My Super God QQ

Chapter 1106: There are demons

"In the beginning, thank you for sending us a ride"

Li Qing apparently recognized him too, seeing him a little embarrassed, took the initiative to speak.

"I... I, the poor teacher asked to do it, he said it was your chance, and let the poor person send you."

"Oh, don't I want to thank your teacher?"

Li Qing was really like this, chuckling lightly, people could not see whether it was joy or anger.


He was still to speak, but behind him came a singing voice: "The master of Wushuangcheng is here!"


Li Qing has never heard of this city, it seems very low-key. However, thinking about the size of the whole fairyland, it is impossible for him to know it all, so he turned to look curiously.

That is a very heroic woman.

It is nice to say that it is heroic. If it is placed on the earth, this is a female man.

Li Qing couldn’t believe it. She would meet a woman with such thick eyebrows. That’s all. She looks a little more robust. She has a strong back and wears a fiery red suit. Look anyway. The writing is very weird. At least, Li Qing has never seen a strong man who would wear such a method.

When the woman came over, Li Qing discovered that there was a man behind him, but this man made Li Qing feel weird.

Compared to the woman in the front, the man in the back looks very handsome and has a little softness. Dan's eyebrows, Qiong nose, and his mouth are very small. If Li Qing's eyes were sharp, he might think he was a famous woman. Wearing a white robe, a ruby ​​belt, and a red treaded cloud shoes, it was so extreme.

Just when they turned around to look at them, they also looked over. First, they glanced at Li Qing up and down like a scrutiny, and they found the Taoist standing beside him.

"Professor Quan Kun, are you here?" Immediately, the man spoke, and his voice was very soft, with a male duck's voice. This feeling reminded Li Qing of the **** in ancient China.

"Yes! Welcome to the two masters of Wushuang!"

On the edge of Li Qing, the Taoist placed the dust on his hand at the elbow of his left hand and bowed slightly.

"So since you are here, why didn't you greet us, but instead greet him? Is it possible that our identity is not as good as him?" The man said this, with a bit of resentment in his eyes, as if they were looked down upon, let them Very uncomfortable.

"Don't make trouble, Xiaoshuang!"

The man walking in front suddenly said.

A trace of annoyance flashed in the eyes of the feminine man behind him, shutting his mouth in dismay.

"I'm sorry, both of you, this is what my teacher told me, no wonder it's poor," Quan Kun Taoist smiled bitterly.

He certainly wouldn't let the other party make trouble. As long as they moved out of their teachers, they would not dare to say anything. Sure enough, they didn't say anything. Obviously, they consciously couldn't afford the view of Zhen Luo Yuanguan.

"You are Li Qing?"

The man nodded, stopped talking, and turned to Li Qing.

"Yes! How do you call it?"

"I am the big city master big double, he is the small city master small double..."

"Why is it called Wushuang?" Li Qing asked curiously.

"My father's name is nothing more than nothing, but now my father is closed and is in a critical juncture, so let's just come."

Actually, he didn't come and sent his children. Li Qing suddenly felt that the other party was too ignorant of Zhen Luo Yuan's face.

Probably guessing what Li Qing thought, Taoist Quan Kun said on the edge: "It's nothing but the immortal leader is at a critical moment. The teacher said that as long as the big doubles and small doubles can represent their fathers, it doesn't matter."

He seemed to be talking to Li Qing.

Li Qing frowned and said nothing.

It turned out that the origin of the name "Wu Shuangcheng", Shuang is these two people, and "Wu" refers to their father.

"I heard that it seems that Li Qing has been to the Buddhist kingdom not long ago. It is admirable to be able to break into the Buddhist kingdom and retreat all over the body." The female man clenched his fists.

"Oh, if the outside world can believe it, the sow can go to the tree"

The man behind her said so.

The man looked back at him, and then he shut up.

This makes Li Qing hate the man a little, even if he looks like an eunuch, he likes to chew his tongue like a shrew. However, think about this is also the place for others, Li Qing not to face these two people, but also to face Zhenyuan Yuan, sneered, turned around and left.

Quan Kun Taoist smirked with embarrassment and quickly followed.

It was behind, the female man reprimanded the man again, and Li Qing didn't listen to them any more seriously, because, apparently, he could also see that the man was jealous of his reputation and prestige. There were too many of them. Wouldn’t it be exhausting if you go all out and don’t have to.

Entering the square, there were 28 tables, and Li Qing picked a seat on the far right.

It's not that he wants to be low-key, but habitual. Just like when he was studying, he doesn't like to sit in a place that is too conspicuous. He prefers to be a quiet beautiful man.

