difficult decision, and said, "I can give you part of my soul origin. Now, you should feel relieved."

Facing Jiang Shi's aggressive approach, he had absolutely no choice.

If his soul had not been divided into two before, he could still fight Jiang Shi on the basis of using forbidden methods. Even if he could not kill Jiang Shi, it would be easy to remain undefeated.

But in order to prevent being discovered by his enemies, he had already split his soul into two, making his already weak soul even weaker.

This was taken advantage of by Jiang Shi and he was defeated miserably at the hands of Jiang Shi.

"Give me half of the soul origin?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

This is the most important thing about the origin of the soul.

Giving the source of your soul to others at will is equivalent to giving your life and death to others to control at will.

"You really want to?"

Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows.

"Is there any other way I can do it?"

The transparent soul smiled bitterly and spoke.

"But why do I still not believe you?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

No matter how you say it, this is an old ghost who has lived for thousands of years. He has a gloomy personality and many strange things. Who knows how many conspiracies and conspiracies there are in his mind.

If he had a backup plan, then he would be feeding a tiger into trouble.

"Little brother, please rest assured. I will never lie to you. Moreover, this teleportation array has not been completed. There is still a part to complete. If you kill me, it will be even more impossible to repair the teleportation array. ."

The transparent soul body said quickly, "And I also have countless secret treasures, skills, and knowledge on my body. These are priceless wealth. If any skill or knowledge is spread out, it will be enough to cause a sensation. If you kill If I die, you will get nothing, so please think twice."

He was really scared.

This young man is too murderous.

Killing at every turn!

It is an absolute nightmare to be an enemy of such a person.


Jiang Shi's mind continued to search, and the [Insight] talent unfolded, and a pair of eyes stared directly at this transparent soul body.

To be honest, the secret treasures, skills, and knowledge in this old guy are indeed priceless treasures.

This can be seen from the fact that he previously guided Lu Yan to avoid [Carrion Demon Ants].

More importantly!

The teleportation array in front of him has not yet been completed. If he kills this old guy, it will be like drawing water from a bamboo basket, and nothing will be left behind.

For a moment, Jiang Shi thought quickly in his mind.

"Okay, you hand over the source of your soul first, but I advise you, it's best not to play tricks. You have also seen my methods. If I find out anything, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Jiang Shi spoke coldly.


The transparent soul body secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally relaxed. He raised his palm, slapped his eyebrows, and immediately groaned. The entire soul body became much darker again, and then a strange triangle slowly flew out from his eyebrows. pattern.

Deep in the pattern, a little man who looked exactly like this transparent soul stood suddenly, flying quickly towards Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi's [Insight] talent was rapidly unfolding, and countless runes in his eyes were running rapidly and densely, taking in the entire body of this transparent villain.

After finding nothing unusual, he grabbed the transparent figure with his palm. His eyes flashed and he observed carefully. He suddenly raised his head and said, "How should I save this thing?"

The transparent soul body opposite immediately gave a bitter smile and said, "If you have practiced other spiritual mysteries, just swallow this thing. If you are not worried, you can also find a jade vial to store it."


Jiang Shi's eyes flashed, a little worried, but he directly activated his mental attack, which instantly affected the transparent villain.


The next moment, the transparent soul body on the opposite side suddenly let out a miserable scream. It was extremely painful. It hugged its head tightly and fell to the ground, flickering on and off for a while.

"Stop it!"

He quickly screamed in pain.

Jiang Shi stopped again and looked at the transparent villain and the transparent soul body opposite, and saw that the two seemed to be really connected.

One is dim, and the other has also been dim.

He immediately felt relieved, quickly took out a small bottle containing elixirs from his arms, swallowed all the elixirs inside, and then directly put the transparent little man into it.

"Tell me, what's your name and what's your origin?"

Jiang Shi asked, becoming interested.

The transparent soul body opposite showed a burst of bitterness and said, "My name is Xuan Daozi, and I guess you have never heard of it. As for my origin, three thousand years ago, I was the sect leader of the [Xuanming Sect] on the mainland. , but he was betrayed by his subordinates, his body was destroyed, and only a trace of his soul was left. Because he had practiced the secret technique of the soul, he was alive until now."

"Xuan Daozi? Xuanming Sect?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

I've definitely never heard of this name!

"What secret technique have you practiced that is so powerful that it can actually keep your soul alive for so many years?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"It's called [Yuanhun Zhenjie]. If you want, I can teach you all of it, and even my other skills can be given to you. To be honest, in addition to these skills, I also taught you There is a treasure cave buried, and there are countless genius treasures hidden in it, and I can give these to you."

