My Super God QQ

Chapter 1107: Reaching the Devouring World

Together with the coercion, all the planets in Li Qing's sight nearby were trembling madly, and then it seemed to cause the starry sky, followed by faintly shaking...

"Too scary? What grade is this?"

Looking at their decisive battle, Li Qing's heartbeat accelerated a little, and he has jumped to hundreds of times a second...

Even if he had experienced the edge of life and death many times before, it was not as shocking this time.

Changed to other immortals, I am afraid that they would have fled, but Li Qing still has qq bookstore. As long as the danger comes at 0.11 second, Li Qing is enough to retreat and enter the qq bookstore.


Suddenly, the starry sky slashing beast made a sharp hissing noise, and took the lead.

It seems that the Star Cleaver Soul Beast has enough confidence in himself. He actually jumped up and disappeared into the star sky. When he reappeared, he came to the starry sky beast, and the two knives were cut off.

The two swords waved, and two cracks appeared throughout the starry sky. They seemed to be unable to bear the power, and split the starry sky beast.

It shredded the starry sky, as if it had shredded a piece of paper, so easy and casual, it was simply shocking! If it were not for Li Qing to stand here, he couldn’t believe it, and that shattered blow could lead to this result.

With such a blow, Li Qing estimated that it was enough to cut the fairy world in half.

so horrible!

Li Qing was shocked and his head went blank.

The cracks in the starry sky continued to spread, slashing towards the beast, and as soon as the attack came, it seemed that there was a flash of rush and anxiety in the beast's eyes, and ten tentacles were thrown out at the moment, using the serrations of the tentacles to face the two attacks.

Blocked by imagination, does not exist!

The ten or so tentacles were cut off directly, and the beast was taking advantage of this time to dodge to the side.


The starry sky beasts wailed painfully, and as soon as the blood spurted out, it was like the flooding of the Yellow River, and it sprinkled across the starry sky.

The blood floated in the starry sky like this, as if the starry sky were creating a sea of ​​blood.

Starry Sky Slashing Beast did not meet this record, continue to jump, and then jumped back.

There are two narrow and long space cracks, tearing it a dozen tentacles, if this continues, the starry sky beast is like fish on the anvil, and can only be slaughtered!

Just, will it?

If he is killed like this, Li Qing does not believe it can be called the strongest hunter in the starry sky.


When Li Qing suspected, the mutation suddenly emerged.

The starry sky beast, stirring its remaining tentacles to the blood spilled twice, is actually like a spider weaving a cobweb, constantly waving in the air, and pieces of blood are waving the net shape, throwing it towards the starry sky and slashing the soul beast.

"Will it be cut?"

Li Qing thought to himself, but what surprised him was not that, when the blood net just got close to the opponent's blade, it was posted softly.

Rou Neng Ke Gang!

This scene fully explained to Li Qing that the meaning of this idiom came.

Then, the starry sky beast was caught on the net.


The starry sky beast screams, it feels that it is dangerous, and it has to use its bottom box skills. It is clearly caught in the net, but it continues to move the double knife forward.

One stroke!

This time, there are actually countless ghosts drilled in the cracks of space, sweeping towards the starry sky beast like endless waves.

There are countless huge creatures in the ghost, which are wonderful, as if they were killed by the soul-cutting beast during their lifetime.

"Soul attack?"

Li Qingsi is concerned about this, he wants to see which of the two sides is powerful, and whose soul is the strongest!

Facts have proved that the starry sky beast is a stronger existence, and Li Qing's broom star is useless. When the countless ghosts swept across the beast, the starry sky beast suddenly had a meal, it seemed that the soul was wounded, and then, the other party 'S double knife actually stuck to the net and cut it in half.


The mouthpiece of the starry sky beast was inserted into the head of the beast, and with this insertion, a soul apparently resembling the starry sky beast was sucked up and entered the mouthpiece of the beast.

In this way, it stared at Li Qing in this direction, and it seemed to have discovered Li Qing.

