My Super God QQ

Chapter 1048: Be an official? Supervisor of Xianting?

Genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "You bear with it...the three eyes, the guy with three eyes!"

Li Lan said to Li Qing, then, only anxious cries were heard.

Then, Li Qing seemed to hear that someone was coming out of the air, so he put his hand on his shoulder and read something...

That is, when the arm is slightly sore, the pressure is slowly relieved.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a very handsome young man standing in front of him, looking at himself with his gaze.

Wearing a golden armor with an angry dragon and infinite eyes, and a white cloak on his back...

The most striking thing is that there is still a vertical eye on his forehead, and the eyeball is staring at him motionlessly.

"Don't be afraid, this is the three-eyed Tianjun. Anyone who enters here will be subject to censorship." Li Lan explained on the edge.

After some remarks, Li Qing realized that the "Emperor City" of Lingxiao mainland they had entered directly, and this Emperor City belonged to the center, and ordinary people could not enter.

If you want to come in, someone must bring it with you, otherwise you will be destroyed by coercion and die.

Where is the coercion?

Li Qing looked around curiously, only to see the handsome young man behind him, followed by four subordinates wearing standard Xianjia, and no one else.

In the distance, there is a line of statues lined up.

Is it the coercion released by those statues? Li Qing thought so.

"The general in red in the fairy army?"

The cool three-eyed handsome guy asked Li Lan.


"The strength is a bit weak, it is to see the emperor, then you can go on your own."

"Okay, trouble!" Li Lan nodded in thanks.

In this way, Sanyan followed his subordinate to the side.

"Cousin, is this coercion?"

"You have just noticed what you are thinking, then, what the truth is."

"You mean, the pressure released by these statues?"


"Is this a strong magic circle?"

"Yes, this is the strongest formation of the imperial city. At the same time, he can also increase the power of the emperor. It can be said that in this imperial city, then the power of the emperor is endless, supreme..."

"Even the sky?" Li Qing asked tentatively, a little unbelieving.

"The theory is so..."

Li Qing was shocked at the spot.

"How long is this circle? Has it been handed down from the ancients? Also, just now that guy is a three-eyed true monarch? Tianjun?"

"The magic circle was passed down from the ancient times, and with time, the strength became stronger and stronger. As for the guy, the three-eyed Tianjun, known as the No. 1 warrior of the emperor."

"Why is it getting stronger?"

"Because there are more and more statues here!" said quietly, and at that moment, a flash of anger flashed in Li Lan's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"These are real people!"

Suddenly, Li Qing's head was completely stunned as if thundered by Tian Lei.

He said why he always thinks these statues are weird, not that they are lifelike, but because Li Qing always has an inexplicable thought, as if watching them, as if watching real people.

And as a result, this is indeed true.

"My God, so many Taiyi Zhenxian have been made into statues?"

Li Qing was really shocked. It was at this time that he understood why Xianting could manage the huge fairyland and create rules, that is, they had extremely strong strength and fists.

Imagine that so many Taiyijinxian have been ruthlessly sanctioned by Xianting and made into statues.

Then, the power of Xianting can't be questioned...

"How famous is Taiyi Town Immortal here?" Li Qing looked at the dense statues and stretched them out of sight.

"There should be more than ten thousand..."

Suddenly Li Qing was speechless. Originally, he thought that he had been promoted to Taiyi Jinxian, and he was considered to be the top-level strongman in the fairyland. But this time, reality was once again beyond his imagination.

"Look at your arms..."

"Oh, yes~"

Li Qing just remembered that he had just hurt a little, then rolled up his sleeves, and saw a tattoo, a dragon, and a tattoo with huge eyes on it.

"This is a mark. If people who don't have a mark come up, they will be directly coerced to kill the town. In addition, don't use God consciousness here, because only the Great Emperor can use God consciousness here."

"Is it so domineering?" Li Qing said almost silently.

"That's nonsense? This is also the emperor's office and sleeping place. When you are willing to sleep and play with women, have you been swept by the mind?"


