My Super God QQ

Chapter 1106: Attack of 10 broom stars

As if it were the dust under the feet of human beings, it looked so huge and boundless, even if the planets in the universe were as big as a basketball compared to it.

With a flick and a pump, the planet exploded and shattered directly.

Wang Lin estimates that if it is in the fairy world, even if it is in the fairy world, it may not be enough for it to take a few.


With that, the jagged tentacles were thrown off, and the sound waves that burst into a loud bang, even the spacecraft was affected and bumped up.

Li Qing is in control of the spacecraft, constantly dodge.

This situation seems to be like a flat boat in the raging waves. It can be submerged at any time, but it cannot be submerged, and it is always waving at sea.




Li Qing's mental power is only used for about ten seconds, and he feels that he will be exhausted by half, because the loss of spirit is too great.

Li Qing also tried to launch several purple lightning attacks from the spaceship.

It was built in the spaceship, and the pressure of one blow was not much weaker than that of the top Taiyi Jinxian. What made Wang Lin desperate was that he didn't even break the skin of the other party, but caused the other party to furiously rise.


It roared and roared, and the shock wave spread in all directions.

Li Qing felt that he could not go on like this, because the shadow of death had covered his mind. If he had changed it before, he would have been hiding in the qq book city, but now, with his spaceship and people, it is impossible to just discard it directly. what!

Moreover, even if you want to put the spaceship into the qq hard drive, and then take someone into the bookstore, it will take time, he can't pull it out.

"No, keep going like this, we will die!"

Wang Lin shouted with all his might, his face was pale, and he was dazzled by the horrible pressure, his legs were soft, and he was about to faint.

"I know!"

Why didn't Li Qing have half of his pressure and half of his mental strength, then if the crazy attack just now was enough to cope with another wave.

At the moment, he thinks a lot and thinks of a way quickly.

"The powers from the fairy world may have died in the hands of the starry monster in front of me? Do you have to follow their footsteps? No, I still have a qq system, how can I not!" Li Qing Start to look at your own qq function.

In every case, he swept past.

Finally, it was found in the QQ mall, it seems that only the broom star can barely be used.

Of course, a planetary destroyer is also acceptable, except that unless Li Qing can let it touch the other party and explode, it is possible to kill the other party, otherwise it is completely impossible.


Go up by yourself?

There is not enough time. In that case, the spaceship may be directly smashed by the opponent.

Frustrated, Li Qing can only buy ten broom stars immediately, yes, it costs 1 billion, Li Qing still has 20 billion 500 million, and he is not distressed at all.

As for why ten?

That's Li Qing's conservative view. He wanted to throw three first.

Thinking about this, Li Qing immediately opened the mask in front of the spaceship, that is, after opening, struggling to throw the three broom stars towards the "Starry Sky Beast".

After throwing at it, Li Qing turned directly to the spaceship and ran continuously, thinking about something wrong in the back. If he ran directly back, wouldn't it lead it to the fairy world, and then turn in another direction and run diagonally.

During this time, he also tried the shuttle function, but just when the spaceship was going to shuttle, the starry sky beast seemed to know that one of the countless hundred foot tentacles lit up, and a silver light broke out, and he pointed towards Li Qing's spaceship.

At the moment, the shuttle fails.

Run, run wildly, with all the strength of breastfeeding to run forward.

If you don’t run, Li Qing feels that she will die here. After all, the other party is a murderous creature living in the universe. Dare to live in this endless universe. Can it be the murderous creature?

At the same time, while he was running, he was paying attention to the other person with consciousness, waiting for the broom star to show his power.

However, after running for three minutes, the broom star still didn't respond.

"Damn, I don't believe it anymore. If I have money, I will kill you!" Li Qing was secretly ruthless. He didn't think it was time to save money at this time, not to mention that the other party's strength is so strong, so big. It is huge, even if it is the turbulent flow of the universe, the natural disaster of falling meteorites may not hurt it.

Another five, Li Qing threw it.

After a while, still no response, Li Qing simply threw the last two again.


Ten broom stars!

You know, a broom star can kill the heavenly emperor, and one of the Buddha’s lives can be destroyed. Ten of them symbolize something.

Of course, according to its strength, the Emperor Tianting and the Buddha are still very different. Li Qing thought that if he could not, he would continue to buy.


It constantly swam towards Li Qing, continually throwing up from forty or fifty feet, holding up its fat body to approach Li Qing frantically, and the other dozens of feet continuously pumped towards Li Qing's spacecraft.

