My Super God QQ

Chapter 1002: Strange Soul Square

"Wow, the clothes here are so beautiful~ I don't know what the materials are made of?"

In the hundreds of millions of fairy cities, Yan Di happily touched the clothes in his hands, and was pleasantly surprised.

These clothes are enough at night. During the day, they can also emit a variety of lights. It is not a magic weapon, but just ordinary silk products.

"It seems there is a brand, you see~"

Master Ning touched the brand in surprise, and it was written with a very peculiar character, which was definitely not from the fairyland.

"Mr. City Lord, what brand is this?"

Jie Yu flashed suspiciously in her beautiful eyes and asked quietly.

"It's just... just some symbols drawn by some people themselves. It's meaningless to attract eyeballs." He tried to cover up as much as possible. Under Jie Yu's careful observation, he still saw a flash in her eyes. unnatural.

"Symbols? The symbols are so similar. If you don't know, I thought it was a spell-like thing~" Xia Mo Can Yue understood the meaning of Jie Yu and laughed.

"Haha, sisters, don't dig deeper, do you like it? Just pick whatever you like, and don't be polite if your sister gives you a gift." The lady of the city host opened the topic in disguise: "I tell you, I want to talk about this business model. In Xianjie, our hundreds of millions of Xiancheng are absolutely second to none. Due to the large amount of work in business and manufacturing, no matter who we are here, in terms of life and welfare, it is the best, so it will attract so many people. "

"Oh, where did these people come from?" Tang Yanyan said curiously.

"I heard that the money here is so good, and I came from the fairyland. Most of them are businessmen, and there are many businessmen, and there are more ordinary people." She did not absolutely talk about some things, such as XX Some large chambers of commerce in certain places, such as certain products.

She introduced a lot of things, but the more it is, the more Jieyu feels like she wants to make her feel better.

Jie Yu, a former elder sister of the underworld.

Xia Mo Can Yue, a wizard in the business world.

The two of them discovered this feeling almost at the same time, and both nodded and remembered it in their hearts.

"Is there anything special here that is different from the fairyland?"

Xia Mo Can Yue asked.

"I really want to say something, that's the strange soul square~" She thought for a moment, and there was a flash of indescribable light in her eyes, laughing.

"Oh, what is this place?"

Jie Yu asked curiously.

"You just follow me~" The lady of the city took them directly to the stream of clouds: "A little far away, use this!"

The women followed.

Then, in the streets and alleys, she finally stopped in front of a small, ordinary shop, and it said Strange Soul Square.

"It's a very ordinary place, what's the fun?" Jie Yu didn't understand it. The fun place looked so ordinary and usual, which was not right.

"You know if you come in with me~"

She smiled mysteriously, pointing inside, and walked in first.

Xia Mo Can Yue narrowed her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something. Finally, she followed the girls.

Once inside, they were surprised to find that there is a small world inside. If the outside is ordinary, it will look very different.

This is actually a small world with a sea in it.

After they appeared inside, it was a sea, and then there was a blue sky and a beach ocean.

The sea water is like transparent, unpolluted and clear. There are countless beautiful fish swimming in it. The fine sand on the beach is very smooth, as if it were made of gold.


While they were observing the environment, there were ten women and one man out of the sea.

This man is a bit like a girly girl, obviously a man's voice, but he is dressed up, but strangely, he does not give people a little disgust, as if he should be like this by nature.

The ten women all wore clothes similar to water, with blue and pink water, just wrapped around them.

"Yiji, these are some of my friends. Please entertain me!" The lady of the city greeted him.

"I understand, I will make the girls return with satisfaction." He smiled, and smiled to the extreme, actually gave him a smile that looked at him, just like the feeling of seeing flowers blooming.

Then, under his command, the girls on the side would all use water spells, and actually made up things similar to beach chairs.

"Girls, are you ready for a soul-like journey?"

The lady of the city said with a smile.

Both Yan Di and Ning Shishi are eager to try.

"Wait~" Jie Yu waved her hand to stop the movement of the woman on the side to help herself.

"Jade Girl, is there any problem?"

Asked the lady of the city.

