My Super God QQ

Chapter 1002: Saint Seiya costume?

It is impossible!

Li Qing doesn't believe it at all. Someone can put his hand through the space and directly enter his QQ system to steal things, but it is possible to store the ring. The QQ system will definitely not.

So, what's going on?

Are you hell? !

No, you must calm down.

Li Qing calmed down and carefully thought about the ins and outs.

It is this observation that he found that everything except the fairy stone is in the hard disk space, and there is no sign of loss.

So, how could Xianshi disappear completely?

"I remember it seemed to be still there when it was put into that other-side flower fairy. It's impossible, is it the other-side flower?" Li Qing snapped, and immediately locked on the other-side flower.

After a detailed comparison, Li Qing found that this guy seemed to be much brighter than before. If it was just a very obscure metal object, then now, white and red have appeared, shining brightly.

"is it you?"

Li Qing walked quietly to the corner and got it out.

"What's wrong..." Jiao Didi's voice, the girl's child voice said lazily.

"Did you steal my fairy stone?" Li Qing said helplessly, and he found that he had no temper for the child.

"No, people don't steal it!" The girl sounded coquettishly.

"It's impossible, otherwise, just when I took you out, why was there a fairy stone under you, nowhere else!"

"Ah, it's impossible, people didn't digest it..."

"It really is you!"

Li Qing's cheating, she only knew that she leaked stuffing.

"Yeah, you lied to others..." She exclaimed, maybe she knew that she was wrong, and added a sentence: "The people really didn't steal, but they only ate when they were hungry. That's not stealing, it's just fair~"

What can Li Qing say?

If he could have that ability, and detain Qi Ling from him, he would like to beat her ass, not only to swell. It can be thought that the other party may be due to lack of energy, and there is nothing to say.

"Okay, then I hope you can show your strength and usefulness by then, otherwise, I have to melt you."

"You are scary, woo~ bad guy~" she cried.

Li Qing no longer ignored her, but fortunately Jiejie Jie cut out a piece of high-grade fairy stone, still in her hands, otherwise, if Li Qing had no money to settle the bill, it would be over, and it would definitely cause trouble.

After closing the bill, Li Qing went to the Refining Masters Association.

There, he surrendered this eccentric aircraft, and then motioned to change the aircraft with the same function.

Li Qing has promised a long time ago. I just said that I would give them one, even if it is a bit interesting, as a man, I have to fulfill the promise, so I changed the aircraft.

So, they got four aircraft.

The four flying machines were made by a master himself, the same system.

It's called "Shukong".

Since Li Qing and they are all from the earth, they chose this very sci-fi and beautiful flying machine, one blue and three red.

Shuttle empty, about fifty meters long, can seat 20 people.

Finally, after thinking about it, Li Qing decided to leave this thing to Qingdimen for development.

In addition, he also had the intention to sell several magic weapons that he came out of in the "Wang Sheng Bao Pavilion". But think about it as stolen goods. Who knows if there is a secret imprint? Think about it and deal with it later.


Take a group of people back to Uncle Li Qing's residence.

Li Qing intended to find another place to live, but his uncle did not let Li Qing go.

If you say that you have come home, you must never leave. If you leave, no one will look at him.

Li Qing can see that he really cares and loves his eyes. When thinking about the entire Zunlin tribe, there is only this old man, a cheap cousin, and being himself.

That is, after returning, he called the three girls to the room, and he was ready to distribute what he got today, the flower of the other shore.

As for the magic pill, of course, it is used by oneself.

He had a hunch that if he used the Divine Pill by himself, the Spirit Realm would definitely rise again.

"This fairy tool is handed down from ancient times. I am going to give you one of them... uh, you don’t need to say anything you pushed me, I know you all love me, but this fairy device is different from that flying machine, There are spirits in this fairy, the so-called treasure will automatically choose the master, and I will let her pick herself up, who to follow."

