My Super God QQ

Chapter 1047: Upper Continent

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Li Qing's impression of the two of them is exactly that, so he couldn't help but shoot first, and he jumped directly behind the three Taiyi Jinxian in a flash.

Upon seeing this, Li Lan was shocked.

There is such an idea that I want to strangle Li Qing-this is too young to be afraid of tigers!

Even if it is courageous, it does not rush to the back of three people in one rush. This is not waiting for someone to siege to death, what is it?

Not only the side of the fairy prison army, but even those who ride the Tianxianjun think Li Qing is looking for death.

On the side of Tianxianjun, the three Taiyi Jinxian all showed a grinning smile, the situation is like a hungry wolf in the wild seeing a fat little white rabbit.

So, they almost rushed to Li Qing.

The next second...

The little white turned into a hungry tiger.


Li Qing actually shook his eyes, summoned the Mirage Dragon, and then confused them for a second.

Just one second is already the limit of Mirage Dragon.

But one second is enough to let Li Qing let them know what a shock!

Nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine swords...

All the swords and shadows in the sky covered them all.


He was injured, and some of them cried out. Even if they suddenly woke up, they also had a man with a sword inserted directly into his chest, bleeding like blood.

The other two, who dodge in time, were only injured, but not seriously.

too fast!

Really, when it comes to time and time, Cheng Tianxianjun wants to remind them that they are too late to see the sword shadow, blood glowing, screaming...

"What is that! Is it a Mirage Dragon?"

Then ride the Celestial King, and saw the Mirage Dragon exclaimed.

"I didn't expect my cousin to have such monsters to help out, yes!" Li Lan applauded in his heart.

But for Li Lan's two men, Taiyi Jinxian was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out.

It's awesome!

Yes, in their opinion, Li Qing is also a bit of a tactic.

But next, they saw that it was not only a bit powerful, because one of the three Taiyi Jinxian of the Xianyu Army shot, directly teleported behind Li Qing and punched him in the head.

With a punch, a golden light appeared, and the night sky lit up with the sound of air explosion.

In their opinion, Li Qing should be able to hide, but instead of hiding, Li Qing followed a punch and blasted back.

"Isn't this stupid?"

They all thought so.

Is it really stupid?

Li Qing punched out, the smile on his face was calm and relaxed.

"Elysian Sixth Heaven!"

His power instantly increased dozens of times.

How strong Li Qing is now, in his opinion, there are at least tens of thousands of dragons.

Because, one Power Divine Pill can increase the power of two dragons. So, if he took thousands of them, and he would have the power of tens of thousands of dragons in addition to the six heavens of bliss.

Even if the other party is Taiyi Jinxian...

With such a punch, everyone clearly saw that the opponent's Taiyi Jinxian's hand was like a glass, broken apart inch by inch.

The **** and flesh-blooded ones just sprayed on without money.

Finally, even if the other party hurriedly retreated in panic, the entire right shoulder was broken in half.


It's just violence to the extreme!

To say what is violent aesthetics, Li Qing’s punch completely explains the taste.

At the same time, the eyes of the six people on the side all fell to the ground.


It wasn't until the man screamed and screamed as horrific as a pig, and his tone changed, their eyes changed.

"Mu Kui, it seems that we have gone!"

A Taiyi Jinxian under Li Lan smiled bitterly.

"Uh, I didn't think of it, my God, how great is this power, I'm afraid it's not worse than our general!"

"Does it say that it has been said that some people are constantly changing the magic pill, is this guy?"

They thought of this, at the same time, Cheng Tianxianjun also thought of the rumors and news from this side, his face became ugly to the extreme.


Why did he forget that Li Qing is so powerful? Do you still want to know the secret of taking Lishendan from his mouth?

And his own men?

Seeing that Li Qing was catching up, he would eventually lose his name. He finally couldn't hold back, and teleportation appeared in front of them.

At the same time, Li Lan, who had been paying attention to guarding against the Celestial King, also appeared in front of Li Qing.

In this way, the two confronted each other, struggling.

"I didn't say that, three to three, what are you, shameless!" Li Qing cursed loudly at Cheng Tianxianjun.


Don't you want to fight for a face? Then, he scolded the other person completely, and his decibels were enough to reach everyone's ears on the ground.

"It's not fair!" Cheng Tianxian said: "You took so much power!"

"Hahaha, why don't you just say that, let me stand and plan for them! It's fair, I don't know how old you are, and I can say such naive words!"

Li Qing said that Li Lan laughed slightly in amazement, and the two Taiyi Jinxian in the back also laughed.

"I think you are looking for death!"

If you are annoyed by Tianxianjun, you have to start.


Li Lan stared at him.

In the next second, I felt that I couldn't hit it anymore. With the eyes of Tianxianjun, they disappeared.

Can I still fight?

Li Qing seriously injured one, and then injured another. Now, they have no chance of winning.

"Don't drag you back?"

Li Qing looked at the two Taiyi Jinxian with a smile.

"My name is Shikun! I blamed you wrong, sorry..." The bearded man scratched his head, embarrassedly.

"My name is Mu Mei! I'm sorry!"

Another middle-aged man who was as thin as a bamboo pole was apologetic.

In this way, Li Qing gave up and continued to damage them, smiled, and looked up at Li Lan proudly.

"I'm Don't lose your people, cousin!"

"Well, don't have to say, go, go back to camp to celebrate, today, I want to drink three bottles, not drunk."

"Three bottles?"

Soon, Li Qing knew why Li Lan only drank three bottles, because they said that the degree of fairy wine was very high, no, maybe not the reason for the degree, because this wine can drunk directly to the soul.

"Okay, cousin, if they come again?"

"If they dare to come again, that’s why they don’t have faces anymore. Rest assured, the most important thing in Xian Ting is strength, and then come face-saving, I believe they won’t. And, I still have some medicine for sobering, as long as It’s not right, just eat one."

In this way, Li Qing took their toast with confidence, and then, no more...

He was also drunk.

The next day, they didn't wake up until noon.

Li Lan took him directly to Pangu Giant City.

"Aren't we going to go to Lingxiao mainland?"

"Yes!" Li Lan said puzzlingly, and then thought of something, laughing: "Aren't you thinking about teleporting directly or flying up?"

A pair of Li Qing is such a look.

"If it's so good to go up, it will not be called Lingxiao mainland, come on, still obediently sit in the teleportation..."

Li Qing was puzzled and followed into the teleportation array.

Then, when the scenery in front of them changed, they came to a jade-white square.

That is, when he first arrived in this square, he suddenly suffocated like a drowner who fell into the sea and could not swim...

Why suffocate?

Because, he felt endless, the terrible coercion descended from the sky and suppressed to his soul.

His head was dizzy, his eyes were black, his forehead was sweating, and he barely vomited.

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