My Super God QQ

Chapter 1003: Li Qing's Divine Consciousness

When it reappears, it is already on a wilderness of ice and snow.

Thousands of miles are frozen, thousands of miles are floating...

When the deep coldness hit, Su Xiaoxiao and Jie Yu shuddered.

Li Qing, a warm man, quickly took care of the two women in her arms and blocked the heavy snow falling from the sky.

That is, holding him, the two girls warmed up and stared at Li Qing with love.


Beiju Luzhou is so cold, even the fairy can be cold to the depths of your soul. If it were not for the help of others, people of the Celestial level were thrown here, and they could only be frozen into bones in despair.

"Murong doll, are you familiar with this fairy costume?"

Li Qing's uncle looked around and nodded and asked.

"Well, Uncle Gong, Qi Ling has come into contact with my soul, no problem."

"Okay, wait a moment..." Li Qing's uncle disappeared.

Jie Yu and Su Xiaoxiao were puzzled, but the next second, when Li Qing's uncle appeared again, he had brought a behemoth.


It is as high as a hundred floors, like a mammoth giant, not covered with hair, or black barbs, big red eyes, seeing humans, the nose is like a mace directly from the sky Flicked down.

The nose hasn't fallen, and the horrible hurricane has swept through. The nose seems to be like a building collapsed down.

"Da Luo Jin Xian level!"

Li Qing was shocked and was about to block it, but did not expect Murong Fengrou to raise a lotus-like presence under his feet, picked her up, and greeted him instead.

"Dance dance, turn!"

She chewed loudly.

The big red flower in his hand was thrown up, and the wind rose when he saw it, and it turned into a hundred meters, and he scratched the nose.

In an instant, the red flower glowed with the red glow of death, like a round of the sun.

The light flashed and the nose was cut off.

"Give me back!" When death burst out, Li Qing found that his shroud actually jumped out again, and quickly recovered it.

"That is?!"

Uncle Li Qing glanced at him in shock, and said in amazement.

On the other side, the mammoth demon has screamed loudly and kicked at Murong Fengrou.

Murong Fengrou retreated and violently retreated, almost red and white light was drawn into a line, she had retreated to tens of thousands of meters like lightning.


The mammoth demon rushed towards her, sprinting like a horse galloping.

Hearing the world shaking, the snowfield was shattered...

"Dance of death, burial!"

Murong Fengrou, in addition to the wrapped chest and shorts, the fairy costume of the whole body came out of the body, but actually stirred the sky's petals to sweep towards the mammoth monster.


Unusually bloody!

It was like a storm formed by thousands of knives, rising into the sky and wrapping it inside.

The mammoth monsters screamed constantly, and within five seconds, they were cut into flesh and blood.


Murong Fengrou fell to the ground, his face pale, but with a sense of surprise.


Li Qing's uncle said three words of "good", and the joy in his eyes can be seen at will.

"Uncle, how are you?"

"Very well, as I expected, it is really about to form Taoism, that is, it may be buried deep in the ground, and there is no energy to replenish it for a long time, otherwise it will be formed by the heaven and earth. Come, doll, give you this, put it Put it inside, it will quickly restore energy." He took out a storage bag and threw it to Murong Fengrou.

"Thank you uncle."

When Murong Fengrou received it at first, he was just politely thanking him, but he was looking at the contents clearly, took a deep breath, entangled in a lovely way, and looked at Li Qing with embarrassment.

"what happened?"

Li Qing was puzzled and flew over to support her.


Upon seeing it, Li Qing was also shocked in his heart. I saw a small pile of spirit stones in the storage bag, all of which were exactly the same as the top-grade spirit stones he cut out.

"Uncle, too expensive, I..."

Murong Fengrou was there.

"It's okay, the elders don't dare to resign, accept it, thank you uncle."

Seeing Li Qingchao bowing himself, the old man waved his hand in disapproval.

"The resources of the Zunlin clan, after hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, are still enough for you to use. Rest assured, I can’t use the old man. If I don’t take it out, I won’t put it in the dust."

"By the way, uncle, I also got an elixir of self-intelligence."

Li Qing gave him the elixir.

"Hahaha, good!" Li Qing's uncle laughed again, and said three times in a row: "I'm still worried. The Zunlin tribe has everything, that is, scarce medicine, this fairy is enough to promote you to Taiyi. Jinxian's spirit realm, good panda, good panda..."

"Really so good?"

"You serve this way, and I will protect the magic of the heartland for you, and you can achieve the Taiyi Jinxian consciousness."


When Li Qing took this elixir, it was still struggling until swallowed.

In this swallow, Li Qing feels that his soul is constantly becoming stronger and bigger. Then, as long as the mind starts, the consciousness must be there.

He saw Beiju Luzhou, from ten kilometers to one hundred kilometers, and from one hundred kilometers to one thousand, ten thousand and one hundred thousand.

In this case, as if he had become an avatar, he overlooked the entire Beiju Luzhou immensely.

When Li Qingxing looked at the Beiju Luzhou with great enthusiasm, suddenly, a voice sounded in the sky, it was Uncle's.

"Take your time and hold on! Also, in some places, if it feels wrong, it is impossible to explore..."

Li Qing quickly stabilized.

That is to say, he found that some places cannot be swept with consciousness. It seems that there is a strong presence. As soon as Li Qing approaches, the consciousness will collide with Li Qing with aggression.

If it was not the uncle who appeared to help him withstand temporarily, Li Qing's soul might be injured directly.

Is there such an attack?

Li Qing was shocked, and even felt that Taiyi Jinxian was not invincible in the entire fairyland, but was extremely dangerous. As long as his consciousness was not invincible, he would be easily injured.

That is, this time, Li Qing once again felt the power of his uncle.

That consciousness was many times larger than Li Qing's, but it was just hit by his uncle and quickly returned.

The situation is like a wolf hitting a tiger~ flinching back.


Outrageously strong!

"Okay, take back your consciousness! You can't go any further. This is the monster's nest, there are stronger than me."


Li Qing's withdrawal of his consciousness was still a thrilling and unstoppable emotion.

Like that kind of god, the feeling of mastering the movements of all things is really good and wonderful. An unparalleled and indescribable power makes Li Qing unable to hold back.

"Li Qing, why didn't he come back!"

Suddenly, he sensed something and looked in the direction of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

In the midst, he sensed that someone was talking about him.

"It's impossible, this is what the strong people call induction?" Li Qing finally entered the realm of the strongest man.

It seems that Li Qing's growth is explosive, like a rocket.

However, who made Li Qing lucky, the barren mine that thousands of people can't cut, also let him cut it, and get rare treasures, not to mention Li Shendan, which strengthened Li Qing itself.

Now, that is, the fairy power in Li Qing's body is not enough to reach the Daluo Jinxian. Otherwise, his fighting power is absolutely the most mainstream among Taiyi Jinxian.

It seems that knowing that Li Qing is lacking now, his uncle told him something.

First, he has to go back to his ancestral land to bring some magic elixir that can increase fairy power to Li Qing.

Second, after Li Qing returned to Dongsheng, she should not use that consciousness easily. Be careful.

Third, Li Qing's Power Divine Pill can continue to buy.

When he confessed, he seemed to be full of anticipation for Li Qing's existence as a punch fist.

Perhaps the opportunity for the revitalization of the Zunlin tribe will fall on this son.

Ask for a recommendation ticket, tomorrow is another new week, which is very important for this book~

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