My Super God QQ

Chapter 1008: 1 wave 4 fold stone

"Hey, trouble you, can't you laugh so badly, one by one quacks, I don't know if you are a male trick to laugh out!" Jin Yangxian glared at them impatiently.

There are male tricks in the fairy world, some people said, so shameless, is there no discipline? But in fact, in the fairy world with many powerful people, who cares about the face, all need fists, that is, people with small fists, will pay attention to the face.

When there is demand, there is naturally market supply.

Only when there is money to make money, can the market be turned around, can the heavenly court earn taxes, and more money can be recruited to buy horses, so this is what a state power should have.


The big Luo Jinxian "Luo Yu" pointed at Jinyangxian and wanted to scold something. For a moment his face turned red, he just didn't know what to scold, and his arms kept shaking.

"Since you can't speak, then be your dumb, don't laugh!"

Jin Yangxian found it interesting to see that they couldn't scold it, and he was very happy.

"That's it, fight me, use the lantern to go to the toilet, and find death!"

At this time, the master of stone cutting was very nervous, and his forehead was full of cold sweat, because he was still very optimistic about this stone, and he continued to compare his thumbs with Li Qing. Nowadays, he just hit his face, but he just felt that he didn't know where to put it.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, cut slowly," Li Qing said with a smile, the smile on his face was so calm.

This makes Master Shishi and the shop owner can't help but secretly praise. This guest is really the atmosphere. The rich should be like this, there is a general style. Where did he look like Feng Feng, as long as he didn't get a piece, he jumped like a thunder and kept jumping up and down, his pants almost didn't fall off.

Hedingtian and Li Xingzhu also nodded constantly, all with admiration in their eyes.

Even Li Qing is so stable, even if they are ashamed of themselves.

In fact, if they knew that Li Qing could cheat, they might vomit blood directly, so that they would worry about nothing.

Jie Yu hugged Li Qing's arm, all eyes were small stars, it was love and admiration.

Li Qing felt Jie Jiejie's soft body and fragrance, beautiful and nourishing, and her life was more proud than that.


Master Cut Stone continued, encouraged by Li Qing, only to feel full of energy again.

"Oh, I'll pretend, I won't believe it, I won't be able to cut anything out later, I will see if he can't cry!" Feng Gongzi still didn't give up, sneering nonstop.

"Hey, the son said yes."

In this regard, Li Qing ignored them directly, but waved his hand and chased the flies.

This is directly the most invisible insult!

It also made them spit up blood as if suffering internal injuries.

Five minutes passed


Su Xiaoxiao screamed.

Not only her, but quickly, as if causing a chain reaction, several also exclaimed.

"It's white"

The stone-cutting master was overjoyed and constantly grinded to get even stronger.

The whole room was filled with joy.

Even if Mr. Feng is on the side, he has been noisy, but now it is still very happy.

"I'm so happy," Feng Gongzi pouted: "Isn't there anything?"

Before he had finished speaking, his voice came to an abrupt stop, as if the duck's neck was tightly locked by human hands.

His eyes glared round, as if his eyes would fall out of it.

I saw that after the white, something green appeared slowly from it. This is obviously something!


Jin Yangxian looked up and laughed.

Only, quickly, his voice stopped.

what happened?

It turned out that just after the emergence of the emerald green thing, it was not a thing, but a piece of jade, emerald green jade.

Obviously, the jade was cut out, not something old.

God turns!

First, the white is cut out, and then the white is cut out, and then the green is cut out.

Everyone's mood is like a roller coaster, ups and downs.

The whole body of the stone-cutting master was soaked with sweat. It stands to reason that it wouldn't be the case if you usually cut a barren mine, mainly because of the gambling atmosphere brought out by everyone!

As long as it involves gambling, no one can stay calm.

"It's okay, keep grinding"

Li Qingbao had something in it, so let him continue to grind.

"it is good!"

So, the master stone cutter continued to grind down.

It may be shaking hands, grinding, the whole stone suddenly cracked from it




This split, everyone is really ignorant, at least all the people on Li Qing's side.

As for Prince Feng's side, it was joyous.

Because, after the split, there was nothing in it at all, nothing was empty.

"Okay, now it's time to honor your promise. Give me the top grade immortal stone, hey." Feng Gongzi didn't ridicule them anymore, approached, reached out, and faced the owner.

"Wait a minute, isn't jadeite a thing? As long as it sells money, it's a thing!"

Jin Yangxian jumped out, filled with indignation.

"In the ancient mine, cut out the jadeite, which is obviously stone, where is it?! You can't afford to lose it?" Feng Gongzi almost jumped up, and then, facing the shopkeeper, said: "Boss, you can do it yourself You are good, you are a notary, and others are scornful. You must not be partial. Otherwise, your store’s reputation will be stinky."


The boss looked at Li Qing with embarrassment. In fact, he was not sure about whether to cut the jade or whether it was a stone or something, but he just hadn't thought of it at all.

Jade stone was cut out from the barren mine, damn, he has never heard such a ridiculous thing, and even if there is, no one will spread it as one thing.


Li Qing was on the ground, playing with the cracked stones on the ground, a total of seven or eight pieces were cracked. Li Qing was picking and picking up there, as if looking for something.

"Look for anything, there is nothing in it. Do you have to say yes, or do you have to say that jade is also a thing?"

"Who said no, I don't say jade, come on, master, you will grind these two pieces." Li Qing said with a voice: "Regardless of jade, these two stones must be in stock."

"Hey, you just blow it, obviously you can't see the coffin without tears, right?"

"Who has regulations, the things inside must be big? If the things left behind by the ancients are small things?"

"Okay, then you cut, cut! I don't believe it, and now I can cut out something!" Feng Gongzi laughed angrily, obviously there was nothing, and the other party was still dying.

In fact, Li Qing was a bit ignorant that the stone cracked and there was nothing in it.

However, after touching the stone below and hearing the prompt of the system, his heart settled down again, and his confidence rose.


The stone-cutting master took two stones larger than fists in Li Qing's hands and grinded them in.

Grind a piece, still not!

The other party's face is filled with pride, looking at your acting smile.

Until the second piece, it was grinded again, and actually a small particle was grinded, which could not be ground.

"Hahaha, something happened, definitely!" Jin Yangxian laughed.

"A small stone can't be ground, can you figure it out? Hey, hey, being a man is not so shameless!" The big Luo Jinxian, that is Luo Yu, quickly jumped out and shouted loudly.

"What is so hard is obviously the refining material. How come, the refining material left by the ancients is not counted?" Jin Yangxian looked up.

"Rookie! You guys!"

"Wait!" Seeing that they were going to quarrel again, only Li Qing calmly pulled the little thing out and rubbed it between his hands.

"Okay, give me the gambling money!"

Mr. Feng was impatient and irritable.

He rushed over to grab the storage bag and top grade immortal stone in the shopkeeper's hand next to Li Qing, but before the person arrived, a shocking light suddenly rushed from Li Qing's hand.

"You lost your gamble, are you going to kill me?"

Master Feng screamed in horror, and his voice became sharp and harsh.

End of this chapter (Tianjin Fiction Net https://)

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