My Super God QQ

Chapter 1009: Gambled, gone, lost?

The use of force in the Pangu Giant City is definitely the rhythm of self-finding!

The store owner was shocked, he had to stop his hands, and then he saw that Master Feng seemed not to be hurt, but that the light rose into the sky.


How can Li Qing do that stupid thing.

Just now, with his hands rubbing, he rubbed out a round thing, which was unexpected. This thing was like an animal, which got out of his hand and rushed into the sky.

When Li Qing's hand was just drilled out, the room was full of sweet fragrance, but it smelled clear and very comfortable.

"There is a magic elixir, my god!"

The stone-cutting master roared from the depths of his throat, and the sound shattered everywhere.

Li Qing no longer hesitated, seeing that thing directly broke through the ceiling, and jumped up.

In the Pangu Giant City of Immortal World, it is not possible to fly. This is an express ban. Very strictly, simply, he jumped on to have a footing in the house and jumped hard again.

The ceiling of the house collapsed, and he rose to the sky, and finally caught the golden elixir.

Immortality is still struggling, seems to be breaking free of Li Qing's shackles, shaking back and forth, Li Qing squeezed hard, so that he stopped him and fell back from the air.

"Quick, there is a magic elixir, to get blood, otherwise it will escape."

Master Cut Stone apparently had seen such a thing, and quickly reminded Li Qing that Li Qing immediately bit the index finger and sprinkled it on the elixir.

Immediately after being sprinkled on it, the role of this elixir appeared in Li Qing's mind.

This thing is "Sanqing Ju Shen Pill", which is the top elixir to enhance the soul of the soul. As for how much it can be improved... Li Qing is not clear, because the elixir sent to him is memory.

He saw three Taoists refining this pill together. It was on a huge high platform. There were countless people watching, as if worshipping. Everyone's face was in awe and expectation.

"This memory does not seem to be mortal!"

Li Qing was overjoyed.

Can it be mortal?

In the picture in the memory, the endless person knelt down and waited for this pill, and at a glance, he knew that this pill had a long history.

In addition, it can give birth to self-intellect and rise into the sky. It seems that it must have been that they did not keep this pill, or that there are several of this pill in the refining pill furnace, which will make this pill fly. Instead, it fell behind and was buried.

It's really lucky!

"Okay, okay, hahaha, I didn't expect that I could cut out the legendary elixir, too good..." Master Cheshi smiled no worse than Li Qing, so happy, because in the future, he can boast to others , He once cut out this immortality.

"This is the magical elixir left behind by the ancients. I really didn't expect that at that time, there was an alchemy..." Hedingtian was amazed.

"Uhh, even the Elixir can give birth to wisdom. I thought that only those medicines that became fine would work!" Li Xingzhu was also surprised.

"What medicine is it?"

Su Xiaoxiao was curious.

"I know, it must be a magical medicine that can be used to protect the sky, the golden gun can't fall after eating it..." Jin Yangxian licked a face and leaned on the edge of Li Qing: "Then, brother, I just got one When I smell it, I feel that there is something going on or off. Otherwise, let me know, I’ll sell you..."

The reason why the magical medicine is the magical medicine is that it can make people's spirits revive, and let the golden sheep's chickens move, Li Qing can understand.

Therefore, he just laughed and scolded: "Get up! This is the panacea to improve the quality of the soul, not what you say is messy."

"Oh~" Jin Yangxian could only make it to the side.

As for Li Qing's three women, they blushed and chewed the golden sheep fairy collectively.

"This time, it's you who lost it. How about the immortal medicine left by Huanggu? At this time, if you dare to say it, it doesn't count, then, I will serve you!" Duan Yuexian stepped into the golden sheep fairy That Feng Gongzi said.


Feng Gongzi's mouth twitched.

He really wanted to say nothing, but this is what he said, I am afraid he did not believe it.

He looked at his servant and wanted to see if he had anything to say. However, his servant was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Looking at the big Luo Jinxian again, he is the same, and his friends are silent.

"If you don't make a sound, just be the default~"

Jin Yangxian smiled and raised his head to the owner.

"So, this bet is that General Li Qing won. Come, this is all the spirit stones."

Li Qingyun took it lightly and threw it directly into the storage space.

But, after throwing it in, he looked up at Master Feng again: "Hey, there is money, don't we just laugh at our poor? See the real chapter under his hand, and have money to gamble again..."

Provocation, Chiguo Guo's provocation!

Feng Gongzi almost wanted to roar loudly.

So he looked at his servant.

"Son, I don't have..."

He looked at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's face was ugly and his skin was constantly smoking. He wanted to say no, but obviously he came to gamble when he came in with friends.

Can he say no?

I'm afraid that when I can't say it, the other party will not only say good things to his father, but there will definitely be bad things.

"Me, I have fifty thousand immortals."

After saying this, his heart was suspended in the air, I do not know what will happen to the bet.

"I'm afraid of fear, I won't lose anymore! How come he has such a good luck, I can guarantee that this time he has run out of luck, and your friends, let them borrow me, rest assured ~ When did my Feng's family borrow money and not pay it back?"

Can Luo Yu say no? Can only look to his friends for help.

In the end, they gathered 90,000 immortals.

"Okay, ninety thousand immortals, right?"

From the storage space, Li Qing took out Feng Gongzi's storage bag of Xianshi again.

Seeing that Li Qing took out the fairy stone from it, and wanted to bet against him with his own fairy stone, he was so angry that his teeth bite.

Then this is his money!

Now, it has been taken out by others, and they have to gamble with themselves.

Damn it, terrible!



Seeing this bet, Li Qing made an expression that was better than nothing, and was a little bit disgusted. He gave it to the owner immediately and walked to the old mine.

From the leftover ancient mines, Li Qing has not been able to pick out anything.

Keep picking and picking, one by one let him shake his head.

In the end, he was a little surprised when he finished the picking, wouldn't it be gone, if not, wouldn't he lose to Feng Gongzi?

Do not!

He will not lose.

So he asked the shopkeeper: "Apart from this old mine, is there anything else?"

"No, that's all. The store is not strong, so it can only be purchased to this level..." the owner shamefully said.

In fact, his goods here are pretty good, at least in the entire Pangu giant city, can be considered in the top ten.

"What's wrong, don't pick it, don't pretend to be a ghost!" Mr. Feng said impatiently.

"Isn't it just to win if I want to win? Pretend to act, don't pick here?" Luo Yu also scorned on the side, although his original intention is not to bet on the best, so that he can recover his money. Come, but he was just humiliated just now. He couldn't help but hurt Li Qing to be comfortable.


Thanks to the uncle who voted the recommendation, the atmosphere, this year will definitely make a fortune! ! !

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