My Super God QQ

Chapter 1008: The difference between people

"Meiling, now, should you always agree to my proposal?"

Among the crowd, a gentle man with a refined temperament is a gentle and gentle woman with a gentle temperament.

The woman's face was ashamed, and she buried her head so quickly that she didn't speak.

"Hey~ Say okay, can't you regret it~" The man was anxious and his face was red.

"Who repented!"

The woman suddenly seemed happy and apathetic, and gave him a blank look.

"It's better if you don't regret it? Ah, did you agree?!" the man surprised afterwards.

The woman nodded coquettishly, all kinds of demeanor.

The man could no longer restrain the surge of excitement in his heart, rushed over and hugged her from the waist, spinning continuously.

The woman didn't feel dizzy until it turned several times, pinching his ears to stop it.

"Don't you always say that, only the mandarin ducks don't envy the immortals? Now, we can look together and live for centuries, but I wonder if you will be bored by me~"

This is the case for women, sometimes happy, and then instantly become tangled, insecure.

"No, I promise, it's definitely impossible! You don't want to think about it, but I didn't even hesitate to go to the fairyland with you, even if it was nine deaths and a lifetime! Now, just prove that both of us are doing Is that right?" The man almost digged his heart.

"Okay, okay! However, we still have to thank the king’s husband. If it weren’t for him, I’m afraid we didn’t have this kind of chance. As long as I think of being able to stay with you for such a long time, I will be happy in my eyes~"

"Hey~" The man said with a smirk, his eyes full of happiness.

At the same time, he is also grateful for the arrangement of fate, let the fairy Li Qing appear, and let them follow the fairy world without any worries, this is good, the danger is originally tempted, and they are really like this, at no cost The earth became a fairy.

"It feels like a dream!" the man said happily.

"Come on, kneel down for our king's husband, you see everyone else is kneeling down!" Suddenly, the woman pulled his sleeve anxiously.

When the man looked at it, at this time, many people were excited and knelt down towards Li Qing with gratitude.

I don't know when, the agitated anxiety also stopped, only the tears and the sound of kneeling down excitedly.

"Old man, get up fast! You can't, you can't..."

At first, some old people kneeled down first, Li Qing said quickly.

Then I saw the old man kneeling, and the other young people knelt down quickly.

"Li Xianren, at the beginning, you saved the earth and saved our lives, and now we took us to the fairyland and became a fairy. You are taller than ours and thicker than ours! Old decay is nothing but a kneel for you." said a gray-haired old man.

"If it weren't for you, we might all have entered the loess, but your selflessness took us into immortality, but it made all of us grateful but unrequited!" An old lady also said loudly Get up: "So, the old body is here, and you give Li Xianren your head."

"No, no, no, you old men, you've blamed me~" Li Qing was a little flustered. For the first time, an old man knelt and knelt for himself, not to mention so many.

However, he didn't realize that he had been in QQ Book City for a long time. Maybe the real age is several times larger than them.

"Yeah, Li Xianren, this great grace, we have nothing to repay, we can only give you a bow, I hope you can continue to bless us and bless the earth~"



The old men scrambled to speak, but it was hard for those foreigners, some of them could not understand, looked anxiously around, and wanted to see if anyone explained to themselves.

At this point, Li Qing was treated equally, only to see him helplessly glanced at Li Pang, Li Pang waved his hand, and immediately dropped a "tone-enchantment."

Well, within this boundary, it doesn't matter if you don't understand Chinese, they can understand what the other party said.

"Boy, good job!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice laughed heartily and shouted.

Everyone glared.

Because at this time, Li Xianren is their great benefactor, and how come people dare to call them their great benefactors in this way.

Until this person was discovered, all the talents couldn't help but let go of it, because they were just angry and wanted to beat this person's thoughts, and felt funny.


Li Qing also saw this person, froze for a few seconds before he said.

"Grandpa Zhu?! When did you come?"

"Grandpa, you are here too. It's great. I always thought you wouldn't come!" Tang Yanyan jumped up happily and immediately threw himself, hugging his grandfather.

At the beginning, Tang Yanyan wanted Mr. Zhu to go to the real world with himself. He refused to say that Huaxia was the root. When he was old, he would fall back to the roots. He could not lose his roots because of fear of death.

