My Super God QQ

Chapter 1009: Supervisor is about to start work

So, on the barrage, there were scoldings everywhere, or people still begging for Li Qing.

This includes those who do news. They have forgotten the ridiculous and vicious language that Li Qing said when he saw that Li Qing was going to recruit people to the fairy world.

They laughed at Li Qing, thinking that Li Qing was delusional and want them to die.

They mocked those who went to sign up, thinking that they would be crazy if they wanted to become immortals, even if they were immortal, they would have to have a life to enjoy.

But now, when they know that Cheng Xian is not at risk, everything is just Li Qing's experiment, they all forget what they did before, and only jealousy and anger are in their eyes.

Li Qing's people appeared in front of the live broadcast, even if someone was scolding, he didn't care about it, but just smiled calmly.

"Hello everyone, maybe this is my last live broadcast. Don't be annoyed, don't be angry, and don't ask for it... I also know your thoughts, but I am embarrassed, people, there will always be a lot in my life. Opportunity appears, and you don’t believe me, don’t let it go, just believe in yourself, who blames it!"

No one is forbidden, because Li Qing’s housekeepers are all in the fairyland, and Li Qing does not matter. As long as there are 100 million people on earth to support themselves, then it is enough. They are Li Qing’s best helpers.

"Someone begged me and said that you missed it because of all kinds of busyness and things. You said, will I believe it? Sorry, I don't believe it."

"Some people begged me to say that you want to repay you, okay, then yes, if someone is willing to go to **** with me and help me, then I can also take you with me, this time I promise in the name of the fairy, Definitely taking you to hell..." Speaking of which, Li Qing's eyes slammed round as if to express his seriousness with this tension.

Suddenly, the barrage jumped slowly, and only a few people said they were willing.

After chatting for a while, Li Qing turned off the live broadcast after seeing all kinds of life.

People on the earth, he is not going to manage it anymore, because he only has one thing now, that is to implement these people on earth as soon as possible, help them adapt to life here, and make himself stronger.

Only when they are strong can they hold up the fairy world in their palms, so that Li Qing can have greater background and strength.

One hundred million people!

If all these 100 million people became immortals, or even immortals, then Li Qing was sure that he could definitely fight against immortal emperor.

Doesn't he have Taiyi Jinxian to bless power? That Li Qing is not bad. He is backed by a hundred million immortals, which is definitely enough for a battle.

Only, how to arrange these people?

Li Qing thought for a while and suddenly saw Grandpa Zhu, is he not the prime minister? It is the people's livelihood, and no doubt his appearance is a good helper that God has arranged for himself!

"Grandpa Zhu~"

Li Qing immediately spoke, looking at Grandpa Zhu.

"Yes, I'm here, what's the matter, grandson!" When Mr. Zhu called Li Qing, he glanced at the number one proudly, as if to say, I am better, hahaha, now I am better than you.

"Grandpa, did you not care about people's livelihood before? Could you please help me one thing, that is, choose someone with management skills to come out and assign a house?"

"It's no problem to help you manage it, but I don't know who has management skills!"

"It's okay, I will let Yan Yan cooperate with you, and at the time, the people of the earth had written their skills when they registered. As long as they screened it again, they can find these talents." Li Qing has planned for a long time. Well, no, maybe it was said that they had already designed Li Qing already, and at this time, the file when the Earthman signed up came in handy.

So, the Immortal Realm in the palm began to show up.

On the first day, the personnel who managed Xiancheng began to enroll, and a total of tens of thousands of people were admitted, from the upper management to the ground.

According to Li Qing's idea, it is simply divided into four districts "Southeast, Northwest and Central District", and Wang Ge District Mayor. And then set up some deputy district heads and some men, then the initial team is just like the arrangement.

One hundred million people!

It is very difficult to arrange into a new city. Fortunately, they are in awe of Li Qing, and they are all grateful, otherwise they can be robbed of their blood by simply grabbing a house.

Because, the house in the fairy country is divided into levels.

Some houses are good-looking and some are poor. Those who have a concept of houses on the earth must be selected and occupied well. However, under Li Qing’s leadership, such things did not happen.

Then, it was not until a month later that he settled down.

"Now, what is the strength of the people in my city?"

"Thanks to your boss for your cultivation of immortals, many of them were promoted to the Yuan infant period in just one month. I believe that it may not be long before they will become the outing period, and the period of robbery..." Xiao Hui Xiao patted Li Qing's bullshit, but also sighed with emotion.

People are more mad than people!

At the beginning, they were promoted to Yuan infantry, but it took a long time, but now in the fairy world, it is not a problem, because what is directly here is fairy qi, no longer aura.

"Well, although it is a bit slower, it is still much faster than before. In addition, has Xianshi accumulated, and has the grain purchase been completed?"

"Yes, if food, I have already bought it. I bought a million catties of rice, and all kinds of vegetables and fruits."

"Well, is there any fairy stone?"

" Fortunately, there are fairy stones that Li Qing obtained from the elders of Yixiao Pavilion. Otherwise, if the 100 million people want to eat and drink Lhasa, they can't afford it.

"How is the security?"

"The public security is very good, everyone cares about cultivation, because Jie Yujie said, whoever becomes the first immortal will get a huge reward, and then the top ten..."

Li Qing nodded.

There is such a group of virtuous internal help, it is such a benefit.

Almost said that all these things are to be arranged by his women. Li Qing does not need to worry about it, as long as the time comes, he will just harvest these benefits directly.

Since Xian Guo is still in the exhibition, Li Qing considered that if Ru Bao left here and went to the mysterious planet "Yuan Yuanxing", he received a message temporarily and had to give up this idea. To do something.

Chuanyin came from the emperor's personal entourage.

The main reason is to let Li Qing start working and fulfill his duties as the supervisor of the fairyland. Now, his first task is to go to the "Billions of Celestial City" to investigate the people's livelihood and income there.

This is said, but in fact, there are some problems that need to be solved by Li Qing. By the way, Li Qing is also asked to investigate one thing. Li Qing is also a bit surprised.

Because the emperor asked him to investigate whether the city master had betrayed the fairyland.

As for the suspicion of who made him betrayal, there is such a suspicious point, that is, the city owner may betray the fairy world and become a stray dog ​​of outland creatures.

Outland creatures?

Li Qing thought of the strange humanoids and monsters he saw in the fairy prison.

He felt that he was slowly seeing something unusual in fairyland.


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