My Super God QQ

Chapter 1109: New upgrade method

After witnessing the ability of the two pets, Li Qing chatted with A Tan.

He wanted to know, did Ali know whether he was born or not, and all the information about the starry sky monster.

But just after they had a few words, the window broke in again.

With a fearful look in his eyes, the man raised his hands as soon as he came in, indicating that he was not in danger, and said, "Don't do it, I'm here to spread the word!"

"Spread the word?" Li Qing frowned: "A tan, let him talk like the mad bear just now. The thing I hate most is that someone bothers me."


A raccoon waved his hand, and in the sharp sound of "cracking", his body was scattered like a pile of building blocks, broken into twenty pieces, and only the head remained intact.

It stands to reason that this person should scream.

But he didn't. His eyes were still dull, but his mouth was silent for a while, and he said: "It turns out that this is the so-called breath of space power..."

"Who are you? Are you not this person?"

A flash of electricity flashed in Li Qing's mind, and he immediately realized what was going on.

"Hahaha, yes, I didn't expect the ruiner in the rumors. It wasn't a slap in the face. Indeed, I'm not myself. This person is under my control."

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at each other, Li Qing thought of "Gu" and "Puppet".

Obviously, this guy is like a puppet.

So where is the real body?

"I will introduce myself first. My name is Klie. Many people like to call me pets. We are the five killers of the Kryptonian royal family. They were condemned by my king."


Li Qing also thought that the royal family should appear, otherwise, he was afraid that he would have wiped out the **** long ago. Who are you, the treasures on my body that you can covet? But to kill them, I am afraid that most of the imperial city will be destroyed. I still want to get the royal portal and cure Xia Mo's disease. Li Qing does not want to tear his face with the royal family.

"Yes, we hope you can control the situation so as not to cause a huge war and destroy the Imperial City."

"Then if I can't control it?" Li Qing sneered: "You know, these people are all you Kryptonians. You don't care about them, you just control me!"

"..." He was silent for a while before saying: "If the lord can control it, the royal family will have something to report."

Compared with the control of those desperate, the royal family must pay a high price, so they will think of starting from Li Qing.

"Oh? Really?" Li Qing's eyes lit up: "As long as you don't destroy the Imperial City? What reward do you give me? I want some of your things. If you can give it back to me, save it. My spirit and time."


"Okay, that's settled, I will leave the Imperial City immediately"

Li Qing smiled cleverly.

It’s easy to not destroy the Imperial City. Just leave, can it achieve the other party’s purpose?

But to the other party, it seems that it is not easy, but it is difficult.

"Can you leave?"

"You will wait and see, then, in order not to let them think that I am afraid, I will teach them a lesson!" Li Qing said with a cruel smile.


Could it be that he left at will and walked away in vain? Wouldn't that be a joke for others.

Li Qing must teach them a blood lesson.

Thinking about this, he let the crazy bear give away, quietly continue to check the qq system.

Of the seven enhancement points, he has used one for the QQ system.

Then he thought about it, and once again used a strengthening point in qq bookstore.

Because, qq book city is the most commonly used by Li Qing.

That is, after the qq bookstore was strengthened again, Li Qing got a message that it was originally in the qq bookstore, one year in it, one day outside.

After Li Qing was strengthened, this time was doubled.

That is one day outside, two years inside.

"Great, then I will strengthen!"

Li Qing strengthened once again.

Four years!

So, the question is, if you throw it up a bit, will it become six years or eight years?

Li Qing thought about it, and there was nothing to use anyway, plus a little strengthening.

Eight years!

One day outside, eight years inside.

That's why Li Qing used seven strengthening points and used three, leaving only four other strengthening points.

The four enhancement points are reserved for use, maybe you can use it somewhere!

In this way, he opened the qq mall, and the moment of harvest was up. He wanted to see what was inside.

But just when he was about to open the qq mall, the sound of the qq system sounded.

"I'm sorry, master, because this upgrade to two suns is a major upgrade of the system, so it's a bit stuck. Now, I will show you the function of upgrading to two suns."

"Is it an upgrade method?"

Li Qing thought that the last time, after upgrading the sun, he changed the upgrade method.

In the past, the earliest qq system had to be upgraded by money. Later, after upgrading to a sun, it became a virtue upgrade.

So, what is the upgrade method this time?

"Fame, this time the owner's qq system is based on fame. As long as the reputation is reached, the more fame you can get upgrade capital. In addition, not only the upgrade, the qq mall is about to change the upgrade method. Obtained by fame."

"Ah, what about my merits now? Is it wasted?"

Li Qing screamed in his heart at once.

One hundred billion worth of merit!

It took him a lot of trouble to get it from the hands of the big brothers in the fairy world. Now, if it is useless, he will lose a lot of money.

"In view of the fact that the owner has obtained contact with the source of the nuclear star, the merits can no longer be used. Of course, the merits of the owner can be consumed within one day. After one day, the qq mall will immediately change and begin to update. "

"one day?"

Li Qing was a little bit confused.

"Well, that line, within a day, I strive to run out." Li Qing said helplessly, he said this to himself, because the qq system will never compromise.

Open the qq mall, it is not updated.

In other words, the baby has not changed, it is the original one, so you can use merit value to purchase.

To go to the future space-time scroll, one must be prepared. Because it is very expensive and requires 10 billion yuan, Li Qing only wants to buy one.

There is also a time-space scroll back to the past. Since one is only one billion, Li Qing wants five, in case of unexpected needs.

Because if the qq mall is updated, it is very likely that it will never be bought again.

In addition, the big brothers of the fairy world ordered forty-eight "God-Shuttle Shuttles", and Li Qing had to buy them, and simply bought fifty.

Ten billion plus five billion, plus another five billion, is equivalent to 20 billion.

Li Qing lit up one by one, first bought fifty shuttles, and then bought five reels that went back to the past, and then bought a reel to go to the future, but when he wanted to click to buy a future reel, because of his hand After shaking, suddenly bought one more.

Two time and space scrolls to the future?

Ma Mai approved

Li Qing was so angry that he nearly tore the scroll.

Actually making such low-level mistakes wastes an extra ten billion yuan.

Well, Li Qing now has only 70 billion.

Because of its great power, the planet Destruction Stone is a rare treasure of destruction. Li Qing asked for hundreds of them at once, which is 10 billion.

One hundred, Li Qing could not imagine that if it were to explode, it would destroy most of the universe. Of course, if the universe is endless, this principle would not exist.

The tentacle of the puppet god, 300 million, is also a good thing, Li Qing bought it

The soul world creation technique, 10 billion, is also a good thing. Li Qing also bought it. If you don’t buy it, it’s a waste of merit.

There are one hundred million broom stars, and Li Qing also bought hundreds, which is ten billion.

So, Li Qing has nearly 40 billion left.

Honest and divine fruit, which can increase to double the strength, is also a fetish, Li Qing is sweeping a hundred about 30 billion left.

Clover is one billion, and Li Qing also bought ten, which is ten billion.

Only 20 billion is left.

Great freedom, 10 billion.

Lucky star, plus ten times the lucky, permanent, 10 billion.

When all these merit values ​​were squandered, looking at this large inventory, Li Qing was satisfied, and then he told the QQ system: "Okay, I've run out, update the QQ Mall for me?"

That is, after Li Qing used Lucky Star, his body suddenly felt refreshed, and the sound of thunder sounded outside. It seemed that there was a heavy rain, and the thunder continued. Thousands of sounds rang together.

Lucky here...

Seeking recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, subscriptions, and votes are all holding the beauty back, how about you

End of this chapter

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