Li Qing is in front, it is in the back.

As if it were like a demolition team in the universe, there is nothing left to pass through, and the planet can be directly exploded by it.

"How could there be such a horrible creature, my God, this is the true face of the universe!" Wang Lin was a little scared to regret, and his face turned blue, regretting that nothing came to think of the universe.

When he didn't encounter such a murderous thing, he thought that the universe was nothing. He was some of the best fairy order in the fairy world. That is when he encountered this, he knew that no matter where it was, there were people outside, and there were heavens outside. In the past, I was too self-confident, and the entire starry universe was endless. What would there be?

That is, when Wang Lin regretted, he lifted his heart to his throat and followed Li Qing to flee frantically, the starry sky monster suddenly pumped into the air with two of the strongest tentacles.

A huge crack in the space opened and it swam straight in.

When it reappeared, it had already predicted the location of the spaceship, appeared on top of it, and smashed down.

That situation, as if it were a car, was crushed by a Taishan mountain, and was about to be crushed.

This is the starry sky monster, their space ability is comparable to the god-like horror existence!

"Wang Lin, you go in!"

Not looking at anything else, Li Qing saw this scene, eyes split, seizing Wang Lin and disappeared into qq book city.

But at this moment, they found that it was falling down, but the speed was not fast, more than that, the coercion that originally suppressed them had disappeared.

"what happened?"

Li Qing looked up, the starry sky beast still? !

Only this moment, its huge red eyes are not looking here, but staring at the front.

A crack opened there...

A giant beast of starry sky, which is also huge, looks like a silver mantis.

"Star Soul Beast!"

The spaceship showed the name and introduction of the star monster.

"The star-slashing beast comes from the deepest horror place in the starry sky. As soon as it jumps, it will automatically enter the space crack. It is the fastest and most flexible ghost monster among the starry sky monsters. The most terrifying thing is its double Knife chopping, nothing is chopping, even the soul will be chopped into pieces."

A starry sky beast is the most powerful starry sky beast in the sky.

The other one that appeared later was the Star Beast Soul Beast, the fastest and most flexible beast in the star sky.

So, which monster is the strongest?

Meet the brave in a narrow road? No, Li Qing knows that it is obviously the function of the broom star, that is, some natural disasters in the universe are not enough to destroy the beast, this soul-cutting beast will only attract, but Li Qing has just worried about how the broom star will make this head. Star monsters are unlucky.

The Soul Slashing Beast is no less than a hundred-footed beast. Its huge body stands up, and its arms are like silver swords, flashing through the invincible and frightening cold mountain.

Especially the long head, sharp mouthparts, and compound eyes that are dark enough to absorb all the light.

Just looking at it, Wang Lin had a feeling that his soul seemed to be cut by a knife, and it was extremely painful.

He couldn't help but screamed: "It hurts, I can't stand it... It glanced at me, and I hurt..." Wang Lin hurt his head, his expression hurting.

In fact, Li Qing also felt that this was not a glance, but that it seemed to open up a field, as long as it was in this field, it became its prey, and spiritual storms swept the entire field. , All creatures are automatically injured.

Without further ado!

Taking advantage of their confrontation, Li Qing quickly put Wang Lin into the qq bookstore, flashing his body to the back cabin.

At this time, the women had collapsed to the ground, and they were all in a row. If there were anti-collision facilities in this spaceship, it would be possible that they would be directly killed in it.

Throw them all into the chemical cabin, so Li Qingcai sat back in the cockpit and watched the decisive battle between the two star monsters.

This is the cosmic war!

Both ends are the overlord level in the Their battle will be a catastrophe in the universe.

Li Qing used his consciousness to control the spacecraft to retreat continuously, and it was also luck. At this time, neither of them noticed Li Qing, either disdain, or thought that they would chase it again, so that Li Qing’s spacecraft slowly Ground, retreat safely.

After exiting for a distance of about one million meters, Li Qing put the spaceship directly into the qq hard disk, and then, watching a planet on the side, turned into a tiny existence, he hid in the dark.

He does not leave!


At this time, if you leave, is it not going back to the fairy world unless you are going back?

If you go to the left or right, it’s not impossible, but he thinks more about it, just to see if this parachutist will die under the sword of the soul-cutting beast. Then when the power from the fairy world can find him safely Chance.

The two giant beasts are constantly filled with horror and coercion. It seems to be measuring the strength of the other party, while also warning each other, that is, showing their muscles!

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