My Super God QQ

Chapter 1103: The start of the fairy hero

They said one by one, that Li Qing persuaded Li Qing, but they did not know that Li Qing, who was depressed and entangled on the surface, had already blossomed in his heart.

Immediately, he bought the Shun God Shuttle for 300 million yuan, 10 honest God Fruits 1 billion yuan, and the planet Demolition Stone 200 million yuan, ready to go to the world of Devouring Clan.

That is to say, it took 1.5 billion yuan to buy them. Among them, honest and divine fruit, he bought it purely to please himself and make so much money. If he subtracted this, he would spend 500 million merits.

500 million merit merit!

He received 22 billion, forty times the difference.

If those big brothers in the fairy world know the truth of this matter, they will have to swallow Li Qing.

Li Qing is ready to go to the world that devours the clan, so where is their world? In order to find out where their old nest is, the whole fairyland mobilized and began to capture the devourers, and came to ask their world.

At first, one or two would rather die, even if they died, they wanted to bite them.

In the end, it was the beautiful young woman from the suspected Yaochi on the earth. The Queen Mother of the West used Ecstasy to enter their souls before asking about where they came from.

Western Queen.

Yes, after arriving in the fairy world, she claimed to be the Queen Mother of the West.

The Devourer's nest, in their mouth, is called the Devouring World.

That is a very huge world.

Even their world instincts can continue to devour the surrounding planets to expand their ontological scope.

Nowadays, their engulfing the world even surpasses the fairy world, no, surpasses other races, and has become one of the largest worlds in the universe.

From its mouth, all the elders in the fairy world know a lot of information about other worlds.

Then, after they knew it, they realized that there are still many worlds in this universe that are comparable to, or even beyond, the fairy world.

no way!

Most people in the fairyland dare not go to the universe to wander, fearing to be lost in the universe, and people in other worlds can find the space coordinate of the universe and come to the fairyland because of this development.

Regarding this, Li Qing has asked the great immortal of Zhen Luo Yuanguan, that is, really no one in Immortal Realm is committed to this, has he explored the universe?

"Yes, in the tens of millions of years of development of the fairy world, there are countless strong people, how could it not be? Otherwise, the almost endless life of the fairy people, it is impossible that only a few of us remain, in fact, the fairy people also have a life span Yes, if our life span reaches 100,000 years, we will experience a five-person decline. If Enron passes by, our strength will advance one step further. If we can’t pass by, it will disappear." Speaking of which, Hongyun The Taoist paused and seemed to be pondering words.

"Some people are about to pass this robbery almost 100,000 years ago, or fear that the Chou family will take advantage of it, they will step into the universe and look for new opportunities for life. It’s just that the devouring clan in front of them is not credible Actually, there is still an opportunity to become a **** in the universe..." At this point, his eyes are full of splendor, and obviously there is something moving.

"One hundred thousand years? Heaven and man have five failures?"

"Heaven and man have five decays, that is, they will experience five kinds of decay, one decay, physical decay, two decay, mental decay, three decay, and immortal power decay... as long as they have experienced five decay for about a year, they can recover."

"One hundred thousand years! How long has that fairyland existed?"

"Do not count years..."

Hongyun Taoist means that countless, in fact, he does not know how many years the fairy world has existed.

Li Qing nodded, then, according to his estimate, if there will be a life-and-death crisis in 100,000 years, there are certainly many people who go to explore the universe.

But why didn't they come back one by one?

Could it be that all of them couldn't find a chance, the heavens and the earth were in decline, and they fell outside? how can that be? Because these races can explore space coordinates to shuttle, compared to these races, the fairy world should not be low to this degree.

"Surely something has changed in it!"

There is a bad hunch in Li Qing's heart, but he still remembers it deeply to prevent changes.

Because, this time, he had to leave the fairy world to go to the boundless universe, and he had to keep in mind.

"Then how many times have you experienced five decays?" Li Qing asked curiously.

"Eight times"


"Five times"

Li Qing couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the old man in front of him.

Live 800,000 years!

