My Super God QQ

Chapter 1105: Participate in the fairy world gathering

"How old are you old man?" Li Qing and Yan Yuese said authentically.

"I have three out of eighty this year."

"Thirty-eight of you are still so healthy, come out to set up a stall? By the way, what are you from the small world of the earth?"

"Yes, I came from a small planet. I would like to thank our King! If he were not there, the wife would not be afraid on the planet... I had a lot of sickness in the first place, and then my son would come here , I originally let them come, so as not to drag down the king. But my son is not willing to throw me in Huaxia, this is no, since I have been in the fairy world, I had some old illnesses just fine, more than that, my body seems to recover When she was 40 or 50 years old, she was very comfortable.” At this point, she turned to the position of Xianfu, her hands folded, and a respectful salute.

"All right?"

"That's not it!"

"Just..." Li Qing said this, his eyes a little strange.

"Just what?"

"In the beginning, your, didn't the king say you were asked to come up to help him? It is possible that after you come up, you will die for nine years, you are all so old and sick..."

Li Qing asked, the old man suddenly thought of something, his face was a little red, and he was embarrassed.

"Actually, when our King King invited people to the fairyland below, no one signed up. Everyone was afraid of death..." Speaking of which, the old lady was a little angry: "I was thinking, Lord King saved the earth , Saved our lives, if we don’t know what to do, I’m thinking of asking my son to sign up."

"Then your son is not afraid of death?"

"Nine deaths and one life, it still means that there is still life! At that time, Lord King saved all the lives of the whole earth. When he was in trouble, no one helped me. Going to sign up, he refused at first, and later I was forced to die..."

"The old man really..."

Li Qing didn't know what to say, but also because the old man's family was well-educated, a filial son became a filial son, and he might scold his mother for death.

Later, Li Qing knew without asking. It must have been her son who didn't want to let her stay at home, because the old man might be really gone if something happened at home, so she took her up.

Then, the old man signed up, and the original intention was to give Li Qing station when no one signed up.

However, in this station, she was also kind and rewarding. She came directly to Immortal Realm. All the sickness in her body was breathing immortal qi, and her body improved naturally.


Everyone in the live broadcast watched this, it was jealous and regretful.

At the beginning, they were afraid of death and did not sign up. Although they said good things in their mouths and said what their husband and I love you, most people still have one appearance and another secretly.

And now, I regret it!

Looking at this old man will certainly be able to live a hundred years old, maybe even two or three hundred years old, especially those rich and powerful old people who stay on the earth, it is almost jealous of envy.

They are rich and powerful, and now they are afraid of death!

At that time, I had no choice but to watch people coming to Immortal Realm. They lived so long. They were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood.

After Li Qing interviewed her, she entered a small shop and called a bowl of sweet bean curd.

"Douhua still needs to be sweet and delicious." Li Qing nodded comfortably as she smelled the scent of the leaves on it, which gave the whole bowl of bean curd a scent.


He called the boss.

He is a middle-aged man, and he is quite powerful.

"Well, Guest Officer, do you think there is something wrong with this?" He pointed to the bean curd in Li Qing bowl, which seemed to misunderstand Li Qing.

"No, no, no problem, I just want to ask you something, can I?"

"Okay, no one is in the shop anyway."

It was the afternoon, and there were no people.

"How does it feel to come to fairyland?"

"Yes, I feel like I should be able to live one or two hundred years longer. No, not what I said, it's everyone's feeling." Speaking of this, the boss laughed.

"Aren't you afraid? At first, if you want to go to Immortal Realm, so many people say that they will die for a lifetime."

"I'm afraid, but I don't think our lord king will pit us. Besides, if it weren't for him, I might have been eaten by the monster, and now it's become stool... Oh, sorry, my People speak a little bit thicker."

"It's okay, do you have a happy life now, have you ever regretted it?"

"Ha ha ha, of course happiness, regret? Impossible. I used to have no culture in the lower realm. I was a little security guard waiting for death. At that time, I thought that I would repay the king with a single life. Who knows Blessed by misfortune, hehehe..."

Li Qing didn't care that his idiom "Blessed by Disaster" seemed a bit inappropriate, so he continued to ask.

"what about now?"

"Now, how good the air is, the Mi Na here is also Xian Mi. It's like a fairy day. Although this small shop costs more money, but now I have time, and I earn it slowly. Really, if I don’t have a call now, I want to call my security guards to show off, hehe hehe..."

