My Super God QQ

Chapter 1108: 5 kills of the royal family


Li Qing exclaimed in surprise.

The mad bear was on the side, his neck stretched forward, stunned, his mouth wide open. In their impression of Kryptonians, the fierce beast never speaks human words.

Damn it, really hell!

"They are girls~" A Tan said with embarrassment.

"Uh, okay, okay, then you tell me, are you a monster in the sky or something? Fox?" Li Qing took a long time to react, and touched the head of Atan, and took its head for a while. Go there.

"Oh, people are star monsters~"

"Sure enough, hahaha, no wonder our raccoon is so powerful!" Li Qing laughed: "What kind of starry sky monsters have names?"

"Yes, I got the memory of the bloodline. We are called the Void Beast and have the ability to manipulate the space." Said, it seemed to show off, shaking the eight plush golden tails, constantly in the room , Flickering and flickering.

"Good ability~~"

Li Qing was pleasantly surprised and happy for it.

To know that on this planet with a very high spatial quality, Li Qing needs a little effort to teleport, and he can't do it as easily as Ali.

It seems that it is worthy of being the most powerful space monster in the universe, and this move alone is very powerful.

"I will have something else~ like two-dimensional space, like a space fortress, like a space switch..." It's smug and proud, and I look very powerful.

Li Qing looked at it with a smile: "Then our raccoon perform?"

Even if it is even more powerful, Li Qing still regards it as a child. Maybe this is like the feeling that every parent feels about his child. No matter how old the child is, it will always be a child in the eyes of parents.

"Okay, but there must be experimental subjects..." A Tan said embarrassedly.

"Just him!" Li Qing pointed to Mad Bear: "Crazy Bear, you cooperate."

"Okay, you master, let him not be afraid, don't be scared to death..." A tan's big eyes flashed a cunning light, as if to make a bad idea.

"Well, mad bear, are you okay? If you cooperate, I won't care about your leaking fruit~" Li Qing smiled.

"Good!!!! Of course, I will listen to the boss, come on~"

Speaking, Mad Bear looked at A Tan.

Although, this raccoon looks a bit weird, but the mad bear is not afraid of it, so small, what is there to be afraid of, even if it is a space beast, without a huge body is equivalent to no strong strength, this It is the cognition of space monsters by most cosmic races.

"Then I started!" A Li saw that there was some disdain in his eyes, angry, and a little face was puffed up, and the whole face quickly blocked his head: "Space cutting -!!! Ah~"

It shouted loudly, as if it would make it use a lot of energy.

The next second, there was a sound of "cracking" around the bear's body, and then his body became torn apart, cut into seven or eight pieces and dropped to the ground...


Li Qing froze.

Mirage Dragon is dumbfounded.

They had never imagined that the guy in front of him would become such a miserable moment.

"Ah!!!" Li Qing finally recovered, and he was furious: "A Tan, how did you kill him? I just let you try it, it won't hurt people, I..."

At the end of the talk, Li Qingcai burst out of his mind, thinking that he forgot to explain to A Tan and don't hurt anyone.

Yes indeed!

Ah Li is still young, how do you understand?

Looking at the mad bear in front of him, he was cut into seven or eight pieces at once, which was even worse than the split of five horses. Li Qing felt a guilty heart and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Although Mad Bear didn’t know it for a few days, he also got up and wanted to stick his cold **** with a hot face, but how do I say it? His character is still quite appreciated by Li Qing, and he is straightforward and will flatter himself.

Today, he is directly cut into so many pieces by A Tan, and Li Qing is not an iron-hearted person, of course, it will be uncomfortable.


Compared with the hotel where Li Qing is located, it is a grocery store.

In the shop, a man in silver robe sitting in front of the boss frowned and said, "What a powerful space force, I smell a breath of destruction..."

He has silver hair, his eyebrows are also silver, his face is extremely white, it looks strange, and there is a word "kill" behind his robe.

"Yo, it's so rare. It's rare that our Master Xiying actually felt the smell of destruction. Was he shivering and afraid? In this case, would I let the king call you back?" A fat man raised his right mouth on his side. , Full of contempt.

He was also covered with a robe, colored, and a little pink, with ordinary looks.

There are six people in the entire grocery store, except for the original boss, which is five dressed in robes, with the word "kill" behind them.

