My Super God QQ

Chapter 1107: A tan is a mother

Li Qing has to wait to see other...

Suddenly, a multicolored divine light flashed out of the qq system!

This reminded Li Qing of the first time he raised the qq system to a sun. At that time, the qq system also burst into hundreds of millions of golden lights.

It's just that last time it was golden light, this time it was multicolored **** light.

As soon as the divine light came out, it was as mighty as it came from other worlds, with unparalleled power, not only penetrating Li Qing's hands, but also penetrating his body, walls, everything...

In the end, this colorful divine light spread out from the hotel and soared up to the sky.

"My God, what the **** is that..."

A Kryptonian was guarding the hotel diagonally opposite. He was sent by a mercenary regiment to stare at the whistle, and as soon as there was a change, he would inform his head.

But at this time, he watched this movement and fell into a complete sluggishness, even if there was saliva drooling.

What he saw, saw the golden light soaring to the sky, the most important thing is the golden light, there are various strange and unknown symbols, and some unknown animals, but he does not know that it is only on the earth. Animals, penguins...

"Star monster?"

Many people think that the penguin is some kind of starry sky monster, because, in their minds, the starry sky monster is the most powerful existence.

It took only a minute for the golden light to slowly dissipate. However, the shock to the people had just begun.

"What kind of treasure in the end can actually shine into the sky!"

"Just now, the whole world is dark, as if the light has been washed away..."

"Hurry, inform the leader soon!"

"This time, something big is going to happen, Krypton..."

"I'm afraid that the imperial city is going to be lively, but I don't know if this imperial city that has existed for thousands of years will be ruined by this matter. Damn, how can there be such treasures."

"Yeah, it must be a fetish!"


A variety of exciting speeches flooded the imperial city, some people were still suffocating, while others couldn't help it.


Immediately, a young man couldn't help but broke the window from a roof outside and rushed into the room to which Li Qing belonged.

His behavior touched many tense nerves.

Because of the treasure, there are those who make the first move, but those who do not.

Many people do not want to be the first bird. If they are in chaos, the first one will definitely be more troublesome and will face countless attacks from the latter.

"Someone started it!"

"Head, do we want to..."

"Boss, we..."

Many people saw this scene and tried to shoot. The scene was boiling, and countless people yelled.

Seeing that there was going to be a chaos, suddenly, a figure flew out of the broken window again.

Looking at his figure, it was the original person who rushed in. It just flew like a bird with broken wings, and fell directly to the ground.

This flight, the original troubles were quiet again.

"Ah, it's the sky spiker, isn't he a dark gold-level strongman? Is this dead?"

"The sky thorn is hailed as Fran City, no, the strongest assassin in the entire east, is that person?"

"It was beaten out in less than three seconds?"

"Horrible, are there traps?"

"Crazy bear must not be so strong, there should be a senior in it."

"Someone protects them and is a strong man?"


Countless people were frightened and suddenly stopped thinking of rushing out of their hearts.

Especially when there is a Kryptonian who boldly went to check and found that Thornger in the sky was directly dead, this silence became a silence.

The horrible atmosphere spread all at once.

As long as the person with the golden divine pattern doesn't think he can, he trembles in his heart, quietly and retreating away.

One by one left, in the end, only some unwilling golden powerweavers, and those who have great power.

"Boss, they retreated..."

Just now, the crazy bear almost scared his whole heart out of his throat.

Because if one is not handled well, it will trigger the entire riot and set off a **** storm. By then, they will become the targets of so many forces.

Fortunately, his boss is powerful enough, and somehow took out a strange thing, shot a light from it, and directly killed the guy, otherwise he would be scared to death.

"Well, it's okay to retreat, save so many people, and get annoying."

Li Qing said impatiently, he didn't want to be bothered by these people when he was playing the QQ system.

"Come out, Mirage Dragon"


When Li Qing said, suddenly, something emerged from Li Qing in front of him.

Because it was too big, it directly rushed out of the window, and then appeared in the eyes of many people when they were almost scared to urinate their pants.

This is a golden and red demon dragon.

It has deer-like gold horns on its head, red manes growing from the neck to the back, scales are dark gold, scales from the waist to the back are all retrograde, and the feet are like worms , The front end is wide.

Mirage itself has incredible abilities. At this time, the breath of this Mirage Dragon from his mouth can make people see various phantoms.

Some people see beautiful women like the sea, they are full of charm, smiling and waving to them.

Some people also saw all kinds of babies all over the mountains and the sea, shining the treasure light.

More people see themselves, see themselves standing on top of all beings, and become god-like beings.




There were screams in several places, some of the kryptonians with relatively weak strength vomited blood directly, and some were screaming wildly, seemingly stimulated.

The scene changed from silence to chaos again.

"Yes, Mirage Dragon"

"Master praised"

"Can it turn into a humanoid? It's a little inconvenient for you," Li Qing smiled lightly.

"Yes, master!"

It immediately dissipated and became invisible, and when it appeared again, it had become a young man about twenty-seven or eighty years old standing in front of Li Qing.

He looks very handsome and handsome, and the rest is not much different from human beings. The only thing that surprised Li Qing is his eyes. His eyes exude a colorful light, and people can’t help but immerse in it, as if watching The most beautiful things in the world are among them.

The mad bear fell to the ground in shock.

"Boss, is it a star monster?"

"Have you ever seen the starry sky monster be able to transform into a humanoid?" Li Qing was not angry.

Starry monsters are too huge, and the strength is also the strongest pinnacle of the universe, but they are so strong that they can’t seem to become humanoid, otherwise, if they have nowhere to store energy, they may explode.


"What about Atan? Can it be humanoid now?"

Li Qing asked Mirage Dragon.

"Master, I don't know very well, but it doesn't seem to work, but it can already communicate with me, we can communicate inside..." It refers to the qq pet system.

"Okay, raccoon, then you come out"

A raccoon also appeared from the void, but once it appeared, it also changed into another look.

Originally like a golden monkey, the small face is very cute, and now it is, but the tail was originally like a squirrel, but now it has seven more tails.


The big eyes are bright and is exuding a ruby ​​light, as if the **** fire is flashing in it, there is a terrible coercion flashing, and it will rush out at any time and burn the world.

"I really don't know if you are a fox or a ghost? I said you guys, wouldn't it be a beast of stars?"

Li Qing said silently, casually, just finished, he suddenly stunned.

He remembered something.

Yes, Li Qing has never understood where A Li came from. So, is he really a star monster?

"Master, isn't it?"

For the first time, A tan opened his mouth, and Li Qing was dumbfounded, because the voice was actually a female voice...

A tan, it is actually mother!

The book wasteland can be seen in the old book "Rebirth of the Dharma God", which should barely enter your eyes. Thank you.

End of this chapter

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