At this time, several security guards surrounded a mobile phone and watched the live broadcast in front of a large factory in the China Ice City.

When they saw the owner of this tofu flower shop, their eyes almost didn't come out.

Because, they recognized the boss, their colleague, Wang Dazhuang.

At the beginning, when Wang Dazhuang went to sign up, they laughed that he was going to death, there was no need to make a joke about his life. For this reason, Wang Dazhuang scolded them for their lack of heart and lungs, for not knowing what to do, and the two sides were almost noisy.

This is all right, watching this Wang Dazhuang go to the fairy world, has such a long life, each of them burst into anger, how angry they were at first, missed the opportunity.

"Hey, maybe the most wrong thing in my life is that I didn't go with Wang Dazhuang." A security guard looked at the hot summer days and the smell of manufacturing plastic blowing out of the factory, his eyes were authentic.

"Who knows, me, me!" A security guard slapped himself fiercely, his eyes red, and he was crying.


More security guards are so jealous and remorseless that they are speechless. They just feel that they are stupid to wait for others.

The barrage also stopped infrequently.

To say that before, they paid attention to Li Qing, they wanted to see Li Qing fighting in the fairyland, what kind of scenery or the like, but today Li Qing suddenly wanted to tell the people of the earth to let them know that after taking them up, they did not treat them badly Only then did they feel awake.

Some are jealous.

Some are envious.

It's more about thinking about why I was so stupid at first, and missed this good opportunity.


No one talked about the barrage. It took a long time for someone to play the barrage. He said, a good person is safe and happy all his life.

Next, Li Qing walked out of the shop again and walked on the street for a long time. Occasionally, some people were interviewed. When Li Qing interviewed some people on the earth who had already achieved cultivation and were promoted to Yuan infantry, they even made the barrage crazy. General.

"Kill me, Yuan infant period? How long has it been so easy to practice in the fairy world?"

"It seems that the infancy can live for thousands of years?"

"I, the fastest in our city, claiming to be a rare genius, is only the foundation period, me, me, me, woo..."

"God, God, Buddha, if God gives me another chance, I will say I will go, and I will go to death..."

"Oh, you just deserve it, regret is useless..."

"No wonder some people say that choice is the most important thing in a person's life! If I chose the right one, now it is the road of Qingyun, soaring straight up, woo"

"The king's husband, come here to recruit people, even if you want to stay in bed, I am the Eastern Air Sister, our company is the most beautiful and the best figure."

Li Qing ignored the barrage and walked through several streets. After seeing so many people living and working here, he felt good enough before returning to Xianfu.

Of course, Li Qing is only here to understand some situations.

Nowadays, because these people from the earth have come to the fairyland, many people have been promoted to the infancy, some of them are out of the know, some even geniuses have gone through the robbery... what does it mean? This means that the role of the Immortal Kingdom in Li Qing's hands is getting bigger and bigger.

I believe that by then, when all the people in the palm of the fairy country are immortals, he can borrow the power of these people and become stronger.

Hundreds of millions of fairies!

Borrowing their power, Li Qing is absolutely overwhelmed.

Back to Xianfu, Li Pang and they had already decided to collect ten small forces to come to Xiancheng. This is another power that can be used by Li Qing.

The next day...

Li Qing directly took Guo Guo and disappeared, disappeared in Xianfu, and came to the town of Luo Yuanguan.

Because Guoguo symbolizes the reincarnation pavilion, it is also one of the powers and has also been invited.

The last time I came here, I was taken away, as if yesterday.

Twenty long table cases have been placed on the main square of the town of Luo Yuanguan, not only that, but also wine and ginseng fruit.


Li Qing finally saw the existence of ginseng It's really not a loss to think about this trip.

Of course, his main purpose is still to see if the Buddha is dead. If he is not dead, if he finds himself in trouble, Li Qing doesn't mind killing him directly here.

"Welcome, welcome Li Xianren!"

Originally there was a Daotong greeting the visitors at the Lantern Festival, but this time, the person who came to meet Li Qing personally was the Taiyi Jinxian who caught them and threw them to the Xian prison army.

Looking at Li Qing's approach, the middle-aged man's eyes were full of bitterness. As his master said, the small person in his eyes had indeed become the strongest in the famous fairyland.

Looking at himself again, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Too fast, this guy doesn't know how to practice in front of him, it's just evil spirits, monsters!

Today is in a bad state, so let’s stop asking for tickets

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