My Super God QQ

Chapter 1106: QQ upgraded successfully, level 30

"Are you sure? Mad bear is really lucky, was given the magical fruit to break through to the dark gold level?"

In a building in the Imperial City, a middle-aged man wearing a red vest and red pants leaned back on a golden chair, with two golden **** rolling in his hands, tilting his head to ask his subordinates, his expression was indifferent , Can't see whether it is joy or anger.

"Brother, that's right, I can guarantee that the person from this source was eating in that hotel at the time." A thin man nodded his head and bowed.

"Well, it's a good job. I'll make a big contribution to you this time, and I will give you a nomination when the captain is added to our regiment next time."

"Yes Yes Yes……"


The middle-aged man threw out a few golden beans and sent the thin man off.

Leaving him alone, looking at the door, his eyes full of thoughts and said: "Can make people break through the restrictions and become a dark gold-level strongman? Then, will he have the kind of people who make a breakthrough from the dark gold-level strongman? Magic Fruit? Even if it is not, it is not bad for everyone in my mercenary group to upgrade to the Dark Gold level. It seems that this fruit is bound to be obtained!"

He stood up and walked to the door, that is, after his figure went out, there was a plaque on his head that read the five golden letters "Flame Mercenary Corps".

The five characters of the "Blade Devil Mercenary Corps" are the fear that countless Kryptonians feel the pressure.

Because it is one of the most powerful mercenary groups of Krypton, even in the Imperial City, it is also one of the top powers in the world.

The mercenary group alone can be divided into ten teams, each of which has hundreds of people. The lowest level of the mercenary is the golden **** pattern, which is evident.

There are countless great forces on Krypton, and the strongest and most powerful forces are all organized by "mercenary regiments". Because the mercenary guild is a formal organization of the royal family. In this way, it is equivalent to the mercenary guild recognizing the royal dominance.

As for some forces, this has never been considered. When the organization is not yet strong and famous, as long as there is a tendency that the potential has to rise, it will be destroyed by the royal family. This is known to many kryptonian strongmen. , Never placed on the table.


If not so strong, how dare to call the royal family? If you do not know how to eliminate the trapped in the invisible, can you call the royal family?

Therefore, the royal family is the most top and supreme force on Krypton.


Krypton West...

There is a mercenary regiment called the Natural Union.

Although it is called a mercenary regiment, this mercenary regiment is secretly developing various forces in an attempt to overthrow the rule of the royal family.

How to overthrow it?

That is, this mercenary group absorbed a large number of non-Kryptonian strong.

There are devourers, horn eaters, evil ghosts...

"We must get this thing. Remember, no matter what the situation, the magical fruit is our only purpose!" The head of the mercenary regiment is a Kryptonian, of course, on the bright side. In secret, it is a Jingji people, which is unknown to many people.


The following group is very complicated, and mercenaries of various races have leaned over to meet their promises.


"Have you heard?"


"A kind of magical fruit appeared in the Imperial City. After eating it, it can make the Kryptonite of the golden **** pattern break through to become the dark gold level strongman. Others said that the dark gold level might work..."

"Is it given by God? Or is the treasure born?"

"do not know……"

In a krypton pub, there was such a conversation, and as soon as it appeared, it was heard by many people and kept in mind.

The more the news spreads, the more it is known.

And the more news, the more the erroneous rumors. In the end, this magical fruit ability is to help people promote to the dark gold level strong, and no matter whoever eats it, it will become the dark gold level strong.

Others even say that after eating, they can become gods, omnipotent, and live with the universe.


After learning that Li Qing possessed such magical fruits, countless powerful forces and the lone warrior moved around. It was a wild dance. They sent people to gather at the hotel in addition to sending people to check the accuracy of the news.

Soon, this incident also spread to Krypton's royal ears.

However, they are not concerned about the magical fruit, but the person Li Qing, in their eyes, an extinct terrorist who devours the world.

"Wang, this is indeed the case."

"Then no matter why he came to our Krypton star, you will take the royal five kills. Remember, don't do it when you don't need to do it. If he has a change, stop him in advance and destroy him. You know, we Not the guys who devour the clan."

"Wang, there is one more thing."


"He also participated in the game of our hero Tiborg, are we?"

"If he can participate and get the ranking, he can get our approval. Let's talk about it at that time, and I don't know that he is not our Kryptonian. Can he promise us that the conditions are not? Look again..."

"it is good."

