My Super God QQ

Chapter 1120: Xianmeng leader, famous in the fairyland

"Promise you one thing?" Li Qing was very puzzled and stunned, and began to speculate what he was going to say.

Let yourself return the power of merit to him? Most likely this is the case!

"Yes!" Buddha nodded.

"Tell me something? Even if I want to promise you, I have to do it." Li Qing's subtext tells the other party that it is impossible to want merit, don't be delusional.

Buddha is also an elite. How could he not hear something in his words? There was a trace of anger in his eyes. Finally, he forced it down and said: "I want you to promise me that you are not willing to command after becoming a fairy alliance. Just use my Western Buddhist kingdom as cannon fodder."

It turned out that he was as worried as he was!

Li Qingsong took a breath. It seemed that he and he had the same kind of worry when they started.

If it weren't for this kind of worry, Li Qing didn't care about the position of the leader of the Xianmeng League, and others avoided the power of a eagle, and he avoided like a viper.

"Cough, if you want to be the leader of Xianmeng, of course you must have both integrity and virtue. Am I the kind of person?" Li Qing gave him a glance, as if he was accusing him in public, and dutiful gentleman's wife.

In fact, Li Qing really has this idea in mind.

A group of worms that don't have any production, and deceive those honest people, and **** blood on people, don't stay dead!


Even if these buddhas have become immortals, but do they "be responsive" to the believers? No! Therefore, he didn't like or even hated them.

Of course, it is also possible that there are really Buddhas who will work hard to help their believers, but there are certainly very few. Li Qing has never heard of it.

Now that the Buddha has confessed, then the position of the leader of the Xianmeng has fallen.

Li Qing became the leader of the Xianmeng League.

This is a big deal!

Immediately, all the people present spread the news to their own forces, and even to the people they had made good with.


Fairyland North Club Luzhou, in a huge manor...

"Homeowner, the current leader of Xianmeng has been decided, but it is a strong man from the palm of Xianguo, named Li Qing!"

"Li Qing? It seems that I have heard of it. How could there be so much power in Immortal Realm, but let Li Qing become the leader?"

"I don't know! Because those powerful people will not let us little people know the detailed situation. But come to think of it, he can defeat the Hongyun Taoist who is the Buddha and Zhen Luo Yuanguan, it must be very strong!"

"Well, what you said is reasonable. No matter how famous you are, you can't be bigger than your fists. Then let's recognize it. I hope he won't conduct commands indiscriminately, and finally let this Xianmeng name survive."


"Did the Xianmeng have any tasks assigned?"

"Not yet."

"That's good, if anything, you must inform me."


In the south of Buddhism in the fairyland, a martial art...

After hearing that the position of the leader of the Xianmeng was finally seated by Li Qing, the doorkeepers and elders in the school were all stunned.

"Li Qing? What's the matter, are the Lord Buddha and Zhen Luo Yuanguan both dead? How can a Li Qing sit in this position!" A red-faced, bearded elder couldn't help but grumble.

"Shut up!" The door owner's face changed slightly immediately, and he said angrily: "No matter who the lord is sitting in now, then we have to listen to his orders. Otherwise, if we can't catch the big ship, we will wait for them to be overwhelmed by those foreign races. Come to the turbulent waves, you can’t help it. Have you forgotten how our ally Roshamon was destroyed? Now it’s just asking for strength!"

"Yes, the third boy, the third boy, why is your temper not dead, thousands of years old, if you are like this, you may blame you, and it is our entire martial arts." An elder also followed .

"If others can become the lords and press the Buddha and Hongyun Taoist, that must be a bit of a skill. You don't have to say it anymore. Those powerful people are sensitive. Whatever you say, it will really kill us. "

"I really want to see what the leader is like!" an elder said curiously.

"It's the General Assembly that starts the Covenant Conference. It's just a hastily formed alliance. If you want to show it officially, you can see it."

"I just don't know if Li Qing's strength is really that strong..."

Li Qing's name is famous again in the world.

It's just that this time it shocked everyone, all with skepticism.

As for the Immortal Kingdom in the palm, everyone who heard the news was thrilled with joy, and everyone screamed and rushed to the street, celebrating with the people, and the entire Immortal Kingdom in the palm became a sea of ​​joy.

"Have you heard? Our king has become the strongest person in the fairyland. Doesn't that mean that we can live a better life in the fairyland in the future?" An old woman said with a smile, she was there. By the door, watching the lively scene on the street, listening to the sound of firecrackers and talking with his old partner.

