My Super God QQ

Chapter 1006: Shipping

"Master, no problem, but I can only observe whether there is anything in it and how long it is."


"Owner, are the ancient mines all ten thousand immortals?"

Li Qing asked again in confirmation.

"Yes, Tong Shou is not bullying, it's all 10,000 immortals." The shopkeeper said happily, only then, Li Qing earned so much, and felt so distressed. If Li Qing can earn and then lose back, then their store is considered profitable.

In order to let Li Qing play, he also showed a three-inch tongue, describing the magic and preciousness of the ancient mines one by one.

"There was a guest official who cut out an ancient fairy egg from us. The fairy egg is definitely the top class. Later, when the news spread, the fairy egg was actually taken by the fairy emperor. A piece of superb immortal stone was bought in the past. One thousand immortal stones, the guest official seems to be more than a lifetime of food and clothing, but also a comfortable and leisurely officer in Xianting, it is simply beautiful."

"Fairy beast eggs, won't they die after so long?" Jin Yangxian couldn't help but interject.

"Oh, Haoguan, how can we infer these ancient species from the ancients with common sense, but, in my opinion, it may survive through the energy absorbed into the air through the stone layer." As expected, some people would ask in this way, and immediately said with a smile: "In addition to fairy beast eggs, there are all kinds of superb fairy artifacts, and even legendary Taoism."


This is the first time Li Qing has heard this statement.

"Hello, don't even know what it is!" A word of contempt came from the side.

Jin Yangxian turned his head and wanted to go back, Li Qing pulled him and gestured with his eyes.

As a result, some people on Li Qing's side were listening to the shop owner's words, while others were picking up those ores on their own, and no one ignored Mr. Feng.


As if punching the cotton with one punch, Feng Gongzi was almost spitting blood.

"The country man is afraid of being laughed, so he doesn't dare to speak? Hey..." His servant quickly added two sentences.

In this way, Master Feng looked at the servant with a reward, and felt more comfortable.


"'Tao', a legendary magic weapon that is more powerful than the ultimate fairy. Because it is made like a avenue, that is to say, the power and the avenue are combined to a certain extent, so Will be called'Tao Qi'"

"It turns out this way, is that device legendary? Or has anyone seen it?"

Li Qing is very interested in authenticity.

"Some people have seen it, but I haven't seen it anyway, but it is rumored that our fairy court master has a Taoist weapon named Emperor Sword." Speaking of this, his fist was facing the sky above A salute.

Because, in Xianjie Xianqiang, as long as someone remembers or remembers its name, there will always be a sense.

This is respect. In addition, it is also to guard against the strongest person. Suddenly put the consciousness on your side. If you make the other side unhappy, you can lead to the disaster at any time.

Once, this is also a legend...

There was a person who secretly talked about the bad words of the Lord of the Fairy Court, and behind it, attracted Tianlei to break into gray ballast.

Of course, it is only a legend, because there are so many people in the whole fairy world, there must be a few who will speak bad things about the master of the fairy court. That kind of luck really deteriorated to the extreme, so he paid attention to it.

"Emperor Sword, really a domineering group..." Jin Yangxian was envious all over the ground: "If I could be an immortal emperor, wow, even if it was a day, it was enough!"

Looking at his "flower idiot", Li Qing gave two steps in disgust: "It's really no good!"

"Hey, what's wrong, don't disdain me like this, give me a good face?" Jin Yangxian embarrassed her face, crying and laughing.

"If it were me, I would be..."

Speaking of this, Li Qing thinks about it or not, otherwise, if the fairy emperor hears what he senses, then it will cause great trouble.

He wanted to say-if one day, if I am strong, the strong emperor will let me, I will be the Lord!

I didn't think about it, so I would vomit the golden sheep fairy.

"By the way, in addition to cutting out ancient alien beasts and Taoism, what else can be cut out?"

"There are also all kinds of strange things, such as refining materials, or celestial treasures, and some people once cut out a bodhi for 10 million years. At that time, the Western Buddhist country was upset and shocked, and the name was cut immediately. The person who came out of this treasure has also become a fate protector of the Buddhist kingdom and is regarded as a guest of honor."

"Is there a fairy medicine?"

"Yes, there is the Undead Soul Grass, legend..." Speaking of this, he leaned into Li Qing's ear and said: "It is said that the patriarch of the Reincarnation Pavilion once got such a grass, the avenue is not extinct, the soul is not only endless, and the life Revolving, later referred to as reincarnation."

Reincarnation Pavilion!

Hearing this, it was suspected that Xiao Guoguo was the one who came out of it. Suddenly, there was an uproar in his mind and his heart was shaken by it.