Unexpectedly, this time, he actually followed the fairy world, Li Qing did not know.

"Isn't I here now? Not just me, but an old friend of mine~" As he said, he pulled out an old man, who was actually the No. 1 head of China.

This made Li Qing a little unexpected, because, on the earth, all the news in the time was to analyze Li Qing’s things to take people to the fairy world. If there are ten news stations in the news, then there are nine conspiracy theories. , Saying that Li Qing took people to the fairy world to die, how could a mortal fight with the fairy.

Therefore, the No. 1 chief appeared here, which really surprised Li Qing.

"Hello, Chief~"

Li Qing greeted him, saying that the chief executive had done a good job. Since he took office, the life of the people has been booming. The only thing that makes Wang Lin vomit is to sweep the **** every day, making those single dogs who can’t marry his wife. Complained.

"I am not the chief now. I am your people in a city under your control. It’s good here, I like it. As the old people said, if you can ride us into immortals, then you will have a great kindness to transform us. . What will happen to Master Li in the future, despite his orders~" He smiled, although his face was smiling, his eyes were very serious.

Li Qing nodded.

Yes, even if it is the No. 1 chief, then now it is just an ordinary person under his hands, but it can let Grandpa Zhu come, it is Li Qing's surprise.

"Start broadcasting!"

Li Qing suddenly opened the live broadcast.

That is when the live broadcast was opened, the people on the earth exploded and boiled.

Because, when they heard what Li Qing said, it was obvious that they had lied to them in their nine deaths, and more than that, the people he brought were really all in the fairyland.

Suddenly, after learning the news, the rest of the people who remained on the earth were dumbfounded, and then regretted and hated themselves.

"MMP, am I stupid, I have done the most wrong thing in my life?"

In the square, a young man dressed in a suit and dressed as an office worker grabbed his hair and watched the live broadcast displayed on the big screen.

At the beginning, a girl he chased invited him to go to fairyland together. If that happens, it proves that he loves her. However, this young man refused because the education of office workers and modern science had deepened his thoughts, but he felt that it was completely deceiving to die.

Considering that his life is more important than love, he refused, and he continued to think about the kind of life that lasted from seven to five. But now, he was so remorseful that his intestines were all green, only to feel that his heart was about to suffocate, and finally he fell down on the square.

Sitting in the square, it was not only him who lost his soul, so many people were so unconscious that everyone in the crowd stopped, the traffic stopped, and watching the live broadcast one by one, it was jealous and jealous. Going crazy.


Many people are going crazy.

For example, the leaders of some countries are still laughing at those who are not killing for the sake of gratitude. Now, they are throwing away the documents on the table like a vent, they are roaring like a They I wish to kill.

"Li Xianren, please forgive us once you have a large number of adults. Come and take us to Xianjie again!"

Such words appeared at the beginning of the barrage. They prayed for Li Qing to be generous, and then pulled them to the fairy world.

Because, going to the fairy world represents Cheng Xian, with an endless life!

Such a barrage is like a fuse. All of the barrage suddenly jumped up, and without exception, all asked Li Qing to take them to the fairy world.

They are crazy!

Envious of madness, they are constantly venting their anger and remorse in their hearts.

Because the object they laughed at before had followed the chicken and dog to heaven, and they were still mortal, still using computers and mobile phones to vent their regrets. When they think that people don't have to worry about dying, and they are a cup of loess in a few decades, they can't accept this cruel reality.

"I beg you, my husband, I love you, and I want to go to fairyland, because I didn’t have time, yes, I didn’t have time to sign up. Can you get it again, I definitely sign up, Me and I are very beautiful, as long as you take me to the fairyland, I can do anything!"

There was a barrage of women like this, so it triggered a bunch of craze again.

A large number of women came out and said swearingly that they love Li Qing, and Li Qing can't give up on them. As long as they have the opportunity to go to the fairyland, then no matter whether it's going up the sword to the fire, you must follow Li Qing up. Fairyland.

And some men jumped out and followed this way, which seemed a bit disgusting. If it was just saying that it was okay to be the dead man of Li Qing, and it was okay to report kindness, then some said that he would give all his **** to Li Qing. Immediately caused a lot of anger.

What's not stinky?

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