My Super God QQ

Chapter 1002: Fairy Development Plan

When Li Qing woke up, it was already dark.

   He turned his head and slowly opened his eyelids. He smelled an attractive fragrance, which was Jie Yujie's body fragrance, which made him feel at ease.

  Because Jie Yu is fine, it means they should be fine.

   "Wake up, he wakes up!"

  Jieyu cried in surprise.

   caught Li Qing's eyes, it was Jie Yu's beautiful face with crystal red tears and a reddish face.

   "Are you all right?"

   asked weakly, his head still hurt.

   "It's okay, it's okay, they came over, just studying how to get into the city you have changed." She hurriedly said, her tone full of joy.

   "Grandchildren, are you okay!" is Li Qing's uncle. He flashed to Li Qing's side at once: "Come! Take this immortality medicine, it should be no problem to recover it."

   "My head hurts a little, it's okay."

  Despite this, Li Qing took the sea-blue elixir and took it.

"It's okay if it's okay, it's okay if you're okay. You just freaked us out. You don't know, there was just a big horror that made us almost suffocated..." Jin Yangxian's voice showed a sense of conscience and horror. , And fortunate.

   "Well, we are fine, you can rest assured." Hedingtian's voice.

   "It seems that there is too much noise to attract people!" Li Xing said: "Fortunately, the seniors came in time, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

   "It's too powerful. It turns out that Taiyi Jinxian actually had a divine thought to make our souls collapse. I must be strong." Xiaohui's voice was full of fighting spirit and unyielding.


  When everyone gathered together happily, Li Qing's headache was finally recovered.

   "Just my uncle just ran away?" As soon as he recovered, he asked about it.

"Well, there are other people besides him... It's luck. When they first entered Nanzhanbuzhou, they didn't give in to each other, otherwise, even your uncle and I could not resist." Speaking of which, it is rare , Li Qing saw a trace of terror from his uncle's face.

  It reminds him of the whole fairyland, the most powerful crowd.

   Smiles bitterly!

  If he knew that there was such a big deal in the palm of the immortal congress, he might not be able to exchange it. Now it’s okay, it’s being spotted by someone. I’m afraid it’s no different from being forced to Liangshan.

   "It doesn't matter, the soldiers will block, the water will flood!"

   Li Qing said, and stood up, Jie Yu was coming to help, Li Qing waved his hand to signal that he was fine.

Next, he led everyone to the center of the city-because it was too big, Li Qing could not go everywhere one by one, and the center of the entire city was called "Xianfu", which was able to control the whole In the palm of the fairyland.

   "This city is too big, grandson, how did you get it?"

   "I got it by chance..." Li Qing said, and told the uncle's functions one by one.

   Every time he heard a function, his uncle's mouth widened, and finally he couldn't close it.

   is not only him, but also others, they never imagined that this fairy parliament is so powerful, it is outrageous.

   "I'm afraid this is the legendary Taoist weapon? My God, I said this giant city is so beautiful, it turned out to be a Taoist-like existence!" Jin Yangxian said with excitement.

   "Indeed, compared to the construction in the city, it is really not worse than the Pangu giant city. The main thing is the magnificent atmosphere. But I did not expect that there are so many powerful functions..." Hedingtian was amazed.

   "The house here is indeed more beautiful than Pangu Giant City, much more beautiful, and there are various styles, I like it very much." Jie Yu is a woman, and she finally noticed it, or the beauty of the buildings in the city.

  Li Qing nodded and followed them on the aircraft overlooking the entire giant city.

  The Immortal Kingdom in the palm can obviously become as big as the palm. However, Li Qing estimated that the area of ​​the entire Immortal Kingdom, even the largest province and city in China, cannot compare.

   Speaking of exaggeration?

   But compared to the scary almost boundless fairyland, this is nothing at all, just like a small town in China!


   They are currently flying at an altitude of 50,000 meters, but looking down, they still can't see the margin.

  Especially, the Immortal Kingdom in the palm actually introduced water from the Mediterranean Sea, and the long rivers and rivers directly appeared. It was like a miracle, and they all saw the jade of the golden sheep fairy world.

   Fairy means is nothing more than that!

   "Are you sure this is a magic weapon?" Even Uncle Li Qing, who was well-informed, was stunned with round eyes.

   Only listened to what Li Qing said. He just felt great, and he felt very incredible after seeing it with his own eyes.

   He had never seen such a magical magic weapon that could transform such a big city. Even the historical Zunlin tribe has never had such a treasure.

   "Yes... If you don't wait for it to be put away and put it down again, it will cause a huge shock and attract other people's peeping. I want to put it away for you to see..." Li Qing smiled bitterly.