He had doubts for a long time that Xiao Guoguo was a reincarnated fairy.

So, it is inevitable that the undead God Soul Grass is what she got, and then, because the God Soul is more than endless, the road is not extinct, and is jealous of the sky?

Of course, thinking about this now is all useless. In order to suppress those cranky thoughts, Li Qing walked over and put his hands on a barren mine.

"Is there anything in this piece?"

"No, master!"

"What about this piece?" Li Qing put his hand on another block of ancient mines. The stones of this block of pale ancient mines were all gray. According to the shop owner, the reason why the stones are this color is that they are too old. Corruption appears.

It's just that the stone will really rot away until it disappears?

Is there really a sea of ​​rocks?

Li Qing is not clear, but listening to the boss, it is indeed like this.

"There is something in this piece, probably about 300,000 years old."

"Can't it be detected?"

"Sorry, master, no."

After listening to Li Qing, he lipped his lips, so he could not believe it! He thinks that the QQ system just doesn't tell him, because this QQ system has changed too much more than once, it's impossible, and I really don't believe it.

Never mind!

Anyway, there is something in it, and it should not be something that is not valuable. It should not be a loss if it is old.

Thinking about this, Li Qing picked him up: "Master Stone Cutting, I want this one."


Although it is more troublesome to cut this barren mine, it is necessary to grind it slowly, but the wages are much larger.

"Come, I'll come!"

He took the old mine carefully and put it on the workbench, slowly grinding the stone, very light and very slow.

"A little slow?" Jin Yangxian asked.

"The guest official doesn't know that this stone is about to decay, so it's enough to rub it lightly. If it's too strong, it may damage the contents."

"Doesn't that oxygen destroy it? Because of the long time, it will rot into ash as soon as it touches the air?" Jin Yangxian asked.

"No, this is not a mortal thing, how could it be." Master Cut Stone said.

"Okay, what if we cut out the mortal?" Jin Yangxian asked again.

Master Shi Qie ignored him, thinking that the guest was here to raise the bar.

Li Qing pulled him away, scolded "crow mouth", and looked intently.

After that, the master stone cutter slowly polished, and slowly, things became apparent.

"Out of out..."

The stone-cutting master hadn't said anything yet, and the golden sheep fairy called out excitedly again.

"Guest, please whisper, so as not to surprise Master Stone-cutting, if he slipped his hands, it would be bad to destroy the treasure..."

"Okay." Jin Yangxian realized his mistake and nodded, afraid to say anything.

People on Li Qing are overjoyed.

Only Master Feng was not far from the side, his face red and green, and white.

"Must be mortal!"

"Yes, it must be. The rare treasures are so easy to get to." His servant made up the edge.

"I said, otherwise, would you bet?"

Jin Yangxian smiled and walked over to ask.

"Everything is cut out, and you bet, are you shameless?" Feng Gongzi said angrily.

"Then you still have a certain tone of voice, saying that it is mortal? Now dare not gamble? Ha ha..." Jin Yangxian sneered.

Suddenly, they cracked their faces.

Cut it out!

After cutting it out All people see is a flower, but it is not a heaven and earth treasure herb, but a metal flower, a bit similar to the carved out, very beautiful.

It’s a bit like a peony, but it’s not.

"What's this?" Master Shi Qiao couldn't see what it was. You know, he's been in this business for thousands of years. However, it's really the first time that such a strange thing has been cut out: "No All things, if all things are already broken, it seems that they may be things like symbols."

Li Qing nodded and agreed.

Some people with strong strength and rich financial resources like to use the materials of the tokens very well. It seems that this is a token in the hands of a big man in the wild.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be a token. Good, good material~"

Feng Gongzi laughed loudly.

"Refining material? You really laugh, son, even if it is refining material, it's not worth the money~" His servant made up the knife again.

Li Qing couldn't help but say that, after taking the flower, he stepped forward.

"So how about we gamble, I bet I can cut things out next time?"

Li Qing now wants to drive them away so as not to disturb themselves, but wants to drive them away, and may lose all of their money, so that they may be allowed to escape in disgrace.

"Betting, who is afraid of who!"

Feng Gongzi immediately agreed.

However, when he had to wait for Li Qing to say anything again, he saw that Li Qing's face had changed, and he seemed a little happy.

"Do you think you will win?"

He was unhappy in the tunnel, and he showed joy before he started. It was really wrong.

Feng Gongzi didn't know that at this time, Li Qing didn't show his joy just because he promised, but just now, a mysterious message suddenly came from the metal flower in his hand.

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