My Super God QQ

Chapter 1001: Immortal State

The second function is to make Li Qing call it powerful and despondent.

  Imagine the weight of the whole fairyland. If you attack, wouldn’t it be the other party’s weight to carry a country? Even if it’s not as good as the legendary “Zhutianyin”, it should be similar. Not to mention, can use the power of everyone in the fairy country.

   If all of them are only fairy, then the increase in number is also scary enough.

   Not to mention, if there is a golden fairy, Daluo golden fairy, or even Taiyi golden fairy... Li Qing can't even imagine it. If he has enough Taiyi golden fairy, its power may be able to contend with the whole world.

   100 million worth of merit!

   This is why Li Qing can make such a big cost, even if he gives up the opportunity to upgrade the QQ system once, it must be destroyed.

  Oh, yes, there is a third function.

"Three, the Immortal Kingdom has its own order power. As long as someone makes a mistake or something, it can be known by Li Qing. Even if Li Qing is willing, even if it is his mind or thinking, it will be the master of the Immortal Kingdom. Detected."

"Four, the Immortal Kingdom in the palm **** the power of the earth, and has its own defensive circle. Its strength is equivalent to the power of the three top Taiyi Jinxian, and it is also the top Taiyi Jinxian’s power, unless it is the four Taiyi Jinxian. Only the above can be eliminated, otherwise, there is no way."

   "Five, the Immortal Kingdom in the palm can absorb the immortal gas on its own and turn into an immortal stone, which can be upgraded."

   Article 5 is also a terrifying ability.

   can absorb immortal gas and directly transform into immortal stone, which is equivalent to producing immortal stone!

   As for being able to upgrade, Li Qing thought about it for a while, and may only know the details of this function until the immortal kingdom in his palm appears.

   "You give it up..."

  Li Qing exchanged it out, and the fairy country appeared directly in Li Qing's palm, exuding a full of white light, and faintly misty clouds.

  Because this fairy country is too big and the building inside is too small, Li Qing cannot see with his inner eyes how the building inside is.

   "This is the building where our Qingmen is located?" He Dingtian looked at Li Qing's light in his hands and was surprised.

   "So small?" Jin Yangxian did not understand and yelled exaggeratedly.

   The prospector is also the same, just think what building is in Li Qing's hands, clearly is a toy.

   Only Jieyu stared curiously at the immortal country in the palm of Li Qing's hand and kept looking, only to feel extremely cute.

   "You go to the aircraft, otherwise, if something happens, it will hurt you!" Li Qing said to them.

"it is good……!!!"

   They collectively responded well and flew together on the aircraft.

   So, Li Qingcai flew high, in the sky tens of thousands of meters high, and threw this fairyland in the palm to the ground.

  The Immortal Kingdom in the palm is separated from Li Qing’s palm, and under Li Qing’s thoughts, he continues to rise in the wind, rising and rising...

  Finally, it grows at a lightning speed, becoming obscured by the sun, blocking the sun in the sky, and making the light dark, just like at night...

   "Ah! My God, let's run!"

   The prospector was terrified, thinking that the sky was falling down, but I was afraid that it would not be the case.

  He Dingtian's face also instantly became pale. Under their control, the aircraft continued to fly out at a very fast speed...

   In the meantime, if not controlled by Li Qing, they would really be crushed to death.

   "Boom Rumble..."

  Finally, this behemoth that couldn't see the edge fell to the ground, shaking tremblingly, and the horrible smoke rising up into the sky.

   It's just that when the dust is about to fall into this fairy country, the protective cover opens instantaneously, keeping it all out.

  Li Qing didn't know that, just as this fairy country fell, the entire southern Zhanbuzhou shook.


  Western, palm Buddha...

   Bodhi Mountain is the most heart of this buddhist country. This mountain is high and straight into the sky.

   The clouds are misty, the cranes are flying, the birds are talking about flowers and flowers, and the sound of meditation comes from all directions, so that the whole mountain is faintly radiating light.

There is a hall in the center of the mountain. The hall is surprisingly simple, as if coming from the ancient times through the flood and extinction, exuding a steady and solemn atmosphere, called "Buddhist Kingdom".

   There was a figure sitting in a golden futon in the temple, with the golden sun rays behind him. At this moment, he suddenly sensed something, opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Nanzhanbuzhou.

   opened his eyes like two searchlights, illuminating two space-time channels, among which there are thousands of sights and billions of brilliances, reaching the South Zhanbuzhou.

   It was just that when his eyes were about to reach Li Qing where they were, suddenly, there were several rays of light around him, and they came.


   A mountain range of one million meters in South Zhanbu Chau was instantly crushed into a vegetarian powder by some mysterious force.

   is the top powerhouse of other mysterious forces in fairyland.

   They actually sensed each other, that is, at this moment, they carried out the most invisible, yet the most powerful force, resulting in a huge collision.

   "Bald donkey, do you want to dye the guide too?"

   "I'm rude, don't leave!"

   "Crazy, this seat is not here, why do you wait so much..."


  The consciousness constantly collides and communicates, causing the whole broken mountain to shake continuously.

   Finally, they disappeared in situ collectively.

   And Li Qing was staring at this huge city with stunned eyes.


   This is a huge place no less than the giant city of Pangu.

   There are countless Xianyu Pavilions. Various styles, not only simple, but also futuristic, are very peculiar. They are divided into areas and located in the city.

  The city wall is made of a certain metal, which is extremely tall, radiating light, forming a protective cover, protecting the entire city.

   "This is to give me great pressure!"

Ten minutes later, Li Qing turned around for the first time and almost shouted Actually, he was very happy in his heart, but he thought that this city was so big, so why not invite countless Glimpse the meaning.

   Don't think about it, just look at this city so big, everyone knows what it means is extraordinary.

   What if there is a strong man who will intervene and take this city?

   Li Qing suddenly felt nervous and oppressive, because it was so big, it was obviously a big move!

   is finished...

   It was when his thoughts appeared that a consciousness was like a hurricane that swept through and rushed into it.


   From afar, Li Qing felt the sweep of that consciousness. At the first time, he immediately entered the state of celestial being, and the consciousness counterattacked away.


   This collision, Li Qing suddenly was hit by a train like a person, the soul was hit hard, the whole person vomited blood, lost control, and fell to the ground.

   "Ignorant children, actually deliberately block this seat, to death!"

   said that the consciousness once again rushed into Li Qing's consciousness, which was weak to only one-tenth.

  Li Qing felt the breath of death, and he was already coming.

  If it hits again, Li Qing will have to die half a life even if he is not dead.

   On the occasion of a great deal...

   The old, familiar voice sounded.

   "Who dare to bully my grandson!"

   Just heard this, Li Qing's heart was slightly loose, and his eyes were black, and finally he couldn't hold it, and passed out.


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