My Super God QQ

Chapter 1102: Make a profit

South Zhanbuzhou, Toushui Town...

Because it is located by the sea, it is too remote, and almost no outsiders will come to this place. Without commercial operations, this has always been a very poor town, and most of the residents are catching fish or farming land from the nearby sea in exchange for capital for living.

Living in a liveable environment, the town is also very quiet, like a paradise, the smoke is small, and the naughty children are playing on the street.

But just a few days ago, the tranquility of the town was broken by a scream, and four people who devoured the clan invaded and started to kill.

The whole town was shrouded in a **** and dead atmosphere.

Devouring the clan is not something that can be eaten by talented people, even ordinary people can bring them a little energy and satiety.


The reason why the Devourers are so crazy is that they are born with a fast digestion of their stomachs. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the mouth has not been eating, hunger will continue to torment them.

They are not only easily hungry, but also swallow quickly. When the big mouth of the blood basin opens, throw an adult into it. It may take a few minutes for their stomachs to be digested, and their red eyes continue to pounce on the other.

There are also fairies in the town. When everyone thought that the fairies could destroy these demons and ghosts, the fairies became the targets of their devouring, and rushed to split the food.

Panic, fleeing, but the faster they escape, the harder they will chase.

As if it had become a place for them to dine together, their farm, it was forbidden for a prey to escape their palms.

In just a few days, the town has become riddled with holes, like a dead existence.

Occasionally, there will be one or two screams screaming across the sky, which is the movement of people found hidden in the town, tragically dying on their hands.

"Grandpa, you eat"

In a cellar, a three-year-old girl doll is milky and milky.

The cellar is a place where the residents of the town usually refrigerate some well-preserved fish. It is full of pungent smell, but this time these survivors are used to keep the lucky paradise.

"Good boy, you eat, Grandpa is full, no need to eat"

An old man with white hair smiled authentically, but the drool of his throat swallowed him. He was very hungry, but the dry goods in front of him were only enough for them to eat today. Looking for food.

"Will grandma eat it?"

The fat and chubby pink hand holding the dried fish in his hand and handing it to an old woman.

The old woman was so hungry that her voice was weak, but she still said: "The boy is good, the boy is going to grow up, you eat."

"That nap is left to Dad to come back to eat." The little girl said seriously.

Upon hearing this, the two of them choked up, because the day before yesterday, her father, that is, her son and daughter-in-law went out to look for food and never came back. But they were reluctant to tell their granddaughter about it, and could only lie to her that her parents went out to buy food and would return after two days.

The little girl actually took it seriously, thinking that her parents would definitely come back today and want to leave dried fish for her father to eat.

After a silence, the little girl finished eating and naively waited for her parents to return.

The little girl made too much noise, the old man let his wife coax her to sleep for a while, until she fell asleep, the old man stood up.

"What are you doing?" The old lady was nervous when she saw her wife getting up.

"Go out and find something to eat." The old man said casually. Although his voice shook a little while saying this, as a man, he should look like a man.

"No, there are monsters who eat people outside. If you go out..." Speaking of which, the old woman seemed to think of her son, her eyes red, and she wept silently.

"That man can't be starved to death. As long as he doesn't die, there will always be hope. Believe me, it's okay." The old man persuaded his wife: "When we got married, didn't we say yes, I will support you This day. Let me watch you starve to death, I don’t want, and I don’t want to.”

"But why don't I want to look at you..." The old lady said that, she couldn't speak anymore, and couldn't say a word.

The old man nodded firmly to her and slowly climbed up from the wooden ladder. When he thought of his responsibilities, even if he was afraid, his legs would still be so firm and powerful. Of course, he will not die, just climb to the top of the sky, still carefully when he wants to open the cover.

He remembered that when he hid, there was still something to eat at home, but it was not a problem to find something to eat at his house.

Open the lid, there is no sound outside, and the hot sun in the daytime shines into the window, but in the middle of the town, there is no movement outside, but it seems more strange and scary.

He couldn't help shivering, but climbed up slowly.

Looking for something, tidying up, picking it up, everything seemed very stable, and there was no sound.

But when he opened the lid, surprise appeared in his eyes, and when he entered the cellar, the mutation suddenly appeared.

The roof was broken, and in the sound of an explosion, a monster fell from above, barely waiting for him to scream, and the whole person had entered his big mouth of blood basin and chewed hard.