Li Qing spoke, watching them open their mouths, and took out the other flower fairy.

"Don't you always say that I am a badass? Now, let you follow them, you choose one, and see who you want to follow!"

"Huh~" Jiao Didi's voice seemed very proud: "They didn't say it~"

Seeing that there was the voice of the little girl, all three were shocked and happy.

Surprised, I was surprised that I had never seen an organ spirit. I did not expect that there would still be an instrument spirit that would automatically speak, which was really amazing.

If you are happy, if it picks itself, isn't it a baby doll partner? Not to mention this fairy, it’s so beautiful. If the metal flower used to look like an ordinary ornament, then now, what they see in front of them is a strange flower, white and red. I don’t know, it’s amazingly beautiful.

It was only an instant that the girl’s natural habit of loving beauty was directly captured by it.

"Well, you pick one~" Li Qing said helplessly.

The other shore flower floated slowly. Sure enough, as she said, now, she had recovered some strength, and then floated back and forth in front of the three girls.

First, stopped in front of Murong Fengrou: "This young lady seems a little cold, others are afraid."

Then, he flew to Su Xiaoxiao again: "Miss Sister is very pure and lovely."

Finally, Jie Yuna commented: "The water is rippling, but it is stable but not exposed."

If it weren’t for her, Li Qing thought it was a fortune-teller standing in front of her, but what’s going on? Don't you like it?

When Li Qing's mind came up with such an idea, it suddenly floated and hovered in front of Murong Fengrou.

"I will follow you. I have a hunch to follow you. It must be good."


Listening to this child's voice is like a little adult's way of speaking, Li Qing couldn't help laughing.

"it is good!"

Murong Fengrou heard that it was a bit cold in front of it, and he was afraid that there was still a little loss in his heart, but finally chose her, which made her heart still a little ecstatic.

After confessing the blood...

Suddenly, the flower on the other bank exploded suddenly.


In addition to Li Qing's knowledge and knowledge, the three women screamed in fright.

Then, they saw the other side of the flower exploded into sky petals, dancing in the air, filling the entire field of vision.

There are white and red, and then, countless petals swirl like swirls.

Murong Fengrou was swept in by the vortex, and the petals were like a knife, cutting all the clothes on her body. Soon, she revealed that beautiful and beautiful body like Jie Yu and Su Xiaoxiao were frightened, and they were afraid that Murong Fengrou would be hurt. They wanted to go up to save her and were stopped by Li Qing in time.

"Uh, the chicken is stiff!" Li Qing looked at her younger sister, her nose was a little itchy, and her throat was dry. She secretly vowed that she must whip the younger sister at night.

It's just so suffocating...

Because the petals began to stick to her body, first the neck, then the shoulders, upper body, waist, and feet, and finally, as if wearing a set of pink and white armor, it was absolutely cool.

To be honest, Li Qing feels a bit like the Saint Seiya I saw before as a child. It seems that there is a suit of the goddess of wisdom in it.

"Come out!"

Murong Fengrou sipped, her arm and thigh part of the armor detached, and combined into a red metal petal, fell into the palm of her hand.

"Brother Li Qing, I want to try the power..." She was eager to move, a little can't wait to be authentic.

"Okay, let me ask Uncle to help us send it to try."

When Li Qing's uncle came, he was also surprised to see Murong Fengrou because he felt a breath of death in his death.

Until Li Qing explained, the old man was happy, and that joy, touted Li Qing as a man with good luck.

"Okay, I'll send you to Luju, Beiju. This female doll is obviously the Celestial Order, but it gives people a strong sense of Dalu Jinxian, even Taiyi Jinxian. This desolate thing must be at that time. The top fairy costume, even if it is not Taoism, is not far away."

"Thank you uncle~" Murong Fengrou also screamed sweetly after Li Qing.


The old man put his hands on the shoulders of Li Qing and Murong Fengrou. They held Jie Yu and Su Xiaoxiao, and disappeared instantly.

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