"That's not the strongest person, it's the leader of the whole fairyland after the alliance, don't talk nonsense..." His wife blamed angrily, but the joy and pride that could not be hidden in his eyes.

"It's not all the same. It's not the strongest. How can I be an ally? Don't look at me as I am seventy or eighty. I still understand the rules of this fairyland. I don't know how to respect the strong. I have to get some firecrackers to release. , We are sure that the days will get better."

"Long live her husband, her husband is invincible...!!!"

On the street, countless girls cheered. They were like children, jumping and screaming. They would give a hug regardless of whether the people on the other side knew it or not.

This can make all the men in the fairyland happy, because in the fairyland, the population of women is the majority!

However, if you think that women are in the majority, you can marry your wife, and you are wrong. The conditions for women's spouse selection here are extremely high. Every woman loves to compare men with their king husband Li Qing. How can there be someone to see? Therefore, they usually have a hard time, and it is rare to encounter such good things, and they almost did not spoil them.

"Long live Lord King, Lord King 666, the cool crazy bully hangs the sky...!!!"

They also cheered.

Immortal Mansion, which is the core of the Immortal Kingdom in the palm...

Since most of Li Qing's relatives have entered the qq bookstore, those who stay here are other people with good strength who do not need to enter the bookstore.

After hearing this news, Li Lan, Li Chuan, and Li Pang were all stunned. They couldn't believe it.

"My son, who is against the powers of the fairy world, has become the leader of the fairy alliance? Really fake?" Li Chuan froze for a long time before he said.

"I'm afraid it's true!" Li Pang took a breath, he was the most confident and most optimistic person in Li Qing, but even if he was optimistic, Li Qing got this position, he was very shocked and felt It's incredible.

You know, he is the only surviving elder of the Zunlin tribe, but he has seen those powerful horrors.

In this way, Li Qing also beat them?

How great should this nephew of his own be?

"My cousin, I served, ha ha ha ha..." Li Lan laughed.


An old lady suddenly came in from the outside, with a happy face on her face, she was a big elder in the reincarnation pavilion under Guoguo's men.

Originally, she had always looked down on Li Qing, thinking that she was the master of Guoguo, that was to eat lard to cover her heart, and this would be true of her father. She blamed Li Qing when she was in the lower realm. This is the case with dry daughters.

But now, this kind of thought has all disappeared, replaced by surprise.

The vision of his own patriarch is so good, but he and others are discerning!

"Together with Joy"

Li Pang pushed Li Chuan, who was about to speak, and told him not to talk nonsense, because he knew that Li Chuan was not used to the people in the reincarnation pavilion. However, in such a happy time, when it is worth celebrating, there really is no need for more noise.

Seeing this, Li Chuan dared not to speak, but could only retreat and let them tout each other there.

Everyone lifts the sedan chair with his mouth. This is the way most people get along with each other. If you want to tear it down deliberately, this kind of person will be unwelcome.

Yue Tian Pavilion...

"Congratulations, Sister, hahaha, I didn't expect your husband to become the leader of the Xianmeng. If there is something good in the future, don't forget Sister!"

"I really don't know where you two have such a good vision. At first sight, it is the leader of the Xianmeng, hey, people are more angry than people!"

"Sister, don't forget our sisters in the future, we take good care of you..."


A large group of women gathered around Murong Fengrou and Su Xiaoxiao, and they kept saying good things, just like the stars arching the moon.

Murong Fengrou and Su Xiaoxiao were a little stunned and could not believe it.

It wasn't until an elder in Yuetiange showed up that they let them out.

"Murong Fengrou, Su Xiaoxiao..." This is an old It seems that in the fairy world, as long as the head is a woman, the general elders will be old women.

"Yes, elder...!!!" The two echoed in unison.

"Since today, your husband is already the leader of the Xianmeng, we have no power to ask you to stay here, how are you going? Are you going to stay here or return to the fairyland?" the elder said. .

Murong Fengrou froze.

She felt that she was a little useless. Several times, it was for Li Qing. She wanted to help Li Qing before she joined him.

But in the end, Li Qing developed extremely fast and became too fast, making them unable to keep up with them.

Suddenly, she was also a little tired. She felt that she might as well help Li Qing manage her family's affairs.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't think so much. Now, as a little girl of her husband, she just wants to see her husband, the heroic and invincible husband, lying in his wide heart to feel his presence...

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