Li Qing nodded.

He hadn't really thought of it, he would use his consciousness to peep.

Behind the statue is a palace straight into the sky. Compared to the Qionglou Yuyu outside, the palace is bronze in color and has no light. However, it gives a solemn and solemn feeling, magnificent atmosphere.

"Is that a real dragon?"

Suddenly, Li Qing exclaimed in a low voice when he saw the sky above the palace.

"Well, there are dozens of real dragons passed down from the ancients, and almost all of them are here. Eight of them are in the Western Buddhist kingdom." He introduced Li Qing as he stepped up the stairs.

Li Qing followed.

The ladder is square and is located below the palace. Li Qing can't see the ladder on the other side, because the palace and the ladder are too long and too wide to see the other side at all.

"There seems to be no one?"

Li Qing is puzzled.

"Why do so many people do? The Emperor's strength alone is worth hundreds of millions of soldiers." When he said this, he said so, but his eyes were mixed with anger and hatred.

Li Qing finally thought of something, yes, statue!

Could it be that there are a lot of Zunlin people in those statues? It must be, otherwise, Li Lan will not do the same.

Climbing a ladder, there are more than a thousand...

Only after entering the palace, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and Li Qing found himself standing above the golden clouds.

The cloud has a huge dragon chair, which is placed on nine real dragon heads, as if it were a giant.

There is indeed a giant shadow on the dragon chair. Unfortunately, Li Qing can't see his appearance again, because the other party "set" directly so that Li Qing can't see it. Of course, it is also possible that the opponent's strength is too strong, which Li Qing cannot see clearly.

This makes Li Qing more inexplicable.

He thought he was standing at the top, it seems that the difference with the other party is quite big!

In addition to Li Qing, there are others inside. Li Qing saw two rows of people and was on both sides.

These people, Li Qing can see, there are fairies in armor and fairies in robes, it seems to help govern the party. After all, such a big fairy world, it is not enough to rely on the fairy emperor alone.

"Chen, Li Lan has seen the emperor!"

Li Lan knelt down.

Originally, Li Qing didn't want to kneel, but after thinking for a while, Han Xin could still be humiliated by the crotch. He knelt for a moment, but after the big deal let him repay, he kneeled down.

"Chen, Li Qing has seen the emperor!"

"Get up, you are Li Qing?"

Li Qing heard a thick man's a little low, that is, when the words fell, Li Qing felt that he was looking at himself, and at that moment, Li Qing felt like he was covered in clothes. Be stripped and naked.

So strong!

"I don't know whether it is because of this blessing of the magic circle, or is he so powerful?" Li Qing thought to himself.

"What's in you?"

Suddenly, the other party asked.

Li Qing was ignorant and didn't know what he was talking about.

"Why, I can't see you through?" He asked a little bit inexplicably!

At least, Li Lan and the immortals on the edge didn't even know it, but it was Li Qing, but his heart tightened.

Because, he thought of the QQ system.

"I don't know the meaning of the emperor~" Li Qing lied and opened his mouth.

Quiet in the air.

He didn't speak anymore, and Li Qing didn't dare to speak, after all, he was guilty~

Until he changed the subject.

"I heard that you performed well in the Immortal Army."

"Chen dare not be a servant."

"Also cracked the secret of the one-punch Saint Immortal?" He seemed to have finished, and added such a sentence.

Cold sweat on Li Qing's forehead dripped suddenly.

When he came, he didn't think of these questions, and the emperor asked them directly, which made Li Qing a little overwhelmed!


In the end, Li Qing could only nod, otherwise, how to explain his great strength.

When he wanted to come, Immortal Emperor would surely look at his secret, who knows, he just hummed it, no more.

"From now on, Feng Liqing will be named General in Red and the post of Supervisor of Xianting!"

He finished, and suddenly, the whole place, the other immortals seemed to hear something incredible, and they exploded buzzingly, and there was a lot of discussion.

Only Li Qing is still confused, I don't know what ghost is the supervisor of Xianting? !

(End of this chapter)

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