My Super God QQ

Chapter 1109: Then I will ugly

"It's time to be serious..."

Li Qing said to himself in secret.

After he took out ten thousand Jingji coins, he chatted with the Kryptonian and got a lot of things from his mouth.

Regarding humanities, backgrounds, customs, and habits, anyway, it is just a chat.

Li Qing also summed up several methods from it.

Especially one of them makes him faintly curious.

This item is the heroic castle of Krypton.

As the kryptonian said, the heroic castle is a most powerful building belonging to krypton. Although it is a castle, it is built like a huge peak.

At this time, in the hero Tiborg, a competition event covering the entire krypton star is being held.

As long as you are ranked in this competition, you will be able to be famous for Krypton and get the royal reward.


In Krypton, the most powerful is the royal family. They are in charge of the order of Krypton. In addition, what makes Li Qing curious and interesting is that Krypton has a universal, universal order tester.

"There must be a fine world, but I missed it, and I don't know my own strength. In the whole universe, it belongs to the same rank."

Li Qing just wanted to try it and understand himself.

"So, how do you get there?"

"Dear guests, although I have never been out of Krypton because it is poor, I know that there is such a star gate in the universe. Unfortunately, this city is too small, there is no star gate. If I want to go, I can only take a spaceship. Or take our flight aircraft..."

"Flight aircraft? How long do you have to sit?"

"About a day!"

Said to be an aircraft, but Li Qing seems to be really rudimentary, and I don’t know where it was from a dilapidated spaceship that became his aircraft.

From this point of view, even if the Krypton star is strong, it is still much poorer than the elite world.

"The aircraft going to the imperial city is about to take off, everyone buckle up the safety device..."

Listening to the aircraft operator's shouting, Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue detained a device similar to a safety board. Since they didn't know the location, they sat directly on it, and by the way, they could see the scenery here.

Compared with Li Qing's spacecraft, the aircraft is really slow.

Fortunately, the scenery below is full of exotic scenery, with peculiar beasts, plants, and topography, which makes them look less boring.

In the end, what appeared to them was a vast city wall, all made of the hardest stone on Krypton. As for the title, it could not be translated.

According to them, this stone, even the most powerful Kryptonian, cannot be broken without reaching the blue stage or above.

In other words, Xia Mo can't break it, which makes her a little embarrassed.

Li Qing is a secret qq mall. At that time, the serum was not the most advanced. But turning to think about it, your own strength at that time, the qq level is a little low, there is no way, this qq mall seems to gradually become stronger with the owner and system level, and become too much.

After coming here, they finally feel that they are similar to the bustling world of Jingji. After all, Krypton is more crowded and the Imperial City will always be different.

After reaching the city gate, they walked off the aircraft.

Because their appearance is different from others, some people still pay attention. However, there is no such kind of dog blood. When Xia Mo's beautiful moon is beautiful, the plot to bully the male and the female takes place.

Imperial City, that order is certainly good.

Following the people who lined up, when they entered the city, they saw that there were more stone houses inside, and the castle was also built in wood, showing a magnificent atmosphere and historical bearing everywhere.


Li Qing tried to point her finger at the wall, but it was still a bit obstructive, and finally poked it in.

This surprised him a bit. The stone is really good. Its hardness is absolutely comparable to the fairy tool in the fairy world. You must know that his physical strength has been extremely extreme.

As soon as you come in here, the more you walk towards the center, the more lively you will be.

There are a lot of shops, people come and go, and there are stalls on the roadside. It seems that such stalls are in the earth, the fairy world, or the universe.

Occasionally, there will be kryptonians passing by various beasts. These beasts are also very strong in flesh, and the manifestation of strength alone is comparable to the coercion of ordinary fairies.

These beast riders must be Kryptonians above the golden divine pattern, causing Li Qing to tickle in his heart, and want to catch one and leave directly.

Following the conversation of the roadside people, Li Qing found the heroic castle.

Indeed, this building is bigger than the mountains and taller than the Qifeng. The whole body is piled up with red boulders. The height alone is about tens of thousands of meters, which is terrible.

There are various mottled marks of swords, guns and swords on it. It seems that it is telling future generations that it has a heavy sense of history and has been around for a long time.

"Why is it called Tibour? There aren't many stairs?" Xia Mo Can Yue frowned cutely, puzzled.

"Hahaha, there must be meaning"

It was here that Li Qing asked someone to inquire, only to learn that Heroes Tiborg was not saying that there were ladders or something, but that they used this kind of competition to symbolize the same as climbing a ladder and getting on the list.

Li Qing also went to sign up. Fortunately, there was no restriction. Looking at the human in front of him, a kryptonian curiously wrote the words "Human Li Qing" curiously.

"Where to test strength?"

"Go up here, the road on the right side of the main hall, go in and turn left, go upstairs and turn right..." After finishing this sentence in the record, let the next one continue to register without detailed explanation.

Li Qing didn't get angry when he looked at him indifferently, and shook his head and left.

Xia Mo Can Yue saw this, distressed Li Qing, and glared at the recorded Kryptonian for a long time.

"Hey, what are you looking at, chick, don't think you are a female, I will let you talk with fists here!" The recorded Kryptonian felt hostile and turned his head and smiled disdainfully.


Li Qing took her hand.

It seems that this heroic fort should be a building on the outer floor and a hall on the inside. Li Qing came to the top as he said, and saw rows of small houses with a silver light in it The flashing instrument, and a panel, only need to use a fist to hit hard, it can display a person's data.


As soon as they came up, they saw many people waiting in line, most of them looked at them curiously.

To be honest, Li Qing also rarely sees foreigners here, because there are no special products that can be produced and sold to other universes. One word is poor, three words, very poor. Therefore, few people are willing to come here, and occasionally, they are also tourists.

"Actually, foreigners dare to come to participate in our hero Tiebourg game, ha ha ha, are you here to find death?"

"It's kind of interesting, this game looks much more exciting."

"I'm afraid their small body can't help but fight!"

"If you can draw a comparison with them, even if you can earn it"

"Hey, where did you come from? How did you come here, this is not where the children come, ha ha ha ha..."


After a burst of laughter, all kinds of people made all kinds of ridicule, and obviously looked down on foreigners.

Indeed, according to the history of the Kryptonians, they have experienced countless foreign invasions, but they have a strong single power, almost every time they defeat foreign enemies and fight them out, so they are full of confidence and strong folk customs.

Let's not talk about the female, let's talk about the male. Everyone is tall and muscular, most of them are muscular men, with a height of two meters, and the body is glowing with various color attributes.

", let's do it about, performing a segment to give us pleasure..."

Suddenly, in a test room, a yellow-haired strong man who had his turn smiled at Li Qingdao.

His meaning is obvious. Let him come first and make a little laugh to make everyone happy.

This made Li Qing a little stunned. It shouldn't be such a plot. Shouldn't it be that they should line up and then someone would line up, and then force them to intervene?

How else did he actively make the team and let him jump in?

This is not scientific!

Seeing Li Qing so stupefied, his expression was a bit stagnant, but it made all Kryptonians laugh violently, thumping their chests and feet, grinning their teeth, grinning, and laughing...

"Okay, thank you!" Li Qing smiled: "Everyone has a hard time, but someone who is under Li will be ugly."

Seeking recommendation tickets...

End of this chapter

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