My Super God QQ

Chapter 1150: Soul World Creation? Social society!

"It seems that there will be a lot of rain..."

Outside the sky quickly dimmed, and as if entering the night, the mad bear subconsciously read, and went to the window.

That's when he walked to the window and he shivered.

Because, he saw thousands of clouds in the sky superimposed on top of one another, as if a gust of wind was sweeping, and the clouds were swept in circles, as if it were a channel of hell, and there would be monsters rushing out of it.

As the dark clouds continued to rotate, faint lightning began to interweave, as if to destroy the city.

"Not good!"

In the central palace of the imperial city, a red-robed and white-haired old man rushed into a golden hall, shouting at the king of Krypton, his face full of consternation.

"What's wrong, my national teacher?"

"It is a nebula, which appears above our city."

The nebula is a natural disaster in the universe. Originally, this kind of disaster should not appear below the atmosphere, inside the krypton star, but this time it is somehow.

"Why?" The king of Krypton stood up in surprise and said with a narrow voice: "Is the atmosphere broken?"

"It seems to be..." The old man saw the king's face darkened, and there was a lot of coercion in the whole hall, so that he was a little breathless and said quietly: "We just detected a starry monster After entering our world, the tail wiped the atmosphere. Originally, this was extremely rare, but it also happened in various worlds, so we didn’t care about it..."

"So, come and tell me, this is the catastrophe caused by an unconscious star monster?"

If it weren't for killing the starry monster, the king of Krypton could immediately rush into the universe to chase down the starry monster, but the most important thing now is to prevent disasters.

Because, that star spiral cloud has begun to show power.

In Li Qing's eyes, the nebula was like a sky-tribulation, and it had dropped countless purple beams of thunder pulp.

Boom Boom Boom...

The sound of thunder continued, as if someone was striking the door of the room, and then, the sky and the sky continued to shine, and a beam of light shot down from above.

The ears were so shocked that they could not hear sounds other than thunder, but Li Qing could see that houses in many places were hit and turned to ashes.

Especially in the area where Li Qing is located, when there are countless thunder and lightning, buildings will be directly smashed into powder...

It is simply a catastrophe that human beings cannot resist!

"Aren, are you guys?"

Li Qing didn't know where the dark clouds came from. He even wondered whether it was the Heaven Tribulation brought by the rise of the strength of A Tan and Phantom Dragon.

But it's not right!

That thunderlight hacked everywhere, just didn't hack to their hotel.

They shook their heads, with a trace of fear in their eyes, but they were sure that they were not locked in the sky.


A lightning flashed across Li Qing's hotel, which was only a few meters away. In a building on the side, a few people dressed in mercenary uniforms came out from it, but there was no such lightning. Soon, it was blown away and gasified directly.

The smell of roasted meat came from the air.

Li Qing smelled a little sick, and he was always guarding against it. If there was a thunderbolt, he would immediately enter a different space released by A Tan.

But ten minutes, did not hack here.

Not for half an hour!

Until one hour later, the nebula had disappeared, and the hotel was still not reached.

As for the hotel side?

What I saw with my eyes has become a fragment of the wall and I can't bear to see it.

"Are you lucky?"

Recalling that he had increased his lucky value tenfold, Li Qing thought, in addition, he couldn't help but think of it, whether it was due to his own luck, so he let God reduce this natural disaster and help himself to solve the deliberate guys.

If this is the case, is your lucky value too bad?


The five killers looked at the area that had been destroyed, and their faces were all bitter.

If they had just retreated quickly, I am afraid that they would have died there. At this time, they were thinking, if they want to go back to work with Wang, or continue to follow Li Qing.

After the disaster, there were screams, crying, scolding...

Although, they saw that many strong men had escaped from it, but at least this time, there was one-fifth of the amount of thunder and lightning in the sky that chopped to death to find Li Qing.

"Isn't that what Li Qing did?"

Candy frowned.

"Impossible, if he really did it, it would be too exaggerated to directly control the natural disaster. This is a nebula, even a small nebula, but it is also a natural disaster only in the universe..." Five Kills The boss in the middle, Chong Chong said seriously: "This kind of disaster is very strange. If you don’t fight it, its power is not great, but if there is external stimulation, then its power will become more and more scary. ."

"Boss, look, it's from the Natural Alliance!" Suddenly, shriek shouted.