On the contrary, the two younger siblings had to sit down directly in the middle of the first row, but suddenly they saw a sign on the table that seemed to be writing, and their appearance changed slightly, and they stepped back and sat elsewhere.

Li Qing looked at the sign, one of which was Buddha, and the other was Heaven.

It seems that the two in the middle of the first row belong to each other.

If Li Qing is someone who loves to care, he may be unhappy. Why do they have exclusive seats, but Li Qing is not that kind of person, he sat on the side.

Twenty-eight tables, if there are almost ten sitting on them, there are men and women, old and young.

Originally, there were no children, but just after a while, a vocal sounded, "The Master of the Reincarnation Pavilion arrived."

Fang Cai just entered the scope of Zhen Luo Yuanguan and told Li Qing that something had happened, and then he came in from the outside.

With a grinning face on her face, she was still holding a purple mink. Obviously, she might have just been looking for this mink. She had been here before, apparently knowing it before.

"Dad, this is my good friend, Zizi"

"You, how are you?" The sable actually spoke, milky and milky, and the voice is also like a child, no wonder can know Guoguo.

Is it a demon race?

Li Qingtou's first thought was the monster beast race, but apparently it did not have the monster's tyrannical breath on his body, but a purely extreme monster spirit.

I heard that in the fairy world, the demon clan was also a very large race. Unfortunately, after the big event in the last era, it gradually withered away. In the end, it almost became a protected animal. I didn't expect Li Qing to see this one.

"Hello, can you become a humanoid?" Li Qing said a little curiously.

"No, people are not so powerful," Sable said.

"Dad, Zizi, she was a friend I came here to know. She was only thirty years old, that is, we are three years old like human beings, so it must not be transformed." Guo Guo explained with a smile, now she is still a child It looks like, but after the memory of his mind has been restored, it is obviously the thinking of the adult.

"Oh" Li Qing nodded.

"Dad, this is the salivated dragon fruit I just picked. It's delicious. Give it to you." Guo Guo took three fruits from the storage ring and put them into Li Qing's hands, where he teased the sable.

Salivated dragon fruit?

Li Qing looked at it a bit like an apple, but the peel was crystal clear, and the fruit gleaming lightly, he picked it up.

As soon as he picked it up, he felt several people's eyes coming here, all staring at the salivary dragon fruit in his hand.

Is it still a good thing?

He pondered and asked Guoguo: "Guoguo, are these salamanders very rare?"

"That's for sure, only the demon can be cultivated." Guoguo nodded and said with a smile: "Otherwise, I won't send my dad to eat, of course, if the dad is the rarest and most precious."

Li Qing hasn't tasted this fruit yet, but with this sentence, it has sweetened his heart.

"It's just that this fruit is definitely not as good as ginseng fruit, there is no need to look at it like this"

Li Qing thought to himself, sweeping the ginseng fruit on these table cases, one per person, it seems that they are embarrassed to eat first, and wait until the master comes.

In fact, what Li Qing does not know is that this aquatic fruit is not famous for ginseng fruit, which can increase a lot of strength and longevity, but the taste is unknown how many times stronger than ginseng fruit.

After taking a bite, Li Qing's eyes were bright, indeed, this is good, there are sweets straight into Li Qing's mouth and taste buds...

"Right, Guoguo, I will also give you a delicious one."

Li Qing remembered that the honest God Fruit bought two more from the QQ Mall.

As soon as it was taken out, the honest and honest fruit suddenly filled the audience with exaggerated fragrance. Suddenly, the eyes of everyone on the field were focused on Li Qing's hands.

"Dad, it's so fragrant, but I want two." Guoguo jumped up happily. Even if she didn't eat it, she knew it was a good thing, just looked at the sable in her hand and said: "Zizi gave it to her I have so many delicious foods, is my father good?" After that, a little kid asked for a lollipop.

Li Qing touched her head and had to take out another one, and told him seriously: "This fruit is not only delicious, but also doubles its strength. Just one bite can make you double One day strength..."


" don't I lie to our fruit"

Guoguo heard this and happily took over the two honest **** fruits.

"What kind of fruit is this? For me, how much does it cost me?"

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded. Li Qing turned his head and saw that the man in the Wushuangcheng had come over and looked greedily at the honest fruit of God.

"Not for sale!" Li Qingdao said.

"Everything in this world is valuable, oh, you can afford it despite your asking price"

"I said, don't sell!"

"Why are you like this, just a broken fruit? At first, I asked the spectator here to ask for ginseng fruit. The spectator had to give my father a face. What do you think, can your fruit be better than ginseng fruit? You raise it at a high price, and Lord can afford it!

Hearing this, Li Qing started a fire and slowly ignited.

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