Xuan Daozi said in a depressed state.

He is now controlled by Jiang Shi and has no hope of turning around.

Jiang Shi can kill him at any time.

At the moment, he has no choice but to cooperate.

By cooperating with Jiang Shi, there will be a chance for revenge in the future.

But if we don’t cooperate, we won’t even have this slim chance.

"Treasure Cave."

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

"Yes, I was very cautious when I was alive and would never put my eggs in one basket. Therefore, I left a treasure cave in this vast place. The contents inside can definitely ensure that I am in trouble. At that time, we made a comeback again.”

Xuandaozi said.

"Interesting, you are so cautious, how can you end up like this?"

Jiang Shi showed curiosity and said, "Who are you, the person who plotted against you?"


Xuandaozi's eyes suddenly showed deep hatred and resentment, and he said, "He is my son-in-law, his name is Yang Yaotian!"

"Yang Yaotian?"

Another new name entered Jiang Shi's mind.

Jiang Shi remained calm and continued to look at Xuan Daozi.

I only heard Xuan Daozi say resentfully, "This is all my fault. At that time, I had just obtained the secret method of [The True Solution to Yuanhun], and all my mind was attracted by this technique. Only then was I unknowingly attracted by it." My son-in-law has emptied my rights,

My son-in-law is vicious and scheming. On the one hand, he keeps flattering me. On the other hand, he sends all kinds of treasures and treasures to gain my trust. He even uses my daughter to gain my trust. Arousing the tenderness in my heart, I was unknowingly paralyzed by him, and gradually let go of my power and allowed him to participate in many core issues.

But I never expected that.

All my confidants were secretly eliminated by him at this time. Not only that, but one day when I was in seclusion, I was suddenly poisoned by a strange poison. In an instant, my energy and blood flowed backwards, and my body collapsed. It was only then that I discovered his true colors.

He led the masters in the church to besiege me. After I bravely broke out of the siege, he used my daughter to threaten me and forced me to show up. In the end, I failed to escape his vicious hands. Not only me, but also my daughter He was also killed by his own hands in front of me!

I feel extremely regretful!

At first, I just wanted to kill that evil beast at all costs, but I was poisoned, and my body collapsed more and more, until it was completely shattered!

Unfortunately, after my body was shattered, the evil beast thought that I had completely died tragically, but unexpectedly, two hundred years later, my soul gradually gathered together and I came back to life.

At that time, I didn’t even think that I would be reunited one day!

Later, I thought about it carefully, and this should be the secret of [True Solution to Yuanhun]. After countless years of enlightenment, I was able to successfully enter [True Solution to Yuanhun], and this was the only way to keep my soul alive. "

Xuandaozi said a lot of things in one breath, and the hatred in his eyes was embarrassing.

Jiang Shi's expression became increasingly weird.

Because listening to Xuan Daozi's words, he felt more and more familiar.

How similar is this to the movies and TV shows he watched in his previous life?

Isn't that how Ren Woxing was imprisoned by Dongfang Bubai?

The difference is that Dongfang Bubai did not kill him, but Xuandaozi's son-in-law killed him, and also killed Xuandaozi's daughter.

This has to be said about the ruthlessness of Xuandaozi's son-in-law.

"So, [True Soul Explanation] can make a person's soul immortal?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"It should be, otherwise I can't explain why my soul still exists today."

Xuandaozi exited.

Jiang Shi nodded slightly and said, "Tell me this [True Solution to Yuanhun]."

"Okay, whatever you want from me, I can tell you. I only have one request, that is, when you meet that evil beast Yang Yaotian in the future, when you can, help me capture him. I can't wait to eat him alive. Its flesh, drink its blood!"

Xuandaozi gritted his teeth and said with hatred.

He endured the humiliation and would rather hand over the origin of his soul to Jiang Shi to survive. Naturally, it was not for himself, everything was for revenge!

Only alive can there be hope for revenge.

"It's easy to say, it's nothing. When my strength reaches a certain level, I will naturally help you get revenge."

Jiang Shi spoke calmly.

He would never refuse anything he did casually.

"That's good, little brother, please concentrate and listen carefully..."

Xuandaozi immediately began to speak.

Waves of mysterious sounds began to come out of his mouth. They were mysterious and filled with countless truths. Every word sounded profound and obscure in people's minds and required a lot of energy to understand.

Jiang Shi remained motionless and listened silently.

About half an hour later.

Everything finally stopped.

"Okay, these are all the contents of [The True Solution to Yuanhun]."

Xuan Daozi said slightly tiredly.

It seemed that reciting this [True Solution to Yuanhun] cost him a lot of energy.

"I have a few more questions..."