Not only that, he also lifted the lid, and his huge eyes turned the dark place inside into nothing, and an old lady was holding a baby looking at him in horror.

Seeing a female doll, a bit of surprise appeared in the eyes of the devouring clan, but this is the best, the meat is tender and smooth, and the taste is amazing.


The old lady ran, but in an instant, the devouring clan had caught the doll's leg and dragged it from the old lady's body.

The female doll cried a lot, but just as the old lady shouted "Don't", the blood basin that devoured the clan was a big mouth, and the head of the female doll had disappeared into her mouth. In the sour voice, the cry stopped abruptly.

There are only children, and people who devour the clan will chew slowly, as if tasting food.

The old lady went crazy, screaming and kicking at the devouring clan, but the next second, she was shot directly.

So he slowly tore the female doll in his hand.

When the old woman was awakened by the stun, she saw that the devouring clan had opened up a blood basin with a mouth that was a hundred times larger and swallowed towards her.


She screamed, the top shattered again, a silver light fell, and the silver light penetrated the head of the devouring clan, the time seemed to be still, he fell down for a long time, the old woman was saved.

Imagine five people all over the body, only her left. She pounced directly on the sword.


Li Chuan sighed and came late. There were almost no survivors left in the town.

Looking at the terrible land of the land, he turned around and didn't care about it, because, too much of this situation, he knew too much, even if it was a miserable thing, he had seen it.

"After cleaning here, it's time to go to the next one. I don't know what happened to my son..."


When Li Qing announced to the entire fairy world that the world that had engulfed the clan was to be destroyed, the aliens did not respond, but the natives of the fairy world started their counterattacks.

They formed a group of troops and dispersed to the entire fairyland. They supported each other as long as they were in danger, and slaughtered these stubborn engulfing clan without risk.

The effect is good!

However, they almost couldn't see a good town or village anymore. Only some cities still struggled stalemate with some native fairy.

Fatal casualties!

This time, Immortal Realm was almost in trouble. At least one tenth of the population died in this disaster.

One tenth of the population!

Li Qing listened to the patriarch of the Tiange Pavilion and said that the fairyland now has a population of trillions, so it is terrifying to die of 200 billion people at once.

If it weren’t for the fairyland to be too big, I’m afraid more deaths, and most of these two hundred billion people are caused by the destruction of some big cities and the overpopulation.

There was no response. The Devouring Clan still spread all over the fairy world to kill people. Xianmeng was finally ready to let Li Qing go out and go to the Devouring Clan world to carry out their big plan.

To this end, all major forces of Xianmeng generously donated their contributions and contributed part of their merits.

How much merit is there?

22 billion!

Maybe they haven't hurt these forces themselves. They still have the luck of the luck. Many people have come up with uncomfortable power. Various reasons for arrears, they finally got 22 billion.

Li Qing was very unhappy on the surface, and that was the power of merit. It was only after the Hongyun Taoists persuaded that these merits might take the Buddha Kingdom 200,000 years to store this number before it was slowly accepted.


The power of merit is too difficult to get, don’t look at Li Qing’s earning so fast, it’s all good luck just happened to encounter the crisis of the fairyland. If they don’t, they will only survive slowly, at least 200,000 years. Save this number.

In fact, Li Qing's heart is broken, 22 billion!

In this case, he has many, many merits, but he is allowed to squander.

22 billion!

He sang in his heart: "There is money, there is money, I don't know how to spend it. I have a Nokia on my left and Motorola on my right..."


This is too much So much that he was a little shocked, and from the outsider's point of view, Li Qing was still a little unhappy. Gradually, they all thought how many billions of Li Qing's magic weapon could be bought.

If you let them know that Li Qing has earned dozens of times the price from Zhongbai, he must vomit blood.

"Although it is only 22 billion, it is also the largest number we can come up with in a moment, you have to wait for it..."

"You are the great hero of our fairyland. If you save our entire fairyland, then the fairyland will have the power of merit to your body, and by then, you will definitely not lose."

"Such awesome baby, of course, is expensive, but we won't be able to get it out for a while. You can rest assured that I will let them dig a little more. The big picture is important. When you come back, you won't lose money... "


Many people persuaded Li Qing to come.

Fearing that Li Qing would lose money, he was unwilling to do this.

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