Compared to him, Buddha only lived 500,000 years. It is no wonder that in the fairy world so many people are faintly legending that the talent of Hongyun Dao is the most powerful existence in the fairy world.

In this comparison, the Taoist people must have a stronger presence than the Buddha. If it is not low-key, it may even develop forces far beyond the heavens and the kingdom of Buddhism.

Of course, if that is the case, he has to manage those, but if he does not go up in the realm, he may die of the five declines of heaven and man.

"It turns out that immortals don't have endless lives"

Li Qing secretly said.

"Be careful here! If it were not for me to see countless lucks on you, I am afraid that you would not be relieved of this responsibility. The safety of the whole fairyland rests on you, hey" Lao Dao Ren Looking at Li Qing, he sighed heavily.


Li Qing responded solemnly.

The God Shuttle, when Li Qing was exchanged, was not the size of a slap, but after throwing it out, the wind rose, and became 100 meters long.

The whole body is silver, similar to a submarine, except that it is angular in all directions, not so round, and full of high-tech design elements.

When it landed in front of Zhen Luo Yuanguan, the body exuded energy, as if there were ten million vibrations in one second, and the empty space trembles continually, causing a tiny crack in space.

"Is this also from the universe?" The head of the Huanglong Association said greedily.

"Awesome, it seems to be full of space elements."

"It's so powerful that it can shake so many cracks in the void. This alone is enough to match those spacecraft."

"Can you please let me try it up..."

"I don't know if there are any more. I can buy this for a great price..."


Many people looked at Li Qing's car and secretly admired it. Some even asked to try it or bought from Li Qing.

After learning that the universe is so big, and has so many worlds and lives, everyone is greedy, especially knowing that there is a god-like existence in the universe. Don’t be afraid of the five-day decline of the heavens and the people. Greedy.

"It's just a test drive!" Li Qing directly rejected their idea: "As for buying, it is not impossible, 10 billion can buy a drive, and after-sales are not responsible."

Ten billion.

Li Qing bought it for only 300 million yuan. He actually made such a plan, and he is indeed a profiteer.

Not to mention, Li Qing's offer is very ruthless, but after it spread, it still attracted some people's temptation, but Li Qing has not tried this thing, they will not make a shot yet.

"Relax, I will definitely be back, you just wait for my good news!"

Seeing their eyes and faces, Li Qing responded immediately when they didn't know what they were worried about.

"So, I wish Li Xianren, victory and return, we will lay down a feast in Xianjie, waiting for you to return."

"Li Xianren, you're done!"

"Li Xianren, Immortal Realm depends on you. I hope you will focus on trillions of lives, destroy the world that devours the clan, and return to Immortal Realm. Then, you will be the great hero of our Immortal Realm."

"Li Xianren, everything please..."

"Must come back alive!"

The wind and the wind are cold and the water is cold, and the strong man is gone forever.

Many people think that Li Qing's mission is a nine-death life, because the danger of the universe is hundreds to thousands of times higher than the unknown world.

But when Li Qing was about to set off, there were still countless people who gave good wishes, because Immortal Realm now depends on Otherwise, if the top ten races attack Immortal Realm, even if this battlefield can fight Win, then, fairy world will be beaten.

Don't think it's impossible. These outsiders will not cherish the fairyland. If you fight on the land, it will definitely destroy most of the fairyland.

Only Li Qing's plan can make them retreat from difficulties, and let them know that the fairy world also has the power to destroy them, so as to preserve the fairy world.

In this way, Li Qing rode the strange magic weapon of Taoism in the eyes of everyone and entered the crack of space to leave.

The fact that Li Qing is about to save the fairy world has also spread to the entire fairy world, so that this time, Li Qing's name is enough to let everyone in the fairy world know.

It also caused countless human beings to pray for Li Qing's safety.

Of course, what they didn’t know was that Li Qing would not be safe as soon as he went out. He encountered a huge crisis and knew why so many fairies went to the universe, but it was because he never went back.

In the new week, Murong Fengrou asked for recommendation tickets vigorously and shot them all... Ah, I want, I want...

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