After Jiang Shi listened once, he immediately started asking questions carefully.

Xuandaozi explained one by one.

Another twenty minutes passed.

"By the way, where is the treasure cave you mentioned?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"Not in this area, but in the location of Daheng Zhongzhou, this teleportation array does not lead to Daheng Zhongzhou. If you want to go there, you need to build another large array."

Xuandaozi said.

"Daheng Zhongzhou?"

"Yes, the Daheng Land is boundless and extremely vast. It is difficult for ordinary people to reach the end in their lifetime. This area is where the [Thirty-six Alliances] are entrenched."

Xuan Daozi responded and said, "Before I fell, these [Thirty-six Alliances] had not been formally established. They were just thirty-six large declining sects. Hundreds of years ago after I fell, they Start making covenants and coming together.”

"I see."

Jiang Shi spoke.

This guy is really a living fossil.

There are probably very few antiques that are three thousand years old.

"By the way, how are you sure that your son-in-law will not die of old age?"

Jiang Shi asked.

If the other party dies of old age, wouldn't all this hatred disappear?

"No, he will definitely not die of old age. When I was plotted, he had already reached the peak of the Blood Core Realm. He is a strong Blood Core Realm and has a lifespan of two thousand years. In addition, he has mastered the [Xuan Ming Sect]. He will definitely use the countless resources of [Xuanming Sect] for his own cultivation. With his talent, he has probably broken through the blood pill and officially entered the realm of Nirvana. It will be easy to live for three thousand years."

Xuandaozi responded.

"Oh? Blood elixir? Nirvana?"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

Could these be the realms after the Holy Spirit?

"After the Holy Spirit has returned to his ancestors nine times, his bloodline will be extremely pure. At this time, we must try to fuse the strength with the bloodline. Once the fusion is successful, a blood elixir will be condensed in the body. The power of this blood elixir is pure and incomparable. It's powerful, much stronger than the power of the Holy Spirit Realm."

Xuandaozi explained.

"So you were also a master of blood elixir or nirvana before?"

"Yes, I had just achieved Nirvana for the second time at that time."

Xuandaozi responded.

The old ghost is really powerful!

Jiang Shi nodded slightly.

For example, Yuan Fuhai, the leader of the Sea Whale Gang, may not be a master of the Blood Core Realm.

As a result, this old ghost directly reached Nirvana for the second time!

Doesn't it mean that at his peak, he can sweep the entire Sea Whale Gang at will?


Even Jinlingmen may not be his opponent.

"How should this formation be improved? Also, the formation you mentioned cannot lead to the treasure cave, then where can it lead?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"There are still two corners left for this formation to be completely perfected. Secondly, after it is perfected, this formation can only lead to [Qilin City] nine million miles away. This Qilin City is also under the jurisdiction of [Thirty-six Alliances] One of the eighteen main cities under the Qing Dynasty. The difference is that it is not under the jurisdiction of Jinling Gate and Qingcheng Gate, but the other two sects of the [Thirty-Six Alliance]. I plan to rebuild the formation there. Only then can we go to Zhongzhou.”

Xuandaozi said.

"Nine million miles away?"

Jiang Shi was secretly surprised and said, "It's so far away and you haven't left the range of [Thirty-six Alliances] yet?"

"Yes, I have said before that the entire Daheng territory is huge and can be called boundless."

Xuandaozi smiled bitterly.

Jiang Shi's mind was spinning rapidly, and he once again had a new understanding of the world.

"Okay, first teach me how to perfect this formation."

Jiang Shi spoke.

No matter what, let’s perfect this retreat first.

This way, he can leave at any time.

"To complete the formation, we still need two types of materials: Yangyan Stone and Yin Sea Coral. Just gather enough of these two materials."

Xuandaozi responded.

"Still need to collect materials?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

So troublesome?


Xuan Daozi said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, just gather together."

Jiang Shi nodded lowly.

Anyway, he won’t lose this time.

Suddenly, he looked at Xuan Daozi again and said, "Why did you leave me? Did you also choose to be parasitic in the ring?"

"Yes, I have prepared the soul-nurturing ring in advance."

Xuan Daozi spoke, and the transparent soul power suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed into the gravel on one side. After a while, a black ring rose out of thin air and flew towards Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed and he grabbed this simple-looking ring in his hand.

Who would have thought that one day he would become a grandpa!


His old grandfather style is different from other old grandfather styles!

The old man in the ring, to put it bluntly, is just his puppet.

A smile appeared on Jiang Shi's face, his body flashed, and he disappeared in an instant.


Not long after.

Jiang Shi returned to Bailong City again.