Li Qing couldn't help but tremble in his heart, thinking that he wanted to capture himself. Li Qing had already decided that if it disappeared into the starry sky, he would immediately enter the qq bookstore. Who knows if it would appear on his head or behind him in a haunting way? .

Fortunately, as soon as he stared at Li Qing, he continued to smoke the flesh and blood of the beast.

In the end, half of it might be full, it looked at Li Qing deeply, and its wings flew slightly to the depths of the starry sky...

The only thing left is the dead starry sky beast and its blood, slowly floating in the starry sky where there is no gravity.


Looking at the huge endless body, Li Qing was drooling a little, because this is obviously a change of squid!

I don't know how it tasted, so he cut off a tentacle wherever he got up and entered the chemical cabin.

After Li Qing's barbecue, the taste was actually very good, and obviously he could feel a force belonging to the space attribute entering Li Qing's body.

After eating, Li Qing's tongue almost didn't bite off.

Back in the starry sky, he got busy, cut it into pieces and threw it into the qq storage hard drive, the chemical hut, and qq bookstore, all of which could not be jammed.

too big!

Li Qing had no choice but to give up in the end and continue to get on the spaceship, calling Wang Lin to move on.

Years are like a shuttle...

Time is like a shuttle. Li Qing and Wang Lin flew through the universe ten days before they came to the Star Gate.

In ten days, they have ran 100,000 light-years, because this shuttle can run for about 10,000 light-years a day. If there is some trouble, it may be faster.

The Star Gate is a tunnel that naturally occurs in the universe, like a wormhole. But the wormhole is black, but the star gate is shining, similar to the colorful swirling mist.

Just entering the star gate, Li Qing laid down the coordinates and began to generate teleport...

During the transmission, Li Qing immediately lost consciousness, which was caused by the extremely fast speed and the human body could not bear the pressure.

Until consciousness returned, Li Qing found that he had come to a barren universe where he could hardly see the planets.

Looking around, there are no stars and meteorites, and they are all empty. If Li Qing dare to be sure that the Devouring Clan was not forced to confess, or was controlled by himself, Li Qing must doubt whether the coordinates of the starry sky are correct.

Flying forward for about two days...

Li Qing and Wang Lin saw a disk-like world, and they radiated white light brighter than the sun, and entered their vision.

"Measure distance..."

Order to the spaceship.

In the end, Li Qing was dumbfounded to see that the world in front of him was like a big basin, still 10 million kilometers away from him.

Ten million is so big, so closer?

With a little closer, this big disc world has become everything in his eyes.

Then, closer, they saw a lot of light spots appear.

"There are spaceships, all kinds of spaceships, wow..."

As if coming to downtown, Wang Lin and Li Qing saw countless spaceships, some came out, some entered, some came from the left, and some came down, all centered on this world, constantly flow.

Occasionally, there are fleets of spaceships, each with thousands of vehicles, lined up in a row, but still very small before swallowing the world.

"What a big world..."

Wang Lin couldn't help wondering.

"Maybe all the nearby planets are swallowed up by this world, I feel a suction..." Li Qing said a little surprised.

"Well, so big, are you blown up?"

Wang Lin began to doubt.

"I probably, okay, try it..."

Li Qing couldn't believe it. The fairy world was originally large, and the world that engulfed it was at least ten times larger than the fairy world. UU Reading


Suddenly, a white light pierced the night sky of the universe and shot at Li Qing's spaceship.

Li Qing evaded the past, there was a void trembling around, and the light slowly appeared...

In one second, six phalanx fleets surrounded Li Qing, the spaceship, like a heaven and earth net, beside their spaceship, up, down, left, right, back and forth.

"Nara Wulamo..."

A signal came from the opponent's fleet, and the spacecraft rang automatically.

"How to do?"

Wang Lin asked at a loss.

"It's done!" Li Qing's face flashed with perseverance, the spaceship sprinted into the void, and flickered directly into the devouring world.

Come to recommend a ticket, the cosmic legend of breaking the world by one person has opened

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