My Super God QQ

Chapter 1101: Strong enemy finally strikes

"Head, head, not good!"

In the Natural Alliance, a goblin clan knocked on the door of his head and yelled constantly.

The door was opened, and it was a Kryptonian who looked impatiently at this evil tribe. If he were only the nominal head, not actually, he could kill the guy in front of him.

However, it was because he was just a puppet on the face, so he could only suppress the irritability in his heart and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Then...that, the hotel...the hotel, ran..."

"What do you mean? What hotel ran?"

"I saw that the hotel flew by itself, and then flew away from the city..."

"You Tamar, are you here to make fun of me?" The Kryptonian was furious when he heard this, even if he was just a puppet on the bright side, but he also wanted to face good? With a slap, his backhand was drawn on the face of the evil ghost, and he was drawn directly to the ground.

"Really, commander, you go and see for yourself!" The evil ghost cried aggrievedly, he really wanted to poison the commander in front of him, but he knew the strength of the natural alliance mercenary group, if he poisoned this Man, unless he finds no one in the universe, will be chased by the universe.

"Something wrong!"

"Really, Commander, I didn't lie to you... you go and see, otherwise, the blame is on it..."

"Then you are not afraid of me killing you?!"

"Go check it out!"

"Okay, if I let you know that you are playing me, I'll kill you first!" The Kryptonian said fiercely, gritting his teeth.

He really wanted to kill this guy, how could the hotel fly away by himself, so he scolded and walked to the window. Although it was far from the hotel, he could still see it.

As a result, before he looked in the direction of the hotel, he saw a behemoth in the sky, that hotel...

Yes, the hotel was flying in the air, slowly out of the imperial city, and underneath was a group of people with open mouths, watching the hotel flying out innocently.

"Master, is this?"

"Oh my god, what happened?"

The hotel where A Tan and the Phantom Dragon were also suspended was startled. They hurried into the house and asked Li Qing if they wanted to ask if the hotel was so weird or not.

Li Qing gave them a slightly restless look, indicating that he knew.

Mad bear is the most urgent, but when he sees his boss like this, he can only trust him.



Damn it!

Underneath the hotel, countless people expressed such expressions, and even the five killers passed the news back to the palace. The king of the palace also thought this was impossible. But in the end, the king rushed to the sky to see this scene, and was stunned.

Because there is no one under the hotel, and there is no biological contact with the building, but it just flew and flew outside the imperial city...

Controlling this hotel to fly out, Li Qing is slowly familiar with the use of soul power.

At this time, what he transformed with soul power was a pair of huge hands, directly holding the hotel and flying out. Of course, the soul power was invisible and intangible, so shocked these mortals...

After flying for half an hour, Li Qing was a little impatient, and he used it for two purposes. While grabbing the hotel and flying out, he looked at another redeemed thing-great freedom!

Great freedom is a very complete small world.

Li Qing separated the consciousness into it, and he saw himself falling into another world.

There are flowers, grass, trees, rivers, and seas, just like a planet, with the sun and moon on it. Li Qing also has living creatures.

Obviously, this great freedom is in Li Qing's hands, that is, a spherical object, but inside is a small world.

"It seems useless!"

Looking at this small world, Li Qing regretted why he redeemed it. He knew that it would be better to exchange another hundred honest divine fruits and eat and play...

It is useless. After the QQ system upgrade is successful, Li Qing wants to throw this thing into the QQ hard disk space.

As soon as he had this idea, he heard the sound of "ding". The QQ mall of the QQ system has been upgraded successfully. Similarly, the QQ system can be used.

Can't wait, Li Qing entered the QQ mall.

At this time, there are eighteen items in the QQ mall.

And Li Qing saw three words of prestige, followed by a number, seven hundred...

Seven hundred is rare and pitiful, but at this time, seven hundred is constantly jumping up and beating wildly.

"QQ system, what's going on?"

"Now, your prestige is very powerful, and it is well-known in the earth, the cultivation realm, and the fairy realm, so now it is calculating how many people now know your name and calculating your prestige."

"Oh~ that's what it is!"

Li Qing was overjoyed.

He thought that after switching to this method, he would have no fame, but he ignored it. He had a wide reputation in the earth realm and the fairy world, and there was no lack of prestige.

Finally, an hour was calculated.

The prestige value has stopped at the figure of 300 billion, even if it is jumping upward, it is very slow, jumping a few dozens.

Three hundred billion!

It's developed again!

Li Qing was immediately very satisfied with this upgrade. He simply gave himself a treasure!

So, he entered the QQ mall and checked the products inside.

"Nine days and ten extinctions, ten billion!"

"Nine days and ten extinction arrays, ten times enhanced version, one hundred billion!"

First of all, whether it is a formation or two, Li Qing frowned, thinking that this QQ mall is simply wasting this inventory.

The third item: "World Challenge!"

One hundred billion!

This is a treasure that can trap opponents and themselves, and only after successfully killing the other party, it is possible to get out of the trap. It was originally tasteless, but Li Qing thought about it again. Now many people have too much ability to escape. If you want to kill someone, use this thing, then the other party must have nowhere to escape.

Fourth item: "City of Death!"

It is directly a city, but this city is very evil in Li Qing's eyes, but it has no explanation. All right, it is a waste of inventory.

Fifth item: "Future Smart Ball of Jingjizu!"

Good stuff!

Li Qing took a look at its introduction. This smart sphere almost contains all the known universe worlds with civilizations and knows all the information of these worlds. As long as there is something that Li Qing does not understand, just ask it to be clear.

It doesn't need much reputation, it is 50 billion.

The sixth item is a scroll.

"Wanjie randomly sends reels, ignoring all restrictions!"

The price is 100 billion yuan.

So expensive!

Li Qing looked at it again.

The seventh item, Wushuang God Ring, Li Qing looked at it. This thing is definitely an enhanced version of his previous Wushuang Ring. The time of invincibility has actually risen to ten minutes.


One hundred billion, that's a bit of a futility, is that after use, you must recharge it with prestige value to use it again. One charge is 50 billion prestige value.

too expensive!

Li Qing continued to read.

The eighth item is a scroll "Sigh of God".

One hundred billion!

It is a scroll that can destroy enemies and bloom the power of God.

The ninth item is a question mark!

Okay, Li Qing looked at this question mark item flashing again, it was really speechless, not only that, but also expensive, and actually wanted a trillion worth of reputation. What the **** is this thing? !

Angry, don't look, Li Qing continues.

The tenth item...

That is, during the tenth item, Li Qing was interrupted.

Because, he was reminded by A Tan: "No good, master, there are ten very powerful people, the illusion of Phantom Dragon is useless to them, and then, my cutting space can’t stop them, Their strength and abilities are too strong... the mad bear said the top ten strong players on Krypton came in person, he was also injured..."

Looking at Li Qing again, Mad Bear seemed to have just gone out and is now seriously injured, lying on the ground, his face pale and paper-dying.

His consciousness glanced at the past.

Sure enough, I saw ten top-notch powerful men with awe-inspiring power and utterly imprisonment, which had surrounded the hotel that was still flying...

Li Qing used half of his strength to shoot a slap that covered the moon and covered the stars, like a golden sky dome, pressed against one of them, but the strong man smiled disdainfully and stretched out his right hand with five fingers just a pinch in the void Li Qing's slap was crushed directly.

Strong enemy...

Li Qing's heart moved slightly, his eyes narrowed suddenly.


Ask for a subscription, recommend a ticket, walk around, the model is ready...

(End of this chapter)

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