They are the five kills of the royal family, each with their strange abilities. Most of the time, as long as something happens on the krypton star, 99% of them can be dealt with, and the royal family does not need to shoot at all.

At the same time, the reputation of the Five Kills also spread to various worlds, but it is a big celebrity on Krypton.

Like the silver hair in front, the ability is the space ability.

Fat people are immortal.

"Candy, you will die if you say less!" At this time, a dark-skinned man interrupted them.

The man in front of him has a peculiar ability, that is, pet ability. As long as he is surrounded by his ability, he will become his pet.


The fat man was reluctant to be authentic.

It's hard to imagine that such a fat man is actually called candy. Right, his ability changes, it is as soft as candy, and he can't kill anything, so the nickname is candy.

He was very afraid of his boss, of course, did not want to be turned into a pet.

"Now is not the time for quarrels. The king gave us orders to detect and control the situation. Don’t destroy the entire imperial city in a fight. If you want fruit, benign competition, don’t fight inside, otherwise, I The first one to clean up you." He was very domineering.

"Boss is right, if you are thoughtful, then don't show it, hurt the interests of our team..." A thin, seemingly frivolous man said.

He is like a monkey, actually more than a meter tall, should be a natural dwarf.

In addition to the robes owned by everyone, he wore a silver helmet with a horn on the helmet, and Manghan would appear.

Both hands held a long, pointed silver knife with a blade length of two meters.

There are knee braces on the knees, and they are still sharp. If they are hit, they will definitely have a blood hole.

More than that, there are sharp claw blades on the feet, which seem to be carried on the shoes, and there is a ring of sharp thorns on the stomach.

Head, hands, waist, knees, feet...

It can be said that he is almost armed with teeth, which is simply a humanoid weapon.

The last of the five kills is a woman.

It was actually a loli, licking the candy in his hand without speaking.

The long-term response should be a loli, but those who know her know that this is a female demon. Almost everyone thinks that among the five kills, the most frightening one is this female.

They are five kills.

From top to bottom, the names are "Xiying", "Candy", "Pampering", "Splitting" and "Playing".

Except for the first and fourth names, the other three names are a little strange. Of course, this is the nickname given to them by everyone, and they also correspond to their abilities.

If it were not for the royal family to have the ability to remove their blood genes, I am afraid they would not be able to control or condemn them.

Of course, there is another person in the grocery store, and that is the boss.

Just after the five came in, they saw that they were leading the royal soldiers and the word "kill" behind them. They had already recognized their origin and identity. They were too scared to speak and trembling. At this moment, it seems that they are the masters here, and he is just a servant.

Of course, he also witnessed the power of the five killing adults.

Just now a mercenary regiment came in and wanted to occupy this place. As a result, the boss named Chong Chong directly controlled their mercenary regiment leader and killed all his members. At the same time, the regiment leader also died soon. Was controlled to commit suicide and fell to the ground.

These are the five demons!

He only hoped that he could survive, whether this shop loved it or not, he could not care about it.


"Master, injustice!"

When Li Qing finished scolding A Tan, A Tan grieved a big face and his eyes were red.


Just when Li Qing was about to speak, she pointed at Mad Bear again.

When Li Qing turned his head, he discovered that the crazy bear cut into seven or eight pieces was actually moving his head. His eyes were originally straight, and he thought he was dead. Now, he is actually moving, watching his body being hurt. The cut off parts.


Anyone who sees his body not far away will be afraid. He can't stand it anymore, he screams from the bottom of his throat, as if he is about to be hurt by someone.


Li Qing also felt very incredible.

When he wants to come to this cutting is absolutely dead, but A Li seems to cut out those few spaces, but keeps him in touch.

"Then restore him quickly..."

Li Qing thought quickly.

He didn't know how this would make the mad bears go, until the raccoons waved, and they returned to their original form, the mad bear's body became humanoid again, just not adult...


As soon as he regained his human form, the mad bear kept touching his body with his hands, and could no longer restrain his fear. A big master collapsed and cried.

"Okay, okay, I will reward you with fruit later..."

Li Qing laughed.

Looking at Atan again, he smiled. It seems that this time, he didn't need to shoot his own shot at all. The two pets alone should be able to solve the countless flies outside.

(End of this chapter)

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