My Super God QQ

Chapter 1005: To the second ancient mine?

The big Luo Jinxian was shocked because he was only a general in white. If the general in red, it would be his superior.

However, he carefully recognized it again, and found no boss at all. To avoid offending people, this official spirit wrote down the appearance of the generals in red clothes in detail.

"Bold, dare to pretend to be a general in red. Now, I will send you to the fairy prison!"

He was very happy, because this would definitely make Feng Gongzi's face familiar, and it would be considered to please him. Then, if he was asked to come home and say, wouldn't he give himself a long face.

But just when he was about to start, a medal flew over.

He hurried to catch it, and saw that the medal was painted with the general red shirt on it.

"Li Qing?" Turning back to the brand, looking at the name behind, he looked curiously at the young man who threw the brand, that is, Li Qing.

"Yes, what's wrong, I'm a general in red. We dare not pretend to be general in red. This is my medal, is it okay?"

"Ming Ming Xiao Xiaojun, impossible without you!" He jumped in his heart, but still looked at Li Qing suspiciously.

"I didn't say that I belonged to you Ling Xiaojun?" Li Qing smiled disdainfully: "I'm a general in red in the fairy prison army. Why, seeing that I'm not saluting yet?"

The face of this big Luo Jinxian suddenly became ugly.

Can only bow down and salute Li Qing: "I have seen the general."

"Isn't it fake?" Feng Gongzi frowned.

"No, this is true!" The big Luo Jinxian took a deep breath, very sure.

"Well, don't disturb us, will you?"

Li Qing said disgustingly to them, beckoning them to make way.

"What's the matter to me, even if you are a general in red, you can only manage the army. Don't pretend to be a big tail wolf. I know that my father is also a general in red, or there is a possibility that he will be promoted to the general in red. . "Feng Gongzi stuck his neck, unconvinced.

What he said, there was a feeling that the dead duck's mouth was hard, but he refused to accept it.

However, the big Luo Jinxian next to him thought of something, and his eyes lit up: "Yeah, he is a fairy prisoner, I am Ling Xiaojun, even if he is a general in red, it is impossible to transfer to me, afraid What is he doing..." Slowly, he also had confidence, because the Ling Xiao Army is the defender of the Ling Xiao Continent, which can be called the master of the fairy court and the guard of the emperor.

The seven rank officers in front of the prime minister, their guards are certainly more emperor-like than those who fought outside.

"Well, yes, Mr. Feng is right! Even if you are a general in red, but you are only a fairy prisoner. In the name, I am a lower official and it is necessary to see you to salute, but you can't control us." This Daluo Jinxian looked at Li Qing provocatively.

He wanted to go all the way to black, but it is normal to think about it. After all, he is Ling Xiaojun. Of course, he wants to please Ling Xiaojun's boss. As for other troops, he can do it well, not pull it down...

Li Qing took a deep breath and ignored them.

As soon as Jin Yangxian quarreled with them there.

In the end, the Zhongpin Xianshi was completely cut out, which attracted the master of that stone.

"Absolutely worth fifty thousand inferior immortals."

"it is good!"

There was also a smile on Li Qing’s face, fifty thousand, then he could cut it bigger, and let everyone also play with it, because he saw that everyone saw him cut good things, and they were all about to move, especially It is Su Xiaoxiao.

"You guys pick it, pick one by one, and I will check it out later."

"Okay, are we tight now?" Murong Feng Judo said.

With such a careful and thoughtful wife, what else can I say, Li Qing is warm in his heart.

He shook his head and said to everyone: "Don't be afraid of having no money, just now, I learned to cut stones, and I can only make money without losing money."

"Where the silly boy comes from being confident, the country boy is the country boy, and if he hits a piece, he can't find himself proud of it..." Feng Gongzi refused.

Can it be served?

Originally, the original intention was to be in a bad mood. He wanted to ridicule Li Qing for a few words to make him discouraged.

Who knows, when it developed like this in the end, he became more and more angry and started to hate Li Qing for coming.

"Hahaha, Master Feng, people, most of them are like this, we don't have general knowledge with them!" That big Luo Jinxian, that is Luo Yu, made up the knife path on the side.

"Some people are so proud that they don't even know what they look like."

"This kind of people is more common, more common, otherwise, more than 90% of the fairy world are mediocre."


Those friends who came with Luo Yu also helped, and I would be happy to help Luo Yu, because it was just a joke!

In addition, Li Qing's general in red can't control them, because this is the Pangu giant city, they don't belong to them. It can be said here that the generals in red, except Ling Xiaojun, cannot be bullied by power, nor can they bully others.

Of course, the general is different. Generally, he wants to bully people and is not afraid of things, because most of them are the left and right arms of the emperor Xianting.

"Ignore them, it's really annoying, hey, you can't do it here, it's really uncomfortable..." Li Qing frowned and couldn't stand them anymore. How could they buzz like flies, it was annoying. : "Speaking of you, what do you mean by betting on your actions? It's always interesting to us? We are not uncles, you are not girls in Yihongyuan, and you can't make our money?"


Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but laughed out loud.

The same is true of others.

This analogy of Li Qing is too great to be true.

They are so nagging, they are really the same as the women, and they still stick to them. Isn't it the same as the girls who sell themselves in the court?

At the moment, they are so angry that they almost run I..."

The big Luo Jinxian was so angry that he wanted to get started, but he didn't dare to think about it.

This feeling is so suffocating that I really want people to vomit blood.

Seeing that they were speechless, everyone was happy to pick their own stones.

Li Qing kept picking and asking questions while quietly asking the qq system.

This time, he definitely picked a better one.

That is, he wanted to pick the best. In this pick, he found that there was nothing good, and the best was the top grade immortal stone.

"Just this one!"

Li Qing let the other party cut and cut out a piece of top grade fairy stone.

Seeing this situation, the other party's eyes were red, not envious, but angry, how could Li Qing get **** again.

Among the people brought by Li Qing, most of them lost money except that the younger sister made a lot of money by cutting a piece of middle-grade fairy stone.

"Owner, is the fairy stone in your shop more expensive than outside?"

"Yes, eight times more expensive."

"Isn't that the same price as the Huanggu mine?"

"Why, official and guest, there are two thousand immortals, the Huanggu mine is ten thousand immortals, and the modern mine inside is one thousand immortals."

"Then let me see first!"

Anyway, Li Qing can know if there is any superb immortal stone in these stones, it will definitely not lose money.

But, strangely, Li Qing looked at nearly 40 or 50 stones in the house inside, and there was no superb fairy stone.

"Otherwise, I'm looking for barren mines?"

Li Qing thought of this and asked the QQ system if he could find out what was in the barren mine.

If you can, then, as the boss said, you really can get rich overnight.


Recommend the ticket. Don’t forget to lose it. Righteous fathers, for you, it’s a wave of hands, a moment of time, for me, it’s life...

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