The city was as turbulent as ever, with all kinds of chaos and fighting coming into view, and there was no trace of calm.

But he didn't stop at all and walked directly towards a shop under his jurisdiction.

"Manager Jiang, you are here."

The person guarding the shop was a middle-aged man with a rich face. When he saw the visitor, his expression changed, he quickly showed a flattering smile, and he quickly welcomed him.

"Help me see if you have Yangyan Stone and Yin Sea Coral here?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"Okay, please sit down for a moment, and I will go and see it now."

The shopkeeper spoke quickly and quickly retreated.

Soon a maid brought tea and carefully placed it in front of Jiang Shi.

Not long after.

The shopkeeper's face turned pale, and he wiped cold sweat from his body. He quickly walked out again and said anxiously, "Manager Jiang, the last batch of Yangyan Stones in our store was snatched away by the Baihe Gang half a month ago, and only half of the Yin Sea Coral is left. .”

"Been robbed?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

"Yes, the Baihe Gang has been acting like crazy dogs lately..."

"I know, bring me the Yin Sea Coral."

Jiang Shi said coldly.

The shopkeeper immediately waved his hand, and someone brought up a strange piece of dark blue coral, stirring with a hint of cold air, like a huge piece of black ice.

Jiang Shi looked at it carefully and suddenly asked, "Where can I find Yangyan Stone?"

"Yangyan Stone is extremely rare, and the mining location is extremely harsh. Only by chance does a piece enter the market. It is estimated that... it is estimated that it will be difficult to find it in the entire city. However, I will definitely pay attention to the manager. If there is any news, I will Will report back as soon as possible.”

The shopkeeper's expression changed and he spoke nervously.

"So the last piece still fell into the hands of the Baihe Gang?"

Jiang Shi's face was gloomy.

"It should...should be."

The shopkeeper spoke anxiously.

Jiang Shi's heart suddenly surged.

damn it!

It seems that the White River Gang is really going to fight to the death with the Sea Whale Gang.

"Pay more attention to White Dragon City. This is a top priority for me. You must find some for me."

Jiang Shi spoke in a low voice.

"Yes, Manager Jiang."

The shopkeeper said quickly.

In the end, Jiang Shi frowned and quickly left the place with half of the Yin Sea coral.

Not long after, he returned to his residence again.

Recalling the turmoil in the city and the madness of the Baihe Gang during this period, an unspeakable huge pressure appeared in his heart again.

"No, my strength is still too weak. I'm afraid it won't be enough for the two major gangs to fight against each other."

Jiang Shi opened the panel and watched.

The easiest thing for him to practice now should be the Four Ultimate Heavenly Evil Techniques!

Next is the Nine Dragons Overlord Demonic Body.

"First practice the Four Ultimate Heavenly Evil Techniques to perfection, and then integrate them into the Nine Dragons Overlord Demonic Body. In this case, the Nine Dragons Overlord Demonic Body should be able to reach a higher level."

Jiang Shi thought in his mind and immediately began to work hard to retreat.

This time.

Another three full days passed.

But on the fourth day, he still woke up from seclusion.

There is no other reason.

Yuan Fuhai formally summoned him and assigned him tasks.


Sea Whale Gang Headquarters.

In the spacious huge hall.

"Yes, you are refreshed and refreshed. You have indeed made a successful breakthrough."

Yuan Fuhai said with emotion.

It’s good to be born a king!

For ordinary people, even if they have the Holy Spirit Pill, they may not be able to break through the realm steadily, and there is still a huge probability of failure.

But everything is nothing here in Jiang Shi.

"Jiang Shi, take it."

Yuan Fuhai waved his palm, and a purple-black jade token flew directly towards Jiang Shi, and said calmly, "The Katori Sect headquarters has been defeated by me, but several core strong men have escaped. I suspect that there are other forces in the city colluding with them, but I have to concentrate on dealing with the Baihe Gang now and have no time to track them, so you will take my place and find out for me the remnants of the Xiangtori Sect, and also find out all the forces that colluded with them."

Jiang Shi's heart moved and he asked, "Does the gang leader have any clues?"

If there are no clues, the search will be in vain, and I don’t know when we will find it.


Yuan Fuhai casually grabbed another piece of paper and said to Jiang Shi, "When those remnants were escaping, there were Twelve Phase Gods helping them. If you find those Twelve Phase Gods, you can ask them everything. "

"Oh? Twelve Phase God?"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.


Yuan Fuhai exports.

Jiang Shi thought quickly in his mind, clasped his fists and said, "Yes, Gang Leader."

"Go ahead and take the Black Death Guards with you."

Yuan Fuhai waved.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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