My Super God QQ

Chapter 1001: Untrusted City Lord

The fairy soldiers at the door were so scared that they knelt down, even if they didn't know what officer Li Qing was, but when they saw their city masters so seriously, they knew that they must be a wonderful fairy officer.

Because they have seen that even if the most famous three-eyed Tianjun in the fairy world system has been here, they have never seen their own city owner so polite.

Doesn't that mean that their life is about to be lost? They dare not even ask for mercy!

"I am Ling Yuchang...why have they offended Master Li?"

Seeing that they all knelt down in panic, the city master immediately knew what.

Then, before Li Qing opened his mouth, he waved his hand at random, when strange things happened.

A transparent barrier similar to those people raised up around them.

"Sir, you're free!"

"Ah, no, Lord of the City, no..."


There was a scream, and the barrier was shrouded from above like glass, and when they rose again, they were all gone.

If it weren't for Li Qing to sense that there was a mild **** smell, then Li Qing might have thought that they had been sent away from here.

"What spell is this?"

Li Qing felt secretly that for his approach, he just nodded his head and said nothing more.

"Okay, since Master Li doesn't mind the offenses of these ants, then please sit in the city, we have hundreds of millions of immortal cities, don't dare to say anything else, but absolutely pass Lingxiao 6 in terms of fun, go..." said , He boldly came to take Li Qing's shoulders.

Li Qing originally wanted to hide in the end, but finally let it take hold, and then made a look, let Jie Yu and they follow.

"Okay, then trouble Lord Ling!"

The surname is Ling and the name is long, so Li Qing calls him Ling.

"What are these girls?"

Obviously, this look made the city owner see it, so he asked.

"It's the next lady." Li Qing said politely.

"Oh, why didn't Master Li say that early, I neglected my ladies, I will immediately let my wife entertain you." Said, it seems, a few words.

Just when they walked into the city gate, a beautiful woman dressed in black and very feminine was already waiting there.

"Welcome, welcome sisters to be guests~"

She walked out and was introduced by the master Ling, and all the people knew her identity.

Of course, the wives of Li Qing are still very good at diplomacy, but there is no sentence. They seem to be familiar on the surface.

It's the so-called people who don't make faces smile!

Before the death, Li Qing did not want to worry about them any more, so he continued to follow his will.

"Come on, this is our flowing boat, only we can have it~"

After a while, a small boat made of clouds appeared in front of the crowd. The city master first walked up, and did not fall down. Then the crowd stepped on it.

Although this surprised all the girls, they still didn't show any expression, because they had to take care of Li Qing's face~

Of course, they all have a pleasant smile in their eyes.

Because, they know that this trip is right.

The floating boat floats five meters in the air, and there is no obstruction in passing. It can even fly over the stream and skip the center of the floor. In this way, they can see the place better.

have to say!

Hundreds of millions of immortal cities are well exhibited. This way, they are full of traffic and crowded crowds.

Li Qing is almost wondering whether the population density here is beyond Lingxiao 6.

The roadside stalls are drinking, some people are pushing cars, and there are luxury cars pulled by various fairy beasts, a variety of shops, a variety of products... Especially the surrounding water environment of the small bridge, really let Li Qing has the feeling of coming to the southern town of Jiangnan.

Very kind feeling, especially the faces here are all smiles, even if the clothes they wear are good or bad, the smiles come out of the bottom of my heart.

"Lord Ling's management ability is excellent!" Li Qing couldn't help complimenting.

"Awesome?" Ling Yuchang didn't understand it at first. Then, he probably knew what he meant, and laughed: "No, no matter where it comes, it's because everyone puts it on face, so this city can do so well."

"Haha, lord is humble~"

Soon, he came to the main palace, which was the island they had seen before, the building that was ten thousand feet high into the sky.

After coming here, the banquet was already set.

What kind of gentian, phoenix and the like, there are all kinds of ingredients of fairy beasts, and even the ingredients of outland creatures as mentioned in the mouth of the city master.

As soon as I heard this, Li Qing felt more confident.

"This was left after killing a blue blood man. These blue blood people actually tried to form an alliance with me to fight against the immortal court. It was simply a delusion." When it comes to this, he is also angry. Looks like he is indignant.

In this way, Li Qing asked about the blue blood.

"They come from outside the region and they are from unknown places. As for how they came, I can't say clearly, and I can't explain why they should occupy our fairyland."

"Oh, that's right? Are they strong? Perhaps, if they are strong, what is a powerful method?"

"It's very powerful. They can also use the energy in this world to condense this energy into a spell-like existence. In addition, their own body, the physical body, is very powerful. It can be said that it is different from ours. Our humans are very fragile when they are born, and if they are not cultivated, their natural life is only a hundred years. But they are not the same, they have strong strength and longevity after birth."

"Is it like that? Doesn't it mean that their conditions are much better than ours?" Li Qing was a little surprised.

"No, no, they also have restrictions, that is, their fertility. They can only have one birth in their lifetime. In addition, our humans are promoted several times faster than them."


Li Qing nodded. If this is the case, it would be okay. Otherwise, he would make a woolen yarn and let the fairy world give it to others.

"Okay, let's not mention the disappointment first, I will tell you something else!"

Next, it’s pure chat, and Mr. Ling’s eloquence is still the appearance is serious or a little murderous, but the humor of the words is amused, and they laugh back and forth. Turning, not to mention the places he has been to, his experience, and even the extraterrestrial domain, he has been to it many times.

Judging from his oral experience, the extraterrestrial domain is very desolate, and it is very difficult to find a living planet. In addition, the extraterrestrial domain does not exist in fairy gas, if the fairy gas is not enough to supplement your own body. , Then it is possible to die in the alien domain.

In addition, there are many natural disasters in extraterrestrial areas, such as star bursts, such as turbulence...

A starburst is a sudden explosion of some planets, and a turbulent flow is a turbulent flow of space. It can be said that there are so many natural disasters in a single earth or fairyland, and the vast and infinite star field is more certain.

I ate a meal for two full hours...

In fact, the wife of the city owner suggested taking Xia Mo Can Yue to play with them.

They all asked Li Qing with their desire and Li Qing's consent, and wanted to ask for his permission.

Li Qing nodded, because as long as they are in danger, it can be reached by doing a teleport on their own.

Just after they left, the topic changed.

He asked Li Qing directly by voice.

"Master Li, are you the emperor sent to observe me?"

Li Qing didn't expect him to be so direct, he nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Do you suspect that I colluded with the aliens?"

Li Qing is a little puzzled if he is so direct. Should he be so straight?


Think of Li Qing and nod, as long as it is not a fool, people know that he is the supervisor of Xianting, and they can definitely think of it.

"Well, it seems that the emperor didn't trust me anymore!" He sighed, and then turned to Li Qing: "Master Li, do you think the emperor trusts you?"

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