My Super God QQ

Chapter 1108: Come to Krypton

"What are you going to borrow?" The Jingji tribes were trembling and the body kept shaking: "Don't hurt me, as long as you don't hurt me, I will give you the money. If I die, you will be punished immediately..."

Before finishing the speech, Li Qing twisted his hands and directly cut off his head.

"It's disgusting! It's disgusting!" Li Qing wrinkled her nose when she smelled a pungent smell.

The thing he hated most was the threat.

After killing him, Li Qing looked at the Jing people and peeled off a silver, size and shape similar to a "watch" from his wrist. This is their storage equipment.


Every civilized world has its own civilized storage equipment. Like the Jingji people in front of him, he has the same storage equipment as watches.

This storage equipment has a delicate shape and can be used well. In addition to storing items, it can also be used to monitor a person's health status. Even a little bit of illness will immediately appear on the watch to remind the owner to wear it.

It’s like on the earth. If you have a physical problem, you have to go to the hospital to spend a day, before you can do a comprehensive examination, and you will be robbed of a lot of time and money.

Look inside.

A large amount of currency is accumulated in it. Looking at its face value, there are about tens of millions of currencies.

"I don't know how to buy..."

Turning around, Li Qing became a middle-aged man with blue-skinned appearance and left the company, while a device similar to a surveillance camera had secretly recorded Li Qing as a middle-aged man.

Everything is seamless.

It is perfect to get what you want and to blame the blue blood people.

No matter how they compare in the future, Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue continued to walk the streets.

"Now, where are we going?"

Looking at this future style, should not belong to his own world, Xia Mo Can Yue is a little confused.

She didn't know how Li Qing would help herself change this physical state.

"Go to a place similar to a hospital!"

Li Qing kept collecting information around him, and the words spoken by the Jingji people on the roadside finally gathered together and said.

In the Jingji world, this place for healing the body is not called a hospital as a "restoration center."

That is, if the body is broken, it needs to be repaired, and it is very straightforward to treat yourself as a machine. Similarly, this is also in line with their personality. In their eyes, they will make various machines, and they will use their bodies as machines to repair.

In other words, they are all determined by humanistic customs.

Taking money all the way to open the road, Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue sat half an hour later, sitting in a top-grade "restoration home" which is the best in people's mouth.

After some instrument inspections that Li Qing did not know, the Jingji people in front of him are constantly looking at the data.

In fact, during this process, Li Qing was very prepared, and if he dared to make a move that made Li Qing feel inappropriate, he would immediately slaughter the entire restoration institute.

It's about your own woman, you must be cruel!

"how is it?"

Li Qing asked the Jingji people.

"Excuse me, is your wife a Kryptonian? Why should it be transformed into the same body as you?"

"Is there a way?" Li Qing looked at him frowning, unhappy.

"Yes! It's just that we need surgery, that's the case!"

"Then do it!"

Li Qing nodded.

"No, your wife's physical condition is not good. According to our observation, the blood gene she possesses is not a complete kryptonian gene, even if it is the lowest level, you see..." said, he put his hand on Xia Mo Can Yue was behind the neck, and when Li Qing was a little nervous, he twitched upward.

Under the guidance of the doctor, Li Qing saw that there was a trace showing red in this place, especially in the back of the head.

"In the eyes of Kryptonians, this is called the **** pattern, which is the power God has given them. Your lady is red, which means that the level is low, and the pattern is very obvious, and it is also a manifestation of the low level..."

"What about the advanced ones?"

It must be said that the Jingji people have a really good understanding of the cosmic civilization. They not only know the Kryptonians, but also know their rank division.

"The high-level **** pattern is gold, and faintly, oh, there are red, blue, gold, dark gold words about the order of **** pattern."

"There are still grades?"

"Yes, every race has strength or a natural talent. If you want to observe them, you must understand them. According to our understanding, they are distinguished by colors, red, blue, gold, and dark gold. "

"Well, how can I restore his krypton star physique to my physique?"

"At this point, another senior Kryptonian may be needed to cooperate, that is, gene delivery support. With his support, your husband can be transformed into your physique. At least you need a golden god. Pattern..."

Li Qing kept listening to his explanations, and finally, there was a little enlightenment.

That is, if Xia Mo Can Yue's body is going to change, then a Kryptonian is needed to help stabilize Xia Mo Can Yue's genes and prevent them from collapsing directly. After they have stabilized, they can replace them. It is also necessary to draw Li Qing's blood to make genetic modification.

In fact, Li Qing also heard another meaning, that is, the human genes are not powerful, so it is so troublesome.

If the Kryptonians are born, they are many times stronger than human babies.

Li Qing listened and refused.

"Human race, even if its own genes are not strong, it will not lose to any race in the universe! Because human beings are the one who can learn the most and can reach the strongest level!"


Fortunately, among the Jingji clan, they also had contact with Kryptonians, and also had a star gate to Krypton.

Stepping into that star gate, Li Qing and them quickly came to the place where Krypton had 10,000 light years.

Then transfer to their own spaceship, they continue to shuttle, arrived here a day later.

"No trouble, don't worry"

Li Qing patted Xia Mo's little hand and comforted.

She was always afraid of Li Qing's troubles along the way, which made Li Qing more distressed.

The spacecraft enters Krypton directly...

It was here that Li Qing began to find a way, how to ask someone to cooperate.

Grab one directly?

If you catch it, then maybe the Jingji people will not cooperate, because in their city, there are civilized laws, and no trouble is allowed.

It must still be alive, otherwise, Li Qing directly kills one and takes it away.

Krypton star, the living environment is not as exquisite as the elite, but more primitive.

The original stone-carved house and stone pile castle, in the eyes of Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue, this planet is more like a Westernized mid-century.

They don't look like humans, but they are similar to humans.

First, the ears are not semi-circular, but more like a half square, but they are not obvious. Then the eyes are mostly dark blue, and the skin is also different, some are red, some are black, and some are white. Kryptonians, their biggest difference is that everyone has abilities.

In Li Qing's opinion, that is an ability, as long as the Kryptonians are born, then they have their own abilities.

What's next?

Li Qing scratched his head and discussed with Xia Mo Can Yue.

"Otherwise, please take the money and ask for one?" Xia Mo's thoughts on the moon are still the kind on the earth, that is, obeying the legal system.

However, this opinion is also okay, Li Qing nodded after thinking.

Fortunately, on Kryptonite, money about Jingji can also be used, and even worth a lot, which makes Li Qing miss a link that still needs to be robbed.

They took the money and asked everywhere, looking for kryptonians who could help.

However, it is so difficult for them to find them, because, depending on their rank, that is, the divine pattern, they must also touch the hair behind them. Hair?

Helpless, they can only find a bustling street, let a Kryptonian help write a sign, and look for Kryptonians whose **** pattern is above gold to help.

The cost of help is ten million yuan of fine coins.

"It's so desolate..."

Xia Mo Can Yue sat on the edge, could not help sighing.

According to the Kryptonian who helped them write their brand, their world is very big, but their population is very small. Because of their poor fertility, the adults are sparse.

It didn't work for a day.

Someone who came here to ask was also a low-level Kryptonian.

In fact, high-level Kryptonians generally do not lack money, because they have the ability to make more money.

So, what should be done?

End of this chapter

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