   "Then leave it, if those old guys come to one, my uncle can help you, if they come together..." His uncle did not go on, obviously obviously very optimistic.

   In the palm of the fairy country, there are basically any geographical environment, except for the desert.

   There are small islands, the sea, the strange peaks, the buildings, the unmanned grasslands, and the fields. Of course, the most beautiful and beautiful fairy palaces are countless.

   There is a house full of futuristic atmosphere, flashing the light of metal.

   There are also antique wooden houses with simple atmosphere.

  The most satisfying world jade is Xianfu, which is located on a small island, which is an elegant milky white building.

   The whole body is actually made of ancient jade, which has eight layers, surrounded by the water on the edge of the island.

"Let's go in!"

Li Qing waved his hand, and moved by his thoughts, it seemed that a certain formation was running automatically. The water mist slowly floated over the building, seemingly absorbing the moonlight in the sky, and illuminating this place as bright as day. .

   It was at this time that this building actually changed colors and became magnificent. Not only that, but it also bloomed thousands of rays of light and stretched to tens of millions of miles, which can be said to illuminate the entire fairyland in the palm.

   If we can stand on the top of the South Zhanbuzhou, which is a million miles away, we will find that there are more pearls on the whole continent that are slowly blooming with charming colors.

   This is the fairyland in Li Qing's palm.

  The atmosphere is magnificent, do not lose to the ancient city of Pangu.

  It is beautiful and exquisite, and does not lose to the ancient city of Pangu.

   I am afraid that only Lingxiao Mainland, or the Western Buddhist kingdom, is comparable.

   "It's a little dangerous..." Li Qing's uncle followed him into it and couldn't help it.

   "Well, I didn't expect this to happen~" Li Qing smiled bitterly: "But I can't always give up!"

   "Of course not!" His uncle glared violently, like a golden glare: "But, we have to hurry to see if we can pull some people to live, and then you can borrow their power."


   Li Qing nodded his head, the old man was right. The most powerful ability of this immortal country in the palm is the ability to borrow the power of others, as long as the people living inside can lend strength to Li Qing.

   "Yes, there are these immortals, which can make your consciousness more powerful, you find a chance to take them!"

"it is good!"

   "Now, you are the hope of our Zunlin tribe..."

  Xianfu, also known as the main palace, the seven floors below are office buildings, only the eighth floor is the core that controls the entire fairyland.

   As soon as Li Qing entered, she gave this core control authority to Jie Yu. That is, after a short time, there was a flow of information into Jie Yu's mind automatically. She suddenly understood how the fairy kingdom controlled it.

  In the conference hall on the first floor, they began to study how to develop this country, that is, Qingdimen.

   "Absolutely you can no longer use the name Qing Emperor's taboo, otherwise, the Lord of Xianting will be regarded as provocative and immediately found." When it comes to Qing Emperor's Gate, Li Qing's uncle publicly objected.

  The power of Xianting is not something they can compete with, unless Li Qing's fairy city is full of people, then there is hope for victory.

   Li Qing nodded and did not dispute, but he still felt a little bit stubborn in his heart. Sooner or later, he would use this name, righteously, justly and honestly!

   For the development of this city, Li Qing had no ideas or opinions, so let them discuss.

   Finally, Li Qing was called into another room by his I have bad news to tell you, I hope you must be calm. "As soon as he entered the house, Li Qing's uncle said with a black face.

   "Huh? It's okay, uncle, I must sink."

   "Just a few days ago, I received a bad news."


   "A dozen of our Zunlin tribes were arrested by Xian Ting and put into prison. Among them, there seems to be your father..."


  Li Qing's mind set off a storm.

   The term father is a bit far away, but when thinking of his mother, Li Qing felt a little bit painful and a little angry.

   was actually taken away by Xianting?

   No wonder, no wonder he hasn’t gone back to see his mother for so many years.

   just made Li Qing feel sad, but not at all, because he had never seen his father.

He seems to understand Li Qing. His uncle sighed and patted Li Qing’s shoulder: "My uncle is old, all this is up to you. You shouldn’t have placed such a heavy burden on you, but you said Brother is already stared at, now it's all up to you."

  What Li Qing can say, can only nod, but it is more anxiety, should I mention this to my mother.

  If I mention it, does my mother let me save him? Based on his own strength now, it is impossible.

   Dog blood!

   The meeting opened for a full night, and the next day, they passed the development plan to Li Qing.

  Just seeing the first plan, Li Qing was embarrassed and was actually the "Earth Immigration Plan."

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