My Super God QQ

Chapter 1105: There is a big horror in the universe

"Folding space technology!"

"Why don't you have some complicated instrument panel?"

"Give you those instrument buttons, will you operate it? Directly mind operation!" Li Qing was not angry.

"Otherwise, let some beauties come out to play? Hey, don't look at me like this, okay, I just think about it, and help us clean up somehow..."

"You really can't change the way to eat shit, okay, but you shouldn't play okay with me. Your thoughts are too exciting, and I'm afraid I can't accept it." Li Qing gave him an angry look.

"You envy me, well, your boss, you have the final say, haha..."

Li Qing invited some of the more mature women in the chemical house to come out, because they would definitely clean up the housework, including the beautiful witch in her fifties.

As soon as the beautiful witch appeared, she looked at Li Qing shyly.

"This time, I'm going to trouble you. As a reward, I will give you a panacea, which will not only keep you youthful in appearance, but also your body, for about a hundred years." Li Qing said to them.

They were ecstatic, and quickly nodded like garlic, not to mention cleaning housework, even if they were allowed to do anything.

"Thank you, husband, king" the beautiful witch smiled shyly, watching Li Qing's eyes full of stars.

She was so unrestrained, but she was a bit subtle, but Li Qing was a little embarrassed. She could only let them move freely and sit on the driver's seat.

Seeing this, Wang Lin smiled thoughtfully.

"Have you never tasted the taste of a mature woman? Hey, yes, this is called Liu Linye, but I have been in the news of many countries, and it can be called the most miraculous witch in the world."

"The temperament is good, and I haven't had a plastic surgery injection. But, I don't like to get rid of flowers, don't forget that you guys are hurting me..."

"Why don't you, if it weren't for me, could you have a portrait of Li's son?" Wang Lin wasn't afraid of his anger, but instead squeezed his eyebrows.

"Well, you are reasonable."

Li Qing did not know what happened to him. He and his daughters had never been able to give birth to half of their children. Instead, the portrait of Li appeared unexpectedly. I have to say, I have to hurry up to Wang Lin, or my mother will not bother you.

"How about it? Have fun, everyone, I love what I want, what is it, I dare say that if you do, she will definitely pass out."

"There are more than twenty sons in the family. I have seen a picture of him and his son."

"That's the excitement, hey, imagine your son, then, you..."

"Okay, okay." Li Qing stopped him from going on, but seriously, there was still a little bit of movement, just a little bit. After all, what I want to find this kind of beautiful witch in the fairy world is that they look like girls in the thousands of years old, but it is a little nausea to think about it.

"Brother, thank you!"

Suddenly, Wang Lin said.

This surprised Li Qing a little: "What's the matter? Suddenly saying this?"

"If it weren't for you, I am still one of those hanging silks on the ground. I worked hard all day to marry my wife and buy a house. Hey... how can I say that I can fulfill my dream?"

"One brother and two brothers, not to mention these, **** are hypocritical."

"Hahaha, yes, I'm a bitch!"

For a time, the brotherhood between the two was even more harmonious.


No need to talk so much, as long as one action and one look, it's like love, and brothers are so passionate and crazy.


Li Qing returned to the fairy world again and came to the starry sky, that is, in the explosion of the power of the entire spacecraft, he rushed into outer space.

According to the devouring family, Li Qing then understood that there is no star gate in the fairy world, and the star gate is a device that can be transmitted in coordinates in the universe, similar to the existence of a wormhole.

If you rely on the spacecraft's ability to travel alone, you can only travel up to 10 million kilometers, the better the spacecraft can travel longer.

Since he had just entered the universe, Li Qing wanted to feel the scenery in the universe, so he did not perform the traversing function, but instead drove the spaceship slowly and shuttled through the universe.

"It turns out that this is the true face of the planet!"

"What is your strength now?" Li Qing asked suddenly.

"Taiyi Jinxian mid-term!"

"If you say..." Li Qing suddenly thought of Wang Lin's engulfing characteristics: "If you say, letting you devour a planet's aliens, to what extent can you reach it? No, you eat so slowly..."

"What! My skills can be advanced too? Now, I don't need to eat anymore. I just use the sucked ones to **** them directly into my body..."

"Can I still suck?" Li Qing was a little surprised, but he had never thought of this. He thought Wang Lin was like before, burning people into a mass of essence before eating it.

"That's for sure, it's much easier to **** than eat." Wang Lin said proudly.

"When will you **** it for me?" Li Qing suddenly smiled strangely.

"Suck your sister, suck, wait for me to tell those women to **** it for you, making you cool." Wang Lin smiled and scolded.

