My Super God QQ

Chapter 1109: Buddha also admits counsel

Obviously, he remembered the fact that Li Qing had thrown a broom star at the time. At that time, he was destroyed a precious avatar, equivalent to a life.

Past Buddha, Future Buddha, Now Buddha...Every kind of Buddha represents his life. It can be said that he originally had three lives, but he was destroyed by Li Qing. If he wants to cultivate this life again, it will take at least 100,000 years.

One hundred thousand years!

For so long, whenever he thinks about it, he hates Li Qing's bones, he can't wait to eat Li Qing's meat raw, and lick Li Qing's blood.

Of course, despite the hatred, his fear is also there.

Like the Light Devouring God, that kind of coercion is obviously not much different from him, but now, it is not the fate of life, everything comes from Li Qing's strange magic weapon.

It is actually terrible to be able to cut off the luck of a person, and produce extremely bad luck.

If he could, he didn’t want Li Qing’s magic weapon that could destroy a world. He even wanted this kind of thing that can make people suffer bad luck.

"It seems that everyone who did something right against Li Qing didn't end well? In front is the former emperor of the heavenly court, and then a current Buddha of the Buddha, behind is the light eater..." The little double of Wushuangcheng, that is The feminine man murmured and looked at Li Qing more and more vigilantly.

"Shut up!" shouted Dashuang Shensheng.

Xiaoshuang shut his mouth reluctantly and dared not speak.

Many people looked at Li Qing thoughtfully, but they did not dare to speak, nor did they know how to speak.

"Then let's wait and see? Maybe, he still has life to speak of?" Hongyun said again.

no way!

The amount of merit that can be saved in such a large institution like Tianting is naturally not less than such a gold owner who can afford a large price.

If he comes back, everyone can save a little.

If you can't come back?

Looking at the cold eyes in everyone's eyes, one can imagine that some people have already thought badly, and they want to take advantage of the power of the heavenly court when the head of the heavenly court cannot come back and the dragons have no head.

"Xiaoyou's method is still very good! Ha ha ha......" Hongyun Laodao flashed, came to Li Qing and smiled.

"Don't dare to dare to dare, the kid arrived here from the lower bound, if there is no means, I'm afraid it would have been swallowed by some people..." Li Qing replied with a smile.

If it weren't for the qq system, Li Qing might have encountered an unexpected accident when he first went to the fairy world. This is a big truth.

"I don't know what adventures Xiaoyou has had? If you don't say it's okay, the old way is just curiosity" Hongyun old way said, eyes full of extreme curiosity.

Although, from Li Qing, he saw some magnificent future fate, but more is unknown and unsolved.

This was the reason why he had always been optimistic about Li Qing before sending him to the Immortal Infantry Army, otherwise, he would dare to enter the town of Luo Yuanguan with other lunatics and fear that he would disappear here. It can be said that Li Qing is one of the very few who breaks in and can go out alive. After all, which force does not regard his territory as a forbidden land.

"Amazing? I don't seem to have encountered any adventures in my life, even when I was in the lower realm." Li Qing said with a smile: "At that time, I met Guoguo, and I felt my luck came. Maybe Guoguo is my adventure," Li Qing said, touching Guoguo's hair lovingly.

When Guoguo heard his father say this, he was also very happy in his heart. He enjoyed this statement and kissed Li Qing.

"Dad, you are also my luck, adventure." Guo Guo's eyes smiled into a crescent moon, sweet and authentic.

Looking at the childlike appearance of Guoguo, those who had seen her powerfully could not adapt.

Obviously a master of power, but so petite and cute, like a doll, it is unbelievable.

"It turns out so"

Seeing Li Qing didn't want to say, Hongyun old can only no longer make this plan, nodded with a smile.

The people chatted for a while, about half an hour, and then the patriarch of the Yuetian Pavilion began to gossip again.

"He seems to be out of danger, maybe after a while, he can come back..."

The patriarch of the Yuetian Pavilion is very powerful in fortune telling, and the facts have proved that about ten minutes after this remark, a figure teleporting appears here, which is the disappearing light eater.

At this time, he was covered in blood, and his hair was circulated, but he was still in good spirits.

"Count me to lose!"

He stared at Li Qing bitterly. In the depths of his eyes, there was an unnatural flash of fear.


Li Qing clenched his fists and smiled carelessly.

That is to see Li Qing's indifferent look, which made Buddha's eyes twitch.

While others looked at Li Qing, they secretly labeled Li Qing as "a monster that cannot be easily provoked".

When he came back, Hongyun Laodao looked over and sent out a ginseng fruit, as if he were a good man, anyone can help. At the same time, he also used everyone's merit to hire Li Qing to blow up the ten races, and discussed with him.


He simply nodded.

Then, they started to study the situation of distribution.

It's just that the distribution of benefits is more or less, and everyone is arguing endlessly. It seems that this problem has not lasted for days and nights, and I am afraid it will be difficult to solve.

"Let's discuss it slowly. Now I will contact the forces that still exist in Fairy World and let them refer to it. It is mainly for our big family, Fairy World. I believe they will all be willing to give their strength!" Hongyun is humane.


The next day...

The final of Li Qing and Buddha finally began.

But when he was about to fight, the Buddha spoke first.


"What's wrong..." Li Qing said with a smile, just at this moment, he had already caught a thing in his hand, that was a golden star, if he looked at it faintly, he could still find a blood-red light flow.

That is, seeing this thing, the Buddha hurriedly stopped.

"If... if... said that Lord Li Shi could promise me one thing, the poor monk could admit defeat in this battle." The Buddha folded his hands together and spoke with difficulty.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was in an uproar because, they could all hear that the other party was confessing.

Buddha admits!

If it were changed before, they would definitely not believe it, but after going through some matters, they had to say that even if they played at this time, they would be extremely afraid of Li Qing.

Because, Li Qing's baby is too evil.

As long as you think about it, the emperor was fooled by Li Qing, and the Buddha lost his life again. He didn't dare to face the enemy again with Li Qing, and they felt a chill in their hearts.


It's terrifying. Anyone who gets caught by Li Qing will suffer bad luck and lose his life.

Thinking about this, they groaned almost groaning in their hearts: "If it is impossible, no one can cure Li Qing? In this way, is Li Qing the strongest existence in the fairy world?!"

Recommend a ticket, uncle, let Wang Lin take you to play together...

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