The five kills of the royal family, the most powerful existence of the five Kryptonians, is not only powerful and kills many people, it can be said that the combat power is extremely powerful.

After sending out the five kills, the king of the Kryptonians was very relieved, but he didn't know how much loss he would cause to the Kryptonians if he let it go.

When this happened, the next day...

Mad Bear realized that something was wrong, more and more people came to the hotel, and it was already full.

This is not even a matter of having more than a large number of people. These people are still very simple characters. From time to time, they will secretly pay attention to them with strange eyes.

"Boss, it's not good..."

He rushed upstairs and told Li Qing his doubts.

"Oh, you only know now..." Li Qing sneered: "Last night, there were already 31 people, quietly inquired about your room, even slipped outside the door to eavesdrop, there are also Seven..."

Li Qing said such an accurate amount, and immediately, Mad Bear was stunned again.

"So what? What are they?"

"What to do, of course, the comer is bad, and killed the matter. As for why they came, it is not your big mouth, and it is not a matter of breaking the promotion of the fruit I gave you to the dark gold **** pattern..."

"But, boss, they came with a lot of ruthless people. I just saw the men of the Flame Demon Mercenary Corps and the Natural Alliance. They are the biggest forces on the Krypton star except the royal family." Mad Bear said with concern.

Compared with these forces, he has the self-knowledge that his mad bear mercenary group is like a giant elephant and a ants when compared with each other.

Now, when he goes out, the characters he basically sees are all frightening.

"Relax, I will give them a surprise!" Li Qing smiled and smiled.

"How to surprise them?"

"You will know tomorrow!"

When Li Qing said this, his eyes narrowed, and there was a cold light flashing like a knife.

"Okay, okay..." Mad Bear said, but he was still worried in his heart.

Outside the hotel...

Some Lone Rangers came here, but they were a little dumbfounded.

Because, they went in to see and saw too many famous characters in Krypton.

In the past, these characters were impossible to appear, even if the royal family called, it could not be so complete, but this time, all the monsters and monsters from all walks of life gathered, it can be said that a big bomb was dropped in the royal family.

At this time, the royal family was a little ignorant, only to realize that the situation was beyond the control, if they were allowed to fight in the city, the imperial city might really become a pile of ruins.

As a result, their king became worried and started the meeting to find a good plan to solve this dangerous situation.


It was getting dark, Li Qing did not leave the room, even if it was for food, let the hotel people take the meal.


This thought appeared in the minds of all the major forces, thinking that Li Qing was in fear, so they worried that Li Qing would leave, and all of them were strictly guarded against death.

As everyone knows, Li Qing is afraid of this, he is looking at the successfully upgraded QQ system.


The QQ system is already level 30 and two suns.

If you want to be promoted to the three suns, there is no time in sight. Li Qing can't believe that he can have so many merits, so that his QQ system can be upgraded to another 15 levels.

At this time, he was staring blankly at his QQ system, which showed that the merits of merit were as much as 100 billion.

One hundred billion!

MMP, he was taken aback by himself. The vulgar did not know that he was rich and he was taken aback.

Those who want to give the fairy world "wear the **** shuttle", no, those are nothing, just a fraction.

"I want to strengthen the function of the QQ system!"

Seeing that he had so many points to strengthen the QQ function, Li Qing said silently to the QQ system.

Seven enhancement points!

So, which one is better?

QQ pet!


Anyway, now it is also rich and rich, Li Qing now strengthens QQ pets.

It is this strengthening that QQ pet has one more function to cultivate function.

"What, with things full of energy, you can smash them stronger and stronger?" Li Qing looked at the function ~ ~ almost shocked his chin fell to the ground.

He had thought about it for a long time. If the QQ function is strengthened, it will definitely become too much. Who knows how much it has become too much.

Li Qing does not have too many things with energy, Xian Shi is one of them.

"it is good!"

At the moment, he took out a lot of immortal stones, and he continued to smash them.

Originally, the strength of the Mirage Dragon was only in the early days of Daluo Jinxian. A Tan was a Jinxian, but Li Qing smashed with Xianshi.

He just raised the strength of the Mirage Dragon to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, and A Tan, it was smashed to the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian. If Li Qing’s immortal stone was gone, he would like to smash Ah Li Taiyi Golden Fairy Peak.

"It seems that I have to go find something more energetic..." Li Qing felt a little unrequited, but think about the outsiders: "Hey, don't these people come to send energy stones? Really dozing off Man, just hit the pillow!"

(End of this chapter)

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