"Okay, no kidding. If I go this time, if you can make your skills soar, it will definitely let you go. But if it is not suitable, you will always be in this spaceship. Do you know?"

"OK! By the way, you haven't said what you are going to do?"

"Recently, some extra-racial races have come to Immortal Realm. In order to prevent them from destroying Immortal Realm, I'm going to blow up one of their worlds as a deterrent."

"Ah? A terrorist attack?" Wang Lin immediately thought of this, not only not afraid, but even excited.

"That's right!"

"Bring me!"

"No, you are too weak!"

"Poor your sister"

The two laughed and scolded, and also made Li Qing's life in the universe seem less boring and tasteless. It was really a wise move to pull Wang Lin.

"Wow, so beautiful..."

Let the spacecraft travel for an hour. Suddenly, a galaxy appeared in their sight, and Wang Lin couldn't help it.

The women in the back cabin also looked at this beautiful and magnificent admiration, all shocked with goose bumps, dumbfounded.

Looking at the Milky Way closely is not the same as looking at the Milky Way from a distance.

Li Qing was shocked by this visual feast, until the QQ memo jumped wildly.

"not good!"

Li Qing immediately wanted to let the spaceship under the seat shuttle into the space crack, but it was too late, and suddenly a black pillar swept over the spaceship.

The pillar is thousands of meters thick, but I don't know how long it is. It seems that the world in sight is brought by such a black pillar, and it is soft.

"My grass..." Wang Lin exclaimed: "What the hell!"

In Li Qing's consciousness, all the soul power is added to the extreme, but fortunately, Li Qing's current strength has reached the top of the Immortal Realm after swallowing the Yuan Yuanxing's soul, exceeding their ignorance. Let the spacecraft explode enough momentum.

The spaceship hid in an instant, the pillar swept over, and let the aftermath directly sweep the spaceship, letting it slosh out of the far away.

In the back cabin, the women screamed.

That's how they hid, they saw a picture they couldn't imagine.

It was a silver-white squid, huge and immense, but the difference from the squid on the earth is that the squid on the earth has a smooth head, and this squid has a black pattern on its head, which looks like a devil. of.

Not only that, but the squid actually has hundreds of tentacles. The tentacles are not rows of blood-sucking, but countless sharp serrations, just like the same rows of saws, exposing the scary cold awn.

"It's a star monster..."

Seeing the squid's hundreds of tentacles swept up directly, such as wild demon dances, covering the world in their eyes, Li Qing felt a sigh of emotion and mentioned his eyes.

As the Devouring Clan said at the beginning, there are many horrible things in the universe, natural disasters, monsters, monsters refer to starry sky monsters.

In fact, Li Qing has seen a starry sky monster once, and that is the ancient chaotic beast, which is also a kind of starry sky monster, standing at the top of the food chain.

In front of it, it is clear that this squid is also a star monster.

That is, when Li Qing pointed the spaceship at it, there was a 5d pattern composed of blue light that automatically popped up "The starry sky beast, who has an adult in the adult sky. When reaching the limit, it will even be detached. It is the most powerful force in the universe. Strong beast. Please note that it can confine the starry sky near the universe with a total of 10,000 light-years and cannot travel through space cracks."

Detachment? The strongest? !

In the end, it was the prompt that made the scalp tingling and creepy.

There are so many tentacles, let alone, it can still confine the space, making people unable to shuttle through the universe.

"Chuck" Li Qing said secretly in his heart.

Indistinctly, he guessed what, the top immortal people who are likely to come out of the fairy world, afraid that ten or nine of them were captured by this starry sky monster, absolutely right.

It seemed to see Li Qing that they had escaped their sweeping, it was angry, and its mouth was full of serrations, with a large mouth of hundreds of thousands of meters in blood, and howling.

Howling like a gust of wind, the meteorite that swept the star sky burst directly.

Even Li Qing’s spaceship ~ ~ was swept by the shock wave and flew tens of thousands of miles away.

When the whistle stopped, its body exuded a breath of death. There were dark lights like Wang Yang sweeping around, and the starry sky seemed to collapse.

Then, great terror strikes!

Its hundred or so tentacles turned into storms and stormed Li Qing madly...

"Sit firmly!"

Li Qing will not sit still and take a deep breath, controlling the spaceship to dodge continuously, raising his soul power to the extreme.

Wang Lin was scared and stupid. He only felt his legs were soft and his eyes were dark. There was a terrifying atmosphere that pressed his soul to death.

You know, he is the top Taijinjinxian in fairyland!

However, at this moment, he was sad to find that in the huge thing in front of him, he was not much worse than a poor ant.

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