"Now we have a task, we don't have to ignore these people. Besides, there are top-notch treasures, and their arrival is also expected." Pampering said, they belong to the royal family, of course know that the natural alliance is the potential of the royal family The biggest threat.

"The stars just now did not kill them!"

Candy plopped his lips and said dissatisfiedly.

At the same time, the people of the Natural Union also noticed the five kills, first they were frightened, and then they were vigilant. After seeing that the five kills did nothing, they slowly returned to normal.

In addition to the natural alliance, there are many mercenary groups in the eyes of everyone.

Originally, they were all people who looked at Li Qing's treasures, hiding in the buildings around Li Qing's hotel. At that time, after those buildings were emptied, they appeared one by one in the sight of everyone.

There are the Natural Union Mercenary Corps, the Flame Demon Mercenary Corps, the Wanli Mercenary Corps, the Dark Mercenary Corps, the Prison Mercenary Corps...

Seeing what has happened, almost the most powerful mercenary regiment members of Krypton are all listed.

They stared at each other, they were alert to each other, and finally, their eyes were all gathered within a 10,000-meter radius, the only hotel still standing...

"The QQ system is still being upgraded, shall I take a look at Soul World Creation?"

Li Qing did not care about these people, because he had a vague idea in his mind about how to deal with these people. When he dealt with them, he would also get some benefits.

Soul World Creation...

When Li Qing exchanged it, it was not a roll of animal skin, but a book, a serious book. Of course, the pages were black, and white light bloomed out of millions.

Li Qing allowed A Tan and the Phantom Dragon to move freely, and he opened the book in the room.

"The soul is the power in the world that is second only to space time and material. It can be said that this soul is the fourth strongest power in the world, especially for things with a soul, with the most powerful effect."

"The first chapter, the soul-building chapter!"

Soul casting, Li Qing took a closer look at it, it was an exercise to strengthen his soul.

Li Qing thought about waiting for the QQ system to be upgraded, and then went to practice, so he turned over and entered the second chapter, Soul Attack.

Soul hit, Li Qing just took a look, and suddenly fell into it.

Because, this Soul Strike is too creative and too novel, so Li Qing is very happy.

"Soul Strike!"

Soul strike technique is about turning Li Qing’s soul into a physical attack. After training, he can turn his soul into his own weapon, a part of his body, which produces combat effect.

That is, when Soul Strike was opened, Li Qing followed his practice to continuously control his soul...


If this method falls into the hands of an ordinary person, then he must practice the Soul Casting. After the soul is strong, he can use this Soul Strike.

But Li Qing's soul power is already very strong, so he wants to use it completely.

An hour passed...

Two hours passed...

Three hours……

The sky has entered the night...

Among them, there are strong men of the mercenary group who want to rush in, but when they have not reached the room, they feel the hostility and they are picked up by the Mirage Dragon, enter the illusion, and commit suicide.

This made many people do not want to be early birds again, and retreated in fright.

And Li Qing is still immersed in it.

"It turns out that the consciousness can scan, and it can also be transformed into an entity, bringing thousands of attacks... This is like a kind of power, called mind drive..."

Li Qing has thousands of kinds of enlightenment, turning in his mind.


The consciousness is originally the material extended by the soul. Then, when the consciousness becomes an entity, it can attack.

"Get up!"

Li Qing is constantly transforming his soul power. Finally, he looks at a cup on the table according to his feeling.

That is, when he thought about it, he seemed to feel that his consciousness was transformed into a hand to hold the cup. As a result, his soul power was too strong, and he shattered the cup directly.

Li Qing was not frustrated, but extremely excited.

"Next time, let's have a knife. The knife is sharp and invisible, so it is bound to be unprepared!" Li Qing felt the power of this soul power.

That is, he transformed his soul into a knife, and his thoughts moved, very strangely, the cup was directly cut in half.

"good job……"

Li Qing regretted that he didn’t buy this thing he bought it early, where could the Buddha be enough to fight himself? With such invisible things, he could cut him into thousands of pieces. Ten thousand.

On this night, Li Qing tried a variety of attacks.




Even the soul master!

Then, Li Qing also tried to see how big his soul could be transformed into.

As a result, countless mercenary groups outside were stunned. As if something happened to him, no one was close to the hotel where Li Qing lived, but the hotel was pulled up from the ground and constantly moved out...

Hotel alive? Run yourself long legs?

(End of this chapter)

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