"No, I just suddenly forgot. We should tell Lang Jun that I was afraid that he was worried about us." Then, she took out the phonetic note, which was the contact, and her face changed slightly, fleeting. .

Because she found that her transmission notes had cut off the ability to communicate with the outside world.

"No, just enjoy it. I'll help you to tell you the master of the city." The city's wife laughed.


Speaking of Jie Yu, he winked and let everyone go.

Although Yan Di said that they were a little strange, she looked at Xia Mo Can Yue and she had the same look, so she no longer asked out loud. Because Xia Mo Can Yue is usually the elder sister's head, not only her age, but also Xia Mo Can Yue is taking care of them in lieu of Li Qing on the earth. The things she says do have certain authority.

"I don't need it, it certainly doesn't matter." The lady of the city owner persuaded again.

At this moment, the Yan Di man frowned, and a cold light flashed in his eyes when they didn't even notice Yan Di.

He looked at the Lady of the City Lord, and seemed to want to consult her.

The Lady of the City Lord did not say that he did not dare to take any action.

"Sorry, we must go out and say aloud!" Jie Yu said with a strong voice, and then looked at the lady of the city master with a kind of awe-inspiring look, which meant like saying, I will tell you well now, but if it still doesn't work, we It's about to turn over.

"Oh, sisters, what's wrong with this, just for fun, well, let's go out and say something."

The wife of the city host finally retreated, making a look, letting the other party out of the tunnel, and taking them out of here.

In this way, Xia Mo's fist quietly squeezed his fist, but it was hot sweat inside.

Just now, she thought it was going to war, because, she also felt an unusual place. Fortunately, the other party did not tear his face, so this is considered a disaster.

They must not drag Li Qing down just because of what happened, but just secretly warned themselves that they should never step into the store owned by others, that is, the private sector, without knowing the details of the other party.

As soon as he came out, Xia Mo Canyue passed on the voice to Li Qing.

Unexpectedly, Li Qing immediately teleported to them as soon as the voice passed, and the city owner also came along.

Until they saw Yan Di, they were all right, Li Qing was relieved to look at the city owner.

"Yeah, I am still sincere, just like my wife can feel it, so it is certainly not dangerous."

Li Qing nodded: "Well, it can be discussed."

"Yes, in this world, there is never an enemy. There are only conflicts of interest. I believe that I have no conflict of interest with Master Li, and naturally will not become an enemy."

"I will think about what you just said, now I just want to rest."

"Hahaha, the younger man understands people, well, I have already arranged for you for a long time, just follow me?" He started to change his name as he played with a snake and stick.

Li Qing thought about it and agreed.

Then, they came to a manor, this is the place the city owner arranged for After they were sent here, the city owner and his wife left, and Jie Yu told Li Qing about that place.

"Oh, is there such a strange place? Are you sure they might be against you?"

"I don't feel malicious, but there is a hunch that something bad is about to happen." Jie Yu shook her head, she was not sure.

"I also have this bad hunch." Xia Mo Can Yue said at the same time.

"What did the city lord discuss with you?"

Li Qing looked at his waist cautiously, and did not bring the token from the emperor. After he had put it away, he said directly: "He said that he had no conflict of interest with me, and he did not want to be an enemy with me. Originally, I disdain, but his self-confidence tells me that he seems to have a power that can compete with the emperor, a strange feeling, but that self-confidence is strong."

"You mean, it's possible that he really seduce alien creatures?" When he came, Li Qing told her about what the emperor sent him to do.

"Yes, this is a little bit tricky, because the great emperor must have taken advantage of me, and I don't want to get caught up in this enemy."

"It's not necessary." Jie Yu nodded, thinking deeply.

"So, how should I report this to the emperor?"

"By telling the truth, I said it and found something was wrong, but found nothing." Xia Mo Can Yue said.

"Then there must be some evidence, or it is incompetent performance." Li Qing didn't want to finish it like this, because he still wanted to go to Yuan Yuanxing, and wanted to take advantage of this time to be able to help the emperor. There.

"I think what weird soul square we went to might find out."

Li Qing thought about it and nodded: "Well, I'll check it out in a few days."

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